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Renal Bruit Due to Aberrant neously resolving nephrotic syndrome.

Renal Vessels However, persistence of bruit in the
presence of improvement of clinical
condition warranted further investiga-
Renal bruit is a clinical sign sugges- Ultrasonography of abdomen
tive of renal artery stenosis though it showed a normal right kidney with a
has also been described with arterio- horizontally placed left kidney over
venous malformations. We report, for midlumbar spine region which was
the first time, a patient with a renal bruit fused with the lower pole of the right
presumably due to normal sized but ab- kidney (Fig. 1). The positioning of the
errant renal vessels supplying an ectop- kidneys was confirmed on an intrave-
ic kidney. nous urography which also showed that
both the kidneys were functioning nor-
A 7-year-old girl presented with mally. Digital substraction angiographic
puffiness of face and swelling of feet of study (DSA) for abdominal aorta and
6 days duration. There was no oliguria, renal arteries was performed. It showed
hematuria or skin infection. The child that the malpositioned kidney was sup-
was of appropriate weight and height plied by an aberrant vessel from the ab-
for the age. The blood pressure was dominal aorta and by another vessel
150/120 mm Hg in upper limbs and arising from the bifurcation of the aorta.
160/120 mm Hg in lower limbs. There None of the arteries showed stenosis or
was puffiness of the face, edema feet any irregularities in their calibre (Fig. 2).
and an abdominal bruit over the lower The patient was closely monitored for
abdomen 2.5 cm below the umbilicus. one year during which the patient re-
Rest of the systemic examination was mained asymptomatic and hypertension
within normal limits. was never detected. The abdominal
The urine examination showed a bruit has however persisted.
proteinuria of 3.9 g/day with occasional Ectopic kidney is not an uncommon
leucocytes and epithelial cells. Urine anomaly being seen in 0.1% popula-
culture grew 103 colonies of E. coli/ml. tion^). But it usually does not give rise
The blood levels of urea, creatinine, to any symptoms. If it does give rise to
ASO, c-reactive protein and C3 were manifestations, they develop during the
normal. The level of serum albumin was 3rd decade and include vague low ab-
2.9 g/dl. The electrocardiogram and dominal pain, hematuria, urinary tract
X-ray of the chest were normal. infection, abdominal mass and hyper-
The patient was treated with tension(2,3). No case of ectopia has been
frusemide and hydralazine. The pa- reported to have an abdominal bruit.
tient's proteinuria progressively de- Our case was atypical in its early pre-
creased so as to disappear by day 5. sentation of symptoms and presence of
Withdrawal of anti-hypertensives was persistent renal bruit. This case is re-
thereafter carried out successfully. The ported to draw attention to the fact that
patient was diagnosed to have sponta- normal calibre aberrant vessels can give


rise to bruit probably due to turbulent REFERENCES

flow. 1. Mann CV, Russel RCG. The kidneys
and ureters. In: Bailey and Love's
Acknowledgement Short Practice of Surgery, 21st edn.
London, H.K. Lewis and Company,
We thank Medical Superintendent of 1992, pp 1321-1371.
Dr. R.N. Cooper Hospital for allowing 2. Langman J. Urogenital system. In:
us to report the case. Medical Embryology, 5th edn. Balti
more, Williams and Wilkins, 1985, pp
K.J. Raghunandana, 247-280.
R.R. Kasla, 3. Bauer SB, Perlmutter AD, Retik AB.
S.B. Bavdekar, Anomalies of upper urinary tract. In:
C.C. Mehta, Campbell's Urology, 6th edn. Eds
S.Y. Joshi, Walsh PC, Retik AB, Stamey TA,
G.S. Hathi, Vaughan ED. Philadelphia, W.B.
Department of Pediatrics, Saunders Company, 1982, pp 1357-
Dr. R.N. Cooper Hospital, Juhu, Bombay. 1429.

Dandy Walker Malformation: weight being 50% of expected, head cir-

cumference 46 cm, and length 75 cm.
A Cause of Developmental Head was dolicocephalic with fontane-
Retardation lle 2x2 cm and pulsatile. Ears were low
set, palate high arched and pectus
excavatum present. The posterior por-
tion of the head was abnormally en-
Delayed motor development is a larged and there was pronounced shelf
common symptom in infancy. Dandy in occipital area. CNS examination re-
Walker malformation is a developmen- vealed developmental quotient of 3
tal anomalies of IV ventricle and cere- months, poor response to sound, nys-
bellum and occurs in approximately 1 in tagmus present with searching eye
30,000 live births. There is paucity of movements. Examination of fundus re-
literature on this malformation in vealed retinal hypoplasia. Pyramidal
India(l,2). signs were present. Lateral view of skull
A 1 1/2 -year-old boy was admitted showed large posterior fossa. CT scan
with history of not growing well since 1 head showed absence of vermis, hypo-
year. He was born to a nonconsan- plastic lateral lobes of cerebellum and
guinous marriage at full term with birth cystic dilatition of IV ventricle which
weight of 2.8 kg. Antenatal, natal and communicated with spinal canal. The III
immediate postnatal history was un- and lateral ventricles were normal.
eventful. The child was emaciated, These findings were characteristic of


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