Reading 1 Int

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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

Mata Pelajaran : Reading Hari/Tanggal :

Kelas : I (Satu) Intensive Waktu :

Petunjuk mengerjakan soal:

1. Berdoalah terlebih dahulu!

2. Bacalah dengan teliti!
3. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal yang mudah!
4. Tulisan rapi, bersih dan jelas!
5. Periksalah kembali pekerjaan sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas!

A. Berilah tanda silang pada huruf a, b, c atau d pada jawaban yang benar!

This text below is for the questions 1 - 5

Mr. Smith : Look at the sky, it is covered with clouds. It is going to rain
Mr. Brown : Yes, it is beginning to rain now. What bad weather we are having, walking is so
disagreeable when it is raining.
Mr. Smith : Why don’t you open your umbrellah? I am wearing my raincoat which protects me
from the rain.
Mr. Brown : Let us go home, it is too diagreeable to stay out. It is raining very hard, the wind is
blowing, and I am getting wet.

1. Are they having fine or bad weather? ....

a. They are having fine weather b. They are have fine weather
c. They are having bad weather d. They are have bad weather
2. when it's about to rain, the sky is covered with....
a. Sun b. stars
c. moon d. clouds
3. The gentleman has an umbrella is ....
a. Mr. Smith b. Mr. Brown
4. When do you open your umbrella?....
a. I open my umbrella when the sky b. I open your umbrella when the sky
is raining is raining
c. You open your umbrella when the d. You open my umbrellah when the
sky is raining sky is raining
5. The sky is snowing in ....
a. winter b. spring
c. summer d. autumn

This text below is for the questions 6-10

(It is raining. A lady is calling a taxi at Oxford Circus)

Lady Taxi, taxi, are you free?
Taxi-driver Yes, ma’am (madam).
Lady St. Paul’s Cathedral please. Is it far?
Taxi-driver No, mam, it’s only about ten minutes from here.
Lady I can’t open the door. Please open it. Driver, you are going too fast!
Taxi-driver Here is St. Paul’s, mam.
Lady How much have i to pay?
Taxi-driver The fare is fifty p mam, you can see it on the meter.
Lady Here is sixty-five p.
Taxi-driver Thank you mam. Oh! Your umbrell is inside.
Lady Thank you very much.

6. The lady call a taxi because ....

a. it’s raining b. of traffic jams
c. it’s hot d. she was tired
7. ... ? A taxi goes quicker than a bus
Ask questions for the answers above!
a. What is goes quicker then a bus? b. of traffic jams
c. which is faster, taxi or bus? d. They are have bad weather
8. ... ? A taxi goes quicker than a bus
Ask questions for the answers above!
a. What is goes quicker then a bus? b. of traffic jams
c. which is faster, taxi or bus? d. They are have bad weather
9. I ... at 7 o’clock (saya makan malam jam 7)
a. dine b. dined
c. dinne d. dinner
10. Do the pupils do anything before the lesson? No, ....
a. they do b. they do not
c. they did d. they did not

This text below is for the questions 11-14

An invitation to dinner
The day before yesterday, Mr. Smith received a letter which he did not open till after his
breakfast. The letter contained an invitation to dine with Mr. Allen the following evening, and
afterwards to go to the cinema.
11. Did Mr. Smith receive a letter yesterday? ....
a. yes mr. Smith is receiving a letter b. yes mr. Smith received a letter
yesterday yesterday
c. no, he did not received a letter d. no, he did not receive a letter
yesterday yesterday
12. ... ? He received a letter
Ask questions for the answers above!
a. what did mr smith receive? b. What did he receive?
c. Di mr smith receive a letter? d. Wahat did mr smith received?
13. Did you spek english at the last lesson? Yes, I ... English. No, I did not speak English.
a. speak b. speaks
c. spoke d. spoken
14. Did you spek english at the last lesson? Yes, I ... English. No, I did not speak English.
a. speak b. speaks
c. spoke d. spoken

This text below is for the questions 14-17

At the seaside
Last, year, Mr. And Mrs. Jones and their family ... to the seaside for their summer holiday.
They left city very early in the morning on the 31st of July. The weather was not very fine and
they wore their overcoats because they felt cold. At 10 o’clock, the sun began to shine, and
two hours later when i met them at the station, the sun was shining brightly. They took off
their overcoats and we all went to the same restaurant where we sat down to a good lunch.
We ate fish and some very good mutton, and drank two bottles of excellent milk.

14. Mr. And Mrs. Jones and their family ... to the seaside for their summer holiday
(Tuan dan Nyonya Jones dan keluarga mereka pergi ke pantai untuk liburan musim
panas mereka)
a. go b. goes
c. gone d. went
15. They left city very early in the morning on the 31st of July
Change the underlined verb to verb 1
a. leave b. life
c. leafe d. live
16. Was the weather very fine? No, the weather was not very fine
Change the negative form to the affirmative form!
a. Yes, the weather is very fine b. Yes, the weather was very fine
c. Yes, the weather very fine d. Yes, the weather was not very fine
17. overcoats, the meaning in Indonesian is ...
a. baju b. jas
c. mantel d. jaket
18. Have you dined today? Yes, i ....
a. have dined b. have not dined
c. has dined d. has not dined
19. ...? I came here twice last week.
Ask questions for the answers above!
a. How many times do you come b. How many times does you come
here last week here last week
c. How many times did you come d. how many times will you come last
here last week week
20. What have you done today?....
a. i have eaten today b. i have eat today
c. i have ate today d. i has eat today

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