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Mentor Kimbe r hi \No...LiLeY


SP Student Enka (BM : N 4-- Date

1. The student is on time for meetings A~s <_Mosti_V somelimes Seldom NIA

2 The student communicates openly and honestly Alw~~ MosUy Sometimes Seldom NIA

3. The student accepts suggestions and constructive criticism A l w a ~ ~ Sometimes Seldom N/A

4. The student is inquisitive about the project Alway' M ~ J omet\mes Seldom NIA

5. The student Is actively engaged in our conversations/work A~5( MoS~ometimes Seldom NIA

6 The student applies what he/she learns ( Always) ~ Sometimes Seldom NIA

7. The student sets and completes rea\isUc goals Al~ ( Mos"j Sometimes Seldom N/A
8. The student follows tasks to completion A1w~ M ~ Sometimes Seldom NIA

9 The student maintains a positive attitude Alway~ ('1oslly_/om~s Seldom NIA

10. ~!~dent is a good ambassador for Greenville Tech Charter High Always Mostly r ometimes)Seldom NIA

Howwo~ entoverall

Advanced Fair Below expectations

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