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Year Two Semester Two English Writing Assessment

total marks

1. The stories below are all jumbled up! Place the numbers 1-4 in the boxes to show
the correct order. 4 marks

• Sam found Muff and he came home.
• Sam had a dog called Muff.
• Sam could not find him.
• One day, Muff ran away.

• I love playing with them.
• There are chickens, sheep and cows.
• The farm has a lot of animals.
• Every weekend we go to the farm.

• She loved it.
• Sally got a scooter for her birthday.
• Everyone loved the scooter.
• Sally took it to school to show her friends.

• Sometimes, when she smiles at me and gives
me a hug, she isn’t so annoying.
• Everytime I do anything, she copies me.
• My sister is so annoying!
• Mum says I need to be nice to her.
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Year Two Semester Two English Writing Assessment

2. Complete the sentences below.

4 marks

You can have dessert you have dinner.

I up on the trampoline.
My brother so hard at my joke.
We have lots of flowers growing in our .

3. Write the sentence correctly by adding in capital letters, full stops and question
5 marks

a) my sister’s dog is called burt

b) on sunday we went to the zoo

c) have you got a dress for the party

d) grace and lucy are going to france in april

e) harry took his children to the beach yesterday

4. Add a phrase to each of the sentences below to improve the description.

4 marks

a) The cat was asleep on the rug.

b) The teacher spoke to the class.

c) The tree swayed in the wind.

d) The flower was pretty. total for

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Year Two Semester Two English Writing Assessment

5. Which three features are most commonly associated with a narrative text?
3 marks

• list of materials
• character description
• a problem is solved
• glossary
• speech/dialogue
• facts and evidence


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Year Two Semester Two English Writing Assessment Answers

Questions Answers Marks Notes

Create and edit short imaginative, informative and persuasive written and/or multimodal texts for
familiar audiences, using text structure appropriate to purpose, simple and compound sentences,
noun groups and verb groups, topic-specific vocabulary, simple punctuation and common 2-syllable
words (AC9E2LY06)
1. a) 4 Sam found Muff and he came home. 4 1 mark for each set
1 Sam had a dog called Muff.
3 Sam could not find him.
2 One day, Muff ran away.
b) 4 I love playing with them.
3 There are chickens, sheep and cows.
2 The farm has a lot of animals.
1 Every weekend we go to the farm.
c) 2 She loved it.
1 Sally got a scooter for her birthday.
4 Everyone loved the scooter.
3 Sally took it to school to show her friends.
d) 4 Sometimes, when she smiles at me
and gives me a hug, she isn’t so annoying.
2 Everytime I do anything, she copies me.
1 My sister is so annoying!
3 Mum says I need to be nice to her.
Create and edit short imaginative, informative and persuasive written and/or multimodal texts for
familiar audiences, using text structure appropriate to purpose, simple and compound sentences,
noun groups and verb groups, topic-specific vocabulary, simple punctuation and common 2-syllable
words (AC9E2LY06)
2. You can have dessert after you have 4 1 mark for each correct word
I jumped up on the trampoline.
My brother laughed so hard at my joke.
We have lots of flowers growing in our

Year Two Semester Two English Writing Assessment Answers

Create and edit short imaginative, informative and persuasive written and/or multimodal texts for
familiar audiences, using text structure appropriate to purpose, simple and compound sentences,
noun groups and verb groups, topic-specific vocabulary, simple punctuation and common 2-syllable
words (AC9E2LY06)
3. My sister’s dog is called Burt. 5 1 mark for each sentence.
On Sunday we went to the zoo.
Have you got a dress for the party?
Grace and Lucy are going to France in
Harry took his children to the beach
Create and edit literary texts by adapting structures and language features of familiar literary texts
through drawing, writing, performance and digital tools (AC9E2LE05)
4. Student answers will vary. 4 1 mark for each phrase.
Teacher discretion required.

Create and edit short imaginative, informative and persuasive written and/or multimodal texts for
familiar audiences, using text structure appropriate to purpose, simple and compound sentences,
noun groups and verb groups, topic-specific vocabulary, simple punctuation and common 2-syllable
words (AC9E2LY06)
5. • list of materials 3 1 mark for each correct feature
• character description
• a problem is solved
• glossary
• speech/dialogue
• facts and evidence
Total /20



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