U6-LP3.docx q4

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Lesson 3
Duration 45 minutes

Step Name Activity Instruction Duration

1 Warm-up Play the - First time you play the 5 mins
video song do the gestures and
(Slide 3) encourage everyone to do
them with you,
- Play the song again and
do the gestures together.

2 Review Electrical - Using slides to revise 7 mins

vocabulary items vocabulary one time
(Slide 4-10) - Stick half of the electrical
items flashcards on the
- Write up the words with
jumbled letters
- Ask the ss to come to the
front to write the words
and match them with the
- Repeat with the other half
of the flashcards

3 Exercise 1 Look and - Review the grammar on 5 mins

(Slide 11-16) write the slides
- Point to first picture in the
Wanted/ exercise and say the
didn’t want sentence about it
- Then read aloud for ss
- Ss continue with the
remaining pictures and
allow time for them to
write in their books

4 Exercise 2 Read and - Explain to the ss that they 8 mins

(Slide 17-22) answer are going to look at the
picture about what
S + Ved / V2 character did in the past
+O - Point to each picture and
ask the ss to name the
S + didn’t + activity. Read out the
V+ O question for ss and model
the first answer
What did + - Allow the ss time to do.
S + do Then invite the ss to ask
yesterday? and answer questions in
5 Exercise 3 Order the - Read the first sentence to 5 minutes
(Slide 23-25) words to ss. Show how the words
make are rearranged to make
sentences/ question
questions - Ask the ss to say the next
question in the right
order. Show the answer
- Allow the ss time to write
these sentences in their
- Repeat with the other

6 Exercise 4 Look and - Using slides to review 5 mins

(Slide 26- write sending messages
29) vocabulary
S + be + - Point to the first picture
sending and ask Can you make a
messages sentence? The ss answer
with… - Write the sentence on the
board then ss copy them
on their books
- Repeat with the other

7 Sound and /t/, /d/, /ɪd/  - Teacher tell the different 5 mins
chant between the sound /t/, /d/,
(slide 33-35) /ɪd/ 
- Give example for student
easily understand
- Teacher must pronounce
correctly and clearly
- Play the song, say the
chant together

8 Wrap-up End of UNIT 5 mins

- Ask students what they
remember doing in the
previous lesson. Help
them recall activities
- Ask the students which
ones they would like to
play now

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