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To migrate the three-tier architecture to the cloud, we can use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

(EC2) instances to host the frontend, backend, and database. The frontend can be
implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and can be served using a web server such
as Apache or Nginx. The backend can be implemented using a Java application running on
Apache Tomcat, and the database can be implemented using MySQL or a compatible
database service such as Amazon RDS.

To decouple the application layers, we can use Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to
distribute incoming tra c to the EC2 instances hosting the frontend, and we can use Amazon
RDS for the database to allow for horizontal scaling of the database layer. We can also use
Amazon S3 for hosting static content such as images, and Amazon CloudFront for delivering
this content to users with low latency.

For the data analytics workload, we can spin up an Amazon EMR cluster to run Apache
Hadoop and perform the necessary data processing tasks. For data ingestion, we can use
Amazon Kinesis to stream data into the EMR cluster in real-time. For data storage, we can use
Amazon S3, which is highly scalable and durable. For data visualization, we can use Amazon
QuickSight, which is a fully managed business intelligence service that allows users to create
and publish interactive dashboards.

We can choose to lift and shift the existing three-tier application and data analytics workload to
the cloud, which involves minimal refactoring of the code. Alternatively, we can choose to go
cloud native and refactor the code to take advantage of cloud-native technologies such as
microservices and serverless computing. This approach would allow us to fully leverage the
bene ts of the cloud and optimize the performance, scalability, and reliability of the migrated

Here is a sample architecture diagram for the migrated three-tier application and data analytics
workload on AWS:


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