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BATCH 2022-24


Dr Madhu Jasola


Name – Rahul

Roll No. -22238

Section – MA-2, BA-2


1 Executive Summary 2

2 Chapter 1: Introduction of the 3-8


3 Chapter 2:  CSR Initiatives, Learning’s & 9-11


4 Chapter 3: Designing a CSR Model 12

5 Chapter 4: Findings & Analysis 13-16

6 Conclusion 17

7 References 18

Executive Summary

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that

helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.
By practicing corporate social responsibility, also called corporate citizenship,
companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects
of society, including economic, social, and environmental. To be a part of any big
corporate house, we need to be all-rounder. After all, the most notable criterion for
being selected by an MNC is to be a part of multiple activities. It is interesting to
see how the world has shrunk when it comes to communication. Someone could
be helping a child or an NGO from a developed country, teaching or contributing
towards health facilities, or imparting training through practical-oriented courses to
build their small-scale industries in a rural, remote place in India. I will be sharing
my insights and learning from the recent CSR internship I took.

The objective of the internship was to create innovative and useful ways of
developing skills among underprivileged students. Vrikshit Foundation is a not for
profit NGO, started in 2019 for a cleaner and healthier India. Vrikshit Foundation is
a Delhi based voluntary organization conducting cleanliness drives, environment
protection and awareness programs. I participated in a “Cleanliness and Poster
Removal Drive” at Vrikshit Foundation, Delhi. The main aim of the organization is
to increase sustainability and work towards United Nation’s Sustainable
Development Goals 3,11,13,14 and 15. I also helped the NGO in “Compiling a list
of grants and awards” that Vrikshit Foundation is eligible for and can apply for it. It
gave me an insight into the workings of an NGO and how they gather funds and
resources for their day to day work.

During my term at Vrikshit I discovered that that the company is eligible for
multiple awards and grants which it could’ve applied for. The NGO works very
hard towards the CSR initiative. Most of the people working in the Vrikshit
Foundation are working class individuals that devote their time and their hard-
earned money towards the betterment of the society by the NGO. Working at the
NGO also gave me an idea about doing something for the society myself and
create a better place for us all to live in. I also hope that there are more
opportunities for me to work in an NGO and help the society in any way I can.

Chapter 1: Introduction of the Organization/NGO

Introduction of the Organization/NGO: -

Vrikshit Foundation is a not-for-profit NGO, started in 2019 for a cleaner and

healthier India. It has been conducting cleanliness drives, environment protection,
and awareness programs.
Started by 5 volunteers, ‘Vrikshit Foundation’ is slowly becoming a household name
for the climate enthusiasts. Started in the year 2019, the foundation has now spread
across 21 states and 32 cities and cleaned over 8 million kilograms of trash. Our
major aim is to create a more breathable and cleaner surrounding so as to increase
sustainability and work towards United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
3,11,13,14 and 15. Another major aim is to breed a more responsible and nature-
savvy generation.

They plan to achieve that by working on the ground level. To be precise, we organize
clean up drives, campaigns, tree plantations and wall paintings. We are also setting
up collaborations with various stakeholders to raise a voice for the underprivileged
classes who have to live in hazardous sanitary conditions. Our key projects include
the Yamuna Banks cleanup and the 100k trees challenge amongst others. We are
driven by the zeal to create a sustainable change through micro level voluntary

Profile of the Organization: -

Vrikshit Foundation is a not for profit non-governmental organization which is
working towards the overall inclusion of society towards cleanliness and hygienic
surroundings for all.

Strength of Human capital (Staff Strength): -

A group of people who were passionate about cleaning came together about two
years ago to assume responsibility for the spotless society. As a result, the Vrikshit
Foundation was established, which has since grown to include 14 states across the
nation and has cleaned millions of tonnes of trash.

Team Vrikshit Foundation

Head Office and branches: -

HEAD OFFICE: H-1/105 Sector-11 Rohini, New Delhi


States where Vrikshit is present

Vrikshit Foundation started in the year 2019, the foundation has now spread across
21 states and 32 cities with its head office in Delhi.

List of various CSR Initiatives in the last three years: -

1. 7.5M+ kg of wastes collected to make the environment cleaner.

2. 3.2M+ kg of wastes recycled to save resources and promote sustainability.
3. 20k+ trees planted to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases.
4. 100k+ people impacted positively through various projects.

5. 300+ sites landscaped and transformed to prevent them from turning back
to messy.

India is being cleaned by more than 4500 volunteers, and more than 60 celebrities
are supporting them. Their diligent labour was published in 90 newspapers. Media
outlets in 17 national media outlets have covered their work. Up to this point, they
have planted more than 21672 trees. More than 400 places in India have been
cleansed by them. They have teams spread throughout 30 cities and more than 21
states. They are acknowledged by the state governments of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh,
and Himachal Pradesh.

Newspaper Snapshot of Vrikshit Foundation

Income and Expenditure Sheet of Vrikshit Foundation

Group’s different activities falling under CSR / SDG domain.

 2nd SDG- Zero hunger

 4th SDG- Quality education
 11th SDG- sustainable cities and communities
 13th SDG- climate action
 14th SDG- lives below water
 15th SDG- lives on land

Name and contact details of CSR Head of Dept as well as H R Dept.

CSR Head – Mr. Shankar Singh

(Founder and president)

H R Dept. Head – Mr. Shankar Singh

Mob. - +917827552596.

E-mail id. -

Location: -

H-1/105 3rd Floor, Sector 11, Rohini, Delhi, 110085


Chapter 2:  CSR Initiatives, Learning’s & Contribution

 Coordinator: Mr. Shankar Singh, the founder of Vrikshit was our Coordinator. He
guided us entirely from the onboarding process to the poster removal drives. He
ensured that it was a smooth experience for all of us.

Task: We as a group were given the task to prepare a Proposal to Making

prospectus for various companies for wall painting. We were asked to come and help
the Vrikshit team in removing illegal posters from Metro Pillars, Bus- stands, Street-
Light Poles and pavements.

My Learnings and Contribution:

CSR is a word that I have often heard in textbook but thanks to Team Vrikshit, I was
able to be part of one. Team Vrikshit had organized a drive on 11 th of December to
remove illegal posters near the Janakpuri metro Station.
I thought of this drive as an event where I will go remove some posters and come
back. While we were removing layers of posters and flyers from the Metro pillar, I
realized how these posters cover the beauty of our cities. People who stick these
posters are not to be blamed because they are doing this job to feed their family but
it is the businesses that print these Ads to promote themselves.
Illegal Posters destroy the pillars and bus stands and one is not able to understand
what is the name of the bus station or where the bus will take you. Many people
gave us words of encouragement to keep on working which boosted our morale to
get rid of these posters.
Apart from the drive we were given the task to prepare a proposal of making
prospectus for various companies for wall painting and have to search for various
companies who can invest in wall painting so, in this I have learnt that how to make
proposal for different company and how to raise the fund for csr activities.
Short comings of the CSR initiative of the company according to you.
Being part of a CSR activity for the first time, it was a new experience for me. I learnt
a lot about CSR and how we citizens can contribute to the society So, in a span of
just 7 days, I was not able to find any short comings in the CSR initiatives of the
Vrikshit Foundation. Vrikshit Foundation plan their CSR initiatives by making
objectives and roles are pre-assigned so that initiatives go smoothly without any

Your suggestions to improve their CSR initiatives.

Vrikshit Foundation can make managers for a every week initiative to have more
cleanliness drives on weekends. This will make the organization more noticeable
and more people would like to associate with it. Currently, these drives are organized
on monthly basis, these drives are a way to interact with people who pass-by and
acknowledge the work done by the foundation.

Would you suggest any changes or new items of CSR Spent and if so which
one of the CSR activities would you replace and why?
I would like to change the Beautification of streets to spread Awareness activity as I
believe it leads to wastage of money on Paints. Rather this money can be used in
Plantation and Education drives so that more kids can take this benefit and we are
contributing to the environment.

Work done according to the dates.

6th December 2022

1. Orientation day – I was introduced as the new volunteer with the team. They
shared about the organization and how they have been working and their
future goals.

After the introduction, we were assigned tasks, and groups were made.
Deadlines were also given.

7th December 2022

2. We were supposed to find companies who would have been interested to

invest in and sponsor our new project.
We had to use various platforms for the same.
Apart from finding and clearing data on excel, we started working on finding
suitable templates for our prospectus.

8th December 2022

3. Made the lists for the required documents, budgets, and companies. We
made the layout of the prospectus and started with the content writing part.
And worked on the “About Us” part of the prospectus.

9th December 2022

4. We had meetings with the head, to understand the task further and take the
proposal ahead. Then we started making marketing strategizes on how to
attract more companies and why they should invest in us.

10th December 2022

5. We went to nearby places to analyze which areas that can be worked upon
for the poster removal drive. We clicked the pictures and sent them to our
Project Head.

11th December 2022

6. We went to Janakpuri West Metro Station for our first poster removal and
cleanliness drive. We removed posters from metro pillars and sign boards.

12th December 2022

7. After finalizing the strategies, we added them to the prospectus and started
with the content writing part as well as the visuals for the same and got it
checked simultaneously.

13th December 2022

8. We went to Janakpuri East Metro Station for our first poster removal and
cleanliness drive. We removed posters from metro pillars and sign boards.

14th December 2022

9. We completed the prospectus for various painting companies who would like
to invest in our project

Spreading Awareness by slogan in Road

Chapter 3: Designing a CSR Model

A working model of CSR Initiative which your college can pursue

without academic loss: -

A CSR Model that we students of NDIM can pursue without academic loss is by
collaborating with Prayas Juvenile Justice Centre. Prayas is a humanitarian, gender-
sensitive and child-focused development organization with a vision to restore the lost
childhood of children in need of care, protection and development. Prayas works to
ensure that children have a bright future. It is dedicated to changing the lives of
needy children.

Prayas is located right next to our institution. We can help these children by
educating them, providing them with gifts, talk about our experience of life, motivate
them to achieve great things in life, interact with them, theatre group and other
performing arts group can entertain these children and make them feel that they are
loved and cared about. We can even have dance day/movie day for them as I have
observed that when we have a fest/Christmas celebration going, you can see all
these kids in their balconies laughing and watching us dance and I hope dancing in
their own rooms.
We can schedule these activities on weekend, with students who want to participate,
they can earn extra credit for these activities. These activities will not help the kids of
Prayas but will be a learning opportunity for us students to understand and develop
Empathy, a skill that is now recognised and wanted by people.

Would you like to be a CSR Champion in your organization in

future? If yes, give reasons: -

Yes, I would like to be a CSR Champion in my organization in future. When I was

removing those posters from Janakpuri West Bus Stand, and it was really difficult to
remove these posters as they were stuck on the plastic of the bus stand but using
water and finally going hard at it we were able to remove most of the posters and we
could finally read the Directions of routes on Bus Stand. That gave me and my group
a huge boost to continue this poster removal and it made us realise that our actions
do have positive changes in the society and it’s all about putting in efforts. So, I
would like to be a CSR champion in my organization.

Finding and Analysis

The proposal of converting dump-yard into computer learning centre made me

understand a lot about how much more India needs to grow to become digitally
literate as currently only 10% of the population is digitally literate. With, the advent of
Digital Payment is a small step forward in this direction but a whole lot more needs to
be done and I am sure we will soon have a population which will know basic
computing skills. These skills can be useful for kids, house-wives who are trying to
earn some extra money. As a Marketing Student who is studying advertisement and
use of posters to advertise goods and services, this CSR initiative has made me
realize how important it is to take permission from the authorities before putting
posters/flyers out for promotion.

Working with Vrikshit Foundation is a real-time experience. It enables my inner talent
and provides enough exposure to enhance my skills. Being management students,
we will continue learning and enhancing our corporate skills, whereas working with
grassroots organizations at a very building block will show us the real meaning of
development activities and society.

Bus Stand Before Bus Stand After

Spreading Awareness by slogan in Road

Cleaning of Station Board

Volunteer team holding different slogan and spreading Awareness
in public

Cleaning of Pillar near metro

Poster Free India Campaign


In conclusion, working with Vrikshit Foundation has been a very good learning
experience for me. These 9 days has made me realize and think of a lot of things. It
has made me realize how important it is to observe our surroundings, acknowledge
our privilege and help everyone in need. Working here has made me more
responsible and creative in many ways. We all as a community need to realise how
small efforts made by each one of us can be helpful to the community. Working in an
NGO is to contribute to the cause that we care. People’s attitudes towards waste and
understanding of the consequences of poor waste management play a significant
role in encouraging their participation in improved solid waste management. By
participating in clean-ups, we can contribute to creating immediate and long-term
solutions for our neighbourhood. Clean-ups can serve as catalysts for permanent
changes in behaviour and attitude as well as encourage communities to adopt good
practices such as reuse and recycling, which have a profound effect on waste
management in a community. The experience also showed that organizing a clean-
up campaign requires careful timeous planning. Overall, it was concluded that not
only did the activity serve the practical purpose of cleaning up, but it also created a
greater sense of unity and friendship among NGO members.
I would like to thank NDIM for the experiential learning programme which helped us
to experience such a unique experience.

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