Soal Ulngan Ganjil 2019-2020 Viii

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Alamat : Jl. Yapen No.3 Kampung Baru Telp. (0951) 332130

Kelas / Semester : VIII / Ganjil Tagihan : Ulangan Semester

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019 / 2020

I. Choose A,B, C or D for the correct answer.



1. Where can we read the warning?
A. On the highway C. At the bus station
B. At the overpass D. At the railway station.
2. What does the warning mean?
A. People can stay at the track area.
B. People should stay clear of the track.
C. People may stop he train at the track area.
D. People are allowed to walk along the track.

For questions 3 and 4 complete the dialogue below.

Mother : It’s 11 pm now. Why are you still awake?
Laila : (3)…… this assignment tonight.
Mother : OK, but (4)…… G0ing to bed late is not good for you health.
Laila : OK, Mum.
A. I don’t want to finish.
B. I must not finish.
C. I have to finish.
D. I can finish.
A. You must go to bed late.
B. You must go to bed soon.
C. You should not go to bed.
D. You should go to bed late.

For question 5-6

1. listen when others are talking.
2. Follow directions.
3. Keep hands, feed and objects to yourself.
4. work quietly do not disturb others.
5. Show respect for school and personal property.
6. Work and play in safe manner.
5. Linda : What should we do when a teacher is talking?
Agus : You……….
A. Must close your eyes.
B. Mustn’t tell others
C. Must listen to her.
D. Must talk to her.

6. linda : May we borrow others belongings?

Agus : Sure, but you……….
A. Should keep personal.
B. Must keep them for you
C. Should not return them.
D. Must respect them.
The following dialog is for questions 7 and 8.
Mr. Anwar : Silent, please. I have news for you.
Andi : What is it, Sir?
Mr. Anwar : Ms. Ratna is absent today, but she has given you an assignment to make a synopsis of a
Story. You should write the synopsis, containing more than 500 words on a sheet of
And type it. Have you got that?
Mira : Can we choose the stories we like, Sir?
Mr. Anwar : I think so and you my browse the stories in the library.
Deni : When should we submit our work, Sir?
Mr. Anwar : Well, you have to submit it tomorrow. Is that clear, everyone?
Students : Yes, Sir.
7. Mr. Anwar says, “Silent, please. I have news for you.”
The underlined sentence is said to _____.
A. Gain attention C. Express an opinion
B. Ask for help D. Instruct students to do something
8. The students should do the following, EXCEPT _____.
A. Browse the stories in the library
B. Write a synopsis containing at least 400 words
C. Type their work on a sheet of paper
D. Submit their work tomorrow
The following dialog is for questions 9 and 10.
Arka : We will have a final test. What about having a study club?
Rendra : Good idea. I often have difficulties in a few subjects.
Arka : Do you think we need to ask other friends to join?
Rendra : I think so. However, we should limit the members.
Arka : You’re right. Too many people in study club will not make it efficient. We will only be
Rendra : I agree.
9. What does Arka propose to Rendra?
A. To join a course. C. To have a study club.
B. To do extra classes. D. To read more books.
10. Arka says, “Too many people in a study club will not make it efficient.”
The underlined word refers to _____.
A. The study club C. The noise
B. The member D. The plan
The following dialog is for questions 11 to 13.
Fira : May I go home earlier today, Sir? My family and I will attend my aunt’s wedding today,
Another town.
Mr. Adnan : What time will the event be?
Fira : At 7 p.m., but it will take three hours to get there.
Mr. Adnan : Sure. Please fill in a leave form.
Fira : Thank you.
11. What does Fira do?
A. She congratulates on her aunt’s wedding.
B. She is informs about how to attend her aunt’s wedding.
C. She requests for help
D. She asks for permission to go home earlier.
12. If Fira leaves for her aunt’s town at 1 p.m. what time will she probably arrive there?
A. Around 3 p.m. C. Around 4 p.m.
B. Around 3:30 p.m. D. Around 4:30 p.m.
13. What should Fira do before leaving?
A. She should tell the principal.
B. She should fill in a leave form.
C. She should contact her class teacher.
D. She should write a letter of absence.
The following dialog is for questions 14 and 15.
Alice : Barry, is that your drawing?
Barry : Yeah. What do you think of it?
Alice : Um . . . I think the composition of the objects does not balance.
Barry : O.K. I’ll work on it.
14. What is the dialog about?
A. Alice. C. Alice’s drawing.
B. Barry. D. Barry’s drawing
15. Barry asks, “What do you think of it?”
What does he express?
A. He seeks an opinion. C. He seeks for an agreement
B. He seeks for confirmation. D. He seeks for information.
The following text is for questions 16 and 17.
Dear Farel,
Congratulations on your new
May it provide you and your
Happiness and prosperity.

Your best friend,

16. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To support Farel. C. To encourage Farel.
B. To wish Farel luck. D. To congratulate Farel.
17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Farel and Tama are good friends.
B. The card is addressed to Tama.
C. Farel and his family move to their new house.
D. Tama wishes that the new house brings happiness to Farel’s family.
The following text is for questions 18 to 20.
My special day has arrived!
I am 14 years old now.
My parents will have a birthday party for
Your smile and laugh we hope for.
So come to the party, as it will be lots of

The party will be held:

Sunday, August 31, 2014
From three to five p.m.
Nini’s house
45 Cibinong Street
18. Why does Nini write the3 text?
A. She wants her friends to be happy.
B. She hopes for her friends to smile and laugh.
C. Her parents have a birthday party for her.
D. She is invites her friends to her birthday party.
19. What does the word ‘it’ in the text refer to?
A. The special day. C. The birthday party.
B. The birthday D. The house.
20. which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Nini’s party will be held in the evening.
B. Nini lives at Cibinong Street number 45.
C. Nini will celebrate her fourteenth birthday.
D. Nini’s party will take place at her house.
The following dialog is for questions 21 and 22.
Ms. Lea : Sonia, you will act as Princess Delima. Can you speak with a strict tone?
Sonia : Yes, I’ll try.
Roy : Ma’am, may I change my role? It is difficult to act as a twin. I cannot speak in a different
Every time.
Ms. Lea : You are the one who is suitable for the role. Come on, it is only the second practice. There
Still five more. I believe you will be able to master your role as time goes by.
Roy : O.K., then. Thanks.
21. In your opinion, what are the speakers doing?
A. Discussing a story. C. Doing physical exercises.
B. Practicing a drama. D. Composing a short story.
22. Why does Roy ask to change his role?
A. He doesn’t feel well.
B. The role he plays is not challenging.
C. He has no time to practice the role.
D. He cannot speak in a different tone every time.
The following dialog is for questions 23 dan 24.
Erlin : Excuse me, Ma’am. Will there be a music extra-curricular activity on Wednesday?
Mrs. Betty : Yes, as usual.
Erlin : Would you mind changing it into another day? We need to practice for the school
Anniversary celebration on the day.
Mrs. Betty : Yes, Sure.
Erlin : Thank you very much, Ma’am.
Mrs. Betty : By the way, what days do you usually practice? Are you going to do more practices
Next week?
Erlin : On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, but the practice this Wednesday will be the final
So there will not be anymore practices.
23. What does Erlin ask Mrs. Betty to do?
A. To change the day of the music extra-curricular activity to another day.
B. To allow more days for the preparation of the school anniversary celebration.
C. To permit her to dance for the school anniversary celebration.
D. To let her participate in the music extra-curricular activity.
24. Which of the following statement is TRUE based on the dialog?
A. Erlin will perform a dance in the school anniversary celebration.
B. Erlin usually practices on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.
C. There will be two more practices next week.
D. The final practice will be on Wednesday.

The following dialog is for questions 25 to 27.

Miss. Donna : Ronald, come forward, please.
Ronald : Yes, Miss. What is it?
Miss. Donna : Please wipe the blackboard.
Ronald : Certainly, Miss.
Miss. Donna : Thank you, Ronald. O.K., students, may I have your attention, please?
Students : Yes, Miss.
Miss. Donna : Now open your biology books on page 24. You have ten minutes to read it,
Then we’ll discuss it.
Students : Yes, Miss.
25. What does Miss Donna do?
A. She is a biology teacher. C. She is a scientist.
B. She is a zoologist. D. She is a student.
26. What does Miss Donna ask Ronald to do?
A. Discuss the lesson with the other students.
B. Read the book aloud in front of the class.
C. Write something on the blackboard.
D. Wipe the blackboard.
27. Miss Donna says,” . . . , then we’ll discuss it.”
The underlined word means _____.
A. To arrange C. To inform
B. To talk about D. To tell
The following text is for questions 28 and 29.
Dear Anindya,

Whish you many happy returns. May God bless

You with health and prosperity for the rest of your


28. What does Meita do for Anindya’s birthday?
A. She wishes her many happy returns.
B. She gives her prosperity.
C. She shares her health.
D. She returns her love.
29. What is the purpose of this text?
A. To send warm wishes on Anindya’s birthday.
B. To congratulate Anindya on her success.
C. To announce anindya’s birthday.
D. To entertain the readers.

The following text is for questions 30 to 32.

Dear Donna,
We are having a
On Saturday, September 6, 2014, at our
Jalan Pancasila no. 13 Bekasi, at 3 p.m.
Please come. With you the fun would
double . . .
We’re hoping you can make it!

Linda and family

30. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To congratulate. C. To invite Donna to an event.
B. To express gratitude. D. To compliment Donna.
31. What is the party held for?
A. To celebrate a wedding. C. To celebrate a success.
B. To celebrate a new house D. To celebrate a birthday.
32. Who sends the invitation?
A. Donna.
B. Linda.
C. Linda and her family.
D. Donna and her family.
The following text is for questions 33 to 35.
My brother Derry loves outdoor activities; hiking and mountain climbing. He has joined a
Climbing club since he was at senior high school. To date, he has climbed three mountains: Mount
Merapi, Mount Slamet and Mount Lawu. His next plan is to climb Mount Semeru in East Java, the
highest mountain in Java.
33. What is the text about?
A. The writer’s family.
B. Derry and his hobbies.
C. Derry’s school and friends.
D. Derry’s characteristics.
34. What is Derry’s hobby?
A. Drawing.
B. Jogging.
C. Camping.
D. Hiking.
35. How many mountains has Derry climbed?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
36. Arrange the jumbled words to make a meaningful sentence.
The dinner - and - I- Chantika – will – prepare.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. 4-2-3-5-6-1
B. 4-2-5-3-1-6
C. 4-2-6-3-1-5
D. 4-2-6-5-6-1

For questions 37 to 39, choose the correct words to complete paragraph.

I have a best friend. His name is Mario. Mario is active (37) _____ energetic person. He loves
sports, (38) _____ boxing is an exception. Mario and I usually (39) _____ the weekend together. We
watch movies or just play basketball together. We always cherish our friendship.
37. A. and
B. or
C. but
D. then
38. A. or
B. and
C. nor
D. but
39. A. spends
B. spend
C. are spending
D. will spend
For questions 40, arrange the words to form good sentences.
40. with -children -play -not –matches -must
1 2 3 4 5 6
The correct arrangement of the words is _____.
A. 1-2-3-5-4-6
B. 2-6-4-3-1-5
C. 3-5-2-4-6-1
D. 3-2-5-4-6-1


1. Make the sentences by using!

a. To explain someone’ ability
b. To get one’s attention.
2. Translate the following sentences with using English!
a. Saya akan mencintai orang tua saya .
b. Kakek nenek saya akan pergi ke Madina.
3. Write ten the words ( conjuctions) and ( prepositions) with by using English!
4. What the definition of caution and warning!
5. Make two sentences by using future tense and present tense!

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