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The renaissance had an impact on our world because it led to the development of new painting

techniques, the expansion of art throughout northern Europe, the founding of a new church, and the
reformation of the catholic church. The Renaissance saw significant changes within the church. The
Republic of the Philippines achieved independence on July 4, 1946. By this time, the Filipino people had
developed more self-assured communication skills, but post-war issues outside language and print-like
economic stability, the threat of new ideas, and mortality. Tagalog literature in the Philippines was
resurrected. Poetry in Tagalog began to include meaning and content in addition to rhyme. Short stories
have more interesting characters, more realistic occurrences, and deeper topics. Despite becoming
widespread, individuals continued to read novels for leisure. The term "renaissance" suggests renewal.
This marks a new beginning for educational reform and the development of literature in their own
tongues, including Latin in Europe and Tagalog and English in the Philippines.

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