Mba 3 Sem Financial Planning and Tax Management Kmbnfm02 2022

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Printed Page: 1 of 3 ALCATEL Sutet Coe: KMBNEMO2 PAPER 1D-410878 Roll N LLELT | MBA (SEM-II}) THEORY EXAMINATION 2021-22 FINANCIAL PLANNING & TAX MANAGEMENT Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100 ‘Note: Attempt all Sections. If require any missing date; then choose suitably CTION A 1. Attempt all questions in brief, _ ce Question _ a. __| Whot is nsk appetite? | Define Financial Blood Test Report. jc. | Write two roles of @ financial planner. 4. ‘What is comprehensive financial plan? Je. | Whats partly agricuttural inco; f__| Differentiate between gross (otal income & total income. g What do you understand by Inter-sources& Inter-headset off? [h. | Write down any two deductions under section 80. i i | Write any two functions of CRDT. What is Double Taxation Agreement? SECTION 2. Attempt any taree of the following: " . Qno. ~ ‘Question Marks | CO. Ya.) What do you understand by financial Planning? Explain the need and |.10) ] 1 importance of financial planning. - [B.__| Briefly explain the principles of asset allocation. fede fe hat is incidence of tax” Show how it depends on the residenti amas 10 «13 \ of an assessee. 4 { fa. ‘What is the meaning of taxable profit from Business or Profession” | 10 - ‘| | Also,write about incomes that arc taxable under this head? \ le What do you understand by refund of tax? Briefly discuss various 10 3 1 | provisions related to refund of tox. section |.” one | 3. ‘Attempt any one part of the following: | _ ion rts [00 Qno. T __ Qu [a. | What are the financ Is of an investor? Also, discuss the different 10 1 fe Cycle phases ofan Investor’sLife C i hy ~thiseuse about the concept of SIP, STP & SWP. Also explain the b. [| advantages ofeach. __~_ ‘Attempt any one part of the following: a Resto hits FED] ies of assets? How risk & retum of 110 || Whar are risk-return characteristi be managed. oo \ | Rearement planning is an essential part of financial planning.” Explain. | 10 D| Algo. brief the golden rules of retirement planning. ese 1 Printed Page: 2 0f3 QU. Subject Code: KMBNFMOZ PAEER 10-410 Roll N T 1 T TT] CI S. Attempt any one part of the following, Qe Quesigg >—<, <= —— te ended on March 31, 2019: "eome of Ms Shyam forthe year) 1/3 | Particulars + R TY Income fram house propery —— at or \ | deposited ina bank there, 1” US. which was | 90,000 | 2) income from business in Cj zi \ \ were received in India"? Of which Rs, 20,000 $0,000 3] Income from investments Gar = — if Roy received fiom the Govern sea To.500 | |__ 5| Agricultural income in Deis - 30.000 | 6[ Received from Mr. Tokn, “a remneration for] 30,000 rendering technical services to a business carried on in In john is non-resident 7) Received from Me. Mark, a nonadant, av trees | 15,000 | granting loans tw a business being conducted in India || "8 | Dividend reotived (fom an Indian company. 15,000 4 9 | Dividend from a foreign company geceived in China| 20,000 \ which was deposited in a bank there. 4. Compute gress ttl income of Nt Shyam forth esssament ya, 2019. |. 20. ifduring the provious year‘he ie-() resident in India, (b) notordindry, | resident in India, o7 (c) non-resident. | {Explain any ten important exemptions ws 10 of the Income Tax Act, | 10 3 1961. . | : i} 6 Attempt any one part of the following: * [ere —— Qesion Marks [CO {What do you mean by Annual Valuc offlouse Property? 10 |@ (ii) An assessee is owner of four houses’ i pays locel taxes @ 10% of their municipal valuation, Houses | and JIl are covered by Rent Control ‘Act and Houses II & IV are not covéted by Rent Control Act, Determine their annual value: - 5 | al u OL w_] | Re) Rs] Rs] Rs ipal valuation 12,000] 12,000} 12,000 | 12,000 hire “ 15,000] 15,000} 16,000 } 17,000 Rent received 13,000) 16,000} 17,900] 15,000 | \ ‘Standard rent { { determined/determinable_| 14,000 —[1so00) =) | | | i | 2\Page out 10000 HN wie KMB Subject Code: KMBNFMOZ PER 10-4 10878 T v Rall Nez I L on b. [What is carry forward of losses? Discuss the categories of losses which | 10 [4 can be carried forward and explain how? i] - | 2 Allempt any one part of the followit I Qa Question [Marks | CO ]® | What are Capital Assets? Liistinguish between long (crm dcshort-lerm \ 1/5 Capital Assets. Also show how tax Inability 1s calculated for long term &shoritermcapital asset with an example. % _T*Tax evasion shall be treted as 8 punishable offence & can ave |10 [3 severe penalties.” Exp'sin. Discuss different penaltieswhich tax payers will have wo pay under the Income tax Act 1961. I httpsv/ Whatsapp @ 9300930012 Send your old paper & get 10/- ara at aah stat atte 10 ort ar, Paytm or Google Pay ® hitps:/

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