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Time-reversal-based imaging and inverse scattering of multiply

scattering point targets

Anthony J. Devaney, Edwin A. Marengo, and Fred K. Gruber
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115
共Received 17 September 2004; revised 17 July 2005; accepted 1 August 2005兲
The treatment of time-reversal imaging of multiply scattering point targets developed by the present
authors in Gruber et al. 关“Time-reversal imaging with multiple signal classification considering
multiple scattering between the targets,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 3042–3047 共2004兲兴 is
reformulated and extended to the estimation of the target scattering strengths using the Foldy–Lax
multiple scattering model. It is shown that the time-reversal multiple signal classification 共MUSIC兲
pseudospectrum computed using the background Green function as the steering vector yields
accurate estimates of the target locations, even in the presence of strong multiple scattering between
the targets, and that the target scattering strengths are readily computed from the so-determined
target locations using a nonlinear iterative algorithm. The paper includes computer simulations
illustrating the theory and algorithms presented in the paper. © 2005 Acoustical Society of
America. 关DOI: 10.1121/1.2042987兴
PACS number共s兲: 43.60.Pt, 43.35.Zc 关DRD兴 Pages: 3129–3138

I. INTRODUCTION In the present paper, the treatment of time-reversal MU-

SIC for the location of multiply scattering point targets de-
Wave field imaging methods based on the decomposi- veloped by Gruber et al.9 is reformulated and extended to the
tion of the time-reversal operator 共“D.O.R.T.”兲 technique,1–3 estimation of the target scattering strengths using the Foldy–
usually referred to as “time-reversal imaging,” have been of Lax multiple scattering model.13–15 It is shown that even in
interest for a number of years in connection with sonar, un- the presence of strong multiple scattering, the time-reversal
derwater communications, and medical and nondestructive MUSIC pseudospectrum computed using the background
testing applications.4 One of these methods is the so-called Green function as a steering vector yields accurate estimates
time-reversal imaging with multiple signal classification of the target locations, and that the target scattering strengths
共time-reversal MUSIC兲 method developed by Devaney5 and are readily computed from the so-determined target locations
Lev-Ari and Devaney6 and elaborated further in Lehman and using a nonlinear iterative algorithm. The paper includes
Devaney,7 Prada and Thomas,8 and Gruber et al.9 A similar computer simulations illustrating the theory and algorithms
method has been investigated by Miwa and Arai.10 Time- presented in the paper. Unlike the numerical examples in
reversal MUSIC, like classical time-reversal imaging as per- Gruber et al.,9 which focus on comparing the first-order
共Born-approximated兲 versus the second-order 共quadratic兲
formed using the D.O.R.T. method,1–3 is designed to locate
scattering models, the present examples consider the full
M point targets 共representing scatterers that are small relative
multiple scattering interactions between the targets as incor-
to the relevant wavelength兲 embedded in a rather arbitrary
porated numerically via the Foldy–Lax equations.
background medium from knowledge of the multistatic data
matrix K of the collection of targets as measured by an active
array of N ⬎ M transceivers. Unlike the D.O.R.T. method, II. FOLDY–LAX FORMULATION OF THE MULTIPLE
time-reversal MUSIC enables the super-resolved location of SCATTERING PROBLEM
closely spaced targets5–8 and is ideally suited for interroga-
Consider a system of N acoustic or electromagnetic
tion with sparse transceiver arrays.5
wave transceivers located at spatial positions ␣k, k
The vast majority of these developments have been es-
= 1 , 2 , . . . , N that interrogate a set of M point targets 共scatter-
tablished within the linear framework of the distorted wave ers兲 located at xm, m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M. In the frequency domain,
Born approximation 共DWBA兲,11,12 which ignores multiple the field ␺k generated by the interaction of the incident field
scattering between the targets, although the experimental re- ␺共in兲
k generated by the kth transceiver element with the M
sults of Prada and Thomas8 suggest the practicality of the point targets is given by the equation
technique, even for multiply scattering targets. The latter M
finding has been investigated theoretically in a more recent
paper,9 which shows how the time-reversal imaging with the
␺k共r, ␻兲 = ␺共in兲
k 共r, ␻兲 + 兺 ␶m共␻兲G0共r,xm, ␻兲␺k共xm, ␻兲,
MUSIC method can be generalized to incorporate multiple
scattering between the targets. In that paper we employ the
exact scattering formalism of the Neumann series to show where ␶m共␻兲 is the scattering strength of the mth target and
that the same method actually holds, even if there is signifi- G0 is the Green function corresponding to the background
cant multiple scattering between the targets. medium in which the targets are embedded. This Green

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function will be referred to as the background Green func- ticular interest in this paper is the inverse scattering problem,
tion. Equation 共1兲 is readily derived from the Lippman- but aspects of the associated imaging problem will be dis-
Schwinger equation11 in the special case of a set of M point cussed as well. It is assumed that one knows the background
scatterers. From this point on, we will work exclusively in Green function G0 of the medium in which the targets are
the frequency domain and will no longer explicitly display embedded. In the simplest case this is free space and G0 is
the frequency ␻, with the understanding that the results ap- the well-known free space Green function, but the back-
ply equally well to both narrow band and wide band appli- ground medium can also be heterogeneous with possible
cations. sharp boundaries and reflecting surfaces.
Equation 共1兲 applies at all space points except at the In this work it is assumed that the field measurements
actual target locations r = xm, where the background Green are performed at the same set of N transceivers that are used
function is singular. At the target locations the “self-field” to interrogate the targets; thus a “coincident” array is as-
contribution is absorbed into the definition of the target scat- sumed. It is also assumed that the transceivers are all identi-
tering strengths ␶m and Eq. 共1兲 is replaced by the so-called cal and small compared with the wavelength so that they can
Foldy–Lax equations,13–15 be approximated as point elements. Although these assump-
tions are not necessary, they simplify the discussion and do
␺k共xm兲 = ␺共in兲
k 共xm兲 + 兺 ␶m⬘G0共xm,xm⬘兲␺k共xm⬘兲. 共2兲 not severely limit the generality of the development. Under
these conditions the incident waves ␺共in兲 k 共r兲, k = 1 , 2 , . . . , N,
If the incident field ␺共in兲
k , target locations xm, m = 1 , . . . , M
due to unit-amplitude excitations, are equal to the back-
and target scattering strengths ␶m, m = 1 , . . . , M are known, ground Green function G0共r , r⬘兲 evaluated for a source point
then the Foldy–Lax equations are a set of M coupled lin- r⬘ = ␣k at a transmitter location and the measured outputs
ear equations that can be solved for the field amplitudes from the set of transceivers are equal to the full Green func-
␺k共xm兲 at the target locations xm. Indeed, Eq. 共2兲 can be tion G共r , r⬘兲 of the combined background plus the target
expressed in the matrix form medium for a source point r⬘ = ␣k at the kth transmitter loca-
tion and a field point r = ␣ j at the jth receiver location.
H⌿k = ⌿共in兲
k , 共3兲
Within the present formulation the inverse scattering prob-
where lem then reduces to that of deducing the target positions xm
and scattering strengths ␶m from knowledge of the full Green
⌿k = 关␺k共x1兲, ␺k共x2兲, . . . , ␺k共x M 兲兴T , 共4a兲
function specified at all transmitter/receiver pairs as well as
of the background Green function G0共r , r⬘兲 at all pairs of
⌿共in兲 共in兲 共in兲 共in兲
k = 关␺k 共x1兲, ␺k 共x2兲, . . . , ␺k 共x M 兲兴 ,
points 共r , r⬘兲 within the background medium.
are M-dimensional column vectors 共where the superscript Under our assumption of point transceivers, Eqs. 共1兲 and
letter T denotes the transpose兲 whose elements are the total 共2兲 become
and incident field amplitudes, respectively, at the target loca- M
tions, and where H is the M ⫻ M matrix whose diagonal
elements are unity and whose off-diagonal elements are
G共r, ␣k兲 = G0共r, ␣k兲 + 兺 ␶mG0共r,xm兲G共xm, ␣k兲,

given by the product of the target scattering strengths with

the background Green function evaluated at the target loca- G共xm, ␣k兲 = G0共xm, ␣k兲 + 兺 ␶m⬘G0共xm,xm⬘兲G共xm⬘, ␣k兲,
tions; in particular, m⬘⫽m

Hm,m⬘ = ␦m,m⬘ − 共1 − ␦m,m⬘兲␶m⬘G0共xm,xm⬘兲. 共5兲 共6b兲

The matrix equation, Eq. 共3兲, clearly has a unique solution where G共r , r⬘兲 is the full Green function of the combined
for any given incident wave and set of targets. Once the field background plus target medium. The data for the inverse
strengths ␺k共xm兲 are computed at the various target locations scattering problem are the outputs from the various trans-
the field can be evaluated at an arbitrary field point by using ceivers, which, as discussed above, are simply the full Green
Eq. 共1兲. function G共r , ␣k兲 evaluated at the transceiver locations r
= ␣ j, j = 1 , 2 , . . . , N. However, since the background Green
function G0 is assumed known one can also regard the data
for the inverse scattering problem to be the scattered field
component of this Green function, which is the second term
The imaging problem for point targets can be roughly in Eq. 共6a兲. This component of the Green function when
defined to be that of forming an “image” of the distribution evaluated between various transceiver elements is known as
of target scattering centers xm, m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M from measure- the multistatic data matrix and is given by the expression
ments of the fields ␺k共r兲, k = 1 , 2 , . . . , N generated in a suite K j,k = G共␣ j, ␣k兲 − G0共␣ j, ␣k兲
of N scattering experiments that employ the set of incident
fields ␺共in兲
k . The inverse scattering problem goes one step
beyond the imaging problem and has as its goal the quanti- = 兺 ␶mG0共␣ j,xm兲G共xm, ␣k兲.
tative determination of both the target positions xm, m
= 1 , 2 , . . . , M and the target scattering strengths ␶m, m The inverse scattering problem then reduces to solving for
= 1 , 2 , . . . , M from the available scattered field data. Of par- the set of unknown target locations xm, m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M and

3130 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 5, November 2005 Devaney, Marengo, and Gruber: Time-reversal-based inverse scattering

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target scattering strengths ␶m, m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M given the back- transceiver elements 共M 艋 N兲 and the targets are “well re-
ground Green function G0, the measured multistatic data ma- solved.” This condition requires that the targets are suffi-
trix K, and the Foldy–Lax model, Eqs. 共6兲. ciently separated from each other that they can be “resolved”
Up to this point, care has been exercised in preserving by the transceiver array.1,5 In the case of well-resolved tar-
the order of the two arguments of the background and the gets it was shown that within the DWBA there exists a one-
full Green functions. However, in the following, attention to-one relationship between the individual targets and the
will be restricted to the usual case of reciprocal media, singular vectors and singular values of the multistatic data
where the background and full Green functions obey the matrix. Moreover, in this case the locations of the individual
standard reciprocity conditions: targets can be determined by forming “time-reversal images”
from the singular vectors associated to nonzero singular val-
G0共r,r⬘兲 = G0共r⬘,r兲, G共r,r⬘兲 = G共r⬘,r兲.
ues using the background Green function and the target scat-
Reciprocity of the Green functions allows us to employ a tering strengths can be determined from the set of singular
standard form where the transceiver coordinates will always values. Unfortunately, this imaging approach fails 共in the
be placed second in the arguments of the Green functions. sense of not yielding selective focusing兲 if the targets are not
Thus, with this standard notation, Eq. 共7兲 defining the mul- “well resolved,” as will be the case, for example, if the tar-
tistatic data matrix can be expressed as gets are not well separated from each other. In this case
M strong multiple scattering will exist between the various tar-
K j,k = 兺 ␶mG0共xm, ␣ j兲G共xm, ␣k兲.
共8兲 gets and the DWBA will not even be valid.

Note for future reference that because of the reciprocity of A. Time-reversal MUSIC within the DWBA
the two Green functions the multistatic data matrix K is also The “well-resolved” requirement of the original time-
symmetric, as can be verified readily using Eq. 共7兲. reversal imaging method can be removed if instead of form-
ing estimates of the target locations using time-reversal im-
IV. IMAGING AND INVERSE SCATTERING WITHIN THE aging a generalized MUSIC algorithm is employed.5–8 In this
DISTORTED WAVE BORN APPROXIMATION approach the singular vectors and singular values of the mul-
tistatic data matrix are still employed as in standard time-
A standard approximation that is used in time-reversal
reversal imaging,1 but the singular vectors associated to zero
studies is the DWBA. The DWBA ignores all multiple scat-
singular values are now used in the image formation process
tering between the various targets so that the Foldy–Lax
rather than the singular vectors associated with nonzero sin-
equations 共6兲 return the approximate solution,
gular values, as are used in standard time-reversal imaging.
G共xm, ␣k兲 ⬇ G0共xm, ␣k兲, As mentioned earlier, the latter method requires that M 艋 N
共the number of targets be less than or equal to the number of
which, when used in Eq. 共8兲, yields the following approxi-
transceiver elements兲 and that the targets be well resolved.
mate expression for the multistatic data matrix within the
The time-reversal MUSIC scheme does not require that the
targets be well resolved, but it does require that the number
of targets be less than the number of transceiver elements
K j,k ⬇ Kbj,k = 兺 ␶mG0共xm, ␣ j兲G0共xm, ␣k兲,
共9兲 共M ⬍ N兲. In fact, as also mentioned earlier, this holds, even
in the presence of multiple scattering, as shown in Prada and
where we have denoted the DWBA approximation of the Thomas8 and in a contribution coauthored by the current
multistatic data matrix by Kbj,k. Within the DWBA the full authors.9 These early results are explained next from an al-
Green function does not appear and the only unknowns are ternative perspective based on the Foldy–Lax model, includ-
the target locations xm , m = 1 , 2 , . . . M and the target scatter- ing the associated estimation of the target scattering ampli-
ing strengths ␶m. tudes that was not considered in those papers.
The DWBA approximation, Eq. 共9兲, for the multistatic Both the D.O.R.T. method1–3 as well as the time-reversal
data matrix can be expressed in the matrix form MUSIC method are based on the singular value decomposi-
M tion 共SVD兲 of the K matrix that we write in the form
Kb = 兺
␶mg0共xm兲gT0 共xm兲, 共10兲 K v p = ␴ pu p, K †u p = ␴ pv p , 共12a兲
K = 兺 ␴ pu pv†p . 共12b兲
g0共x兲 = 关G0共x, ␣1兲,G0共x, ␣2兲, . . . ,G0共x, ␣N兲兴T 共11兲 p=1

is the background Green function vector and Kb = 兵Kbj,k其 is the It is clear from Eq. 共10兲 that within the DWBA the multi-
DWBA approximation to the multistatic data matrix. static data matrix K maps CN, the vector space of complex
It was shown some time ago in a now classic paper1 共see N-tuples, to the subspace S0 = Span兵g0共xm兲 , m
also Prada et al.2 and Mordant et al.3兲 that within the DWBA = 1 , 2 , . . . , M其 債 CN spanned by the background Green func-
the target locations xm and target scattering strengths ␶m can tion vectors evaluated at the scatterer locations xm. It was
be estimated from the multistatic data matrix as long as the shown by Devaney5 that except in certain special and un-
number of targets is less than or equal to the number of usual remote sensing geometries and as long as M 艋 N, the

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 5, November 2005 Devaney, Marengo, and Gruber: Time-reversal-based inverse scattering 3131

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background Green function vectors form a linearly indepen- 关G0共xm, ␣ j兲G0共xm, ␣k兲兴
dent set so that 兵g0共xm兲 , m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M其 forms a basis for S0.

冤 冥
On the other hand, it follows from Eq. 共12b兲 that S0 G0共x1, ␣1兲G0共x1, ␣1兲 ¯ G0共x M , ␣1兲G0共x M , ␣1兲
= Span兵u p , ␴ p ⬎ 0其. Moreover, since S0 = Span兵u p , ␴ p G0共x1, ␣1兲G0共x1, ␣2兲 ¯ G0共x M , ␣1兲G0共x M , ␣2兲
= .
⬎ 0其 ⬜ N0 = Span兵u p , ␴ p = 0其 and 兵g0共xm兲 , m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M其 is ] ] ]
also a basis for S0, it then follows that G0共x1, ␣N兲G0共x1, ␣N兲 ¯ G0共x M , ␣N兲G0共x M , ␣N兲
u†pg0共xm兲 = 0, ␴ p = 0. 共13兲 Since the values of the target locations xm and background
Green functions are known, using, for example, the time-
The locations of the scatterers can then be determined from reversal MUSIC algorithm described in the previous section,
the time-reversal MUSIC pseudo-spectrum, a least squares solution of Eq. 共15兲 will yield the M ⬍ N
scattering coefficients ␶m. Because the DWBA model is only
⌽共x兲 = , 共14a兲 approximate and because there will always be some noise
兺␴ =0 兩u†pg0共x兲兩2
sources in the measurement process, the fact that Eq. 共15兲 is
overdetermined and requires a least squares solution is a de-
which will peak 共ideally to infinity兲 when x = xm , m sirable property of the inversion process.
= 1 , 2 , . . . , M. Thus, the target 共scatterer兲 location within the
DWBA reduces to finding the maxima of the pseudospec- V. IMAGING AND INVERSE SCATTERING IN THE
trum defined in Eq. 共14a兲, generated using the background PRESENCE OF MULTIPLE SCATTERING
Green function vector g0共x兲 as a steering vector.
In the case where multiple scattering between the point
Since the multistatic data matrix is symmetric, it follows
targets becomes important, the DWBA can no longer be em-
that v p = u*p, so that the pseudospectrum can also be written in
ployed and the coupled set of Eqs.共6兲 must be employed in
the alternative form
the imaging and inverse scattering problems. Remarkably, as
1 shown in Gruber et al.9 the time-reversal MUSIC algorithm
⌽共x兲 = . 共14b兲 established in the preceding section can still be employed to
兺␴ =0 兩v†pg*0共xm兲兩2
p determine the target locations xm. In Gruber et al.9 this con-
clusion was reached within the exact scattering formalism of
Note also that time-reversal MUSIC will fail if the “noise the Neumann series using the fact that the multistatic data
subspace” N0 = Span兵u p , ␴ p = 0其 is empty. This will occur if matrix K is symmetric even in the presence of multiple scat-
the rank of the K matrix is equal to the number of trans- tering between the targets. Here, a different approach is em-
ceivers N that will occur if M 艌 N. Thus, generally, time- ployed to establishing this result that has the advantage of
reversal MUSIC requires that M ⬍ N. adding insight into the estimation process. This approach
It is worth emphasizing that the above analysis has been also has the advantage that it can be generalized to cases of
based on the DWBA and should not be expected to be valid non-coincident transceiver arrays for which the multistatic
in the presence of strong multiple scattering, where the data matrix is not symmetric so that the treatment employed
DWBA approximation, Eq. 共9兲, will fail. In this latter case in Gruber et al.9 is not applicable.
there is no reason to believe from the above development
that the pseudospectra in Eqs. 共14兲, when computed using the A. Time-reversal MUSIC in the presence of multiple
singular system 兵u p , v p , ␴ p其 of the exact 共e.g., measured兲 scattering
multistatic data matrix as defined in Eq. 共8兲 together with the
background Green function vector as a steering vector, will The exact expression, Eq. 共8兲, for the multistatic data
peak at the correct scatterer locations. Amazingly, as sug- matrix, including multiple scattering between the set of point
gested in Prada and Thomas8 and as shown in Gruber et al.9 scatterers, can be expressed in the form
and in the following section, these pseudospectra actually do M

apply even when computed using exact scattering data. K= 兺

␶mg0共xm兲gT共xm兲, 共16兲

where g0 is the background Green function vector defined in

B. Scattering strength computation within the Eq. 共11兲 and g is the total Green function vector, defined as
DWBA g共x兲 = 关G共x, ␣1兲,G共x, ␣2兲, . . . ,G共x, ␣N兲兴T . 共17兲
Equation 共9兲 for the multistatic data matrix within the It is clear from Eq. 共16兲 that, as was the case within the
DWBA can be regarded as a matrix equation relating the DWBA, the exact scattering model for K maps CN to the
unknown scattering coefficients ␶m to the observed values of M-dimensional subspace S0 = Span兵g0共xm兲 , m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M
K j,k expressed as an N2 long column vector as follows: ⬍ N其 傺 CN spanned by the background Green function vec-
tors evaluated at the scatterer locations and that this set of
共15兲 Green function vectors forms a basis as long as M ⬍ N. On
the other-hand, unlike the DWBA approximation, the adjoint
where 关K j,k兴 = 关K1,1 , K1,2 , . . . , KN,N兴T, 关␶m兴 = 关␶1 , ␶2 , . . . , ␶ M 兴T K† maps CN to the M-dimensional subspace S
and = Span兵g*共xm兲 , m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M其 傺 CN spanned by the full

3132 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 5, November 2005 Devaney, Marengo, and Gruber: Time-reversal-based inverse scattering

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Green function vectors again evaluated at the scatterer loca- the subspaces spanned by both sets of singular vectors
tions rather than the background Green function vectors ubp , ␴bp ⬎ 0 and u p , ␴ p ⬎ 0 are identical since they are both
evaluated at these locations. If one again makes use of the equal to S0 = Span兵g0共xm兲 , m = 1 , 2 , . . . , M其 傺 CN. From this it
SVD of the K matrix via Eqs. 共12兲, then it is apparent that follows from Parseval’s theorem that
S0 = Span兵u p , ␴ p ⬎ 0其 and that S = Span兵v p , ␴ p ⬎ 0其. More-
over, since S0 = Span兵u p , ␴ p ⬎ 0其 ⬜ N0 = Span兵u p , ␴ p = 0其 and 兺 兩ub†p g0共x兲兩2 = ␴兺=0 兩u†pg0共x兲兩2 ,
S = Span兵v p , ␴ p ⬎ 0其 ⬜ N = Span兵v p , ␴ p = 0其 it then follows ␴bp=0 p

from which it follows that the pseudospectra computed from
u†pg0共xm兲 = 0, if ␴ p = 0, 共18a兲 either DWBA or exact scattering data are precisely the same.

v†pg*共xm兲 = 0, if ␴ p = 0. 共18b兲
Equations 共18兲 then lead to the two time-reversal MUSIC B. Scattering strength computation in the presence
of multiple scattering
In analogy with what was done in the case of the
⌽1共x兲 = , 共19a兲 DWBA, one can express the exact multistatic data matrix,
兺␴ =0 兩u†pg0共x兲兩2
Eq. 共16兲, in the form of Eq. 共15兲 where, however, the matrix
关G0共xm , ␣ j兲G0共xm , ␣k兲兴 is replaced by the matrix
1 关G0共xm, ␣ j兲G共xm, ␣k兲兴
⌽2共x兲 = , 共19b兲
兺␴ =0 兩v†pg*共x兲兩2

冤 冥
p G0共x1, ␣1兲G共x1, ␣1兲 ¯ G0共x M , ␣1兲G共x M , ␣1兲
whose peaks 共pole兲 locations theoretically yield the sought G0共x1, ␣1兲G共x1, ␣2兲 ¯ G0共x M , ␣1兲G共x M , ␣2兲
= .
after target locations. ] ] ]
The pseudospectrum ⌽1 is quite remarkable, in that it is G0共x1, ␣N兲G共x1, ␣N兲 ¯ G0共x M , ␣N兲G共x M , ␣N兲
functionally identical to the DWBA pseudospectrum defined
in Eq. 共14a兲. This, of course, means that even in the presence In the case of the DWBA, the matrix equation, Eq. 共15兲, only
of multiple scattering, the target locations can still be deter- involved the 共known via MUSIC兲 target locations xm and
mined knowing only the background Green function rather known background Green function G0 and, hence, was least
than the full 共unknown兲 Green function. This is precisely the squares invertible. In the multiple scattering case this equa-
result obtained in Gruber et al.9 by using the fact that the tion contains the full Green function G共xm , ␣k兲, which is un-
multistatic data matrix is symmetric, even in the presence of known and must also be determined in the inversion process.
multiple scattering due to the reciprocity of the full and Moreover, in this case the set of equations 共15兲 are no longer
background Green functions. Also, as mentioned by Gruber linear, in that products of the two sets of unknowns 共full
et al.,9 this result is independent of the specific multiple scat- Green function and scattering strengths兲 appear in the equa-
tering model and depends only on the assumption of a point tions.
scattering model of the form given in Eq. 共6a兲 and the as- Besides being related by the modified form of Eq. 共15兲,
sumed reciprocity of the full and background Green func- the scattering strengths and full Green function are coupled
tions. By this we mean that the result does not depend on the by the Foldy–Lax equations, which are written in matrix
use of the Foldy–Lax model. Indeed, in Gruber et al.9 the form for general transceivers in Eq. 共3兲. For the special case
Neumann expansion was employed as the multiple scattering of point tranceivers under consideration here, this set of
model. equations still applies with the following definitions of the
The pseudospectrum ⌽2 uses the full Green function column vectors ⌿k and ⌿共in兲k :
vector as a steering vector and although it will peak at the
same target locations as ⌽1, the two pseudospectra will gen- ⌿k = 关G共x1, ␣k兲,G共x2, ␣k兲, . . . ,G共x M , ␣k兲兴T , 共20a兲
erally be different; e.g., will have a different lobe structure.
Also, we note that since the K matrix is symmetric, even in ⌿共in兲
k = 关G0共x1, ␣k兲,G0共x2, ␣k兲, . . . ,G0共x M , ␣k兲兴 ,
the presence of multiple scattering, it follows that v p = u*p, so
that 兩u†pg0兩 = 兩vTp g0兩 = 兩v†pg*0兩, so that the pseudospectrum ⌽1 is, and where the M ⫻ M matrix H is still defined according to
in fact, identical to the other form of the DWBA pseudospec- Eq. 共5兲 that we reproduce here for clarity:
trum given in Eq. 共14b兲. This alternate form for ⌽1 coincides
Hm,m⬘ = ␦m,m⬘ − 共1 − ␦m,m⬘兲␶m⬘G0共xm,xm⬘兲.
with ⌽2 under the replacement of the full Green function
vector with the background Green function vector.
Equation 共3兲, with ⌿k and ⌿共in兲 defined as above, can be
It is interesting to note that the pseudospectrum ⌽1 k
expressed in the shortened form
⬅ ⌽ computed using either DWBA or exact 共multiple scat-
tering兲 data will be identical. To see this we represent the H关G共xm, ␣k兲兴 = 关G0共xm, ␣k兲兴, k = 1,2, . . . ,N, 共21兲
singular system computed using the DWBA model, Eq. 共10兲,
by 兵ubp , vbp , ␴bp其 and the system generated using the exact mul- where 关G共xm , ␣k兲兴 and 关G0共xm , ␣k兲兴 are the column vectors
tiple scattering model Eq. 共16兲 by the usual 兵u p , v p , ␴ p其. Now defined in Eqs. 共20兲.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 5, November 2005 Devaney, Marengo, and Gruber: Time-reversal-based inverse scattering 3133

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C. Iterative inversion
Equations 共15兲 共with 关G0共xm , ␣ j兲G0共xm , ␣k兲兴 replaced by
关G0共xm , ␣ j兲G共xm , ␣k兲兴兲 and 共21兲 are a set of coupled nonlin-
ear equations that can be solved via iteration for the scatter-
ing strengths ␶m and the full Green functions G共xm , ␣k兲. In
particular, consider next a sequence 兵G共n兲共xm , ␣k兲其 , n
= 0 , 1 , . . ., of estimated Green functions and a sequence of
兵␶m 其 , n = 1 , 2 , . . ., of estimated scattering strengths, where the
target locations are first computed using the MUSIC pseu-
dospectrum ⌽ defined in Eqs. 共14a兲 or 共14b兲, and the itera-
tion begins with the DWBA estimate for the Green function;
i.e., G共0兲共xm , ␣k兲 = G0共xm , ␣k兲. The iteration then proceeds to
compute the sequence of scattering strength estimates and
Green function estimates using the following set of equa-
FIG. 1. Plots of the magnitude and phase of the third column of the multi-
关K j,k兴 = 关G0共xm, ␣ j兲G共n兲共xm, ␣k兲兴关␶m 兴, 共22a兲 static data matrix K computed using the DWBA and the Foldy-Lax multiple
scattering models.

H共n+1兲 = ␦m,m⬘ − 共1 − ␦m,m⬘兲␶m⬘ G0共xm,xm⬘兲, 共22b兲
G0共xm, ␣ j兲 = H0共k0兩xm − ␣ j兩兲,
H共n+1兲关G共n+1兲共xm, ␣k兲兴 = 关G0共xm, ␣k兲兴. 共22c兲
where H0 is the zeroth-order Hankel function of the first kind
The above iteration scheme has been implemented in and k0 = 2␲ / ␭ is the free space wave number. The full Green
MATLAB and employed in simplified examples presented in
function G共xm , ␣k兲 appearing in the expression for the mul-
the following section. In the absence of noise and perfect tistatic data matrix was computed using the Foldy–Lax equa-
data it works perfectly, as expected, but experiences conver- tions 共6b兲 for the specified set of scatterer locations xm and
gence problems in cases of closely clustered targets sepa- scattering strengths ␶m with m = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. The Foldy–Lax
rated by less than a few wavelengths in the presence of ad- equations were solved directly via the matrix equation 共21兲.
ditive noise and/or error in the target location estimates. The In the first simulation we also computed, for comparison
convergence properties of the iteration scheme will not be purposes, DWBA data, where the free space Green function
discussed in this paper. The interested reader is instead re- G0共xm , ␣k兲 was employed in place of the full Green function
ferred to standard treatments of such schemes that are avail- in the computation of the multistatic data matrix.
able in the literature.16–18
A. Comparison of time-reversal MUSIC using noise
free DWBA and multiple scattering data
The first simulation examined the effect of multiple scat-
In this section we present the results of a MATLAB simu- tering on scatterer location estimation and scatterer strength
lation study of two-dimensional scattering from a set of M estimation using noise-free 共perfect兲 simulated data and the
= 4 point scatterers embedded in free space and being inter- generalized MUSIC algorithm. Figure 1 shows plots of the
rogated by a set of N = 7 coincident point transceivers. A third column of the multistatic data matrices computed using
basic image grid was employed involving quarter- the DWBA approximation and the Foldy–Lax multiple scat-
wavelength 共␭ / 4兲 spacing with 256 points along the horizon- tering model. It is apparent from the figure that the two data
tal 共x兲 axis corresponding to spatial locations varying from matrices differ significantly, indicating the presence of strong
x = −32␭ to x = 32␭ and 128 points along the vertical 共z兲 axis multiple scattering between the various point scatterers.
corresponding to spatial locations varying from z = 0 to z = The SVDs of the two data matrices shown in Fig. 1 were
−32␭. The transceiver array was a uniform linear array hav- employed to generate two pseudospectra across the basic im-
ing six ␭ element-element separation and was centered along age grid of 256⫻ 128 points using quarter-wavelength spac-
the x axis at the top of the image grid 共at z = 0兲. The four ing. These spectra were also interpolated 共using a standard
targets were located at positions 共−2.25, −14.75兲, 共−0.25, MATLAB command兲 over a small region centered within the
−14.75兲, 共0.75, −15.75兲, and 共2.75, −15.75兲, all in units of a target region using ␭ / 40 spacing. The pseudospectra have
wavelength. Unit-amplitude target scattering strengths were large amplitudes in the immediate vicinity of the transceiver
chosen for all targets, i.e., ␶m = 1, m = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, and the targets array so that we only employ and plot these quantities over a
were placed sufficiently close to each other so as to simulate 256⫻ 122 grid that is displaced by two wavelengths in the
conditions involving strong multiple scattering between the vertical 共z兲 direction from the transceiver array. Mesh plots
targets. of the two pseudospectra are shown in Fig. 2, where in the
The scattering data in the form of the multistatic data top of the figure we show the raw pseudospectra displayed
matrix K = 兵K j,k其, j , k = 1 , 2 , . . . , 7 were computed according over the 256⫻ 122 grid with ␭ / 4 spacing and in the bottom
to Eq. 共8兲 with the background Green function, the interpolated quantities using ␭ / 40 spacing. It is clear

3134 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 5, November 2005 Devaney, Marengo, and Gruber: Time-reversal-based inverse scattering

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FIG. 2. Mesh plots of the noise-free time-reversal MUSIC pseudospectra for the DWBA 共left兲 and Foldy–Lax model 共right兲 cases. The upper plots correspond
to the raw data while the lower plots correspond to the MATLAB-interpolated data. The positions of the peaks in these pseudospectra coincide exactly with the
target locations, as desired.

from the figure that the two pseudospectra are virtually iden- other hand, the DWBA inversion algorithm applied to the
tical, as required by the theory presented in Sec. V. An actual multiple scattering data returned an estimate having a 32%
numerical comparison of these two pseudospectra shows error. Other runs of the simulation code using differing
them to be the same to within 11 decimal places. choices of the scatterer locations and transceiver element
The noise-free data described above was used to esti- separations yielded similar results.
mate the scatterer locations xm and scattering strengths ␶m
using both the DWBA algorithm, Eq. 共15兲, and the iterative
algorithm described in Sec. V. The scatterer locations were
determined by a simple grid search for maxima of the pseu-
B. Time-reversal MUSIC performance in the presence
dospectra illustrated in Fig. 2 and were found to yield exact of additive noise
target location estimates. These locations were then input
into both the DWBA and exact inversion algorithms to gen- To determine the effect of additive noise on the scatterer
erate estimates ␶ˆ of the scattering strength vector ␶ location and strength estimation algorithms we added com-
= 关1 , 1 , 1 , 1兴. The accuracy of the estimates was quantified by plex additive white Gaussian noise 共AWGN兲 to the multiple
using a normalized percent error, defined by scattering data and performed the same estimation proce-
dures employed in the above example. In this and the later
储␶ˆ − ␶储 examples we employed only multiple scattering data since
E = 100 ⴱ ,
储␶储 the noise-free simulation results presented above clearly
demonstrate the inadequacy of the DWBA data model for
where 储x储 is the usual L2 norm of the vector x. The DWBA this particular scattering configuration. The signal model was
inversion algorithm applied to DWBA data and the iterative of the form
exact algorithm applied to multiple scattering data both re-
turned essentially exact estimates of the ␶ vector. On the K̂ = K + N,

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 5, November 2005 Devaney, Marengo, and Gruber: Time-reversal-based inverse scattering 3135

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FIG. 3. Mesh plots of the time-
reversal MUSIC pseudospectrum
computed from noisy multiple scatter-
ing data with AWGN yielding a
signal-to-noise ratio of about 25 dB.
The positions of the peaks in the pseu-
dospectrum coincide exactly with the
target locations, as desired, despite the
presence of additive noise.

where K is the noise-free multiple scattering multistatic data considered for each of ten noise variances and, for each noise
matrix and N is an uncorrelated, zero mean complex Gauss- variance, the resulting signal-to-noise ratios and target loca-
ian process 共AWGN兲. The noise level was quantified by the tion and scattering strength error estimates were averaged
usual signal-to-noise ratio in dB defined according to the over the number of noise realizations.
equation The results of the Monte Carlo simulation are shown in
Fig. 4. It is seen from the figure that there is a high degree of
储K储 correlation between the location error estimates shown in the
S/N = 20 log10 . upper left-hand portion of the figure and the DWBA and
multiple scattering inversion algorithm errors shown in the
upper right- and lower left-hand portions of the figure, re-
Figure 3 shows the pseudospectrum computed from a spectively. The raw 共noninterpolated兲 pseudospectrum and a
single realization of noisy data having a signal-to-noise ratio simple grid search algorithm were used in obtaining the lo-
of roughly 25 dB. The plot on the top of the figure is dis- cation estimates. One should expect us to obtain better re-
played over the 256⫻ 122 image grid using ␭ / 4 spacing sults using the interpolated pseudospectra and a more refined
while the plot displayed in the bottom is of the interpolated search algorithm. Improved location error estimates translate
pseudospectrum using ␭ / 40 spacing. The effect of the noise directly into improved coefficient estimates as is clear from
is evident from the raw pseudospectrum in the form of spu- the figure.
rious maxima surrounding the maxima due to the scatterer Finally, we wish to mention that, unlike conventional
locations. The scatterer locations as estimated from the raw MUSIC that depends on having several statistical signal re-
pseudospectrum had an error of less than a tenth of one per- alizations, the present approach can handle the worst-case
cent, even in the presence of the additive noise. The DWBA scenario of a single realization or snapshot 共single snapshot
and multiple scattering-based iterative inversion algorithms data兲 as has been, in fact, the focus in the examples above.
were employed to estimate the scattering amplitudes ␶m , m The fact that we considered only the most restrictive case of
= 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, yielding errors of 33.7% and 1.76%, respectively. single snapshot data also explains why large errors occur at
Different noise realizations having similar signal-to-noise ra- relatively low noise levels. Clearly, the performance can be
tios yielded comparable results. better, in practice, if one manages to record more than a
As a final example, a Monte Carlo simulation was ran single field realization 共sample兲 since then the different noise
where the Foldy–Lax multiple scattering data was subjected contributions will statistically cancel out.
to zero mean AWGN. This noisy data was then used to esti-
mate the target locations using the raw 共noninterpolated兲
MUSIC pseudospectrum and these location estimates were
then employed in the DWBA and multiple scattering-based This paper reformulated, by means of the Foldy–Lax
iterative inversion algorithms to estimate the scattering am- multiple scattering model, the treatment of a previous paper9
plitudes ␶m , m = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. A thousand noise realizations were concerning time-reversal imaging with MUSIC for the loca-

3136 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 5, November 2005 Devaney, Marengo, and Gruber: Time-reversal-based inverse scattering

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FIG. 4. Plots of the target location and target scattering strength estimation errors of the time-reversal-based inverse scattering method developed in the paper
as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio. For reference, these percentage errors are presented within the same plot at the bottom right, with the error in target
position appearing multiplied by a factor of 100.

tion of multiply scattering point targets embedded in a location can be used, not only in the usual DWBA frame-
known linear and reciprocal but otherwise arbitrary back- work but also in more general nonlinear scattering frame-
ground medium. In the present paper we went a step beyond works, where there is significant multiple scattering between
both in theoretical insight and in the inversion algorithm, the targets. This result is important toward practical imple-
addressing within a common theoretical footing based on the mentations of both time reversal and MUSIC methods in,
Foldy–Lax multiple scattering model both the target location e.g., sonar, underwater communications, medicine, nonde-
problem and the associated target scattering strength estima- structive evaluation, and imaging, in general.4,8,10 The non-
tion problem. The theoretical results were illustrated with linear scattering strength estimation routine derived in the
computer simulations that validated the main theoretical ex- present paper completes the full target inversion 共target loca-
pectations on both target location and scattering strength es- tion plus scattering strength estimation兲 of multiply scatter-
timations under significant multiple scattering conditions. ing point targets from multistatic array data and it also pro-
The examples of this paper were based on numerical simu- vides a new general framework applicable to other inverse
lations of exact scattering derived from the Foldy–Lax equa-
tions and illustrated also the role of noise in the data.
It was shown that the MUSIC pseudospectrum com- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
puted using the background Green function as a steering vec- The authors gratefully acknowledge support under Grant
tor yields accurate estimates of the target locations, and that No. FA9550-04-1-0187 from the Defense Advanced Re-
the target scattering strengths can be computed from the so- search Projects Agency 共DARPA兲 and the Air Force Office of
determined target locations by means of a nonlinear iterative Scientific Research 共AFOSR兲 for the research reported here.
routine. These developments corroborate via a detailed for- This work is affiliated with CenSSIS, the Center for Subsur-
mulation that complements the one in Gruber et al. 共which face Sensing and Imaging Systems, under the Engineering
was based on the Neumann series兲 the main finding that the Research Centers Program of the National Science Founda-
time-reversal imaging with a MUSIC method for the target tion 共Award No. EEC-9986821兲.

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