Dekutcu Devotional - August 2020

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Table of Contents
BY FAITH ONLY .................................................. 2 HE IS ABLE........................................................ 18
PARTNERSHIP WITH DIVINE NATURE ............... 3 THINK THE WORD ........................................... 19
CHARIS ............................................................... 4 BY GRACE ONLY ............................................... 20
BENEFITS OF THE NEW COVENANT .................. 5 THE MESSAGE OF HIS GRACE .......................... 21
ACKNOWLEDGING THE GRACE OF GOD ........... 6 THE REST OF GOD ............................................ 22
DAILY LOADED WITH BENEFITS......................... 7 REALITY EXPRESSOR ........................................ 23
GRACE AMPLIFIES RIGHTEOUSNESS ................. 8 DAILY RENEWAL .............................................. 24
GRACE~THE EMPOWERMENT FOR EXPLOITS... 9 LIFE IN CHRIST ................................................. 25
SAVED BY GRACE SUSTAINED BY GRACE ........ 10 FREED FOR FREEDOM ..................................... 26
GRACE THE EFFECT OF CHRIST IN US .............. 11 UNPREDICTABLE BELIEVER ............................. 27
THE BEAUTY OF GRACE ................................... 12 CALLED TO DISPLAY GOD ................................ 28
THE FRUIT OF TRUE GRACE ............................. 13 BORN FREE ...................................................... 29
LIBERTY BY GRACE ........................................... 14 ALIVE UNTO GOD ............................................ 30
ENDLESS TRIUMPH .......................................... 15 PREDISTINATED TO CONFORM TO CHRIST .... 31
BEHOLDING TO EXPRESS ................................. 17

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1st August, 2020

Galatians 3:11

But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

The scripture above just shows clearly that no man can be justified before God by observing the law. That
dispensation already passed and we are in a new era. This time one is justified by faith in the work of Jesus
Christ for humanity.

You must come to a realisation that the moment you got born again your sustenance in that salvation could only
be by faith only. The work of fulfilling the law is already complete. Jesus’ work is perfect. It does not need any
addition from you.

If there is something that you need to work for, then it means Jesus was not an enough sacrifice. But the bible
says by one offering Jesus has perfected forever us who are sanctified.(Hebrews 10:14) Oh Glory!

If Jesus does not go back every year to offer a sacrifice for mistakes of the future, who are you? Bible declares
once. That is why you require to believe the accomplishment of Jesus. The just always live by faith. Keep yourself
in remembrance of the finished work of God for you.

Jesus is enough for your new life. That is why He offered Himself as a sacrifice ONCE and for ALL. That is a perfect
sacrifice. ONLY believe.

Good Father, Everlasting God and Righteous Father, Your work for me is awesome. You are the best. I agree with
what you say about me. I prosper, I move forward, I reign and shine because by the Holy Ghost I step only unto
pleasant places. In the name of Jesus Christ. Glory hallelujah.

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2nd August, 2020


2 Peter 1:4

As a result of this, he has given you magnificent promises that are beyond all price, so that through the power
of these tremendous promises you can experience partnership with the divine nature, by which you have
escaped the corrupt desires that are of the world.[TPT]

The scripture says “ 1Cor 6.17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.”

Any man that has believed in Jesus Christ has already been made one with him. The moment you received Jesus
Christ, you were invited into the fellowship of the Son. You share in his life because you have been made a
partaker of divine nature.

You have become a joint-heir with Christ. Everything that Christ has is also legally yours. You share in his glory as
you shared in his sufferings. You are not expecting to suffer because of sin, You already did.

Now you are an associate of the God-kind, all things are yours. This reality will liberate you from the corruption
which is in this world which comes by lust. With this understanding you cannot lust to things of this world,
because they are all yours. Just imagine all things are yours! Hallelujah! Glory!

The nature you carry has placed you above the systems of this world. You are far above seated with Christ in
heavenly places. The life you carry is of God. This reality is already tormenting the devil. Be bold, be conscious of
the nature you have.

Now you are an associate of the God-kind, all things are yours.

Almighty Father I love you. I am grateful for your grace which has saved me and made me a partaker of the
divine nature. I am above all. I reign and dominate.

In Jesus, Name Amen

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3rd August 2020

Ephesians 4:7

But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ

How wonderful this is! Each one of us has been given grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ. The
Greek word for grace is “Charis,” which is the root of the English word “charisma.” “Charis” refers to the divine
influence on the human spirit that reflects on the outside of a man’s life, producing favour, beauty, goodwill,
loveliness, and ability.

It is the glory of God in your spirit, which reflects on the outside. This grace causes favour and glory to abound in
your life. For example, when the Lord Jesus was a child, the Bible says he “…grew, and waxed strong in spirit,
filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him” (Luke 2:40). Grace made Him, even as a child, to have
favour with God and man (Luke 2:52).

In the Book of Acts, Barnabas went to visit certain brethren, and the Bible says, “…when he came, and had seen
the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all…” (Acts 11:23). What was it that Barnabas saw? It certainly
was not a light beaming out of their heads. He saw the beauty of God; he saw things working out excellently in
the lives of these brethren.

The grace of God in your life is the divine ability in you to be successful in every endeavour. Every child of God
has been given grace in abundance (Romans 5:17).

Eph.4.7 – Yet grace (God ‘s unmerited favor) was given to each of us individually [not indiscriminately, but in
different ways+ in proportion to the measure of Christ ‘s *rich and bounteous+ gift. *AMP+

Loving father I thank you. I thank you for the abundance of grace I have received in Christ Jesus my lord. By this
grace I rule, reign and dominate. I exude all of the beauties of Christ resident in me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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3rd August, 2020


Mathew 28:20

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even
unto the end of the world. Amen

Many people think of God as this harsh and angry Being. I mean they still have this perception about God due to
the experiences they have had before. They think God is the author of all their troubles. But as a new testament
believer, we have a better covenant with God that is established on better promises – the grace of God.

Due to this relationship, it makes us to be in a better position than the men of the old. Take the example of King
David, do you know you have a better covenant than David had with God? When David was repenting of sin with
Bathsheba, he said Psalms 51:10-11 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.”

It was appropriate for David to pray that way simply because he was not born again, but unto the new covenant
believers Jesus Christ said “…lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen” This scripture
shows us that as sons as of God we have God in us.

When you keep on praying like David did, it shows that you think God is going to come and go out of your life
based on your performance. This is what used to happen to people in the old covenant. The residing of God in us
is already done due to grace. Works cannot! In this new covenant, God does not come and go; instead He lives in

We have a better covenant with God that is established on better promises – the grace of God, making us to
have a relationship with God.

Father I thank you for the new covenant that has made me to be one with you. I thank you for I have your
fullness in me in Jesus Christ name and I continually walk in this consciously, Amen.

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5th August, 2020


Galatians 2:21

I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for
nothing!” *NIV+

You have been made the righteousness of God by the grace of God. Trying to become righteous by the works of
the law, is simply nullifying what Christ has already done on the cross. He already paid the penalty for your sins,
now you can stand boldly and acknowledge that you are the righteousness of God because of the working of
grace of God.

The opening scripture is a demonstration of a man acknowledging the grace of God. He concluded that if
righteousness could be imparted by the law, then Jesus Christ did not have to die. Jesus died because the law
was weak and could not justify any man.

As you acknowledge the grace of God over your life, you become more conscious of the finished works. You
relate with God based on his grace not your works.

Acknowledging the grace of God causes you to enjoy what has already been availed. You will labour not by your
strength but by the grace of God. Focus on the grace of God which you have already received through Christ.
You will enjoy life, no struggles.

You have been made the righteousness of God by the grace of God. Trying to become righteous by the works of
the law, is simply nullifying what Christ has already done on the cross

Precious Father I thank you for your grace that you have bestowed upon my life. I am whom I am by your grace. I
reign in life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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6th August, 2020


John 14:6

Jesus said to him “I am the WAY the TRUTH (REALITY) and the LIFE.

Truth is not necessarily what we see with our eyes, feel with our bodies, hear with our ears. It is not necessarily
what we can perceive with our five senses. Truth is whatever God has DECLARED about a thing in His word.
Jesus prayed, Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17.

Reality is not what you feel or see. It is what the word says.

Anything that disagrees with the word of God is a lie even though it may be real to the five senses.

With that said, scripture says

Psalm 68:19 says, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!” And because
God’s Word says so, believe that every day of your life is loaded with benefits. Every morning, when you get up,
believe that it is a day that the Lord has made, and rejoice and be glad in it (see Psalm 118:24). Start the day
expecting it to be loaded with the benefits that God has prepared just for you.

This is a benefit of the grace of God in your life. Choose to be conscious of this reality, daily.

Ps.68.19 – Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day by day, even the God Who is our
salvation! Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! [AMP]

Loving daddy I am grateful for your great grace that is superabundant in my life, I thank you for daily loading me
with benefits. I choose to be conscious of this reality. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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7th August, 2020


Romans 5:20-21

Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more
abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal
life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

From the scripture above it is evident that grace supersedes the law. Let us look intently into the Word. The
Word starts by explaining how sin abounded. It is clear the offence abounded due to the entrance of the law. In
other words we can say, the law is the amplifier of sin.

When a person is using a microphone the voice projected is louder than without a microphone. The law in this
case is the microphone for sin. The law is not bad. The purpose of it was to show how bad of a person one had
become and was to point one to the Saviour.

Seeing therefore that the law caused sin to be amplified the bible says that grace did abound even more. Note
the era that sin abounded. It was during the dispensation of the law. The word has concluded that if anyone is
born again they are no longer under the law but under grace(Romans 6:14).

The amplifier of sin is taken away from you believer. Sin does not need to abound any longer. There is another
thing that is amplified because we are under grace. Grace amplifies righteousness. So it would be wise for a son
of God to realise sin abounding is a past zone. Sin is not ever abounding again because you are not under the
law but under grace. No wonder verse 21 declares boldly that grace might reign through righteousness unto
eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Enjoy your beautiful life.


Sin is no longer abounding for the son of God. The born again believer is no longer under the law(the amplifier of
sin) but under grace(the amplifier of righteousness). And it is grace upon grace.

Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank you for this life changing knowledge that grace is reign in my life. I
decree that every area of my life responds to the grace of God and all things are working for my good. Amen.

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8th August, 2020


Romans 1:5

Through him(Christ) a joy-producing grace cascaded into us, empowering us with the gift of apostleship, so
that we can win people from every nation into a faithful commitment to Jesus, to bring honour to his name.

Jesus Christ is the person of grace. The scripture says “John 1:17 – For the law was given by Moses, but grace
and truth came by Jesus Christ.” When you want to speak of grace, you cannot separate grace from Christ. He is
the entity of grace.

When you received him, you received grace. The opening scripture says that you received a joy producing grace,
that empowers you to bring all nations under the obedience of faith. Notice, the word did not say that you have
received grace for apostleship in your nation only, but for ALL nations.

Jesus Christ before He left he said greater things than what he did we shall do. He already released into us what
was upon him, the empowerment for exploits.

Realize this, son of God, you have already received this grace for bringing all nations to the obedience of faith. It
is not a prayer point, it is not something you have to fast to receive. Awaken yourself to this reality. Preach the
gospel in any platform that is available, the harvest is ready.

For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace
after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favour upon favour and gift [heaped] upon
gift( john 1:16 [AMP])

Father I thank you for your grace in my life. Nations have seen better days because am around. I am the light of
the world. I dispense life everyday. In Jesus Name, Amen

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9th August 2020


Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any
man should boast. [KJV].

The gifts of God are many unto those that love and believe him. God lavishes them when they receive him as
Lord and saviour into their lives.

The believer receives this freely given gifts upon receiving the Spirit of God( 1Cor 2:12).The gifts of God once
given cannot be revoked for they come without repentance(ROM 11:29).

Salvation was given to us as a gift by God through the sacrifice of his only begotten son. This was the grace of
God that brings salvation to all men being made manifest. Hallelujah!!

Now God is too faithful to leave halfway what he already started. This means that what was given by grace will
only be sustained by the grace; not of works lest anyone should boast

The grace of God sustains what it made manifest to you.

Loving Father, I thank you for the grace that saved me. Am confident that am sustained by this grace to the day
of Jesus Christ in Jesus name, Amen

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10th August, 2020


Galatians 5:4

You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

The grace of God is His unearned, unmerited and undeserved favour toward you simply because of Jesus’
finished work at the cross. God’s grace is based on Jesus’ work and not yours, the only way one can fall from this
grace is by believing that they can earn, merit and deserve it through their obedience and good works.

For example, one falls from grace when they say, “God has to answer my prayer because I have prayed long
enough.” One can also fall from grace when they think that because they are serving in church, God is pleased
with them and He has to bless them. When one thinks that it is because of their effort and obedience that they
receive God’s blessings, they are behaving like the Pharisees. They believed that their law-keeping justified them
and ensured that God would bless them.

But the truth is that, when one believes like them, they have become estranged from Christ and fallen from
grace. This means that Christ has become of no effect to them! When Christ is of effect to one, He is their healer
and they get healed. He is their wisdom and they are wise before man. He is their good success and they
experience good success in all that they do.

Beloved, for Christ to always be of effect to you and to never nullify the grace of God operating in your life, just
remember and believe that it is because of Christ and His finished work—His blood, His stripes, His death, His
obedience—that you are justified, healed and blessed!

Never nullify the grace of God operating in your life, just remember and believe that it is because of Christ and
His finished work—His blood, His stripes, His death, His obedience—that you are justified, healed and blessed!

Daddy thank you for your grace at work in my life. It is by your grace that I continually increase in the knowledge
of you. I choose to remain submitted to this grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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11th August, 2020


2 Peter 1:8

Since these virtues are already planted deep within, and you possess them in abundant supply, they will keep
you from being inactive or fruitless in your pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately. [TPT]

The law required man to observe it and do everything that was written therein, to be righteous. However, grace
tells you that you are already righteous before any performance.

The previous verses before the opening scripture gives an instruction to a believer. To add to your faith,
goodness, to goodness knowledge, to knowledge add self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance
godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, to brotherly kindness love. Then the opening scripture tells you that
all these virtues are deeply planted in you because of your nature. You can easily manifest these virtues in your

You are not performing trying to acquire these virtues, no! They are deeply planted in you. This is the beauty of
grace. Grace does not tell you to perform to acquire but, it tells you that you have acquired even in abundant
supply, manifest.

It is very wonderful to know this. Carrying a consciousness that you already have these wonderful virtues in
abundant supply makes it easy for you to be always fruitful in the knowledge of our lord Jesus Christ.


This is the beauty of grace. Grace does not tell you to perform to acquire but, it tells you that you have acquired
even in abundant supply, manifest.


Father I thank you for your grace. I acknowledge that these wonderful virtues are already deeply planted in me. I
am always fruitful. In Jesus name, Amen

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12th August, 2020


1 Corinthians 15:10

But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I
laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

The labouring more abundantly is a fruit of true grace received. Grace enables us to labour more abundantly.
Paul became such an outstanding apostle who laboured for the Gospel more than all the other apostles. He
acknowledged the grace of God as the one factor that made all the difference in his life.

This grace has been availed to every man(Ephesians 4.7) that is why the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to
the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill;
but time and chance happeneth to them all (Ecclesiastes 9:11).

All you need to do as a believer is to yield to the deposit of the grace of God in your life. What made Paul the
successful minister he was, despite other apostles like Peter having preceded him in the work of the gospel, was
his distinctive understanding of the of grace of God in his life.

He laboured more abundantly than all of them because he yielded to this grace. This grace has in it an inherent
ability to transform us. It is what labours in us. You can achieve extra ordinary results by acknowledging of this
grace in your life.


This grace has in it an inherent ability to transform us. It is what labours in us.


Loving father I thank you for the gift of grace in my life. Thank you for you have given me grace not
indiscriminately but in proportion to the measure is Christ’s rich and bounteous gift. I choose to yield to this
grace, In Jesus name, amen.

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13th August, 2020

Romans 5:17

Death once held us in its grip, and by the blunder of one man, death reigned as king over humanity. But now,
how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal
freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah!(TPT)

Due to the transgression of one man, that is Adam, death reigned over humanity. Every man born after Adam
experienced the grip of death. They experienced the effects of the death such as poverty, struggles and sickness.
Death exercised authority over every man born after Adam, just because they had received a sinful nature by

Much more than how death reigned is your dominion. Your reign cannot be compared to how death reigned.
Yours is much higher because you have received abundance of grace and of the gift of perfect righteousness. By
you having received these, you have been born into a life of freedom where you can exercise your authority.

You are no longer under the grip of death, you are under the grip of grace. You are no longer a servant of sin but
a servant of righteousness. By righteousness you judge and reign in this life as a king. This is a life of freedom
where nothing that can limit you.

The nature that you have received has liberated you to experience life in abundance and reign as a king. You can
enjoy life now to fullness. A life where nothing has power to hold you down.

God has called you to enjoy life. Choose to enjoy life . Think like a king, walk like a king, live always like a king.
You being the righteousness of God, you reign as king in this life.

Do not dogmatically believe that you do not deserve the best. Grace has put you in a place where the best is the
only option. You are FREE.


Father I bless you, I am reigning in this life as a king. I walk in your liberty. I walk in light of your word. In Jesus
Name Amen.

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14th August, 2020

2 Corinthians 2:14

God always makes his grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of his endless triumph. Through our
yielded lives he spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go[TPT].

Reigning in life for believers is not a one time event. A believer is not in a journey of ups and downs No! Your are
always on top. This is your constant testimony of life.

Jesus Christ won the victory. He won it for you. Now you are one with him, you have been included as a partner
of his endless triumph. You are a joint-heir with Christ. It does not matter the outside conditions. It does not
matter how the economy is, you are above because God is true to His word.

God manifests his grace in Christ. Christ is the person of the grace of God. In Christ you have received grace
upon grace, blessing upon blessing and favour upon favour. This makes you to always sail above the normal way
of life. You are not just a mere human being, you are a son of God.

Son of God, you are not of this world. You are from above and because of the grace of God in your life, you reign
in life. What brings down the men of this world does not even affect you. Continue celebrating your endless

In Christ you have received grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing and favour upon favour. This makes you to
always sail above the normal way of life.


Father I thank you for including me in Christ. I am always celebrating endless triumph. I am above always. In
Jesus name, Amen.

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15th August, 2020


2 Peter 1:1-2

Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us
through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you
through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord

Grace is the ability of God in you, it is also the gift of God manifest in you. Grace brought us untold abilities.
Made us more than conquerors, this grace made us an absolute success.

The Bible says “grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.

God wants you to live by His Word! The more you know Him, the more grace and peace you stand to enjoy in
your life. The word ‘peace’ as used in 2 Peter 1:2 is from the Greek word, “Eirene,” which means peace, with rest
and prosperity. It is similar to the Hebrew word “shalom.”

In other words, through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, you dwell in rest and prosperity!
Everything about your life works out right. You are not fretful over anything. Irrespective of what happens, you
are not worried, because you know things can only turn out for your good.

Maintain fellowship with the Spirit, Keep meditating on the Word of God and He will grant you more
revelational knowledge of the Father, and of Jesus our Lord, heaping grace upon grace, thus bringing multiplied
favour, increase, advantage, and other innumerable blessings into your life.


2Pet.1.2 – May grace (God ‘s favor) and peace (which is perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual
prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) be multiplied to you in [the full,
personal, precise, and correct] knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. [AMP]


Daddy I thank you for your word. Thank you for the grace, favour and peace that I constantly enjoy through the
knowledge of you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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16th August, 2020

2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from
glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

One of the great benefits of salvation is that you were made free to express God. Christianity does not happen
from a point you are trying to become something, but from the place you are made the thing itself then
consequently expressing it.

The word does not promise you that you will be a new creature when you act as one. God has given birth to you
in a place where you are already a new being. In other words, God changed your being for the doing. You do not
do to be but you have become that is why you do. This is the whole essence where we have human beings not
human doings.

You are a product of the nature you carry. Nature is only assigned at birth. You were born again with the nature
of God. Now He tells you to behold everything has become new.

It is only when we behold what we have become that we can easily express ourselves. As a son of God, focus on
the righteousness of God you have become and you will notice you will do righteous things not out of necessity
but because you have known who you have been made.


As a son of God focus on the righteousness of God you have become and you will notice you will do righteous
things not out of necessity but because you have known who you have been made.


Thank you Daddy, I am free to express you. I enjoy your overflowing love in my life. I recognize the working of the
Holy Spirit in my life and I am humble. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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17th August, 2020

2 Thessalonians 3:3

Yet the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen [you] and set you on a firm foundation and guard you from the
evil [one]. [AMP]

Many people have a mixed understanding on the working of God. Others do not still believe that God is still
working even in this days like in the days of the old. However, I want to assure you that God is still working and
doing mighty things,

Because He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Even in this times God is able to keep you from falling. He is able to strengthen you and keep you on a firm
foundation and guard you from the evil one. He is faithful to fulfil his word.

Christianity is a lifestyle where you enjoy the working of the grace of God. His grace keeps on the firm
foundation who is Christ, where you stand. This is the assurance that you cannot fall.

Scripture says “ Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before
the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,” God is able in keeping you from falling. He is faithful to present
you faultless before him. So each and everyday just embrace His word. He will continually work in and through
you to the end result.


God is able to keep you from falling. He is able to strengthen you and keep you on a firm foundation and guard
you from the evil one.


Father, I thank you for your faithfulness. I am rested in your ability. I am assured and confident that I cannot fall.
In Jesus name, Amen

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18th August, 2020



And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove
what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Scripture says in Philippians 4:8 , “…whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever
things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

It is an exhortation to think on the Word. Spend time to meditate on God’s Word. Whenever you are in a
challenging situation, instead of thinking about the problem, think on the Word. As you reflect on God’s Word,
there will be a transformation, a transfiguration that will bring about a solution and permanent change.

For example, it does not matter that the economy of the country where you live is in jeopardy, refuse to see
yourself as a victim. Think, and affirm like the psalmist, “The Lord has brought me out into a wealthy place”
(Psalm 66:12; Psalm 18:19 says, “He brought me forth also into a large place…” that means a place of
abundance, a place of wealth.

Your prosperity and success are not dependent of the principles and economics of this world. You have been
abundantly endowed with all the grace, wisdom, and power you need to live a triumphant life. Have this
consciousness. Think and live as a victor, for that is who you are in Christ.


Think and live as a victor, for that is who you are in Christ.


Father thank you for your word. By your word I am strengthened and greatly transformed. I choose to see myself
in the light of thy word. In Jesus Name, Amen!

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19th August, 2020

Romans 11:6

And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace

Your salvation came by grace, not based on your good works. This means that even your preservation in this
salvation is by grace.

Ephesians 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

The way you started this new life it was by grace. Grace liberated you to enjoy your inheritance as a Son of God.

Now new life realities such as having the life of God, having all things that pertain to life and godliness.. All these
are by grace, God’s goodness to man. You cannot account it to your good works.

This truth liberates you to enjoy the life that God has preordained for you. Knowing that everything you would
acquire it is by grace. Even you knowing all the mysteries of God and increasing in the knowledge of God it is still
by grace.

It is very important to recognize the working of the Grace of God in your life as a believer. 1 Corinthians 15:10
But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I
laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.


The way you started this new life it was by grace. Grace liberated you to enjoy your inheritance as a Son of God.


Thank you Father for your grace which you have bestowed in my life. Am grateful for your goodness and your
kindness towards me. By your grace I reign in life as a king. In Jesus name. Amen.

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20th August, 2020


Acts 20:32

“And so now, I entrust you into God’s hands and the message of his grace, which is all that you need to
become strong. All of God’s blessings are imparted through the message of his grace, which he provides as the
spiritual inheritance given to all of his holy ones. [TPT]

The opening scripture reveals a deeper reality of the message of grace or in other versions, the word of his
grace. The message of his grace builds capacity in you to accommodate what has been freely availed to you.

There must be a building of a capacity in you to handle certain things. Before God entrusts us with certain
responsibilities, He firstly creates an equal capacity in us. All of this He does by his grace. Through the message
of his grace he prepares us before giving us an assignment.

Apostle Paul knew that the church only needed to be entrusted to God’s hands and to the message of his. Since,
it is through the message of grace the church can appropriate her inheritance in Christ.

Continually give yourself to the message of his grace. You will increase in knowledge and as you increase in
knowledge you will be elevated from one level of glory to another.


The message of his grace builds capacity in you to accommodate what has been freely availed to you.


Father I thank you for your word. Through the message of your grace I am strong. I am blessed with all spiritual
blessing in Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.

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21st August, 2020


Philippians 4:6(TPT)

Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day,
offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life.

Our theme scripture admonishes us as beloved sons not to fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every
circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue enjoying
him, telling him every detail of your life, making your wants known to him. What a beautiful life we have
received in Christ!

Anything short of a life of absolute rest, joy, and fulfilment in Christ Jesus, is not God’s best for you. According to
Hebrews 4:3, He has finished all His works from the foundation of the world before He made man, and now He
is at rest. He is not working or creating new things today nor is He modifying the things He already made. He is
seated in heaven, not pacing and wondering what else needs to be done. This is the kind of life He has given us;
a life free of struggles.

The Bible says, “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has
himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest
anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience” (Hebrews 4:9-11). Living in God’s rest is one of the
blessings for the new creation, and the way to live in it is living by faith in God’s Word.

Living in God’s rest is one of the blessings for the new creation, and the way to live in it is living by faith in God’s

Father I thank you for this reality. Thank you for the place you have brought me into of absolute rest in Christ. I
choose to embrace of this invitation to a stress free life and to be conscious of this reality. In Jesus Name, amen.

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22nd August, 2020

John 8:36

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

True liberty is only found in Jesus Christ. He is the only person validated to make men free. Being free does not
only mean that you are out of jail and that you do not have a cash bail to pay. No! No!

Freedom is your ability to operate in the way God made you. It is the expression of the reality of the Kingdom of
God which you represent and carry.

A bird with wings having an inability to fly is not free, because it is not utilising what it has been created with.
Even a superman that cannot fly proves to be useless. You must realise Jesus made you free to output the glory
of God. He says in His word that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. He goes ahead to add that we are
transformed into the same image of glory as we continue to behold. This ability to see what we have become is
majorly a factor of our freedom in Christ Jesus. Walk free and manifest the Kingdom.

This ability to see what we have become is majorly a factor of our freedom in Christ Jesus. Liberty is our ability as
sons to manifest the Father.


Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for your son Jesus Christ. I thank you for your sacrifice to see that we
have been made free in you. By the Holy Ghost we rise up and manifest the kingdom of God. We spread the
environment of the Kingdom everywhere we go. Amen.

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23rd August, 2020

2 Corinthians 4:16

So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart
on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. [MSB]

The scripture says that the things which are seen are temporal while the things which are not seen are eternal.
So it does not matter how the outside conditions may look, we are assured these conditions are just for a
moment, since there is an eternal work going on in the inside of us.

The one who started this work in us is faithful. He daily renews us by his word. Each and every day we are
stronger than the previous days. As we behold His word we are transformed from one level of glory to another.

We cannot give up even if the situations may seem contrary to what we expected. We are assured of whom we
have believed. In the inside of us, He has created a new life. Each and every day He ministers strength to us. As
we continue in knowledge of Him, we are strengthened. The more we know Him, grace abounds in our lives.

This is the assurance that we cannot fail. It does not matter the prevailing conditions in the world, we are
different. We are not of this world. The scripture records that He daily loads us with benefit. This is the reason
you cannot be disadvantaged in life.

He daily renews us by his word.

Father, I thank you for your word. I cannot faint. I cannot give up. I walk by faith and not by sight. I am daily
renewed by your word. In Jesus name, Amen!

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24th August, 2020

2 Peter 1.3

For His divine power has bestowed upon us all things that [are requisite and suited] to life and godliness,
through the [full, personal] knowledge of Him Who called us by and to His own glory and excellence (virtue).

All the good things of life are all in the salvation package;

Salvation encapsulates all the wonderful blessings resulting from the redemptive work of Christ: divine health,
success, freedom, liberty, preservation, etc.; they have all been paid for! They are yours now to enjoy! The
glorious life is your heritage. Prosperity with peace is your birth right.

What makes Christianity so awe is the fact that the life God has given you is the divine life, and everything you
will ever require to live joyfully and triumphantly, came with that life.

Remember this: Jesus shed His blood for you him being the only sinless one qualified to save us by His blood.
Since He has already done it, all you need do is enjoy the benefits associated with His vicarious sacrifice. You
have legal rights to possess everything salvation in Christ brings, for they are your blood-bought inheritance in
Him: “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who
worketh all things after the counsel of his own will” (Ephesians 1:11).

In Acts 20:32, the Apostle Paul said, “And now, brethren, I commend you To God, and to the word of his grace,
which is able to build you up, and To give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. The
knowledge of the Word helps you appropriate the blessings of God to Your life. The triumphant Christian life
that God has ordained for you To live can only be sustained by the acquisition and right application Of the
knowledge of His Word.


Everything we could ever need for life and complete devotion to God has already been deposited in us by his
divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by
name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness.[2 pet 1:3]TPT


Father I am grateful for the inheritance I have received in Christ Jesus my Lord. I thank you that through the
knowledge of thy word I am able to live a triumphant life in you and to enjoy the benefits I have received in you.
In Jesus name, amen.

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25th August, 2020


Galatians 5:1

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the
yoke of bondage.

There is a freedom you were freed into, when you got born again. That now nothing can limit you to express
God in this world. You carry His nature because you have been born after Him. You have entered into a realm
where nothing can stop you from manifesting God. You are the righteousness of God in Christ, in other words
equality in character and act with God.

You can act like God any where any how any time. You are the ambassador of Christ in this world, you represent
Christ. You continue with the work that Christ started, this is reconciling men back to God.

All that Christ required to express God in this world is now already deposited in you. You are the extension of
God in this world, Jesus Christ is the vine and you are the branches. The same life in the vine flows to the
branches, meaning you carry this life of God in you. That life that makes God to be God is in you. You can
demonstrate it freely.


All that Christ required to express God in this world is now already deposited in you.

Father thank you, for this freedom you have given unto me. There is nothing can limit me because I have your
ability . I manifest your attributes. In Jesus name! Amen

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26th August, 2020

John 3:8

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh,
and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.[KJV]

The Christian life is should not be predictable. The men of this world should not predict what you are too
experience in life, since you are not just normal human being.

The opening scripture shows you that you have been born of the Spirit. You have been born from above. You are
not of this world. You are not just a mere human being. Actually you are a Christ-being having a human body.
Therefore, the nature you have has placed you in unpredictable realm.

Your increase and multiplication is and should not be predictable. You increase with the increase of God. The
favour of God is upon your life.

The natural man cannot understand the things of the Spirit. Just as the natural man cannot understand where
the wind comes from or goes, so it is with you. Men will just fell your effect but cannot explain the operation of
the anointing in your life. People will be amazed by the things you are going to do, because you do not look
them. You are unpredictable. You are unlimited.

You are a Christ-being having a human body. Therefore, the nature you have has placed you in unpredictable


Father I thank you for your word. I am unpredictable believer. I am conscious of the favour of God in my life. I not
limited. In Jesus Name, Amen

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27th August, 2020


1st Peter 2:9(TPT)

But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted
ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvellous light, and now he claims you as his very own.
He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world.

Christianity is much more than going to Church and joining a group. It in fact is the revelation or unveiling of the
new man in Christ: who he is; his rights, abilities, and glories in Christ Jesus. The world has a hard time reckoning
with or recognizing us because we are just like Jesus (1 John 4:17); they did not recognize Him. John 1:10 says,
“He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” The world does not know
us either because we are born of Him. We have the same life and nature with Him.

On one occasion, He said to the Jews, “I am from above and you are from beneath.”(John 8:23) Letting them
know He was not of this world; He was divinity born into the sense realm. He came into the world from the
realm of the spirit. Like Him, you are in the world—this natural world—but not of this world (John 15:19). You
were born from above, to rule the world. Romans 8:19 says, “For the earnest expectation of the creature
waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” You were born to reign and manifest the glories of the
Kingdom of God in the earth; that is Christianity.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth
the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

What a life! What a calling! You are called to walk in and manifest, the glory of God. The same way Jesus came
to the earth to express God and manifest His glory, you have been called to display God. If God says you have
been chosen to show forth His glory, it means you have the ability to do it. It has pleased the Father that
through you, principalities, rulers and powers of darkness will be tamed and know the many sided-wisdom of
God (Ephesians 3:10).

Today, you are the express image of God’s person; the fulfilment of His dream. You have been called to display
the virtues and perfections of Christ in the earth. Fulfil your calling!


The same way Jesus came to the earth to express God and manifest His glory, you have been called to display


Dear loving daddy, I am grateful for every ability that is resident in me. Thank you that by your spirit resident in
me I can do all things through Christ who is my very strength. Thank you for this noble calling you have called me
into of displaying of your virtues and perfections. I am eternally grateful. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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28th August, 2020

1 Peter 1:23

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth
for ever.

There is a particular gene in you, the new creature, that does not allow you to be bound by anything. This is the
DNA of God in you. You are born of the Word. The moment you received Life(Zoe), it became too late for you to
be held captive again. You were made free. The freedom that was bought by the blood of Jesus.

Galatians 5:1

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the
yoke of bondage.” Christ made you free to live in liberty. As a Son of God you need to stand firm in the place you
have been brought by Christ. If any one or anything tries to subject you in bondage, you have got to stand firm
and refuse to be moved from the place you were born into, Freedom.

You are not subject to any ordinances. You are dead with Christ. No man should put you under any rudiment to
govern you. Colossians 2:20. You are under the Lordship of Jesus Christ not under the ruler ship of the world.

Walk as a free being. You were surely born that way. You are Freedom.

There is a particular gene in you, the new creature, that does not allow you to be bound by anything. This is the
DNA of God in you.


Father I thank you for the knowledge that you continually lead me into. To see that I have become a free being.
Thank you for this reality is what I walk by. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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29th August, 2020


Hebrews 4:13

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the
eyes of him with whom we have to do.

The word of God is a person. The more you interact with him, the more you get to know him. He is active and
powerful. You have been born of this word. You have same characteristics with the word.

The opening scripture denotes that there is no creature that is not manifest to the sight of the word. All things,
present and future, are open, naked, exposed and defenceless to the word of God. This is the reason the future,
to a man of the word, is not a mystery.

As you yield to the word of God, you become alive unto God. This is a point where you know all things. All things
respond to your good, because they are defenceless to you. You will always have an answer to any problem
because of the word of God.

Invest on things eternal, having this assurance. There is a freedom you will experience and express by the word,
by being alive unto God. No limitation can stand before you, you got the word. All things are possible with you.


As you yield to the word of God, you become alive unto God. This is a point where you know all things. All things
respond to your good, because they are defenceless to you.

Father I thank you for your word. Your word is working mightily in my life. I am alive unto you. All things must
respond for my good. Nothing that can stand against me successfully. In Jesus name, Amen!

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30th August, 2020


Romans 8:29

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might
be the firstborn among many brethren

God knew you before you were born; Just pause and think about this child of God. This reveals just how special
you are to Him. He foreknew and predestined you to a glorious life ever before you were born.

The word “foreknow” as used in our opening verse means much more than just knowing about someone ahead
of time. It also connotes to take special interest in someone. God takes special interest in you because of Jesus
Christ. He planned your life ahead of time. He planned to make you walk in preordained pathways and be
conformed to the image and likeness of His son, Jesus.

Observe our theme verse again, this time, from the Amplified version: “For those whom He foreknew [of whom
He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded
into the image of His Son *and share inwardly His likeness+…”What a blessed truth!

Romans 8:30 continues to say, “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called,
them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” It reminds of the words of Jesus in John
17:22: “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.”

God’s purpose is not just to have His glory reside in you, but for you to be immersed and completely inundated
by it until you become inseparable from the glory, thus becoming the glory.

You are not journeying to become the glory of God; it is already a present-hour reality. You were born the
bearer of the glory of God. Wake up to this truth. Every day, say to yourself, “I am the manifestation of the glory
of God; His splendour, excellence and perfection are expressed through me.”

For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his
Son. Rom.8.29[TPT]


Father I thank you. Thank you that you planned before time for me that my experiences should be in the
boundaries of Christ. That my lines should always fall in pleasant places, in Christ. I choose to be conscious of this
reality and to continue to express of your beauty. In Jesus Name, Amen!

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31st August, 2020

2 Corinthians 5:19

To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;
and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

We as the born again christians have been given a mandate by Jesus Christ. We are to bring many sons to glory.
Delivering to every creature the word of reconciliation deposited in us.

Bible says, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. Right now God does His operations on earth by
the body of Christ. We are the movement of God on planet earth. No wonder now He has given us that word of
reconciliation. To reconcile and to bring everyone to God's good intent of love.

The Word clearly shows us how this ministry is carried out. "...not imputing men's trespasses against them..."
We do not carry the word of condemnation but of reconciliation. We spread the love of God wherever we are
placed. Bible declares that the son did not come to condemn the world but to save it, John 3:17. That model of
evangelism is what we as faithful stewards should follow. Preach Jesus to everyone you meet.


We have been made able ministers of the covenant of love. God wants every man to know that He loves them
and that man can be at peace with Him and we are here to make sure it is possible.

Father in the name of Jesus I thank you. Thank you for the ability to deliver your mind to generations. Thank you
for my senior partner, the Holy Ghost. I walk in boldness because He is with me. Amen.

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