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Prelims Reviewer

HISTORY DELINEATED - Puzzle: you put things together to create

the past. Reconstruction of the past based
Delineate on available written records, oral history,
- to describe something cultural artifacts, and folk traditions.
- Process: in writing history, historians
follow steps:
- origin of words
Involves – collection, analysis, and
- a Greek term
synthesis – sources
Interprets and recreates facts in an
orderly and intelligible manner
Discover patterns and trends
-Greek Historian
- systematic study of written and
- Father of History
unwritten accounts about the past events
- Born in Halicarnasus (now Bodrum,
Turkey) Historia
- was the first to coin the term “History” - originally meant inquiry, the act of
- went directly to Samos (Island in seeking knowledge, as well as the
Greece) knowledge that results from inquiry
- traveled throughout (Places in
Sources of History:
Mediterranean Sea): Asia Minor,
1. Written Records
Babylonia. Egypt, Greece
2. Oral Traditions
- (443 BC) settled in Thurii in southern
- culture that is transmitted from one
person to another verbally/ word of
- He was a traveler
- devoted the remainder of his life to the
3. Relics
completion of his great work, entitled
- physical items/tangible items from the
Histories, the Greek word for “inquiry”.
past that are preserved (artifacts or
* To inquire is to ask, and an inquiry is a human remains)
Primary: Firsthand or eyewitness
History account of information by an individual
- has evolved from an ancient Greek verb close to the topic
that means “to know”, say the Oxford - author is a participant or observer of the
English Dictionary’s Philip Durkin event
- man’s recorded past - Ex: Autobiographies, government
- record of important events about people. documents, newspapers written by
Countries, and nations which are usually reporters close to the source.
arranged chronologically and show the
Secondary: a source that is more
relation of cause and effect
removed from an event, usually written
- Story of Us: We are all part of History.
after the event has happened.
You and I. We are part of the content of
- Ex: biographies, interpretation of
history, particularly our: Beliefs and
statistics and data, and anything written
Desires, Practices, and Institutions.

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
after an historical event or analyzing 3. Progressive – history moves in a
something that has already happened. straight line, and it is man who drives
Oral History
- spiritual view of history
- passing of knowledge, culture, tradition,
and history through words of mouth
- usually in the form of stories, songs, 4. Revolutionary – history is a series of
folktales, epics, myths, and legends upheavals. It’s a series of clashes between
- although they are not written, we can and among classes. It is driven by
consider these forms as history because materialism.
these provide us a clear description of the - Revolutionary view
society’s past
5. Relativist – there is no absolute truth in
Significance of History: history. We view things differently.
1. Understand the present
The Difficulty in Studying and in
2. Answer existing problems
writing History:
3. Know the truth
1. Scarcity of written materials especially
3. Appreciate our culture
in the local level
4. Increase one’s knowledge of people and
2. Problems of translation with regards to
their culture, of different places
documents written in Spanish and other
5. Train students to:
foreign languages
To think and write clearly
3. Biases and Prejudices on the part of the
Organize and Interpret evidence
foreign writers
Confront complex issues in informed and
4. Lack of representative materials for the
insightful ways
whole country
What we have now is a byproduct of the 5. Lack of trained historians
The Simplification of the problem of
Major Views on History: writing history:
1. Cyclical – history repeats itself. A 1. Writer
recurrence of events that man has no - Most books are written by teachers
control of. whose fortes are not history.
- a fatalist view of history 2. Written
- Ex. Translation: Most books written by
Rizal are in Spanish
2. Providential – history moves in a
straight line. It started from God created The Development of Historical writing
the world and ending would be the final in the Philippines:
judgement. It is God who drives the - It started in the form of chronicles or
history. accounts written by Spaniards in the 16th
- the Christian view of history century.
- records of their observations and travels
in the Philippines

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
Early Spanish Period: coherent
- Events about the Spaniards in the elegant
History is both an Art and Science.
- Events about their relationship with the
- Record of their observations about the
19th Century
- Reform movement wrote accounts
- About their history as a reaction to the
Spanish accounts about the Filipinos
- Essays, novels, poem, and other forms of
American Period
2 Important characteristics in historical
1. Based on facts and documents
2. Chronological events
Post War Period
Teodoro Agoncillo developed a new
perspective on history writing;
1. History as interpretation
2. Writing of history from the Filipino
History: An Art? Or A Science?
History as Science
- it involves steps/ process
Historical Methodology
- choose a topic
- gather sources
- examine sources (or historical criticism)
- extraction of data from authentic and
credible sources
- write history – must be well-organize,
coherent, and elegantly written
History as Art
- interpretation in historical writing:

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer

CUSTOMS OF TAGALOG Commoners (Aliping Namamahay)

Slaves (Aliping Saguiguilir)
Tackles the everyday living of the ancient
Judicial System
Filipinos, their social status, customs, and
- nearly identical to today.
the beliefs of the Tagalog.
- there are punishments that goes beyond
It provided the first form of civil code by their rights
local governor to administer justice. - there are no written laws
- the function of datu includes
How the Spaniards govern the Filipinos
implementing laws which are derived
during the Spanish era.
from customs and traditions
It has a lesser value in the modern world - Disagreements are settled by the court
right now. composed of the chieftain and council of
It was written in the year 1589 during the
Spanish Colonial Period. Preoccupation
- agriculture
Customs of the Tagalog is a part of longers
- hunting
monographs written by chroniclers of the
- fishing
Spanish expeditions to the Philippines
- mining
during the early 16th and 17th century.
- they travel by boat from one barangay to
The appeared initially in Blair and another for trading
Robertson’s 55 volumes. - international trade also happened
during this time, in exchange of new
The Philippine Islands (1903) and in the
discoveries and items
Philippine Journal of Sciences (1958)
Historical Background Arts
Government Systems - we have our own arts even before
- People are divided by barangays colonization. Canoes are seen in beads
according to their economic status and and other ornaments.
the language they speak. Music
The barangays consist of 30-100 families. - each community has their own set of
musical instruments.
Datu – leader of the area - bamboo canes, and bark of trees are
Social Classes: mostly used this time.
Elite - for example, kulintang is usually played
Upper middle Class during festivals.
Lower Middle Class
Working Class Literature
Poor - it is passed from generation to
Chieftain (Datu) - they use baybayin
Nobles (Maharlika) - examples: saliwakain, bugtong, etc.

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
Juan De Plasencia they might bear children and have fortune
- real name: Juan Portocarrero in finding their ideal husband.
- a friar of the Franciscan order
Relevance of the Narrative
- Born in the early 16th century and died
- The customs of the Tagalog gave us our
on the 1590.
own identity that we Filipino even before
- author of several books, most notably,
the Spanish times have our own customs
Doctrina Cristiana (First Printed book in
and traditions that up until now, we are
the Philippines) and Relacion de Las
incorporating In the modern world.
Costumbres de Los Tagalogs (First form
Example: Barangay (the smallest unit of
of civil code in the Philippines)
- Arrived on the islands on July 2, 1578
- It proves that Filipinos are highly
- Joined forces with Fray Diego Oropesa
civilized and have their own government
and founded several towns
- He lived up to his pledge of being a friar
- It also affirms that Filipinos already had
- Created numerous primary schools
a government and that people back then
were already facing injustices and
inequality amongst the evident oof social
- there were no temples built to perform
sacrifices, worship their idols, or engage
- It shows that we Filipinos have our own
in idolatry.
concept of having a supreme being or
- they celebrate a festive called pandot or
what they call Bathala, even before the
time of Spaniards
- they built a temple to worship what they
- and lately, the narratives remind us to
call nagaanitos
look back to our past culture as it
- They worshipped idols: Bathala, the sun,
contributes to our identity as Filipino.
the moon, the stars, ik-ha, Dian Masalanta,
Lacapati, Idianale. Takeaways:
- they would pay reverence to buaya or The narrative is all about our culture. It
corocodiles somehow corrected the fallacy before that
- they would offer a portion of what they we are uncultured and uncivilized before
carried in their boat to the buaya by the coming of the Spaniards.
throwing it into the water or leaving it
upon the bank. The reason of these Antonio de Morga’s The history of the
offering is personal matters like: Philippine Islands – it was corrected by
recovery of a sick person Rizal as we are already civilized. We have
prosperous voyage our own culture even before the
good harvest Spaniards. The idea is that the Filipinos
happy married life, etc. are uncivilized before the Spaniards.

- Young girls who just had their first The Datu was in charge of making the
monthly courses would be blindfolded for laws (legislative), implement the laws
four days and nights. They did this so that (executive), and was assisted by the
council of elders.

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
It is collaborative since the Datu is being Additional Note (From Nov. 12
guided by the council of elders in any Session)
judicial matters.
- The article “Customs of the Tagalogs” if
People were classified into groups based we were not colonized by Spain.
on their social status. - the narrative was actually an
observation made by a foreigner.
They travel through the use of boats to
trade their goods. Age of Exploration
Barter = exchange of goods - A.K.A Age of Discovery
- A period wherein Europeans went to
Inference Barter: the absence of system
different places to explore the
of currency.
unexplored, and discover the
Inference Baybayin: They already knew undiscovered.
how to read and write. They already have
Cause and Effect
their own literature
- Gold, Gold, Glory
Inference Narrative (bathala, and - between 1450 and 1600
other gods): there is hierarchy of beings - the period of European exploration of
because bathala for them is the supreme Africa, Asia, and the Americas
being and below bathala is the other gods. - driven by a desire for inexpensive
spices, gold, and other sources of wealth.
We can infer that they are polytheism as
- desire to spread Christianity
they worship multiple gods.
- Europe at that time were clamoring for
We can also infer that they practice more spices and a desire to share their
paganism and animism culture as they thought that their culture
is superior than other cultures
Inference about worshiping dead man:
they were into ancestor worship. Caravel
- a small, fast spanish or portuguese
We can infer that they already have a sailing ship of the 15th-17th centuries,
sense of morality in terms of what they
believe what is good for them, for Astrolabe
example the worship of inanimate objects - an instrument formerly used to make
such as sun, heaven, etc. is something astronomical measurements, typically of
good, that could benefit them. the attitudes of celestial bodies, and in
navigation for calculating latitude, before
They knew what is right and wrong the development of the sextant. In its
because of the presence of those terms basic form (known from classical times).
(yung term sa heaven). It consists of a disk with the edge marked
It is also possible to infer that they believe in degrees and a pivoted pointer.
in the afterlife as they believe the
existence of hell and heaven. - Portugal led the way (Prince Henry the
Navigator; a navigation school)

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
- followed by other major powers such as
Spain, England, and the Netherlands
The Spice Islands
- Improvements in cartography, ship
construction (caravel), and navigational
- the present name: Maluku
tools (compass, astrolabe) facilitated the
- island group and province in the eastern
portion of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Control of Constantinople in 1453
- Part of the Malay Archipelago
Impact of the Age of Exploration
- Portugal and Spain started to look for
- Era of Globalization
new routes; led to rivalry
- Colonialism
- While they were trying to explore and
- Spread of culture
discover there was this competition
- New Species
because in the course of exploration and
- New Ideologies
discovery, they were able to conquer
colonies and at that time power was The Expedition
measured using the number of colonies as Magellan’s Expedition
a criterion. - the first expedition to reach the
- the greater the number of colonies the Philippines
greater your power. - Portuguese sailor
- King Manuel I – king of Portugal
- known as the Age of Exploration.
- King Charles I – King of Spain
How would they gain these spices if the - he asked the king of Portugal (King
Ottoman Turks closed all land routes Manuel I) to fund his expedition because
going to Asia? he has this idea in mind that there was
- there were 3 land routes from Europe to this route going to Asia, a westward route
Asia and have the same stopover going to the east.
Constantinople – stopover from Europe - the king of Portugal is hesitant to the
to Asia; known as Istanbul today; it is in point that he did not agree to fund his
turkey. expedition.
- The ottoman Turks seized these land - Magellan then went to the king of Spain
routes, they closed these routes to all (King Charles I) and asked for a funding,
merchants except for 1, the venetians. he mentioned about his idea, and he
agreed in funding his expedition.
Venetians – the selected group; they were
- Sept. 20, 1519 (From San Luca de
allowed to trade to Ottoman Turks; they
barrameda the contingent started the
were allowed to use one of the routes.
voyage, the circumnavigation of the globe.
- the Europeans are motivated to look for The contingent went down across the
new routes. Atlantic Ocean reached the tip of South
- Portugal and Spain became the pioneers America (known today as the straight of
when it comes to exploration, then other magellan) which connects the atlantic
countries of Europe followed their steps. and the pacific.

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
After reaching the tip they then crossed DASALAN AT TOCSOHAN
the Pacific Ocean.)
Historical Background
- 5 Ships
- 250 – 270 men Propaganda Movement
-Founded by Illustrados in 1872
- The first Filipino National Movement
Circumnavigation was not completed by - Failed to realize its plans and goals
Ferdinand Magellan because he was
- Ended in 1892
killed, it was Juan Sebastian Elcano who
continued the trip from the Philippines to *Illustrados – Filipino elites who have
Indian Ocean and rounded the African access to quality education in Spain.
Continent and then reaching Spain.
Known members of the Propaganda
Significance of the Expedition Movement:
- March 16, 1521- rediscovery of the • Graciano Lopez Jaena
Philippines • Mariano Ponce
- paved the way to Spanish colonization • Antonio Luna
- our existence became apparent because • Jose Rizal
of the first expedition. • Marcelo Del Pilar – writer of
- started the Christianization of the dasalan at tocsohan
- 1st Mass – Fr. Pedro de Valderrama
- Archipelago of St. Lazarus Formation of the Propaganda
- 1st Mass Baptism of 800 Cebuanos Movement
(Humabon and Juana) - It started from the death of the
- proved that the earth was round. GOMBURZA
- Established to peacefully settle things
Why Rediscovery of the Philippines? between the Spanish government and the
- because even before the coming of the Filipinos by forming arrangements
Spaniards, nearby countries had already - reforms made were the following:
discovered the Philippines. 1. The Philippines as an official province
God, Gold, and Glory of Spain
God – to spread religion 2. Filipinos shall regulate the churches,
Glory – power was measured by the and Spanish friars would be sent back to
number of colonies as criterion; It was Spain
their way of gaining power outweighing 3. Granting the Filipinos the freedom of
Portugal. speech, especially in writing and other
Gold – because of our natural resources artistic productions.
since Philippines was a possible market to *GOMBURZA (Gomez, Burgos, Zamora) –
accommodate their goods. 3 priests

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
Implementation of the Propaganda The Narrative
Movement - a unique way of writing a literature
• La Solidaridad parody.
• Books, Leaflets, and Newspaper - Marcelo H. Del Pilar decided to take
articles actions through the process of writing the
Result of the Propaganda Movement “Dasalan and Tocsohan” in 1888
• Failed to engage with the wider - Friars were known to be “banal”
Filipino population - A deeper emphasis within the meaning
• Spanish was not that interested and symbolism of the words
• Many propagandists were exiled - Del Pilar knew that this can be a way to
• Propaganda Movement was establish a movement in stating the truth
brutally suppressed by the Spanish of the church
authorities - mocks the prayers and writings of the
catholic church
Biography of the Author - reflection of the cruelty and selfishness
Marcelo H. Del Pilar of the Spanish colonizers especially the
Pen Name: Plaridel friars
- born in Kupang, San Nicolas, Bulacan, on
August 30, 1850 The Prayers
- His parents are Julian H. Del Pilar and • Ang Amain Namin
Blasa Gatmaitan. • Ang Aba Ginoong Barya
- He finished his Law Course at the • Ang Mga Utos ng Fraile
University of Santo Tomas • Ang Aba po Santa Barya
- In 1882, he founded the newspaper • Ang Tanda
Diariong Tagalog and become the editor • Pagsisisi
- In 1888, he went to Spain, leaving his
family behind Amain Namin
- In 1889, he replaced Graciano Lopez “sumasaconvento ka”
Jaena as Editor of La Solidaridad - priests go to convents to satisfy their
- He faced many difficulties when the pleasure
money that had been used to finance - depicts how the friars went against their
newspapers ran out and there appeared vows of celibacy
no response from the Spanish ruling class,
as a result his hunger and deprivation “sumpain ang ngalan mo”
increased. - sentiments of every Filipinos towards
In 1896, he died in Barcelona away from them
his family due to tuberculosis
“Malayo sa amin ang kasakiman mo”
- peninsular friars to be greedy

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
In other words: the prayer portrays the Pagsisisi
friars to be immorals and selfish “Dios na hindi totoo”
individuals - frailes
Ang Aba Ginoong Barya “Ikaw and berdugo ko”
- this prayer depicts greediness of the - executioner
Spanish friars that they only care about
their wealth nothing more and nothing “marabuyo”
less. - seduced

Ang Mga Utos ng Fraile - It tells the regrets of the Indios that they
- a parody of the Ten Commandment. will never be fooled and seduced by the
- shows the evil deeds of every Spanish friars. They vowed that they will never
priest praise and treat them as their God.
- they are lording over
- Plaridel made this to show that we are Relevance of the Narrative
praising the priests and not Him.
I. General Relevance of the Narrative to
Ang Aba po Santa Baria the Propaganda Movement
- This mock prayer tells that all the Dasalan and Tosohan contains mockeries
hardships of Filipinos are for the good of of the common prayers and created in a
peninsular friars. The money that the simple, but forceful or strong Tagalog that
Indios worked for that is supposedly for aimed to attack and overthrow whatever
their family is being collected or stolen by the friars make themselves to be.
the friars.
- showed the truth and transparency
Ang Tanda - gave further knowledge to blinded
“cara-i-cruz” people
- tossing a coin
II. Relevance of the Narrative to the
“sa ngalan nang salapi” Past Times
- everything is all about money - Informed the Filipinos that the image of
the friars is nothing but a form of negative
“Maputing binti” upliftment
- it pertains to the tendency of the friars - promoted the language by using Tagalog
to have sexual desires to write the narrative
- tells that the friars went against their - opened the eyes of the Filipinos about
virtue the hidden immorality of the friars

Like any other prayer by Plaridel, it is also III. Relevance of the Narrative to the
a mock towards Spanish Priests that they Present/Future Times
are only after the money and lust. - Aids the enlightenment of the Filipinos
- sets an example to present generations

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
- gives courage and confidence to fight for Why did Marcelo used humor?
what we think is moral - He was after a twofold objective: inform
- relevant example in the present times: about the abuses and entertain the
Journalism people

Takeaways: If you are to use prayers nowadays to

Simplification of Relevance: That expose a wrongdoing, what would the
Marcelo Del Pilar is trying to open the effect/ reaction of readers?
eyes of the Filipinos that we are being - the readers would bash you as an author
seduced and used by the friars for their for the narrative.
own benefit before.
If the catholic religion is deeply
Purpose of the Narrative: embedded in our system, definitely you
Before would be bashed as you are hurting the
- To awaken every Filipino about the sensibilities of the people around you as
abuses committed by the friars. prayers are meant to be respected. There
are other means of grievances.
- through this narrative, writers are given - Prayers as a tool = you will have bashers
another style of writing to expose the because you are hurting the sensibilities
truth and reality. of people around you because when we
are talking about prayers, we are to
Summary of the entire presentation respect
(what is the narrative all about)
- Abuses committed by the friars. - We cannot please everyone. Even if we
- Unholiness of the friars which are do not use prayers in exposing
against the holy image that they were wrongdoings, there will always be words
projecting. against you.
- A presentation of their humanness
- Friars could commit mistakes. How can you criticize wrong doings
without the use of prayers? You want
Diariong Tagalog – first bilingual to call the attentions of the wrong
newspaper in the Philippines. doers, how will you do it?
- Use the social media platforms
What is a parody? - Meme could be another tool to criticize
- It is a humoristic version of an original
version. Why do you have to be very careful in
- Usually, it is a form of satire and its using memes as a tool?
purpose is to mock. - You may do things in a subtle manner, as
- Marcelo used humor; emphatic in using you could be red tagged.

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer
What is Red tagging? died, the GomBurZa follows his advocacy
- The malicious black listing of people. (2nd Reform).

How come the propaganda movements Representation in the Spanish Cortez

is considered a peaceful movement? - Spanish Cortez = Spanish Congress; a
- They used pen and thumb. They gave out legislative entity of Spain, legislature.
speeches, they listed the reforms they - Legislature – Making of laws
want from the Spaniard. - We wanted a representation in the
making of laws for the Philippines to
How come they used pseudonyms prevent the promulgation of laws that is
- To stay anonymous and safe for possible considered injurious to Filipino welfare.
retaliations and repercussions from the
government or the church. Were we successful of the reforms?
Were they granted?
Reforms they were asking from Spain: - No. As they were confronted with
1. Assimilation of the Philippines as a external and internal problems, they
province of Spain could not listen to the reforms.
2. Representation in the Spanish Cortez
3. Filipinization of the Parishes
4. Additional Rights or Freedom,
particularly in Freedom of Expression
5. Equality in the Implementation of Laws

Why did we opt for Reform 1:

Assimilation of the Philippines?
- Unpreparedness of Self-Governance.
- If we would become a province then we
would be given the same rights that the
Spanish have.

Secularization of the Parishes

- Had something to do about the Filipino
friars asking for parishes to manage
- Friars are divided into two group
- Regular = Spanish friars; They
belong to congregations
- Secular = Filipino friars; They are
not even parishes to manage, under Pedro
Palaez (leading advocate of
secularization) he wanted the Filipino
friars to have their own parishes. After he

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

Prelims Reviewer

Prepared by: nickname niyo 1A9

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