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Commercial Bid

1. Price Sheet.

1. Selection of targeted sales Material

2. Review of Material Long Text
3. Review Unit of Measure
4. Mentioned Annual Production
5. Select Incoterm
6. Unit Price as Per 1 unit of measure and selected Incoterms

* Note: All prices should based on one (1) unit of measure & 6 months of inventory at the
Suppliers Facilities for the Main Bid and 3 months of inventory at the Suppliers Facilities for
the Alternative Bid.

Technical Bid

2. Price Sheet.

1. Company Information
2. Manufacturing Facilities Information
3. Manufacturing Facilities
 Bid against materials we are approved for.
 However, we can highlight materials that are currently under trial-
test or materials we wish to produce locally.
4. Average Lead Time
 Mention Name of Raw Material and Its supplier origin and Lead Time
5. Obstacles / Challenges
 Mention Technical challenges and obstacles we can face as part of
the Manufacturing process.

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