Week 1

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wee Kk ' LEARNING FROM . OUR MISTAKES ESTIMATED TIME @THOUR 50 MINUTES: k RESOURCES CONNECT 25 minutes Aims >To undorstand that there are paths that lead to abundant lfe end paths that lead to spiritual, emotional and physics! death. ‘OBJECTIVES > To identify some of the things that can lead Us down the path that veers foward deat )To recognize the opportunities thet God wants to give us when we choose the path that leads to life. ‘WELCOME Gro mores » Allow the students to come in and find a seat. > Welcome the students to. LifeClass and spend some time finding out a litle about them, asking them to introduce themselves to each other. ACTIVITY 1 Qsmnures » Project the sie with the following verse onto the screen: “There is a way that seems right 0 @ man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12 NASB). » Ask 2 students to explain what Understand from the verse, they » Explain that today’s cass is @ new opportunity, for them to return to the path that leads to ite. | acriviry 2 Gro mnures. » Divide the students into 2 groups with group A, ‘on one side, and group B on the other. » Ask one volunteer from each group to come to the front to represent their team, » Project the 10 posters for this session (see extra materlal) onto the screen. Each poster should only be shown for a maximum of 10 seconds, >The first of the two volunteers to raise their hand will have the opportunity to define the concept on the pastar in ana zantenca, The teacher will judge the quality of the answer and award a point accordingly. >If neither of the volunteers knows how to answer within the allotted time, someone from their toams can help them. > Ifo satisfactory answer is given, simply move fonto the next side, » The team with the most points wins the game. POSTERS ra eS Se SS '{{ {ddd £294S54AHEHDAAl{w__A AA CONCEIVE OrHoUR AIMS 2 To understand that God wants to restore us land give us His salvation and the opportunity tohevea much better life despite the mistakes ‘we have made » To reflect on the lives we have been living so that we can come to a place of choosing the lite God offers us. ‘OBJECTIVES » To recognize the aifferent phases the prodigal on lived through, » To identify the four precious opportunities he » To know that the Lord wants to give each of Us those same opportunities, ACTIVITY 1 Oz onutes ‘Show this week's video testimony. LEARNING FROM OUR acrivity 2 Ors manures » Divide the class into 6 groups. » Give each group a number between Tand 6. » Give out the 6 posters (see extra materia) accordingly, one per group. Each poster tells 8 different part of the story of the prodical » Each group will have 4 minutes to prepare a ‘drama for the scene they have been aiven. Each drama should last no longer than ene minute, + Allow the groupe to preseint thele amas in the order of the story. ACTIVITY 3 2omnures Note: Prepare in prayer: ask the Lord to tnoint the lesson and enable you to share the Message in a real and relevent way. Use our Suggested points ang add your own personal testimonies. Remember not to spend more than 20 minutes speaking. > Say a short prayer to begin. > Using the following message outline ‘explain the four opportunities that the new elever has during this course. INTRODUCTION Lifectass i: [AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET GOD. ‘As your true Father. [AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE RESTORED » Spiritually, personally and in your familly relationships, » Show the image of the cross. Explain that the cross was made of 2 pieces of wood: one horizontal and the other vertical God Provided reconciliation on the cross, sty with Himself, and then with our neighbor God's heart is that we would live 3 life of Peace and harmony with everyone as far as possible (Colossians 120). AN OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE » God wants to make us new and mend what has been broken in us because of the wrong ecisions we have made, [AN OPPORTUNITY TO FIND PROVISION » God longs to give us everything we need: spiritual, emotional and material provision. ACTIVITY 4 Oseunures > Ask the students to reRect on what they think the difference between living and surviving is » Ask some of the students to share their » Provide a contrast between the life the world coffers and the life God offers, eect) Cae Bonenne tie cen ey cea i “Do not lve this wold nr the things i offers you, for when you love the world, Jou do no have the love of the Father 4 Fre word afer on aig fr ical pleura a raving for very tin ‘ees dpe creche on ‘ae from this worl And tis word is Suing tay alongwith cerhing tht ‘people crave But anyone wha does whet Dleses God wil ive frever™ Sohn 21517 NUT). > Explain to your students that: “Today, God Is inviting you to choose the ‘path that leads fo eternal life.” } i (ae CREATE Ors minuTes. AIMS »To decide to receive God's forgiveness and restoration through the four precious ‘opportunities He offers us. OBJECTIVES 2 To recognize the four precious opportunities God offers us >To identify which of these we would ke to ‘experience and why. activity 1 Gro mmures » Give each student a printout of the blank polaroid pleture (see extra material), > Ask the students to write down which one of the opportunities they wouldliketoexperience Encounter, Reconciliation, Restoration or Provision) in the space provided under the polaraid, | | > Ask the students to finda phato of themselves and stick it onto the polaroid frame during the week The students should naw write down on the back ofthe sheet why they want to experience the opportunity they nave chosen » Share some of the students’ answers in next week’ session. (WEEKLY CHALLENGE Gsnunvtes » Encourage the students to go back over their rotes rom today's lesson, » teach the students Now co read the student bbook(showrthem that each day has something for them to read and to do). Set them the challenge of reading thelr book every day ‘and completing the exercises, » Encourage them to think about which activity they enjoy most as they read through the book during the week so that they can talk ‘about their experiences in the following class. PRAVER sranutes Lead the students in prayer so that they can: > Have areal encounter with Jesus > Be restored and made new » access the provision thet comes from God. Note: If necessary, take some extra time to pray for your students and minister to them, Be careful not to run over the allocated time of each clas,

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