17 Feb KATALIS - Indonesia - Two Wheeler EVs

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Request for Tender


Staged Market Definition/Analysis/Opportunity Report

Exploring Indonesia - Australia fintech opportunities for the two-
wheel EV market
Terms & Conditions
Katalis does not give any warranty or make any representation, expressed or implied, as to the completeness,
accuracy or sufficiency of the information contained in this document or any information which may be
provided in connection with it either verbally or in writing.
While all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this RFT, the information contained herein does not
purport to be comprehensive or to have been verified by Katalis or any of their advisers, officers or
employees. The information contained in this RFT is not intended to be exhaustive and respondents are
required to make their own independent assessment, taking such professional advice as they deem necessary.
Katalis expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to or resulting from the use of such information by any
respondent or other third party in the preparation of a response to this RFT.
Respondents should bear their own costs in relation to preparing a response and any subsequent proposal to
Katalis. Katalis reserves the right to amend, modify or withdraw this RFT or any part of it, or to terminate or
amend the process or any of the procedures, procurement processes or requirements detailed in this RFT, at
any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate or reimburse any person for any liability or
loss as a result of such amendment, modification, withdrawal or termination.
Katalis reserves the right to seek proposals from any organisation; accept or reject any quote; terminate,
extend or vary its selection process for the services; seek information or negotiate with any organisation that
has not been invited to submit a quote; terminate negotiations at any time and commence negotiations with
any other organisation; and evaluate bids as Katalis sees appropriate.

Procurement information
Estimated start and end February 2023 – September 2023
RFT Issue Date Friday, 20 January 2023
Indicative budget Up to AUD 300,000
Registration Prospective tenderers should register their interest by email by:
23:59 pm Western Indonesian Time (UTC + 7) on Friday, 3 February 2023.

Pre-tender briefing A pre-tender briefing will be conducted. Registered tenderers will be

contacted directly by email with details.
Questions All inquiries regarding the RFT must be made in writing to the Katalis contact
listed below. Answers and supplementary information will be made available
to all registered tenderers.
Lodgement RFT responses (electronic copy only) must be received no later than:
23:59 pm Western Indonesian Time (UTC + 7) on Friday, 17 February 2023.
Responses received after the closing time may be accepted by Katalis at
Katalis’s sole discretion and Katalis may decline to consider any RFT response
that is submitted late.

Contact Procurement Unit

Email: procurement@iacepa-katalis.org

Table of Contents

Terms & Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 2
Procurement information ................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Scope of Work................................................................................................................................... 4
Deliverables ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Structure of the Response ................................................................................................................. 7
Technical proposal .............................................................................................................................. 7
Financial proposal ............................................................................................................................... 8
Proposal Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 9
Returnable Schedule 1 – Tenderer’s Declaration ............................................................................. 10
Deed of Declaration .......................................................................................................................... 10
Returnable Schedule 2 – Due Diligence Preliminary Partner Statement ........................................... 11
Details ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Due Diligence Baseline Criteria – Preliminary Partner Statement .................................................... 11
Returnable Schedule 3 – GEDSI Self-Assessment ............................................................................. 14
Returnable Schedule 4 – Value for Money Assessment .................................................................... 15
Returnable Schedule 5 – Contract Departures Table ........................................................................ 16
Annexe 1 – Terms of Reference ....................................................................................................... 17
Annexe 2 – Standard Contract ......................................................................................................... 22

The Governments of Indonesia and Australia have entered into the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive
Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), creating a framework to unlock the vast potential of the bilateral
economic relationship. Katalis’ mandate is to maximise the benefits of IA-CEPA, support trade and investment,
improve market access and promote inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.
The Market Integration breakthrough area is responsible for fostering new economic partnerships, business
sector engagement and cooperation on the standards ecosystem to support more integrated markets. This is
driven by industry identifying and investing in opportunities across the targeted sectors of agri-foods,
advanced manufacturing and services.
Sky Credit Pty Ltd is an “digital first” financial services provider offering online direct-to-consumer credit
focused on the near-prime risk segment of the Australian market. They also offer white label embedded
finance solutions to third parties and have a wholly owned subsidiary providing technology and risk services.
The Indonesian motorcycle market is the third largest in the world. Transitioning to electric motorcycles
represents a once-in-a-century structural change in the market, potentially facilitating the entry of Australian
companies to the Indonesian market, including fintech and other financing companies.

Scope of Work
Katalis is seeking a provider to conduct a staged exploration and analysis of the emerging electric two-wheel
mobility market sector in Indonesia and identify opportunities for Sky Credit to engage based on their
technological strengths. The tenderer will be expected to have an excellent understanding of the emerging
electric mobility sector including financing and be able to demonstrate a strong track record of relevant
The assignment will encompass three distinct stages with a go/no-go decision point at the end of stages one
and two. Respondents should structure their responses so that the methodology (and pricing) allows for
project termination at these points.
• Stage 1 – Market definition. Providers will be expected to investigate the scope of the market and
present their work in a coherent framework. This phase is exploratory, we don’t know what we don’t
know. From our experience, the companies currently engaged in the market are also inexperienced
and a methodology that simply interviews them and asks what they “want” is unlikely to deliver the
required insight. Providers will be expected to bring your experience in other disruptive markets to
bear. This stage will culminate in a facilitated workshop where you present your market definition
framework and pitch the opportunities to Katalis and Sky Credit. Note: The “innovation opportunities”
listed in the table below (row two) are indicative. The provider should not just explore these but use
them as an example of the type of opportunities we expect you to identify. All (or none) may be
• Stage 2 – Detailed market analysis. In conjunction with Sky Credit, Katalis will select one or two
opportunities from stage one for more detailed study. This stage will look at the specific market for
the opportunities and characterise its attractiveness for a new market entrant. While this stage will
consider the client’s technology and skills mix in general, it should be conducted with the view that
other companies may also find these opportunities attractive. The final report for this stage should
not contain any client confidential material.
• Stage 3 – Detailed opportunity analysis. This stage will be specific to Sky Credit’s technology,
strengths, and interests. It should be structured as a practical guide to entering the market in
Indonesia. This is a confidential report.

# Project element Description

1 Inception report • Overview of the methodology to undertake the project.

• Confirmation of scope of work.
• Detailed timeline.
• Monitoring and evaluation plan.
• Risk matrix for the project including mitigation measures.

2 Market definition A draft market definition report that encompasses an overview of the
report – draft emerging two-wheel electric vehicle market segment as it relates to
financial products and services.
1. Define the market
a. What to include, what to exclude. Too narrow - misses
innovation, too broad lacks clarity and direction.
2. Size of the market
3. Scope of potential services
4. Current players
5. Sectors & subsegments
6. Innovation opportunities in the market. For example:
a. EV only lending
b. Asset warehousing and rental (motor listrik)
i. Individuals
ii. Branded fleet
c. Battery asset warehousing and rental/subscription
d. Battery swap station asset warehousing and rental
e. Underwriting insurance products for all of the above
i. De-risking for new entrants
f. Incentive schemes/loyalty programs for the electric
mobility sector
A draft report should be prepared for the workshop including at a
1. Sector definition
2. Scope/value
3. Innovation opportunities
4. Who consulted
5. Prioritised list of opportunities

3 Workshop & One day facilitated workshop with the client and Katalis in Jakarta.
workshop summary • Overview of the draft report

• Discussion of the opportunity areas
• Identification of priority areas.
Brief workshop summary.

4 Review & finalisation Incorporate any feedback from the workshop.

The final report should be suitable for eventual public release and
should not contain any client specific recommendations from the

Stage Gate Katalis will confirm if the project is to proceed

For the one or two sectors identified in the workshop from the market
5 Detailed market
definition report.
analysis report –
draft 1. Regulatory landscape
2. Size of market
3. Anticipated changes
4. Competitor analysis
5. PESTEL/five forces

6 Review & finalisation Review and incorporate feedback

Stage Gate Katalis will confirm if the project is to proceed

7 Detailed opportunity Detailed opportunity analysis of a single opportunity identified from

analysis – draft stage two and specific to client’s IP & technology. Will include current
Indonesian market standards around mobile technologies, retail
distribution, consumer credit, capacity to service debt, fraud, know-
your-customer, anti-money laundering and securing assets against
consumer credit instruments.

8 Review & finalisation Incorporate feedback and finalise the report.

# Deliverables After contract Estimated
execution date

1 Fraud risk assessment and fraud control strategy One week

(Template provided)

2 Inception report Three weeks

3 Market definition report - draft Eight weeks

4 Workshop & summary 10 weeks

5 Market definition report - final 11 weeks

Stage Gate

6 Detailed market analysis report - draft 16 weeks

7 Detailed market analysis report - final 18 weeks

Stage Gate

8 Detailed opportunity analysis – draft 23 weeks

9 Detailed opportunity analysis – final 25 weeks

10 Input completion report (template provided) 25 weeks

Structure of the Response

The response should consist of two separate documents with the following elements:

Technical proposal
# Section Description

1 Respondent details Company name, address, registration number and details of

the contact person including name, title, direct phone and
email address.

2 Methodology Detailed explanation of the proposed methodology for the

project. The explanation should demonstrate how the
proposed response will achieve the project’s intended
Assessment of key risks and any mitigation measures.
Outline any assumptions.
Outline all quality assurance processes or plans to monitor
Project timeline.
Maximum 10 A4 pages

3 Technical skills and team Detailed information about specific skills required for the
composition project.

Map personnel skills to project activities and outcomes.
CVs of key team members.

4 Relevant experience Examples of three relevant projects.

Financial proposal
# Section Description

1 Respondent details Company name, address, registration number and details of

the contact person including name, title, direct phone and
email address.

2A Lump sum proposal A lump sum proposal consisting of the following:

• An organisational management fee expressed as a
percentage of the total contract.
• Single lump sum for the project.
• Suggested milestone payments based on the
• A table of days x personnel (so Katalis can estimate
average cost per input)
• Reimbursable expenses (such as travel).
• GST/VAT should be excluded.

2B Rate based proposal A rate-based proposal including the following:

• An organisational management fee expressed as a
percentage of the total contract.
• A table of rates for the personnel in the team.
• A table of days x personnel.
• Suggested milestone payments based on the
• Reimbursable expenses (such as travel).
• GST/VAT should be excluded.

3 Returnable Schedule 1 Tenderer’s declaration

4 Returnable Schedule 2 Due diligence preliminary partner statement

5 Returnable Schedule 3 GEDSI assessment of the project activity

6 Returnable Schedule 4 Value for money (VfM) narrative (1-2 pages) that covers key
criteria of the DFAT VfM.

7 Returnable Schedule 5 Contract departures table

Note: Respondents should submit either a lump sum proposal (2A) or a proposal with a schedule of rates (2B),
not both. The financial proposal must be valid for 90 days from the date of submission.

Proposal Evaluation
The proposal will be evaluated against the following selection criteria:

# Description Weighting (%)

1 Methodology 40

2 Team & technical skills 20

3 Relevant experience 20

4 Financial proposal 20

Total 100%

Returnable Schedule 1 – Tenderer’s Declaration
Deed of Declaration
I [name], on behalf of [Company Name], declare that:
[Company Name] offer the services in the attached proposal at the prices quoted, upon and subject to the
conditions of this Request for Tender.
Our offer remains open for acceptance by DT Global for a duration of ninety (90) days from the date of closure
of tenders.
The key personnel are available for the duration of the project.
We have not prepared our application with the benefit of information obtained from a current or former
employee of DT Global or DFAT in circumstances that constitute a breach of confidentiality or fidelity on the
part of that person, or with the benefit of information otherwise improperly obtained.
We have disclosed below (to the best of our knowledge) any matter that may materially affect our performance
of the contract, including but not limited to: any security, probity, or integrity issue, including current or
pending investigations or enquiries by any government, law enforcement, or regulatory body; financial capacity
and viability to perform the services.





Returnable Schedule 2 – Due Diligence Preliminary Partner
This due diligence preliminary partner statement does not from part of the evaluation process.
The preferred tenderer will be required to complete a full due diligence assessment before the contract is
signed. This must be supported by evidence that DT Global can verify.

Name of organisation
Registration #
Country of registration

Due Diligence Baseline Criteria – Preliminary Partner Statement

Proposed Partner Response
Due Diligence Criteria and Questions Yes / List of evidence that may be checked if notified as
No preferred partner; or a brief statement if required
1. Entity Details

The proposed partner confirms it is a legal entity. Choose e.g. registration certificate and number; legal entity
an structure; board minutes; bank details.

2. Past Performance

The proposed partner can demonstrate relevant past Choose e.g. list of previous relevant projects; annual reports; client
performance with good performance outcomes. an performance assessment reports. It is expected the RFT will
item. include comprehensive information in their proposal, so
only brief information is required here.
3. Fraud Control / Anti-Corruption

The proposed partner confirms it has measures in place to Choose e.g. fraud / ant-corruption policies, procedures and tools;
deal with the risk of fraud, bribery and corruption. an financial policies; induction and training programs; conflict
item. of interest policies and/or registers.

The proposed partner confirms it is willing to adhere to DT Choose Note these can be made available upon request.
Global’s fraud and anti-bribery policies. an

The proposed partner confirms it is not currently, nor has Choose If the subject of a recent such investigation, include a brief
been over the last two years, the subject of a fraud or an statement on details.
corruption related investigation by external parties item.
(external parties may include national authorities including
police, multilateral organisations and other donors or
implementing partners).
4. Sanctions List / Counter-Terrorism

The proposed partner confirms it (or any subsidiary or Choose If Yes to any, include a brief statement on details.
parent entity), nor any of its personnel, are not included on an
any national or international sanctions list (including but item.
not limited to UKPTO: World Bank List; ADB Sanctions List;
Australian National Security website; DFAT’s consolidated
list; UK’s Proscribed Terrorist Organisations).
5. Integrity Systems

Proposed Partner Response
Due Diligence Criteria and Questions Yes / List of evidence that may be checked if notified as
No preferred partner; or a brief statement if required
The proposed partner confirms it has integrity systems in Choose e.g. recruitment and procurement policies and procedures;
place to recruit/procure staff and suppliers that are an conflict of interest policies, criminal record checks.
qualified and of good character. This includes undertaking item.
due diligence of its suppliers/contractors.

The proposed partner confirms it has processes in place to Choose e.g. Code of Conduct; training programs; performance
ensure staff and any proposed partners are appropriately an management policies and procedures; grievance
trained and performance managed. item. procedure; whistle-blower policy.
6. Child Protection

The proposed partner confirms it has policies and Choose e.g. child protection policy and procedures; Code of
procedures in place to deal with the risk of child an Conduct; child protection risk assessments.
exploitation and abuse. item.

The proposed partner confirms it is willing to adhere to DT Choose Note these can be made available upon request.
Global’s Child Protection Policy and Procedures. an

7. Safeguarding, including Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

The proposed partner confirms it has policies and Choose e.g. preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment
procedures in place to deal with the risk of sexual an policy and procedures; Code of Conduct; sexual exploitation
exploitation, abuse and harassment. item. risk assessments.

The proposed partner confirms it is willing to adhere to DT Choose Note these can be made available upon request.
Global’s Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and an
Harassment Policy and Procedures. item.

8. Security Arrangements

The proposed partner confirms it has policies and Choose e.g. security plan or procedures; subscriptions to
procedures in place to manage security risks associated an travel/security provider/alerts.
with its operations and will be responsible for the security item.
arrangements of staff and suppliers/sub grantees within its

The proposed partner confirms it is willing to adhere to DT Choose Note these can be made available upon request.
Global’s security policies, procedures and directions an
relevant to the activity. item.

9. Work Health and Safety

The proposed partner confirms it has policies and Choose e.g. health and safety policies and procedures; relevant risk
procedures in place to manage the health and safety risks an assessments; health and safety plans; workers
associated with its operations and will be responsible for item. compensation insurance policy; travel/medical insurance
the health and safety of its staff and suppliers/sub grantees policies.
within its control.

The proposed partner confirms it complies with the health Choose e.g. Legal register; workers compensation policy.
and safety laws in the jurisdiction it is working in, and will an
comply with all relevant health and safety laws in the item.
jurisdiction of this activity.

The proposed partner confirms it is willing to adhere to DT Choose Note these can be made available upon request.
Global’s health and safety policies and procedures and will an
provide all reasonable assistance in any health and safety item.
review or investigation.

Proposed Partner Response
Due Diligence Criteria and Questions Yes / List of evidence that may be checked if notified as
No preferred partner; or a brief statement if required
The proposed partner confirms it will take out all relevant Choose e.g. certificates of currency for professional indemnity,
insurances to cover its obligations if it is the preferred an public liability, workers compensation insurance,
partner. item. travel/medical insurance.

I _____________________________________________ [print name]
____________________________________________________ [print position title] declare the following:
I am duly authorised to provide this information on behalf of __________________________________ [print organisation name] and
the information provided is true and correct.

Name and Position Signature Date

Returnable Schedule 3 – GEDSI Self-Assessment
Katalis pays special attention to the situations of vulnerable and marginal groups to ensure that the benefits
from the project are equitable and the project will not unfairly benefit (or disadvantage) any one group over
others. We expect all suppliers to consider Gender, Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) when
responding to this RFT and evaluate the GEDSI impacts of the project through this self-assessment.

# Question Supplier Response

1 Tell us about GEDSI in your organisation.

• What is the gender balance of your
board and management team?
• Who is the highest company officer
with specific responsibility for GEDSI.
• Does your management team have
GEDSI specific KPI’s? If yes, please
• Do you have GEDSI specific programs or
initiatives for general staff? If yes,
please provide a brief description.

2 How might gender, disability status, age

and sexual orientation influence how the
impacts of this project are experienced?

3 What opportunities do you see in this

project to promote GEDSI?

4 Which team member is your nominated

GEDSI contact?

5 Outline how you will include GEDSI

indicators in your monitoring and learning

Returnable Schedule 4 – Value for Money Assessment
Katalis uses DFAT’s value for money principles to guide decision making and maximise the impact of its
investments and is a key aspect of our procurement assessment process. Suppliers should provide a value for
money assessment. Further information on DFAT’s value for money principles can be found at:

# VFM Criteria Supplier Response

1 Economy
1. Cost consciousness
2. Encouraging competition

2 Efficiency
3. Evidence-based decision making
4. Proportionality

3 Effectiveness
5. Performance and risk management
6. Results focus
7. Experimentation and innovation

4 Ethics
8. Accountability and transparency

Returnable Schedule 5 – Contract Departures Table
Katalis requires all suppliers to review the standard contract provided (Annexe 2 – page 22) as part of this
tender and indicate any proposed departures. Only clauses raised in this departures table will be considered
as part of contracting discussions with the preferred supplier.

# Clause # Contract text Requested amendment




Annexe 1 – Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference – Firm / Service Provider
Exploring Indonesia – Australia fintech opportunities for the two-wheel EV market

Location: Indonesia/Australia
Lead Adviser responsible: Brian Ramsay
Estimated start and end February 2023 – September 2023
Estimated budget: Up to AUD 300,000
Budget Source: Market Integration

Summary of services required

Katalis is seeking a provider to conduct a staged exploration and analysis of the emerging electric mobility
market sector in Indonesia and identify opportunities for Katalis’s business beneficiary (Sky Credit Pty Ltd,
an Australian fintech firm) to engage based on their technological strengths. The tenderer will be expected
to have an excellent understanding of the emerging electric mobility sector including financing and be able
to demonstrate a strong track record of relevant experience.
The assignment will encompass three distinct stages with a go/no-go decision point at the end of stages
one and two.
• Stage 1 – Market definition.
• Stage 2 – Detailed market analysis.
• Stage 3 – Detailed opportunity analysis.

Background and description of the activity

The Governments of Indonesia and Australia have entered into the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive
Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), creating a framework to unlock the vast potential of the bilateral
economic relationship. Katalis’s mandate is to maximise the benefits of IA-CEPA, support trade and investment,
improve market access and promote inclusive economic growth in Indonesia.
The Market Integration Breakthrough Area in Katalis is responsible for fostering new economic partnerships,
business sector engagement and cooperation on the standards ecosystem to support more integrated markets.
This is driven by the industry identifying and investing in opportunities across the targeted sectors of agri-foods,
advanced manufacturing and services.
Sky Credit Pty Ltd is a “digital first” financial services provider offering online direct-to-consumer credit focused
on the near-prime risk segment of the Australian market. They also offer white-label embedded finance
solutions to third parties and have a wholly-owned subsidiary providing technology and risk services.
The Indonesian motorcycle market is the third largest in the world. Transitioning to electric motorcycles
represents a once-in-a-century structural change in the market, potentially facilitating the entry of Australian
companies to the Indonesian market, including fintech and other financing companies.

Gender and social inclusion strategy and focus
The electric mobility market in Indonesia is experiencing rapid and far-reaching change. The electrification of
mobility will improve air quality and the adoption of emerging business models allowing greater access to cost
effective transport. These potentially include monthly subscription models for the use/provision of EV
motorcycle services. If successful, this project will improve financial inclusion in Indonesia, providing positive
benefits which include accessibility to financing for families with low-income, women, people with disabilities
and/or other marginalised groups.

Scope of services
Katalis is seeking a provider to conduct a staged exploration and analysis of the emerging electric, two-wheel
mobility market sector in Indonesia and identify opportunities for Sky Credit to engage based on their
technological strengths. The tenderer will be expected to have an excellent understanding of the emerging
electric mobility sector including financing and be able to demonstrate a strong track record of relevant
The assignment will encompass three distinct stages with a go/no-go decision point at the end of stages one
and two. Respondents should structure their responses so that the methodology (and pricing) allows for
project termination at these points.
• Stage 1 – Market definition. Providers will be expected to investigate the scope of the market and
present their work in a coherent framework. This phase is exploratory, we don’t know what we don’t
know. From our experience, the companies currently engaged in the market are also inexperienced
and a methodology that simply interviews them and asks what they “want” is unlikely to deliver the
required insight. Providers will be expected to bring experience in other disruptive markets to bear.
This stage will culminate in a facilitated workshop where you present your market definition
framework and pitch the opportunities to Katalis and Sky Credit. Note: The “innovation opportunities”
listed in the table below (row two) are indicative. The provider should not just explore these but use
them as an example of the type of opportunities identified. All (or none) may be relevant.
• Stage 2 – Detailed market analysis. In conjunction with Sky Credit, Katalis will select one or two
opportunities from stage one for a more detailed study. This stage will look at the specific market for
the opportunities and characterise its attractiveness for a new market entrant. While this stage will
consider the client’s technology and skills mix in general, it should be conducted with the view that
other companies may also find these opportunities attractive. The final report for this stage should
not contain any client confidential material.
• Stage 3 – Detailed opportunity analysis. This stage will be specific to Sky Credit’s technology, strengths
and interests. It should be structured as a practical guide to entering the market in Indonesia. This is a
confidential report.

# Project element Description

1 Inception report • Overview of the methodology to undertake the project.

• Confirmation of scope of work.
• Detailed timeline.
• Monitoring and evaluation plan.
• Risk matrix for the project including mitigation measures.

# Project element Description

2 Market definition A draft market definition report that encompasses an overview of the
report – draft emerging two-wheel electric vehicle market segment as it relates to
financial products and services.
7. Define the market
a. What to include, what to exclude. Too narrow - misses
innovation, too broad lacks clarity and direction.
8. Size of the market
9. Scope of potential services
10. Current players
11. Sectors & subsegments
12. Innovation opportunities in the market. For example:
a. EV only lending
b. Asset warehousing and rental (motor listrik)
i. Individuals
ii. Branded fleet
c. Battery asset warehousing and rental/subscription
d. Battery swap station asset warehousing and rental
e. Underwriting insurance products for all of the above
i. De-risking for new entrants
f. Incentive schemes/loyalty programs for the electric
mobility sector
A draft report should be prepared for the workshop including at a
6. Sector definition
7. Scope/value
8. Innovation opportunities
9. Who consulted
10. Prioritised list of opportunities

3 Workshop and One day facilitated workshop with client and Katalis in Jakarta.
workshop summary • Overview of the draft report
• Discussion of the opportunity areas
• Identification of priority areas.
Brief workshop summary.

4 Review & finalisation Incorporate any feedback from the workshop.

# Project element Description

The final report should be suitable for eventual public release and
should not contain any client specific recommendations from the

Stage Gate Katalis will confirm if the project is to proceed

5 Detailed market For the one or two sectors identified in the workshop from the market
analysis report – definition report.
6. Regulatory landscape
7. Size of market
8. Anticipated changes
9. Competitor analysis
10. PESTEL/five forces

6 Review & finalisation Review and incorporate feedback

Stage Gate Katalis will confirm if the project is to proceed

7 Detailed opportunity Detailed opportunity analysis of a single opportunity identified from

analysis – draft stage two and specific to client’s IP & technology. Will include current
Indonesian market standards around mobile technologies, retail
distribution, consumer credit, capacity to service debt, fraud, know-
your-customer, anti-money laundering and securing assets against
consumer credit instruments.

8 Review & finalisation Incorporate feedback and finalise the report.


# Deliverables After contract Estimated

execution date

1 Fraud risk assessment and fraud control strategy One week

(template provided)

2 Inception report Three weeks

3 Market definition report - draft Eight weeks

4 Workshop & summary 10 weeks

5 Market definition report - final 11 weeks

# Deliverables After contract Estimated
execution date

Stage Gate

6 Detailed market analysis report - draft 16 weeks

7 Detailed market analysis report - final 18 weeks

Stage Gate

8 Detailed opportunity analysis – draft 23 weeks

9 Detailed opportunity analysis – final 25 weeks

10 Input completion report (template provided) 25 weeks

About Katalis
The Governments of Indonesia and Australia have entered into the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive
Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), creating a framework to unlock the vast potential of the bilateral
economic relationship. To support this ambition, the IA-CEPA includes a new program – IA-CEPA ECP Katalis
Katalis’s goal is to maximise the benefits of IA-CEPA, support trade and investment, improve market access, and
promote inclusive economic growth in Indonesia. The primary objective is to ensure the efficient and effective
implementation of IA-CEPA to increase two-way trade and investment that is broad based and inclusive.
Through a “Collaborative Hub”, Katalis leverages existing Australian investments in Indonesia by working in
partnership with other DFAT Programs, whole of government partners such as Austrade, and other sectoral
partners, to deliver new activities.
Katalis combines sound trade and development practice by supporting Indonesia to maximise the benefits of
IA-CEPA, addressing regulatory challenges (through technical assistance), while resourcing innovative industry
engagement in sectors of mutual interest; and by investing in standards, skills and business sector development
in new areas, including digital services and advanced manufacturing.

Annexe 2 – Standard Contract

Subcontractor Agreement
(updated DFAT terms)


DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

ACN: 006 170 869



Agreement Number: Agreement Number

• This template is to be used to engage subcontractors on projects where the Head Contract with DFAT is
based on DFAT’s new contract terms (post-September 2020) (e.g. KEIP and ECP). For other DFAT contracts
(e.g. JSS4D, MAHKOTA) please use the alternative DFAT Subcontractor Agreement Template.
• For advice on which contract template to use please refer to QMS Contract Summary Table.
• Once contract is ready to be issued, turn track changes off, highlight all and press F9. This will update all
cross-references and the table of contents
• This template is to be used only for contracting subcontractor companies (not individuals) on DFAT projects
contracted under DFAT’s new (Post September 2020) head contract terms.
• Notes in red are for information and are to be deleted as part of the review process noted below.
• This Agreement is to be reviewed in ‘Track Changes’ prior to being sent to the subcontractor.
• Notes in blue indicates information required / filled in
• The PSO must consult with the PD/PM when drafting Schedule 4 Basis of Payment wording, specifically
around LTA/STA/Personnel Support Costs
• Additional Rules for Tenancy Refurbishments: All insurances MUST be provided to DT Global prior to any
contract being signed (Legal requirement, and Contractor Safety Booklet to be tailored to project and sent as
part of contracting package.

DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

Level 5, 501 Swanston Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000 Australia
P: +61 3 9100 4100
DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents will not update automatically. Please adjust your Word settings to update automatically (Options/Display/Printing
Options – select update fields before printing) or right click TOC and update page numbers) before issuing to another party.
Agreement Details .................................................................................................................................................................................. ii
Standard Terms and Conditions ...........................................................................................................................................................1
1. The Parties ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. The Agreement ...............................................................................................................................................................................1
3. The Assignment ..............................................................................................................................................................................1
4. Basis of Payment ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5. Taxation and Income Tax ................................................................................................................................................................2
6. Medical, Dental, Evacuation and Travel Insurance .......................................................................................................................... 2
7. Expenses and Travel ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
8. Resources and Computer Viruses ................................................................................................................................................... 2
9. Subcontracting ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
10. Black Economy ...............................................................................................................................................................................3
11. Counter-Terrorism and Sanctions ................................................................................................................................................... 3
12. Contractor Personnel ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
13. Specified Personnel ........................................................................................................................................................................3
14. Liaising and Reporting ....................................................................................................................................................................4
15. Intellectual Property ........................................................................................................................................................................4
16. Intellectual Property Rights Indemnity ............................................................................................................................................. 4
17. Moral Rights ....................................................................................................................................................................................4
18. Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
19. Publicity ..........................................................................................................................................................................................5
20. Privacy ............................................................................................................................................................................................5
21. Safeguarding Policies, Procedures and Codes................................................................................................................................ 5
22. Fraud and Anti-Corruption ...............................................................................................................................................................5
23. Child Protection...............................................................................................................................................................................6
24. Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment ................................................................................................................. 6
25. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking .......................................................................................................................................... 6
26. Due diligence .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
27. Conflict of Interest ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
28. Waiver ............................................................................................................................................................................................6
29. Indemnity ........................................................................................................................................................................................6
30. Negation of Partnership, Employment and Agency.......................................................................................................................... 7
31. Variations to the Agreement ............................................................................................................................................................7
32. Suspension of the Agreement ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
33. Termination of the Agreement ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
34. Applicable Law ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
35. Continuing Obligations ....................................................................................................................................................................8
36. Severability ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
37. Resolution of Disputes ....................................................................................................................................................................8
38. Specific Obligations.........................................................................................................................................................................8
Schedule 1 Project Specific / Donor Mandated Conditions.......................................................................................................... 10
Schedule 2 Definitions and Interpretations ................................................................................................................................... 15
Schedule 3 Scope of Services........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Schedule 4 Basis of Payment......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Schedule 5 Deed of Confidentiality................................................................................................................................................ 23
Schedule 6 Declaration of Status ................................................................................................................................................... 24

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

Agreement Details

Do not alter Items 1–23 – If they are not relevant simply note ‘Not Applicable’

Item No. Description

Item 1 Agreement Number #
Item 2 Project Title / Activity Project Title and Activity Title (e.g. XXX Program / Baseline Study)
Item 3 Client/Donor Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Item 4 Contractor Contractor including ACN or overseas equivalent business identifier
Item 5 Specified Contractor Please refer to Schedule 4 of this Agreement
Item 6 Contractor’s Contact Name
Details Tel
Item 7 Partner Country Partner Country
Item 8 Location Location may include home base as well
Item 9 Start Date On or about dd/mm/yyyy
Item 10 Finish Date On or about End Date dd/mm/yyyy
Item 11 Term Term
refer also Clause 1 Schedule 1

Item 12 No. of Inputs Inputs

refer also Clause 1 Schedule 1.

Item 13 Contractor’s Country of Contactor’s country of registration

Item 14 Specified Personnel Point of origin of Specified Contractor Personnel
Point of Origin
Item 15 DT Global Manager Relevant Business Unit Manager or Head of Region
Item 16 Team Leader or Team Leader (or equivalent)
Item 17 Project Director or DT Global Project Director (or equivalent)
Item 18 Project Manager or DT Global Project Manager or equivalent
Item 19 Project Support Officer DT Global Project Support Officer

Item 20 Contractor’s Manager Contractor’s Manager responsible for oversight of implementation of the Agreement
Item 21 Minimum Insurance Minimum Insurance Amount/s and Coverage Period/s
Amounts and Coverage
Item 22 Applicable Standards (i) DFAT’s Monitoring and Evaluation Standards, https://www.dfat.gov.au/about-
(ii) ISO 30405:2016 (Human resource management -- Guidelines on recruitment)
(iii) ISO 30408:2016 (Human resource management -- Guidelines on human governance)
(iv) ISO 15489 (Records management)
Item 23 Add as necessary or
else delete this row

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

Standard Terms and Conditions

1. The Parties experienced in carrying out the type of services

1.1 This Subcontractor Agreement sets out the terms and required.
conditions under which DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd 3.2 Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, you and
and ACN 006 170 869 engages Contractor and ACN to your Personnel acknowledge that this assignment is
perform the Services in relation to the Project noted at non-exclusive.
Item 2 of the Agreement Details. For the purposes of 3.3 The Assignment will be undertaken in the name of DT
this Agreement, DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd will be Global and you and your Personnel will observe the
referred to as ‘DT Global or ‘we’ or ‘our’ or ‘us’ and professional standards which we require. You and your
Contractor as ‘Contractor’ or ‘your Personnel’ or ‘you’ or Personnel will not represent yourself as being an
‘yours’ or ‘they’. employee, partner or agent of DT Global, our Donor
(DFAT), or of the Commonwealth of Australia.
2. The Agreement 3.4 You and your Personnel will complete the Assignment
2.1 This Agreement consists of: within the Term noted at Item 11 of the Agreement
(a) the Agreement Details, which summarise Details. If the Assignment is not completed within the
details unique to this Agreement; Term noted, you and your Personnel will continue to
(b) the Standard Terms and Conditions on which work without delay to complete the Assignment in
we engage you; and accordance with this Agreement, however your
(c) the Schedules, which contain Project Specific entitlement to Remuneration will cease on expiry of the
and/or Donor Requested Terms and Term.
Conditions, Definitions and Interpretations, 3.5 Where DT Global considers that a delay has arisen, in
Scope of Services for the Assignment, Basis of whole or in part, because of an act or omission on the
Payment as well as other explanatory notes part of DT Global, the Donor, or other actors outside the
and documents as may be required by our Contractor’s reasonable control, DT Global may, by
Donor (DFAT). notice in writing to the Contractor, extend the time for
2.2 Should this Agreement contain any discrepancy, performance of the relevant obligation of the Agreement
ambiguity or inconsistency then the order of to the extent of the delay.
precedence of those documents forming this 3.6 You and your Personnel and any accompanying
Agreement listed at Clause 2.1 above shall apply to dependants agree to conduct yourself or themselves in
resolve the discrepancy, ambiguity or inconsistency. a way that maintains friendly relations between us, our
2.3 For the purposes of this Agreement and unless the Donor, counterpart agencies, the government and
context otherwise requires: people of the Partner Country. You will not make any
(a) a singular word includes the plural, and vice public statement that may adversely reflect on us, our
versa; Donor, counterpart agencies or the government and
(b) a word that suggests one gender includes the people of the Partner Country.
other genders; 3.7 You and your Personnel agree to comply with our
(c) where a word or phrase is defined, any other procedures and instructions relating to the Project,
grammatical form of that word or phrase has a working conditions, welfare and security.
corresponding meaning; 3.8 You must immediately notify DT Global if you or your
(d) a reference to DT Global includes our Related Personnel is:
Bodies Corporate within the meaning of the (a) subject to a change in control of its legal entity;
Corporations Act 2001, our successors and (b) on the DFAT Consolidated List, the Criminal
permitted assigns; Code Act List, the World Bank List or a
(e) a reference to Project includes Programs and Relevant List;
vice versa; (c) subject to any proceedings or informal process
(f) paragraph headings are for reference only and that could lead to listing on the DFAT
will not affect the interpretation of this Consolidated List, the Criminal Code Act List,
Agreement; the World Bank List or a Relevant List;
(g) a reference to a person will be construed and (d) temporarily suspended from tendering for World
taken to be a reference to an individual, Bank contracts by the World Bank, pending the
partnership, body corporate, trust or outcome of a sanctions process;
governmental department or instrumentality (e) temporarily suspended from tendering by a
(whether Federal, State or local) and whether donor of development funding other than the
incorporated or not; World Bank; and/or
(h) if an example is given of anything (including a (f) the subject of an investigation (whether formal
right, obligation or concept), such as by or informal) by the World Bank or another donor
saying it includes something else, the example of development funding.
does not limit the scope of that thing; and 3.9 You must:
(i) a reference to information is to information of (a) notify DT Global immediately if you or your
any kind in any form or medium, whether Personnel become aware of any security
formal or informal, written or unwritten, for incident, Cyber Security Incident or security
example, computer software or programs, breach and comply with all DT Global directions
concepts, data, drawings, ideas, knowledge, to rectify the security issue, which may include
procedures, source codes or object codes, notifying the Australian Cyber Security Centre
technology or trade secrets. of any other relevant body;
3. The Assignment (b) participate in security reviews of your
3.1 You agree to satisfactorily perform the Assignment: procedures at least annually as requested by
(a) at the Location noted at Item 8 of the DT Global and participate in any security audit
Agreement Details; in relation to the Agreement, providing full co-
(b) in accordance with the Scope of Services at operation to DT Global or its independent
Schedule 3; auditors, including the Australian National Audit
(c) on the terms set out, and as amended by the Office.
Parties from time to time; and 3.10 You must inform DT Global immediately if you become
(d) with the level of care, skill, competence, and aware of any issue that may affect your performance of,
diligence expected of a professional or compliance, with this Agreement.

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

4. Basis of Payment voided, we will have no liability to you, or your

4.1 The Basis of Payment is set out in Schedule 4. Personnel, or any accompanying dependant
4.2 The Maximum Contract Value as set out in Schedule 4 persons for any loss or damage incurred;
is fixed for the Term. This amount shall not be varied or (e) you are responsible for any medical, hospital
changed in the event that an item that comprises the and dental expenses incurred as a result of
Fixed Management Fee or Reimbursable Costs in injuries or accidents; Check against Head
Schedule 4 is subject to rise or fall in accordance with Contract if provided under DFAT LTA, STA
a change in law or other statutory obligation imposed on Personnel Support Costs.
you. (f) we will not be responsible for the payment of
4.3 Subject to Clause 3.4 above, your entitlement to health insurance premiums or medical, hospital
payment of the Maximum Contract Value begins on the or dental expenses for you or your Personnel;
Start Date and finishes at the expiration of the Term. Check against Head Contract if provided under
4.4 The Maximum Contract Value is inclusive of any DFAT LTA, STA Personnel Support Costs.
overtime or penalty or other allowances payable by us (g) you are responsible for arranging all insurances
to you or your Personnel. relating to you or your Personnel, their
4.5 Unless stated otherwise in Schedule 4, all payments dependants and property; and
made by us will be made in the currency of the (h) you will be liable for the cost of all inoculations,
Agreement between us and our Donor. vaccinations and medications, whether
4.6 Allowances will be paid in accordance with the compulsory, recommended or otherwise.
provisions set out in the Agreement. (i) You are responsible for the cost of any other
4.7 We may adjust the payments under Schedule 4 at any medical, dental, evacuation and travel
time if we reasonably believe that you or your insurances you and your Personnel may require
Personnel have: that are additional to those specified in this
(a) been delayed through Reasons Beyond Your Agreement.
(b) not performed any part of the Scope of Services 7. Expenses and Travel
in a timely and proper manner; 7.1 We will reimburse you for those expenses listed in
(c) otherwise failed to comply with your obligations; Schedule 4 on the proviso that appropriate
or documentation of the expenditure (as required by us
(d) been overpaid. and/or our Donor and noted in Schedule 4) is provided
4.8 We may at any time offset any amount due for payment with your invoice. No expenses other than those in
by us to you against any amount due for payment by Schedule 4 will be reimbursed.
you to us. 8. Resources and Computer Viruses
4.9 Unless agreed otherwise we will transfer payments in 8.1 Unless otherwise advised by us, you must provide all
accordance with the Basis of Payment set out in necessary equipment to perform the services under this
Schedule 4 to one bank account nominated by you. Agreement.
5. Taxation and Income Tax 8.2 You will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all
5.1 Unless agreed otherwise you are responsible for electronic data (e.g. disks, electronic mail and attached
payment of any and all taxes, levies and other documents) sent to us whether using your own
government charges that may apply within or outside equipment, or equipment provided by the Project, or
your Country of Registration. third party equipment are clear of any computer viruses
5.2 We will withhold funds from your payments under or similar which could cause file and system attacks.
Schedule 4 where required under the laws of Australia 9. Subcontracting
or another country. 9.1 You must not subcontract any part of this services
5.3 You will indemnify us for any costs that we may incur in without our approval.
the Partner Country or your Country of Registration in 9.2 We must obtain DFAT’s prior written approval if you are
relation to your failure to meet any assessment or to subcontract with any third party where the proposed
penalty under any applicable tax legislation. subcontract is with a Related Entity. In granting
6. Medical, Dental, Evacuation and Travel Insurance approval under this Clause 9.2, DFAT may impose any
6.1 In connection with the performance of the Services, you conditions it considers appropriate.
or your Personnel must have and maintain during the 9.3 If approval is granted you must not subcontract:
Term the following valid and enforceable insurance (a) any part of the provision of the Goods and/or
policies: Deliverables to a person who is, or an entity,
(a) adequate medical and dental insurance for that is:
persons who are engaged to operate outside (i) on the DFAT Consolidated List, the
their country of permanent residence; Criminal Code Act List, the World Bank List
(b) adequate insurance for medical evacuation and or a Relevant List; or
evacuation resulting from an insured event; and (ii) directly or indirectly engaged in any
(c) adequate general travel insurance. terrorism-related.
6.2 You acknowledge that: 9.4 Any subcontract entered into by the Contractor for the
(a) we are not qualified to advise you or your performance of any part of the Project must contain
Personnel in relation to what vaccinations and clauses:
medications may be necessary during this (a) that authorise the Commonwealth to publish
Assignment; details of the name of the subcontractor and the
(b) you or your Personnel have sought their own nature of the Goods and/or Services that the
medical advice from a qualified medical subcontractor is subcontracted to perform;
practitioner regarding vaccination and medical (b) under which the subcontractor assumes all the
requirements which may be necessary during Contractor’s obligations (including all
the Assignment; obligations under Australian Law and
(c) we will not be held liable for any failure or development policies), and gives all the
omission to inform you or your Personnel of any warranties the Contractor gives, under this
possible health risks which may affect them Contract to the extent they are relevant to the
during the Assignment; Project the subcontractor is subcontracted to
(d) where an act or omission of yours or your perform; and
Personnel results in an insurer denying cover
under any policy or causes any insurance to be

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

(c) that give the Contractor the right to terminate 12.3 The Contractor must use its best endeavours to ensure
the subcontract for convenience as set out in that no Personnel or their accompanying family
Clause 33.3. members:
9.5 If you subcontract your performance of any part of the (a) become involved in the political affairs of the
Project, you remain liable for the acts, defaults and Partner Country (unless citizens of the Partner
omissions of the subcontractor as if they were your Country);
acts, defaults and omissions. (b) interfere in the religious affairs of the Partner
9.6 Any subcontract entered into by the Contractor for the Country (unless citizens of the Partner
performance of any part of the Project must contain Country); or
clauses: (c) share information known as a result of their
(a) that authorise the Commonwealth to publish work on, or relationship to, the Project, in a way
details of the name of the subcontractor and the that a reasonable person could foresee may be
nature of the Goods and/or Services that the detrimental to the relationship between the
subcontractor is subcontracted to perform; Australian and Partner Governments.
(b) under which the subcontractor assumes all your 12.4 The Contractor must not engage a currently serving
obligations (including all obligations under Commonwealth employee in any capacity in connection
Australian Law and development policies), and with the Services without the prior written approval of
gives all the warranties the you give, under this DT Global.
Agreement to the extent they are relevant to the 12.5 The Contractor must not engage a former DFAT
Project the subcontractor is subcontracted to employee in any capacity in connection with the
perform; and Services unless DFAT has approved the engagement in
(c) that give you the right to terminate the subcontract writing.
for convenience as set out in Clause 33.3. 12.6 The Contractor must ensure that media advertisements
placed by the Contractor for personnel to fill a Project
10. Black Economy position acknowledge that the Project is funded by
10.1 It is Commonwealth Policy to increase the integrity of DFAT as part of the Australian Government’s official
government procurement, as listed in the procurement overseas aid program.
connected policy guidelines: Black Economy – 12.7 DT Global or the Donor may give notice to the
increasing the integrity of government procurement. Contractor requiring the Contractor to remove any
10.2 You warrant in relation to any first tier subcontractor you Personnel from work in respect of the Services. The
engaged to deliver goods and/or services with an Contractor must promptly arrange for the removal of
estimated value of over AUD4 million (GST inclusive) such Personnel from work in respect of the Services
that you either: and their replacement (if required) with Personnel
(a) provided a valid and Satisfactory Statement of acceptable to DT Global and the Donor.
Tax Record for the subcontractor as part of 12.8 The Contractor must advise DT Global promptly in
your response for the approach to market that writing of any change in the circumstances of any
resulted in the entry of this Agreement; or Personnel that, in the Contractor’s reasonable opinion,
(b) hold a Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record for is likely to affect DT Global’s assessment of the person
the subcontractor that was Valid at the time of under the Contract.
entry into the subcontract by you and the
subcontractor; 13. Specified Personnel
10.3 If you are in a partnership, you will ensure that if a new 13.1 The Contractor must provide all Specified Personnel for
partner joins the partnership that a valid and the Project and for the minimum periods specified in
Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record for the partner is Schedule 3 and Schedule 4.
provided to you as soon as possible after they become 13.2 During the minimum periods specified in Schedule 4,
a partner to the partnership. the Long Term Advisers included in the Specified
Personnel must be exclusively dedicated to the Project
11. Counter-Terrorism and Sanctions and only perform the duties required under this
11.1 You must ensure that funds provided under this Agreement unless otherwise agreed in writing by DT
Agreement (whether through a subcontract or not) do Global.
not provide direct or indirect support or resources to: 13.3 The Contractor must use its best endeavours to secure
(a) organisations and/or individuals associated with the availability of Specified Personnel for the term of the
terrorism; Contract. If a change to Specified Personnel is required
(b) organisations and individuals for whom the Contractor must provide DT Global with not less
Australia has imposed sanctions under: the than 3 months prior written notice of such change
Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 (Cth) except where circumstances beyond the reasonable
and regulations made under that Act; the control of the Contractor make the giving of such notice
Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth) and impracticable. Any proposed change to the Specified
regulations made under that Act or Personnel must only be made after written consent from
(c) organisations or individuals on the World Bank DT Global and the Donor and in accordance with the
List or a Relevant List. procedure set out in Clause 13.7 below. Any
11.2 If during the term of this Agreement, you or your advertising for new or replacement Specified Personnel
Personnel become aware or should have reasonably engaged under this Subcontractor Agreement must
become aware that funds or resources have directly or adhere to DFAT’s AusConnect guidance and may need
indirectly been provided to organisations or individuals to be advertised on the AusConnect Portal
associated with terrorism, you must inform us (https://ausconnect.dfat.gov.au/).
immediately. Failure to inform us in accordance with 13.4 Subject to Clause 13.3 above, Specified Personnel
this clause (or if we reasonably suspect that you have may be temporarily absent from the Project. Where
failed to inform us) will entitle us to terminate this Specified Personnel are unavailable for work in respect
Agreement immediately in accordance with Clause 33. of the Agreement, for any period in excess of 2 weeks,
12. Contractor Personnel the Contractor must notify DT Global in writing
12.1 The Contractor must ensure that your Personnel are immediately and, if requested, must provide
aware of, and must use its best endeavours to ensure replacement personnel acceptable to DT Global and the
your Personnel comply with, the requirements of the Donor and the Partner Government at no additional
Agreement. charge and at the earliest opportunity and for the
12.2 The Contractor must use its best endeavours to ensure duration of the absence.
that your Personnel are of good fame and character.

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

13.5 The costs incurred by the Contractor in providing we will advise you within that 30 calendar days of
temporary substitute personnel due to the absence of acceptance or rejection, including reasonably detailed
Specified Personnel are the responsibility of the reasons for rejection. If the report is rejected, you will
Contractor. have 14 calendar days after receipt of written notice
13.6 The Contractor must advise DT Global promptly in identifying the non-conformities to re-write the report so
writing of any change in the circumstances of any that it conforms to the requirements of the Agreement. If
Specified Personnel that, in the Contractor’s reasonable you fail to correct the report and deliver a conforming
opinion, is likely to affect DT Global’s assessment of the report within 14 calendar days we may rewrite the
person under the Contract. report and charge you for any costs (including internal
13.7 Before appointing Specified Personnel to the Project, staff costs) incurred.
the Contractor must obtain DT Global’s written
approval. In seeking approval of proposed Specified 15. Intellectual Property
Personnel the Contractor must provide to DT Global: 15.1 Subject to Clause 15.1 and Donor requirements, the
(a) the full names, dates of birth, and nationalities title to all Intellectual Property rights in or in relation to
of proposed personnel and their accompanying Contract Material shall vest upon its creation in the
dependants; Donor. If required by the Donor, you must bring into
(b) a statement demonstrating that the proposed existence, sign, execute or otherwise deal with any
personnel has the demonstrated skills and document which may be necessary to enable the
capacity to undertake the job specification of vesting of such title or rights in the Donor.
the position and duration of the proposed 15.2 Clause 15.1 does not affect the ownership of
appointment; Intellectual Property in any Pre-existing Contract
(c) a copy of the proposed person’s curriculum Material incorporated into the Contract Material, but you
vitae certified as accurate by the person and grant to the Donor a permanent, irrevocable, royalty-
showing recent and relevant experience and free worldwide, non-exclusive licence to use,
formal qualifications including dates of award; reproduce, adapt and otherwise exploit such Pre-
and existing Contractor Material in conjunction with the
(d) assurances that the nominated personnel has Contract Material. The licence granted under this
no existing commitments (defined in relation to Clause 15.1 includes the right of the Donor, to sub-
the commitments of the position and not the licence any of its employees, agents or contractors to
individual’s commitment to a particular use, reproduce, adapt and otherwise exploit the Pre-
organisation), to other DT Global projects that existing Contractor Material incorporated into the
will suffer detriment if accepted on this Project. Contract Material for the purposes of performing
If this is not the case DT Global may require functions, responsibilities, activities or services for, or
further information before assessing the on behalf of, the Donor. You must ensure that the
individual’s suitability. Contract Material is used, copied, supplied or
13.8 If the Contractor is unable to provide acceptable reproduced only for the purposes of this Contract.
replacement Specified Personnel with equivalent 16. Intellectual Property Rights Indemnity
qualifications and experience DT Global may seek a 16.1 The Contractor must at all times indemnify DT Global,
reduction in fees. the Donor and their employees and agents and the
13.9 This Clause 13 is a fundamental term of the Contract, Partner Country (‘those indemnified’) from and against
such that breach shall entitle DT Global to terminate the any Loss or liability whatsoever incurred by any of those
Contract in accordance with Clause 33. indemnified or arising from any claim, demand, suit,
13.10 You must keep detailed timesheets for your Personnel action or proceeding by any person against any of
in a form to be approved by us. those indemnified where such Loss or liability arose out
14. Liaising and Reporting of an infringement, or an alleged infringement, of the
14.1 Unless noted otherwise, all communication between Intellectual Property Rights of any person, which
you and us (including reports, general correspondence, occurred by reason of the performance or use of the
or other materials) must be in the English language. Services.
14.2 You must liaise with and report to our authorised 17. Moral Rights
representatives as detailed in this Agreement. You must 17.1 You agree that:
inform us as soon as practicable if you encounter any (a) you have provided consents and waivers, to the
actual or potential difficulties in performing the Services fullest extent possible under the laws of any
and provide details of your proposal to deal with the applicable jurisdiction, in relation to your Moral
difficulties. Rights in any of the documents that have been
14.3 All written reports and other written documents must be or will be created from your work sufficient to
delivered to us in electronic form.. ensure our Donor’s continued unimpeded use
14.4 All reports and other written documents provided to us of the documents assigned to our Donor or us
must as the case may be under this Agreement.
(a) be accurate and not misleading in any respect; (b) our Donor or we as the case may be or persons
(b) be prepared in accordance with directions nominated by our Donor or us as the case may
provided by us; be and their assignees may do or omit to do
(c) be provided in Microsoft Word format (or any act in relation to the documents created by
Microsoft Excel format for spreadsheets), you without infringing the Moral Rights of any
unless otherwise approved or requested by us; person; and
(d) be provided in the format, number and on the (c) that you shall do all things requested by our
media approved or requested by us; Donor or us as the case may be to give full
(e) not incorporate either DFAT or your logo; and effect to paragraphs (a) and (b) above
(f) be provided at the time specified in this including, without limitation, signing or procuring
Agreement or as otherwise agreed in writing the signature of particular forms.
with you. 17.2 You acknowledge that we have entered into this
14.5 Reports, be they draft or final must not be forwarded Agreement fully relying upon the acknowledgments and
directly to our Donor unless otherwise authorised in warranties given by you under this Clause 17.
writing by us. 17.3 This Clause 17 shall survive expiration or termination of
14.6 Unless otherwise agreed, on delivery of a report, we will this Agreement.
have 30 calendar days to review the report for
conformity with the requirements of this Agreement and

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

18. Confidentiality (b) undertake induction and annual refresher

18.1 You and your Personnel must not disclose, duplicate, or training of DT Global policy and procedures
make unauthorised use of any Confidential Information
to any other person other than those individuals who Reporting breaches
need to have access to the Confidential Information to 21.3 You must immediately report any breach or suspected
carry out the Agreement and then only if those breach of DT Global or Client safeguard polices to
individuals acknowledge confidentiality on the same safeguards@dt-global.com.
terms as this Clause 18. 21.4 Reporting mechanisms are also outlined in the
18.2 You must ensure that any of your Personnel or safeguard policy and related procedures and include a
subcontractor personnel who may have access to the third-party whistle-blower hotline mechanism.
Donor’s Information, complete an undertaking in the 21.5 You must inform us if any of your personnel working on
form set out as Schedule 5 and maintain this. a DT Global or Client activity are convicted of a crime,
18.3 This Clause 18 will survive the termination of this accused of, charged with, arrested for, or convicted of
Agreement. any offences including, but not limited to, offences
relating to child abuse or exploitation, slavery, human
19. Publicity trafficking, sexual harassment, fraud or bribery, money
19.1 The Contractor must identify, and with prior Donor laundering, conflict of interest, or any form of
written approval and in accordance with DFAT Logos exploitation or abuse.
and style guides (https://www.dfat.gov.au/about- 21.6 DT Global or the Client may require them to be
us/corporate/Pages/logos-and-style-guides) Branding suspended from duty or transferred to other duties
Australia Aid projects and initiatives, implement during formal investigations relating to a policy breach.
appropriate opportunities for publicising the Project, 21.7 Our safeguard procedures along with Clause 22 Fraud
including through signage at each Project site that and Anti-Corruption; Clause 23 Child Protection;
acknowledges the funding of the Project. Clause 24 Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse
19.2 The Contractor must not make any media or other and Harassment; Clause 25 Modern Slavery and
announcements or releases relating to this Contract Human Trafficking; Clause 26 Due Diligence and
and the Services either during or after the Clause 27 Conflict of Interest are fundamental to the
implementation of the project without the prior approval terms of this agreement. A breach shall:
of DT Global as to the form, content and manner of the (a) entitle us to take any action to the maximum
announcement or release. extent permitted by law to prevent any breach
20. Privacy by you and recover all and any damages from
20.1 In all of your dealings with Personal Information in you; and,
connection with this Agreement you must: (b) entitle us to terminate this Agreement
(a) comply with and ensure compliance with your immediately without notice and make no
obligations under the Privacy Laws; compensation to you for such termination.
(b) without limiting clause 20.1(a) conform with the 21.8 This includes breaches of this Clause 21 and breaches
obligations applicable to DFAT as if they were relating to, but not limited to, the following safeguard
binding upon you; and policy and procedures:
(c) conform to the extent relevant in this (a) Safeguard Policy;
Agreement, with the requirements of DFAT’s (b) DT Global’s Code of Business Ethics and
published privacy policies (as amended from Conduct);
time to time) and DT Global’s Privacy Policy. (c) Fraud and bribery prevention;
20.2 You must, on reasonable request by DT Global, give (d) Conflict of Interest;
DT Global access to any Personal Information acquired (e) Child Protection;
from DT Global or in connection with this Agreement. (f) Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and
20.3 Without limiting Clauses 20.1 or 20.2 you must comply Harassment;
with any reasonable request by DT Global made for the (g) Slavery and human trafficking.
purpose of ensuring either party’s compliance with: 22. Fraud and Anti-Corruption
(a) obligations arising under the Privacy Laws; 22.1 You, your Personnel or subcontractors shall not make
(b) any applicable guideline, recommendation, or cause to be made, nor receive, or seek to receive
direction or determination issued by the Office any offer, gift or payment, consideration or benefit of
of the Australian Information Commissioner (or any kind, which could be construed as an illegal or
such other privacy authority with jurisdiction corrupt act, either directly or indirectly to any party, as
over either party) or an inducement or reward in relation to the execution of
(c) DFAT’s privacy policy. this Agreement.
20.4 You must: 22.2 You, your Personnel or subcontractors shall not bribe
(a) ensure that your employees, officers, public officials, including foreign officials. Any breach of
contractors and agents who deal with Personal this Clause 22 shall be grounds for immediate
Information in connection with this Agreement termination of this Agreement.
are aware of and comply with your obligations 22.3 Unless agreed otherwise in writing, within one week of
under this Agreement in relation to such commencing, the Contractor must conduct a Fraud risk
activities or practices; and assessment and produce a Fraud control strategy. The
(b) immediately notify DT Global if you become risk assessment strategy must contain appropriate
aware of a breach or possible breach of your fraud prevention, detection, investigation and reporting
obligations in relation to Personal Information processes and procedures.
under this Agreement. 22.4 You, your Personnel and your subcontractors must:
21. Safeguarding Policies, Procedures and Codes (a) comply at all times with the Commonwealth
21.1 You must comply at all times with DT Global’s and the Fraud Control Framework and DFAT Fraud
Client’s safeguard policies and procedures and codes Control Toolkit;
of conduct as amended from time to time. Copies are (b) comply with any fraud control strategy
available at the Location and upon request. implemented by us; and
21.2 Where required your project personnel will be required (c) immediately report fraudulent activity, including
to: alleged, attempted, suspected or detected
(a) Read and sign a policy and procedures fraudulent activity, upon becoming aware of the
acknowledgment pack prior to commencing an fraudulent activity.
assignment on a DT Global site.

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

22.5 Our Client, or we, reserve the right to appoint its own 27. Conflict of Interest
investigator, conduct its own investigation or report 27.1 The Contractor warrants that, to the best of its
fraudulent activity to the appropriate law enforcement knowledge after making diligent enquiries, no Conflict of
agencies or any other person or entity our Donor, or we, Interest exists or is likely to arise in the performance of
deem appropriate in Australia or in the Partner Country its obligations under this Contract by itself or by any of
for investigation . If our Donor exercises its rights under its Personnel.
this Clause 22, the Contractor must provide all 27.2 The Contractor must notify DT Global promptly in
reasonable assistance that may be required as its sole writing if such a Conflict of Interest arises, or appears
expense. likely to arise.
22.6 You and your subcontractors must investigate any fraud 27.3 Within 7 days after giving notice under Clause 27.2, the
at your own cost. Whether you or your subcontractor Contractor must notify DT Global in writing of the steps
conducts an investigation or appoints an investigator to it will take to resolve the issue. If DT Global considers
conduct an investigation, the person conducting the those steps are inadequate, it may direct the Contractor
investigation must possess the minimum qualifications to resolve the issue in a manner proposed by DT
specified in the Australian Government Investigation Global.
Standards or an equivalent agreed to by DT Global or 27.4 If the Contractor does not comply with a direction
the Client. issued by DT Global under Clause 27.3, DT Global
may terminate this Contract in accordance with Clause
23. Child Protection 33.
23.1 You, your Personnel and your subcontractors must 27.5 During the period of this Agreement you must not,
comply at all times with DT Global’s and our Client’s without our prior written approval, which will not be
Child Protection policies and procedures, including unreasonably withheld:
undertaking individual criminal records checks at your (a) engage directly or indirectly in any business
own cost. activity or professional activities in the Partner
23.2 You are responsible and accountable to us for Country which is not directly related to this
preventing and reporting any child abuse or exploitation Agreement whilst performing service-related
or suspected child abuse or exploitation as part of your obligations under this Agreement;
routine responsibilities. (b) make use of any material acquired or created
24. Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and during the Term of this Agreement other than
Harassment for the purpose of the Project; or
24.1 You, your Personnel and your subcontractors must (c) advertise or publicise any association with us or
comply at all times with DT Global’s DT Global’s and DFAT or use the name, emblem, logo, or official
our Client’s Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and seal of DT Global or DFAT in connection with
Harassment policies and procedures. A copy of this your business or profession.
Policy is available at the Location and upon request. 28. Waiver
24.2 You, your Personnel and your subcontractors are 28.1 The failure, delay, relaxation or indulgence on the part
responsible and accountable to us for immediately of any Party in exercising any power or right conferred
reporting suspected or alleged cases sexual upon that Party by this Agreement does not operate as
exploitation, abuse and harassment that relates to the a waiver of that power or right, nor does any single
Project. exercise of any power or right preclude any other or
24.3 You, your Personnel and your subcontractors are further exercise of it or the exercise of any other power
responsible and accountable to us for immediately or right under this Agreement.
reporting any alleged incidents of non-compliance with
DT Global’s and our Client’s Preventing Sexual 29. Indemnity
Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment policies and 29.1 You agree to indemnify and keep us indemnified, on a
procedures. full recovery basis, for the direct consequences of any
breach of this Agreement by you or any of your
25. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Personnel, or any failure by you or any of your
25.1 In signing this Agreement, you confirm that your Personnel to complete the Services to our reasonable
organisation: satisfaction.
(a) does not use any form of forced, compulsory, or 29.2 You agree to indemnify us and keep us indemnified on
slave labour; a full indemnity basis, against any and all costs, losses,
(b) allows all Personnel to work voluntarily and they expenses or damages which we incur or are liable for
are entitled to leave; as a result of any unlawful, negligent, reckless or
(c) does not require any form of deposit or bond deliberately wrongful act or omission of you or any of
from Personnel; your Personnel in carrying out the Services.
(d) does not require Personnel to surrender their 29.3 We agree to indemnify you and keep you indemnified
passports or work permits; on a full indemnity basis, against any and all costs,
(e) requires your suppliers to attest to these losses, expenses or damages which you incur or are
standards; liable for as a result of any unlawful, negligent, reckless
(f) will report to DT Global any instances or or deliberately wrongful act or omission of us or any of
suspicion of modern slavery or human our Personnel in carrying out the Services.
trafficking in your organisation or your supply 29.4 You and your Personnel accept all risks associated with
chain; and travel that is associated with the Project and residing in
(g) where required, provide information on your the Partner Country and any issues arising out of or in
organisation’s steps to reduce slavery risk for connection with providing Services to the Project.
the purposes of DT Global’s statutory reporting. 29.5 You must at all times indemnify DT Global and DFAT,
26. Due diligence our employees and agents and the Partner Country
26.1 Your organisation agrees to provide documentation and (‘those indemnified’) from and against any Loss or
submit to questions required to satisfy DT Global’s on- liability whatsoever incurred by any of those indemnified
going due diligence process. or arising from any claim, demand, suit, action or
26.2 Your organisation will advise DT Global within one proceeding by any person against any of those
business day of any change that effects the due indemnified where such Loss or liability arose out of an
diligence assessment. infringement, or an alleged infringement, of the
Intellectual Property rights of any person, which
occurred by reason of the performance or use of the

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

29.6 This Clause 29 shall survive the termination of this (c) in our reasonable opinion, you or your
Agreement. Personnel are incompetent or unable to
proceed with the Assignment for any reason;
30. Negation of Partnership, Employment and Agency (d) in our reasonable opinion, you or your
30.1 This Agreement operates as an engagement of you as Personnel are guilty of negligence,
an independent contractor only and does not constitute misrepresentation, deceit, fraud or abuse or
any other relationship such as partnership, employment exploitation of children in the provision of the
or agency. services or the performance of any work
31. Variations to the Agreement necessary to complete the services;
31.1 The Parties agree and accept that the Services to be (e) the Contractor breaches a material term of this
performed may be changed, increased or decreased, Agreement or fails to remedy a breach of any
as directed by DFAT from time to time, and as a other term of this Agreement within the period
consequence this Agreement may be subject to specified by DT Global;
change. (f) you or your Personnel breach any legislation,
31.2 We reserve the right to change or modify allowances or rule or regulation in the performance, or
policies in line with any changes to our own corporate attempted performance of the services;
policies or as required in connection with any changes (g) DFAT expresses serious dissatisfaction with
imposed by a DFAT direction. your or your Personnel’s performance or
31.3 If either party notifies the other party that they wish to requests their termination;
vary this Agreement, both Parties must use all (h) you or your Personnel are convicted of an
reasonable endeavours to agree on the terms of such offence of, or relating to, bribery of a public
variations including any consequent changes in the total official;
payment due to you. (i) you or your Personnel are listed on a World
31.4 Any amendment or variation to this Agreement must be Bank List or Relevant List or subject to any
in writing and signed by both Parties. proceedings, or an informal process, which
could lead to being listed or temporarily
32. Suspension of the Agreement suspended from tendering for World Bank or
32.1 We may suspend this Agreement where: other donors of development funds contracts, or
(a) you or your Personnel are in breach of this subject to an investigation whether formal or
Agreement; informal by the World Bank or another donor of
(b) your Personnel take leave in excess of their development funding;
entitlements noted in the Agreement Details; or (j) you or your Personnel act in breach of this
(c) the Assignment is delayed by Reasons Beyond Agreement or in a manner contrary to the
Our Control. conditions of our Agreement with the Client;
32.2 If your Personnel are on unpaid leave or deviate from (k) an Insolvency Event occurs in respect of the
their agreed travel schedule without your prior approval, Contractor;
they will be deemed to be suspended until they return to (l) you or your Personnel act in a manner contrary
the Location and resume the Assignment. to the laws of the Partner Country.
32.3 Where you or your Personnel are suspended from 33.2 We may at any time, by notice in writing, terminate this
carrying out the Assignment due to illness or injury Agreement prior to the expiration of the Term where
which requires your Personnel to be evacuated from the the:
Location, they will not return to the Project until (a) DFAT cancels or amends the Project;
medically certified as fit to fully resume the Assignment. (b) assignment or tasks to be performed are
We will recommence payment in accordance with completed prior to the expiration of the Term;
Schedule 4 once your Personnel have returned to the (c) project is delayed by Reasons Beyond Our
Location and resumed the Assignment provided that it Control;
is possible for you to re arrange work schedules so that (d) conduct of the Contractor or your Personnel
you are able to complete the Assignment within the damages, or is likely to damage, DT Global’s
Term or within a reasonable period after the expiration relationship with DFAT or DT Global’s
of the Term. reputation;
32.4 During periods of suspension and until the suspension (e) Contractor is found or we form a reasonable
is removed your Personnel shall not be entitled to belief that you are associated with or in any way
payment of the Fee or any other benefits under this connected with or providing funds or resources
Agreement unless specifically agreed to in writing by either directly or indirectly to organisations
us. and/or individuals associated with terrorism.
32.5 Where the Assignment is suspended and your 33.3 DT Global has unfettered discretion, by notice to you,
Personnel’s Accommodation is provided by us, they to:
may not be permitted to remain in the Accommodation (a) terminate; or
unless specifically agreed otherwise in writing by us. (b) reduce the scope of,
32.6 Where the Assignment is suspended and your this Agreement for convenience from the time specified
Personnel’s Accommodation is reimbursed by DFAT, in that notice.
DT Global will cease reimbursing the cost of their 33.4 If DT Global exercises its right under Clause 33.3, the
Accommodation unless specifically agreed otherwise in Contractor must:
writing by us. (a) comply with directions given by DT Global;
(b) cease or reduce (as applicable) the
33. Termination of the Agreement performance of work; and
33.1 Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Agreement, (c) immediately do everything possible to mitigate
DT Global may terminate this Agreement at any time its losses, and all other losses, costs and
without notice if: expenses arising out of termination, including
(a) in our reasonable opinion, the performance of by novating any subcontracts to DT Global or
you or your Contractor Personnel on the its nominee, if required by DFAT.
Assignment is unsatisfactory; 33.5 If DT Global terminates or reduces the scope of this
(b) in our reasonable opinion, you or your Agreement under Clause 33.3, DT Global will only be
Personnel have regularly or persistently failed liable to the Contractor for the following loss or damage
to meet any, some or all requirements of this incurred as a direct consequence of termination or
Agreement; reduction in scope of this Agreement to the extent that

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

they can be reasonably substantiated and are unable to 33.15 If your Assignment is suspended due to Reasons
be avoided or mitigated: Beyond Our Control, you may terminate this Agreement
(a) fees and any Reimbursable Costs, as payable immediately by giving notice in writing. On your
under Schedule 4 earned before the effective termination your right to your Fee and all entitlements
date of termination (on a pro-rata basis, if shall cease immediately and you shall not to be entitled
applicable); to any compensation claim for damages arising out of
(b) lease termination costs for early termination of the consequence of termination.
leases required specifically and exclusively for 33.16 Where this Agreement is terminated under Clause 33,
the performance of the Contract; we will only pay you for your services performed up until
(c) the Contractor’s finance termination costs the date of termination.
required specifically and exclusively for
performance of this Contract; 34. Applicable Law
(d) to the extent not captured by paragraph (a), 34.1 The law of this Agreement is the law of the State of
payments made to subcontractors procured in Victoria in the Commonwealth of Australia.
accordance with this Contract and which were 35. Continuing Obligations
payable for the provision of services prior to the 35.1 Where the Agreement has ended, whether by
date of notice of termination of this Agreement completion, termination or otherwise, Clause 4 (Basis
by DT Global; and of Payment); Clause 15 Intellectual Property;
(e) redundancy payments for Specified Personnel Clause 17 Moral Rights; Clause 18 Confidentiality;
and any other individuals engaged by the Clause 20 Privacy; Clause 21 Fraud and Anti-
Contractor solely for the purposes of the Corruption; Clause 29 Indemnity; Clause 33
Project, provided the Contractor is legally Termination of the Agreement ; Clause 37
obliged to make those payments, Resolution of Disputes; Clause 9 Access to
excluding all other loss or damage, including the costs Documents (Schedule 1), and Clause 11 Personnel
of terminating any subcontracts, loss of profits and all Information (Schedule 1) will survive this Agreement
other forms of expectation loss. and you and your Personnel will continue to be bound
33.6 The Contractor must, in each subcontract, reserve a by them.
right of termination to take account of DT Global’s right
of termination under Clause 33, and the Contractor 36. Severability
must make use of such rights to mitigate losses in the 36.1 If any provision of this Agreement is illegal, void, invalid
event of termination by DT Global under the provisions or unenforceable for any reason, all other provisions
of Clause 33. which are self-sustaining and capable of separate
33.7 Subject to this Agreement, on expiry or termination: enforcement shall, to the maximum extent permitted by
(a) the Parties are relieved from future law, be and continue to be valid and enforceable.
performance of this Agreement, without
prejudice to any right of action that has accrued 37. Resolution of Disputes
at the date of termination; 37.1 In the event of any disagreement or dispute between
(b) all licences and authorisations granted by either both Parties arising in connection with this Agreement,
party under this Agreement terminate both Parties agree to use best endeavours to reach an
immediately unless the licence or authorisation amicable settlement. If such a settlement cannot be
provides to the contrary; and reached within 30 calendar days from the occurrence of
(c) the Contractor must provide DT Global with all a dispute notified by either Party to the other, then all
reasonable assistance and information to assist such disagreements or disputes shall be settled by
DT Global in transitioning to DFAT’s new arbitration exclusively according to the Laws of Victoria,
provision of project arrangements. Australia.
33.8 DT Global is not obliged to make any further payments 37.2 Any information or documents disclosed in connection
to the Contractor (whether under this Agreement, at law with the resolution of the dispute must be kept
or in equity) if DT Global exercises its rights in Clause confidential and may not be used except to attempt to
33 except as expressly provided under Clause 33.5. settle the dispute or within the arbitral proceedings
33.9 Immediately upon termination of this Agreement, the provided for in Clause 37.1 above.
Contractor will cease to hold itself out as an 37.3 Both Parties will each bear their own costs of resolving
independent contractor of DT Global. a dispute under this Clause 37 and will bear equally the
33.10 Where you wish to discontinue to work under this costs of any third party engaged provided that such
Agreement and have given one month’s notice in third parties have been engaged at the express request
writing to us you agree to: of both Parties.
(a) assist in an orderly transfer of work to your 37.4 Whilst we are both attempting to resolve the dispute
replacement; and you will continue to undertake your Assignment.
(b) leave the Project Office and vacate any 38. Specific Obligations
Accommodation provided under this Agreement 38.1 You and your Personnel will:
by the end of the notice period. (a) recognise the advisory nature of the work and
33.11 If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with will behave in a manner consistent with the
Clause 33. you will leave the Project Office and vacate fostering and maintaining of friendly relations
any Accommodation provided to you under this between the Recipient Organisation, its
Agreement as soon as possible and within seven personnel, us, and DFAT;
calendar days. (b) not release or make any public statement
33.12 If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with concerning the Project without our prior written
Clause 33 you acknowledge that: approval;
(a) we are not liable to pay you any compensation (c) respect and abide by the laws and regulations
for early termination of the Assignment; and of the Partner Country and, unless a citizen of
(b) you waive any right to claim against us for early the Partner Country, will not become involved in
termination under Clause 33.3 (to the extent the political or religious affairs of the Partner
permitted by law). Country;
33.13 Termination by us is effective from the date specified in (d) comply with the instructions of our nominated
the written notice of termination sent to you. representative, the Australian diplomatic
33.14 You agree to indemnify us in respect of any direct, mission in the Partner Country, or other
indirect or consequential costs, losses or expenses authority as may be advised to you from time to
incurred by you in connection with the termination.

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (Updated DFAT Terms)

time, regarding security, consular and welfare (iii) the Preventing Sexual Exploitation,
matters; Abuse and Harassment Policy;
(e) comply with our requirements and that DFAT (iv) the Family Planning and the Aid
with respect to good behaviour, ethical and Program: Guiding Principles;
honest standards, and professionalism; (v) the Environment Protection Policy;
(f) participate in project-related training and (vi) the Displacement and Resettlement of
briefings within specified timeframes notified by People in Development Activities
DT Global to you; Policy; and
(g) take all reasonable steps to favourably (vii) the Gender Equality and Women’s
represent ours and DFAT’s interests; and Empowerment Policy;
(h) take all reasonable steps to understand the (c) are of good fame and character;
environment and culture of the Partner Country. (d) are properly qualified for the tasks you are
38.2 You warrant that you and your Personnel: required to perform;
(a) will comply with the relevant and applicable (e) have been certified fit and healthy by a legally
laws and regulations both in Australia and in the qualified medical practitioner to work in the
Partner Country; Partner Country and have received the
(b) will comply with any applicable Commonwealth necessary medical advice, including that on
policies as set out in this Contract or as notified vaccinations and other preventive medical
to the Contractor from time to time and comply assistance allowing you to undertake work in-
with DFAT policies and guidance as identified country in a safe manner; and
on the DFAT website (f) will act in a fit and proper manner while carrying
(https://www.dfat.gov.au/development/australia out work or performing duties under this
s-development-program) including: Agreement.
(i) the Disability Inclusive Strategy;
(ii) the Child Protection Policy;
Executed by the Parties as their Agreement:

SIGNED for and on behalf of DT GLOBAL ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD by a duly authorised officer

Name & Designation (Block letters) Signature Date

In the presence of

Name & Designation (Block letters) Signature Date

SIGNED for and on behalf of Subcontractor by:

Name & Designation (Block letters) Signature Date

In the presence of

Name & Designation (Block letters) Signature Date

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (updated DFAT terms) | Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Project Specific / Donor Mandated Conditions

In addition to the Standard Terms and Conditions the following Project Specific / Donor Mandated Conditions apply.
If not using a schedule, please do not delete it, please insert ‘Not applicable’.
Please look at these for relevance and consistency.
1 Duration of the Agreement (d) provide adequate support resources to secure
1.1 This Agreement does not become effective until: the aims and objectives of the Project in relation
(a) Where required by our Donor, we have written to the required Services;
approval from DFAT for the implementation of (e) be responsive to the changing needs and
this Agreement; and environment of the Partner Country;
(b) the necessary clearances have been obtained (f) seek to improve the quality, effectiveness and
from the government of the Partner Country; and efficiency of the Services at every opportunity;
(c) DFAT has approved you to act as our and
subcontractor, where required; and (g) ensure that you, your Personnel and
(d) DFAT has confirmed with us the Start Date of subcontractors conduct themselves in a manner
this Agreement; and consistent with the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth)
(e) criminal records checks are satisfactorily (including the Australian Public Service Values
completed or underway; and and Employment Principles and Code of
(f) this Agreement has been signed by you and us. Conduct) and in accordance with, DT Global’s
1.2 Provided these conditions are met, this Agreement Code of Business Ethics and Conduct
starts on the Start Date noted at Item 9 of the
Agreement Details and will continue for the Term 6 Insurance
(refer Item 11 of the Agreement Details) and the 6.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by us you are to
Finish Date noted at Item 10 of the Agreement Details maintain all insurances that a prudent contractor would
and continues until all obligations under this Agreement maintain for this Agreement for the minimum amounts
have been fulfilled unless terminated earlier in and coverage periods specified in Item 21 of the
accordance with Clause 33 of the Agreement. All Agreement Details, including but not limited to:
mobilisation activities will be completed within one (1) (a) worker’s compensation with the minimum cover
month of your Start Date unless agreed otherwise in as required by law;
writing by DT Global. All demobilisation activities will be (b) reasonable public liability, professional
completed within one (1) month of your Finish Date indemnity and product insurance to cover your
unless agreed otherwise in writing by DT Global. obligations under this Agreement;
1.3 Subject to DFAT’s approval, we may vary the Term by (c) insurance for loss of or damage to parts and
written agreement with you. materials left or stored on DFAT’s premises by
1.4 Where the Term is non-consecutive or consists of the Contractor or its Personnel before use or
multiple inputs the dates and duration of future inputs installation; and
will be agreed between you and us in accordance with (d) any other type of insurance as specified in the
Clause 31 of the Agreement. Agreement Details,
and have a territorial and jurisdictional limit that includes
2 Public Holidays Australia and all other locations where the Contractor
2.1 Public holidays to be taken by your Personnel are those will undertake work in connection with the provision of
which are formally agreed with DFAT on an annual the Services.
basis. DT Global will agree the public holidays with 6.2 In addition to your obligations in Clause 6.1 above, you
DFAT and advise you accordingly. and your subcontractor must arrange and maintain
insurance to cover:
3 Invoicing (a) Construction Works against damage and
3.1 Australian Companies Only You must provide a proper destruction howsoever caused, fire, flood,
Tax Invoice setting out the price of each category of earthquake, storm and extraneous perils; and
Supply exclusive of GST (Goods and Services Tax) as (b) the Contractor’s or Subcontractor’s plant and
well as the GST payable on each component of taxable equipment against all risks.
Supply and the total GST-inclusive price of all supplies 6.3 You will provide a copy of a certificate of currency for
made in terms of this Agreement. OR the insurance policies listed in Clause 6.1 and Clause
3.2 Foreign or Non-Australian Companies You must 6.2 at the commencement of this Agreement and on
provide an Invoice setting out the price of each category renewal of each policy. Failure to provide this will be
of Supply. grounds for termination.
3.3 Unless otherwise agreed by us, invoices submitted to 6.4 All insurance cover must be valid for the Term of this
us for services and reimbursable expenses that were Agreement, with professional indemnity insurance valid
incurred more than three months prior may be denied. for three (3) years after the end date of this Agreement
4 Receipts Required or earlier termination of this Agreement.
4.1 In accordance with the requirements of DFAT you must 6.5 All insurance required to be maintained under Clauses
provide original receipts / invoices for those 6.1and 6.2 must:
Reimbursable items specified in table X of Schedule 4. (a) where applicable, be in the names of you, DT
Global and DFAT;
5 General (b) ensure that the insurer waives all rights of
5.1 You agree to: subrogation or action it may have against DT
(a) ensure that the Services are provided to a Global or DFAT;
standard which shall promote Australia's (c) ensure that the insurer accepts the term
international reputation and standing as a ‘insured’ as applying to each of the persons
reliable partner in the provision of international covered by the policy as if a separate policy of
assistance; insurance had been issued to each of them;
(b) promptly advise us of any significant risks; (d) ensure that any inadvertent non-disclosure or
(c) liaise with, and obtain all necessary consents, inadvertent inaccurate disclosure by a person
approvals and authorisations from any public covered by the policy does not prejudice the
and other authorities in the Partner Country rights under the policy of the other persons/s
necessary to perform the Services; covered by the policy; and

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (updated DFAT terms) | Schedule 1

(e) ensure that the knowledge of one insured party any material respect the Contractor’s performance of its
will not be imputed to another insured party in obligations under the Agreement.
assessing compliance with the applicable duty
or duties of disclosure. 11 Personnel Information
6.6 You undertake to use your best endeavours to ensure 11.1 You agree that we give DFAT, upon request, a copy of
that you commit no act or omission which renders any this Agreement and/or the following information about
of the insurances required by this Agreement to be null your Personnel:
and void or of less value. (a) position title;
6.7 You are responsible for the payment of all excesses (b) name;
and deductibles of the insurances required to be (c) date of birth;
maintained by you under this Agreement and all such (d) gender;
insurance are primary insurances. (e) nationality;
(f) email address;
7 Novation (g) work location;
7.1 If requested by DT Global or DFAT, you agree to (h) contract start and end date;
provide to DT Global an executed Deed of Novation (i) number of days worked in time period specified
and Substitution in the form to be provided by DT by DFAT preceding the receipt of the request;
Global. (j) monthly or daily Fee rate;
7.2 You acknowledge that DT Global or DFAT retains the (k) Mobility Allowance, if any (not applicable to
right upon issuing a Notice of Substitution under a Deed Short Term Advisers);
of Novation to further novate this Agreement to another (l) Mobility Allowance Supplement, if any (not
Managing Contractor. applicable to Short Term Advisers);
7.3 You acknowledge that, in the event of DT Global or (m) Special Location Allowance, if any (not
DFAT issuing a Notice of Substitution, DFAT may applicable to Short Term Advisers);
substitute itself for DT Global in this Agreement as if our (n) Other Adviser Support Costs including Housing
Donor was originally the party to this Agreement, Cost, if any (not applicable to Short Term
instead of DT Global, and DFAT is so bound by and Advisers); and
must fulfil, comply with and observe all of the provisions (o) any other information including, but not limited
of this Agreement and enjoys all the rights and benefits to, fees or costs associated with Advisers and
of DT Global under this Contract. identified by DFAT in the request.
11.2 DFAT will use the Personnel Information to ensure that
8 Deed of Confidentiality the Australian Government’s official overseas aid
8.1 You and your Personnel must not make public or program achieves value for money and to meet its
disclose to any person any Confidential Information, reporting requirements.
without our prior written approval. In giving written 11.3 You agree that DFAT may disclose the details of this
approval, we may impose appropriate terms and Agreement and/or Personnel Information to
conditions. Commonwealth governmental departments and
8.2 Your Personnel must complete a written undertaking in agencies, Commonwealth Ministers and Parliamentary
the form set out at Schedule 5 and return this form to Secretaries, and to the Commonwealth Parliament.
us prior to mobilising. 11.4 Personnel are entitled to access their own Personal
9 Access to Documents Information which is held by DFAT, unless DFAT has a
9.1 You acknowledge that if DFAT receives a request for lawful right to refuse access.
access to a document created by, or in the possession 11.5 This Clause 11 shall survive termination or expiration of
of you or your Personnel that relates to the performance this Agreement.
of the Project, DFAT may at any time by written notice 12 Performance Assessments
require us to provide the document to DFAT, and we 12.1 You acknowledge and agree that DT Global or DFAT
must promptly comply with the notice and you will may issue performance assessments in relation to this
comply with our request for access to that document. Agreement. These may include subcontractor
9.2 This Clause 9 shall survive expiration or termination of performance assessments, partner performance
this Agreement. assessments, subcontractor key personnel
10 Access to Contractor Premises, Data and Records performance assessments or Personnel performance
10.1 Subject to reasonable notice, you agree that as assessments using:
appropriate DFAT, Commonwealth Auditor General, the (a) DT Global templates, available upon request,
Information Privacy Commissioner, Privacy amended from time-to-time; or
Commissioner or DT Global, through their officers, (b) where directed by DFAT, DFAT templates that
agents or advisers, may: are substantially in accordance with Partner
(a) access your premises at no additional charge to Performance Assessments or Adviser
either DFAT or DT Global; Performance Assessments templates available
(b) require you to provide records and information if on DFAT website, amended from time-to-time
an easily accessible format; (https://dfat.gov.au/about-us/business-
(c) examine, inspect, audit and copy opportunities/Pages/resources.aspx).
documentation, accounts and records relating to 12.2 You will:
this Agreement; and (a) sign and return the performance assessments
(d) require assistance in respect of any inquiry together with any response within 15 days of
including, but not limited to a parliamentary receipt; and
inquiry into or concerning this Agreement. (b) ensure that subcontractor personnel
10.2 In the case of documents or records stored on a performance assessments together with any
medium other than in writing, you must make available response any personnel wishes to include are
on request such reasonable facilities as may be signed and returned within 15 days of receipt.
necessary to enable a legible reproduction to be 12.3 You must insert clauses in any subcontracts relating to
created. the Agreement that require the subcontractor to agree
10.3 The requirement for and participation in audits does not that:
in any way reduce your responsibility to perform your (a) in relation to the subcontract, we or DFAT may
obligations under this Agreement. issue:
10.4 The Donor and DT Global must use reasonable (i) a subcontractor performance assessment;
endeavours to ensure that such access as outlined in or
Clause 10 does not unreasonably delay or disrupt in

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(ii) subcontractor key personnel performance directions given by us or DFAT regarding the terms of
assessments. reference or required auditing standards including the
(b) the performance assessments will be type of assurance required from the audit appropriate to
substantially in accordance with DT Global the circumstances.
templates, amended from time-to-time and 15.5 Where a direction has been made under Clause 15.4
available upon request; or DFAT templates, we may not make any further payments owed to you
amended from time-to-time and available on pending certification of the reliability of your
DFAT website (https://dfat.gov.au/about- management systems and the veracity of the invoicing
us/business- procedures and practices and the eligibility of claims for
opportunities/Pages/resources.aspx). payment.
(c) the subcontractor will sign and return the 15.6 This Clause 15 applies for the term of this Agreement
subcontractor performance assessment together and for a period of 7 years from the date of its
with any response within 15 days of receipt and expiration or termination.
will ensure that subcontractor personnel
performance assessments together with any 16 Work Health and Safety
response any personnel wishes to include are 16.1 You and your Personnel agree to comply with the Work
signed and returned within 15 days of receipt. Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) (WHS Act) and all
applicable work health and safety (WHS) laws,
13 Use of Contractor Confidential Information standards, policies and requirements of DT Global in
13.1 Subject to this Clause 13, DT Global or DFAT must not, regard to this Agreement.
without your prior written approval, make public or 16.2 You must ensure you and your Personnel are able to
disclose to any person any Contractor Confidential participate in:
Information. (a) any necessary inspections of work in progress;
13.2 We or DFAT may disclose matters relating to the (b) any necessary consultation with DT Global
Agreement, including the Contractor Confidential regarding implementation of the WHS Act
Information: provisions; and
(a) to DFAT’s advisers, officers, employees or (c) tests and evaluations of the Goods and/or
subcontractors in order to manage this Services.
Agreement; 16.3 When using DFAT premises or facilities, you must
(b) on request to other Commonwealth comply with all reasonable instructions, policies and
governmental departments and agencies; procedures relating to WHS and security in effect at
(c) to the responsible Minister; those premises or in regard to facilities, as notified by
(d) in response to a request by a House or a DFAT or as might be reasonably inferred from the use
Committee of the Parliament of the to which the premises or facilities are being put.
Commonwealth of Australia; 16.4 We will provide you with information on DT Global and
(e) to the Australian National Audit Office or any DFAT’s WHS policies and procedures relevant to this
other auditor appointed by DFAT; Agreement. It is your requirement to keep yourself fully
(f) to the Commonwealth Ombudsman; informed of these policies and procedures.
(g) if authorised or required by law to be disclosed; 16.5 We will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the
or health and safety of all workers and other persons on a
(h) if required in connection with legal proceedings. DT Global controlled worksite.
16.6 You must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable,
14 Records, Books and Accounts that the health and safety of workers or other persons is
14.1 You must at all times maintain full, true, separate and not put at risk by your actions.
up to date records, books and accounts in relation to 16.7 You must immediately inform DT Global of any actual or
the Agreement. potential WHS or security issue. Where directed by us
14.2 These records, books and accounts must: or DFAT, you agree to participate in any WHS incident
(a) enable the prevention, detection and reporting and investigation.
investigation of fraud; 16.8 Without limiting any other provision of this Agreement
(b) be kept in a manner that permits them to be you must, on request, give all reasonable assistance to
conveniently and properly audited; and DT Global or DFAT, by way of provision of information
(c) be maintained for at least 7 years from the date and documents, to enable us or the Client, as the case
on which the records were created. may be, to comply with duties imposed under applicable
15 Audits WHS legislation.
15.1 We or DFAT may conduct audits relevant to the 16.9 You agree that we may give DFAT, upon request, any
performance of and/or compliance with any of your relevant information about WHS issues and incidents
obligations under this Agreement, including audits of that may contain information about you.
your relevant: 16.10 You acknowledge that DT Global may direct you to take
(a) operational practices and procedures; specified measures in connection with your work under
(b) project and financial management governance; this Agreement that DT Global or DFAT considers
(c) oversight practices and procedures; reasonably necessary to deal with an event or
(d) invoice and reports; circumstance that has or is likely to have, an adverse
(e) Material (including records, books and accounts) effect on the health or safety of persons. You must
in your possession; and/or comply with any reasonable direction at your own cost.
(f) other matters determined by us or DFAT to be 17 Construction Services
relevant to the performance of your obligations.
15.2 Where we or DFAT has reasonable concerns regarding Delete if no tenancy refurbishment. Only include this clause if
any item in Clause 15.1, we may provide you with tenancy refurbishment is being undertaken. Prior to any
written notification of those concerns and what action tenancy refurbishment, Group Legal must review the lease and
may be required including but not limited to, an provide advice on any liability provisions within it. For all other
independent audit conducted by a suitable organisation. construction related work/activities AS4906 or AS4000
15.3 You are required to respond to any notice within 14 contracting templates must be used NOT this template.
business days. If you do not respond, or your response .Construction is defined as a project in which DT Global
does not alleviate our concerns, we may make further contracts to carry out some or all of the work necessary to
directions. implement or deliver physical infrastructure, whether directly or
15.4 All directions under this clause will be undertaken by by subcontracting the work, as distinct from contracting with the
you, at your cost, and you must comply with any

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Principal or the Principal’s agent to manage, superintend or 17.10 You must comply with DT Global’s Contractor Safety
inspect the work of a contractor or contractors. Booklet, available from project location. delete if not
tenancy refurbishment
17.1 You must ensure that all construction design work is
carried out: 18 Security
(a) in accordance with and so as to comply with any
design brief or functionality requirements notified This clause should only be used should there be approved
by us or DFAT; Tenancy Refurbishment, otherwise rename Clause ‘Not Used’
(b) to a high standard of skill, care and diligence and delete all sub-clauses.
expected of a design professional; and 18.1 You agree that xx% amend as appropriate but the
(c) to ensure that the design work is fit for its minimum to be withheld is 10% will be withheld by DT
intended purpose. Global as security. This amount will be withheld from
17.2 You must ensure that all construction services have your final payment, in accordance with Clause 18 and
appropriate insurances included but not limited to Clause 19.
construction works, public liability, professional 18.2 DT Global may have recourse to any security held by it
indemnity and workers’ compensation insurance and under this Agreement where you fail to rectify any
these insurances must: defect during the defects liability period or where DT
(a) where applicable be in the names of you, DT Global incurs costs in rectifying defects in the
Global and DFAT; construction services for which you are responsible. DT
(b) ensure that the insurer waives all rights of Global may have recourse to the security after it has
subrogation or action it may have against DT provided five (5) Business Days written notice to you of
Global or DFAT; its intention to have the recourse to the Security.
(c) ensure that the insurer accepts the term 18.3 DT Global must release the amount of 50% of the
‘insured’ as applying to each of the persons security within 10 Business Days after the issuing of
covered by the policy as if a separate policy of certificate of substantial completion (or equivalent), with
insurance had been issued to each of them; the balance to be released on expiry of the defects
(d) ensure that any inadvertent non-disclosure or liability period.
inadvertent inaccurate disclosure by a person
covered by the policy does not prejudice the 19 Construction Defects
rights under the policy of the other persons/s
covered by the policy; and Delete if no tenancy refurbishment.
(e) ensure that the knowledge of one insured party 19.1 The defects liability period will commence at 4:00pm on
will not be imputed to another insured party in the day the certificate of substantial completion (or
assessing compliance with the applicable duty equivalent) is issued and will remain in place for a
or duties of disclosure. period of 12 calendar months BUM approval is required
17.3 You must provide, upon request by us, the relevant this is Defect Liability Period is lowered after the
insurance policies and certificates of currency and list of construction services are completed.
exclusions. Failure to provide this will be grounds for 19.2 During the defects liability period, you must carry out
termination. rectification of defects:
17.4 You are responsible for the payment of all excesses (a) at times and in a manner causing as little
and deductibles of the insurances required to be inconvenience to DT Global; and
maintained by you under this Agreement and all such (b) in accordance with all directions of DT Global.
insurance are primary insurances. 19.3 If rectification is not carried out in accordance with DT
17.5 You must ensure that all Construction Work is carried Global's directions, DT Global may have the
out: rectification carried out by others. The cost incurred by
(a) in accordance with DT Global or DFAT- DT Global in having the rectification carried out may be
approved plans and specifications; certified by DT Global as money due and payable to DT
(b) so that it is fit for its intended purpose; Global. Any rectification work performed during the
(c) using good workmanship and, unless otherwise defects liability period shall be deemed to be work
approved or specified, new materials; under the contract and will be subject to the same
(d) employing competent and appropriately qualified defects liability period from the date of completion of the
personnel; and rectification of the defect.
(e) in a manner which clearly seeks to achieve the
aims of the Project. 20 Use of appropriate building materials
17.6 If you engage specialist construction subcontractors to
undertake construction work then you must obtain our Delete if no tenancy refurbishment. Only include this Clause if
written approval. The engagement of construction tenancy refurbishment is being undertaken. Prior to any
subcontractors shall not relieve you from any liability for tenancy refurbishment, Group Legal must review the lease and
the performance of this Agreement. provide advice on any liability provisions within it. Any other
17.7 When engaging a construction subcontractor, you must construction related work/activities must not use this
undertake a competitive tendering process that Subcontractor Agreement template, but instead use either the
complies with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules AS4906 or AS4000 contracting templates. Construction is
(CPRs) and DFAT’s policy on applying the Mandatory defined as a project in which DT Global contracts to carry out
Procedures in Division 2 of the CPRs. some or all of the work necessary to implement or deliver
17.8 If we reasonably consider that you have not adhered to physical infrastructure, whether directly or by subcontracting the
appropriate processes or policies with respect to work, as distinct from contracting with the Principal or the
advertising for, or the evaluation of, tenders, we may Principal’s agent to manage, superintend or inspect the work of
require you to cancel the tender selection process. In a contractor or contractors. This also includes project office
such circumstances you may be required to repeat the renovation work.
competitive tender process at no additional cost to us. 20.1 You will use your best endeavours to ensure that:
17.9 You warrant that you will exercise a duty of care and (a) any timber or other building materials used in
good faith to DT Global and DFAT in performing your any way for the Project has been sustainably
obligations under this Agreement including the harvested, or sourced from recycled building
preparation of all tender documentation and the materials, and
administration of any construction subcontract, (b) any supplies or building materials used in any
including ensuring that such subcontracts allow for the way for the Project do not contain any asbestos.
correction of any Construction Defects.

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20.2 This requirement is binding upon you and any 20.4 In the event that supplies, or building materials provided
subcontracts let as part of the Project. or used in any way for the Project by your subcontractor
20.3 You must include in each report certification that: do not comply with the requirements of this Clause 20
(a) Supplies, or building materials used in any way you must:
for the project, including those used by (a) immediately upon becoming aware of the non-
subcontractors, are not made of or do not compliance, or
contain asbestos, and (b) immediately upon receipt of a notice from us or
(b) any timber used in any way for the Project has DFAT, at your expense, replace the relevant
been sustainably harvested; or is otherwise supplies or materials.
sourced from recycled building materials.

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Schedule 2 Definitions and Interpretations

These may be added to as necessary
Accommodation: Means the accommodation and terms of Construction Works: delete if no tenancy refurbishment
accommodation set out in Schedule 4. Includes all the construction and building work of any kind
including the installation of equipment required for the Project
Adviser: Means an individual who provides advice on the referred to in Clause 18 of Schedule 1.
strategic direction or implementation of an international
development assistance program and is engaged under this Contract Material: Means all Material created or required to be
Agreement. This includes: developed or created on or following the commencement of the
(a) individuals who provide technical expertise and advice to term of this Contract as part of, or for the purpose of the
counterpart governments and/or other in-country Contractor performing the Services.
development partners; Contractor: Means the organisation named in Item 5 of the
(b) individuals who provide technical advice to the Donor; or Agreement Details.
(c) individuals who provide leadership and oversight or
technical inputs for the delivery of the Project; Contractor Confidential Information means information that
(d) individuals engaged by you as employees or is by its nature confidential, but does not include this Agreement
subcontractors and individuals engaged by your or information which is or becomes public knowledge other than
subcontractors, by breach of this Agreement or any other confidentiality
but does not include: obligation.
(e) locally engaged staff employed in non-specialist roles Contractor’s Manager: Means the Contractor’s officer named
associated with this Agreement, including staff engaged in in Item 20 of the Agreement Details with responsibility for
administrative or logistical roles; or overseeing implementation of the Agreement.
(f) your head office staff or contractor managers.
Criminal Code Act List: Means the list of organisations that
Agreement: Means this Agreement including the recitals, are specified as a ‘terrorist organisation’ through regulations
schedules and annexures (if any). made under the Criminal Code Act 1995 as publicised on the
Australian National Security website from time to time.
Agreement Details: Means the summarised details noted at
the front of this Agreement that are unique to this Agreement. Cyber Security Incident: Means a single or series of
unwanted or unexpected identified occurrences of a system,
Applicable Standards: Means the standards specified at Item service or network state indicating a potential or actual breach
22 in the Agreement Details of cyber security procedures, process or requirements and
Assignment: Means the Assignment or Project / Activity Title threatening security.
named at Item 2 of the Agreement Details and described in Deliverables: Means all materials developed or supplied by the
Schedule 3. Contractor in the course of providing the Goods or Services.
Black Economy Procurement Connected Policy: means the Dependent Child: Means a child under 21 years of age who is
Black Economy – increasing the integrity of government
a natural, step- or adopted child of the Adviser, a child of the
procurement: Procurement connected policy guidelines March Adviser’s Partner or a child for whom the Adviser is a legal
2019 available at www.treasury.gov.au/publication/p2019- guardian.
Dependents: Means a spouse or any dependent persons
Commonwealth: Means the Commonwealth of Australia. accompanying the Contractor’s Personnel on assignment. Note
Confidential Information: Includes: definition of Dependents in this Agreement may be different to
(a) any information that is identified as confidential in the the definition of a dependent under any insurance policy.
Agreement Details; and DFAT Consolidated List: Means the list of all persons and
(b) any other information:
entities subject to targeted financial sanctions or travel bans
(i) that is commercially sensitive (not generally known or under Australian sanctions laws available on DFAT’s website:
ascertainable); and https://dfat.gov.au/international-
(ii) the disclosure of which would cause unreasonable
detriment to the owner of the information or another
party; and Donor: Means the Client named in Item 4 of the Agreement
(iii) that was provided with an express or implied Details.
understanding that it would remain confidential, DT Global: Means DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd ACN 006 170
but does not include this Agreement (unless and to the 869 and its Related Bodies Corporate within the meaning of the
extent it is identified as confidential in the Agreement Corporations Act 2001. DT Global includes the company
Details) or information that: formerly known as Cardno Emerging Market (Australia) Pty Ltd.
(c) is or becomes public knowledge other than by breach of
this Agreement; DT Global Manager: Means DT Global’s Area Manager or
(d) is in the possession of a party without restriction in relation Head of Region or nominee named in Error! Reference source
to disclosure before the date of receipt; or not found. of the Agreement Details.
(e) has been independently developed or acquired by the Fraud: Fraud or 'Fraudulent Activity' means dishonestly
receiving party. obtaining a benefit, or causing a Loss, by deception,
recklessness or other means, and includes alleged, attempted,
Conflict of Interest: Conflict of Interest is a situation in which suspected or detected fraud.
the impartiality of a person in discharging their duties could be
called into question because of the potential (perceived or Goods: Means the parts, equipment, consumables or other
actual) influences of personal considerations whether these are items (if any) described in Schedule 3.
financial or other. The conflict in question is between official Goods and Services Tax: As defined in the Goods and
duties and obligations on the one hand, and private interests on Services Tax Act, 1999.
the other.
Head Contract: Means the Contract between DT Global and
Construction Defect: delete if no tenancy refurbishment DFAT.
Means any defect, fault, shrinkage or omission in any
Construction Work or any other aspect of any Construction Insolvency Event: Means, in respect of a person, the
Work which is not in accordance with the Agreement appointment of, or an application made to a court for, an
requirements. administrator, controller, provisional liquidator, trustee for

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creditors or in bankruptcy, or any analogous person, to the Project Office: Means DT Global's Project Office in the
person or any of the person’s property. Recipient Country from which administrative matters relevant to
the Project are handled by DT Global
Intellectual Property: Means all present and future rights
conferred by law in or in relation to any copyright (other than Reasons Beyond our Control: This term may also be referred
Moral Rights), trademarks, designs, patents, circuit layouts, to as 'force majeure'. For the purposes of this Agreement,
plant varieties, business and domain names, inventions and 'reasons beyond our control' means conditions beyond DT
Confidential Information, and other results of intellectual activity Global's reasonable control. This may include any act of God or
in the industrial, commercial, scientific, literary or artistic fields terrorism, war, fire, flood, strikes, lockouts, delays in transport,
recognised in domestic law anywhere in the world, whether or breakdowns in machinery, restrictions or prohibitions by any
not registrable, registered or patentable. government or semi-government authority, embargoes, or any
conditions affecting DT Global’s ability to comply with its
Location: Means the location where the Assignment is to be
obligations under its Head Contract with its Donor.
performed, set out in Item 8 of the Agreement Details.
Recipient Organisation: Means the organisation or agency,
Long Term Adviser: Means an adviser working continuously
whether a private entity or government agency that is the
for six (6) months or longer on the Project.
recipient of the services provided under the Agreement.
Loss: Includes any loss, damage, liability or obligation,
Related Entity: Means an entity:
compensation, fine, penalty, charge, payment, cost or expense
(a) that controls, or can materially influence, the Contractor’s
(including any legal cost and expense on a solicitor and own
activities or internal affairs;
client basis or a full indemnity basis whichever is greater)
(b) that has the capacity to determine or materially influence
however it arises and whether it is present or future, fixed or
the outcome of the Contractors financial and operating
unascertained, actual or contingent.
Material: includes property, equipment, information, visual (c) that is financially interested in the Contractor’s success or
data, documentation or other material in whatever form, failure or apparent success or failure;
including any software, reports, specifications, business rules or (d) in whose success or failure or apparent success or failure
requirements, user manuals, user guides, operations manuals, the Contractor is financially interested;
training materials and instructions, and the subject matter of (e) is a holding company of the Contractor;
any category of Intellectual Property Rights. (f) is a subsidiary of the Contractor;
Moral Rights: Means rights of integrity of authorship, rights of (g) is a subsidiary of a holding company of the Contractor;
attribution or authorship, rights not to have authorship falsely (h) has one or more Directors who are also Directors of the
attributed, and rights of a similar nature conferred by statute Contractor;
that may now exist or that may come to exist in relation to the (i) where a familial or spousal relationship exists between any
work carried out on the Project. of the principals, owners, directors, officers or other like
persons of that entity and any of the principals, owners,
Notice Addresses: For DT Global this means the addresses directors, officers or like persons of the Contractor; or
as noted on the front cover. For the Contractor this means the (j) owned by an employee of the contractor, or in which an
address set out in Item 6 of the Agreement Details. employee holds an interest.
Parties: Means the two signatories to this Agreement. Relevant List: Means any similar list to the World Bank List
Partner Country: Means the country or countries set out in maintained by any other donor of development funding.
Item 7 of the Agreement Details in which the Project is to be Remuneration: Means the remuneration set out in Schedule
performed. 4.
Personal Information: Has the meaning in any applicable Satisfactory: Means meets the conditions set out in Part 6.b of
Privacy Law and if none means information or an opinion the Black Economy Procurement Connected Policy or, if the
(including information or an opinion forming part of a database), circumstances in Part 6.c apply, the conditions set out in Part
whether true or not and whether recorded in a material form or 8.b of the Black Economy Procurement Connected Policy.
not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can
reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion. Scope of Services: As noted at Schedule 3 sets out your
duties, responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement.
Personnel (your Personnel): Means the Contractor’s
Services: Means Services to be performed under this
employees, officers, agents, contractors or subcontractors
Agreement and referred to in Schedule 3.
(including their respective personnel) and Personnel specified
in Schedule 3 and/or Schedule 4. Short Term Adviser: Means an adviser working on the Project
for less than six (6) months continuously.
Personnel Information: Means the information requested by
DFAT in accordance with Schedule 1 Clause 11.1 Personnel Statement of Tax Record: Means a statement of tax record
Information may be Personal Information. issued by the Australian Taxation Office following an application
made in accordance with the process set out at:
Point of Origin: This is the point from which you are contracted
and from where you depart to commence the Assignment. In
most cases, it will be a location in the Contractor’s Country of Supply: For the purposes of invoicing of GST, Supply includes
Registration as specified in Item 14 of the Agreement Details. all services and/or materials supplied under this Agreement.
Project: Means the Project and Activity named in Item 2 of the Team Leader: Means the person named at Item 16 of the
Agreement Details. Agreement Details or otherwise nominated by DT Global from
time to time as being in charge of advisers, consultants and
Project Director: Means DT Global’s Project Director or contractors working on the Project.
nominee named in Item 17 of the Agreement Details.
Valid: means valid in accordance with Part 7.e of the Black
Project Manager: Means DT Global’s Project Manager or Economy Procurement Connected Policy.
Project Coordinator or nominee named in Item 18 of the
Agreement Details. World Bank List: Means a list of organisations maintained by
the World Bank in its ‘Listing of Ineligible Firms’ or ‘Listings of
Firms, Letters of Reprimand’ available on the World Bank’s
website at: http://web.worldbank.org.

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (updated DFAT terms) | Schedule 3

Schedule 3 Scope of Services

These are generic and should suit most projects however please check to ensure that it is appropriate and relevant. Project Directors
must ensure that ToRs adequately cover DT Global corporate requirements, not just Head Contract deliverables. Also check against
position terminology and adjust where there may be no Team Leader or Project Director / Corporate Representative.
1. As a contractor on this Project you may work in a team DFAT and other agencies on matters related to your
with colleagues, counterpart agency staff, and our locally duties.
engaged staff. This will require you to establish and
maintain harmonious and effective relationships and to 7. A completion report for your Assignment will be given to
undertake your duties to a high professional standard. the Team Leader before departure from the Location. The
report must be presented to the Project Director within
2. You will faithfully represent the best interests of DT two weeks of completing your Assignment on site. This
Global in all matters when dealing with DFAT, report must be completed to the required standard prior to
counterparts, and team members. receipt of final payment. The report will be prepared in
accordance with the specifications provided by the Team
3. You will be responsible to the Project Director through the Leader. modify for the Australian Team Leader or where
Team Leader on site. adjust for Australian Team leader or there is no Team Leader or PD
where there is no Team Leader or PD.
8. Your duties may be varied from time to time by the Team
4. You will undertake and complete the duties prescribed in Leader modify for the Australian Team Leader or where
the Specific Scope of Services. Completion will be within there is no Team Leader or PD or Project Director to
the specified time frame to achieve the Project's meet changing project needs. No changes shall be made
objectives and contractual milestones. Meeting unless agreed to by both Parties and reflected in a
milestones on time is a condition for satisfactory variation or amendment to this Agreement where
completion of your Assignment for payment purposes. necessary.
5. Your duties will include the preparation of reports and Specific Scope of Services
other documentation required to satisfy our contractual
undertakings to DFAT. We will provide you with the This section (to be inserted for each Agreement) will be
required document formats. If amendments to reports are as per the Scope of Services approved by DFAT. It will
necessary you will be expected to make the changes also specify or refer to specifications required for any
promptly and to the required standard. report(s)
6. During your Assignment it could be expected that you will
make presentations to us, Partner country agencies,

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Schedule 4 Basis of Payment

1 Maximum Amount Payable accurately reflect the Head Contract and Basis of Payment,
especially if payments are outputs rather than inputs based.
Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. Careful
attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses 3.1 DT Global shall reimburse the Contractor at actual cost
accurately reflect the Head Contract up to a maximum of AUDxxxx (excluding GST) for the
Long Term Adviser Costs as specified in Table 3 of
1.1 The maximum amount payable by DT Global to the this Schedule 4.
Contractor shall not exceed the sum of AUDxxxx plus 3.2 For each Long Term Adviser DT Global shall pay the
GST, if any to a maximum of AUDxxxx. Contractor, at the end of each three (3) month period
1.2 The maximum amount payable is comprised of the change duration as appropriate, on a reimbursable
following elements: basis in arrears within 30 calendar days of its receipt of
1.3 Fixed Management Fee (see Clause 2); and a correctly rendered invoice, the following items:
1.4 Reimbursable Costs: (a) the Monthly Remuneration Rate for Long Term
(a) Personnel Costs (see Clause 3); Advisers, inclusive of:
(b) Personnel Support Costs (see Clause 4); (i) base salary;
(c) Operational Costs (see Clause 5).
(ii) superannuation levy, if any;
1.5 DT Global shall not be liable for any Costs or
(iii) paid annual leave allowances as
expenditure incurred by the Contractor in excess of
agreed by DT Global.
this amount.
(iv) any locally recognised public holidays;
2 Fixed Management Fee (v) private transport costs;
(vi) allowances such as cost of living away
Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. Careful from home, education, if applicable;
attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses and
accurately reflect the Head Contract (vii) all escalators for the Term of this
2.1 The maximum amount payable to the Contractor as a Agreement;
Fixed Management Fee shall not exceed the sum of BUT exclusive of:
AUDxxxx (excluding GST). (viii) any profit, overheads, administration
2.2 The Fixed Management Fee is comprised of the items or management fee, or any other
listed in Tables below are indicative only. These must mark-up/margins on the part of the
be adapted, deleted, or modified as required to be Contractor;
consistant with our head contract, Client policy and 3.3 Leave accrued during the assignment for Long Term
any commercial terms agreed. Advisers shall be deemed to be taken in the 12-month
2.3 period it falls due and cannot be accumulated.
2.4 Table 1 of this Schedule 4.
4 Short Term Adviser Costs
2.5 DT Global shall pay the Fixed Management Fee
specified in as Milestone Payments in accordance with Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. Careful
Table 2 of this Schedule 4. attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses
2.6 100% of the Fixed Management Fee will be paid to the accurately reflect the Head Contract.
Contractor in the form of Milestone Payments as
shown in Table 2 to this Schedule 4 following written 4.1 DT Global shall reimburse the Contractor at actual cost
acceptance of the satisfactory completion of identified up to a maximum of AUDxxxx (excluding GST) for
deliverables. Short Term Adviser Costs as specified in Table 4 of
2.7 The criteria for ‘satisfactory completion’ of an identified this this Schedule 4.
deliverable will be as specified in Table 2 to this 4.2 For each Short Term Adviser DT Global shall pay the
Schedule 4 as the ‘Means of Verification’. Contractor, at the end of each three (3) month period
2.8 It is DT Global’s corporate practice to inform change duration as appropriate, on a reimbursable
Contractors as soon as reasonably possible, and in basis in arrears within 30 calendar days of its receipt of
any case within 30 calendar days of receipt of notice of a correctly rendered invoice, for the following items:
the completion of an identified deliverable or provision (a) the Daily Remuneration Rate in accordance
of a report whether or not that deliverable or report is with the Position Description. The Daily
accepted. Remuneration Rate for International and
2.9 The Milestone Payment amount payable to the National Short Term Advisers shall be inclusive
Contractor will be paid within 30 calendar days of DT of:
Global’s receipt of a correctly rendered invoice. (i) base salary;
2.10 Where a Milestone Payment is to follow acceptance of (ii) superannuation levy, if any;
a report, DT Global shall not be obliged to make BUT exclusive of:
payment until all of the outputs to be achieved by the (iii) any profits, overheads, administration
Contractor in the period covered by the report have or management fee, or any other
been achieved. mark-up/margins on the part of the
2.11 A payment by DT Global is not an admission of Contractor.
liability. In the event that DT Global makes a payment
for the completion of a Payment Milestone or the 5 Adviser Support Costs
procurement of Supplies or inputs that DT Global Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. Careful
subsequently learns have not been completed to the attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses
quality or performance specifications required or accurately reflect the Head Contract and Basis of Payment,
provided as required, the payment shall be deemed an especially if payments are outputs rather than inputs based.
overpayment and recoverable from the Contractor.
Without limiting recourse to other available remedies, 5.1 DT Global shall reimburse, at the end of each three (3)
the overpayment may be offset against any amount month period change duration as appropriate, the
subsequently due to the Contractor. Contractor at actual cost up to a maximum of
AUDxxxx (excluding GST) for Support Costs for Long
3 Long Term Adviser Costs Term Advisers and Short Term Advisers in accordance
with Table 5 of this Schedule 4, for the following
Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. Careful
attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses items:

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5.2 Housing Costs: expenses associated with rental taken in the 12 month period it falls due and cannot be
accommodation for Long Term Advisers and any accumulated.
accompanying dependents, supported by lease and
rental receipts. Long Term Advisers with spouses or 7 Operational Costs
partners who are already in receipt of an expatriate Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. Careful
accommodation allowance will not be eligible to attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses
reimbursement for Housing Costs. Accommodation accurately reflect the Head Contract and Basis of Payment,
costs cannot be used to supplement the purchase of especially if payments are outputs rather than inputs based.
assets, therefore DT Global will not contribute to
Contractor Personnel mortgages; 7.1 DT Global shall reimburse the Contractor at actual cost
5.3 Mobilisation/Demobilisation Costs: for Long Term up to a maximum of AUDxxxx (excluding GST) for
Advisers and any accompanying dependents including Operational Costs as specified in Table 7 of this
all reasonable one-off costs associated with Schedule 4.
mobilisation and demobilisation, and may include: any 7.2 DT Global shall pay the Contractor, quarterly change
necessary medical clearances and inoculations; uplift duration as appropriate on a reimbursable basis in
of effects and temporary storage costs (not exceeding arrears Operational Costs including the following
two weeks during the mobilisation/demobilisation items:
period); and the cost of one return flight from home (a) Office rental
location for the Long Term Adviser and any (b) Utilities
accompanying dependents. DFAT does not reimburse (c) Telephone
costs for: storage of personal effects in the Adviser’s (d) Internet
point of origin; pet transportation and quarantine costs; (e) Office consumables
anti-malarials or other ongoing medications; mail (f) Vehicle Purchase
redirection; furniture, manchester or other household (g) Vehicle Maintenance
items. (h) Office equipment insurance
5.4 Airfares: reimbursed at economy class. Any travel (i) Website Maintenance/Hosting
undertaken at cheaper rates (e.g. discount fares) does (j) Locally Engaged Staff Work Related Travel
not entitle the Supplier to reimbursement of the cost of (k) Office Security
any higher class of travel. Travel must be via the most (l) Equipment;
direct and cost effective route.; (m) Training/Workshops;
5.5 Hotel Accommodation: reimbursed at lesser of actual (n) Travel (accommodation etc.);
cost incurred or amount specified, per 24-hour period; (o) General Meetings (venue hire, food etc.);
5.6 Travelling Allowance: an agreed daily rate towards (p) Consumables (vehicles repairs, maintenance
the costs of meals and incidentals; and insurance; fuel; ground transport; office
5.7 International Communication Costs: an agreed rate consumables; publications etc.); and
for costs that are directly related to the Services; (q) Other costs as approved by DFAT.
5.8 Compulsory Arrival and Departure Taxes, and Travel 7.3 Administration, equipment and operational costs are
to and from Airport (e.g. taxis): reimbursed at limited to the costs of setting up and running Program
reasonable cost; offices.
5.9 Transport Costs: which includes reasonable costs 7.4 Funds may be moved between the different categories
directly relating to the Services; in Table 7, with written approval from DT Global (no
5.10 Medical Insurance: reimbursed at reasonable cost; Agreement amendment required), provided the
and combined upper limit in Clause 7.1 is not exceeded.
5.11 Security Costs: any reasonable costs related to
security for International advisers as approved by DT 8 Security
Global in writing. Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. This is to
5.12 This Clause 5 excludes any Adviser Support Costs only be used for tenancy RefurbishmentCareful attention
that are provided for under Clause 7 below. should be paid to ensure that these clauses accurately reflect
5.13 Funds may be moved between the different categories the the same percentage in Clauses 18 and 19. The BOP
in Table 5 for Clause 5.1 above, with written approval tables must clearly incorporate the Security amount to be
from DT Global (no Agreement amendment required), withheld.
provided the combined upper limit in Clause 5.1 above
is not exceeded. 8.1 DT Global will withhold xx% amend as appropriate but
the minimum to be withheld is 10% as Security. This
6 Locally/Nationally Engaged Office Support amount will be withheld from your final payment, in
Personnel accordance with Schedule 1 Clause 18 and Clause
Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. Careful 19.
attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses 8.2 Subject to DT Global’s acceptance of the Certification
accurately reflect the Head Contract and Basis of Payment, of Substantial Completion, DT Global will release the
especially if payments are outputs rather than inputs based. amount of 50% of the Security within 10 Business
Days, with the balance to be released on expiry of the
6.1 DT Global shall reimburse, at the end of each three (3) Defects Liability Period.
month period change duration as appropriate, the
Contractor at actual cost up to a maximum of AUDXXX 9 Claims for Payment
(excluding GST) for Locally/Nationally Engaged Office 9.1 The Contractor’s tax invoice must be submitted when
Support Personnel Costs in accordance with Table 6, due pursuant to this Schedule 4 in a form identifiable
including the following items: with the Services.
(a) inclusive of base salary and any entitlements in 9.2 All tax invoices must include a certification by a
accordance with local labour laws; and Company director of the Contractor, or their delegate:
(b) inclusive of all escalators for the term of this (a) that the invoice has been correctly calculated;
Services Order; BUT (b) that the Services included in it have been
(c) exclusive of any profit, overheads, performed in accordance with this Agreement;
administration or management fee, or any other and
mark-up/margins on the part of the ISP. (c) that the invoice is addressed to the DT Global
6.2 Leave accrued during the assignment for Locally Team Leader.
Engaged Long Term Personnel shall be deemed to be 9.3 All claims for payment must be made out to:
Project Name
Project Director / Project Manager / Team Leader (as

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DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Subcontractor Agreement (updated DFAT terms) | Schedule 4

appropriate) 9.4
Tax invoices should be sent to the above address.
Address Alternatively, DT Global will accept electronic tax
Country invoices. These can be emailed to email address.
Telephone: (+xx) xxx xxx xxx 9.5 Invalid tax invoices will be returned to the Contractor.
Facsimile: (+xx) xxx xxx xxx Information on what constitutes a valid tax invoice can
be found at: https://www.ato.gov.au/business/gst/tax-
Tables below are indicative only. These must be adapted, deleted, or modified as required to be consistant with our head contract,
Client policy and any commercial terms agreed.

Table 1: Management Fee Breakdown (for full Term of the Agreement) (Clause 2)

Item Amount
Payable (AUD)
Profits, including commercial margins and mark-up for personnel and project management
Financial management costs, including the cost of an independent annual audit of the Project and financing
costs, if any
Costs of Contractor administrative and head office staff, including the cost of a Contractor Representative, if any
Insurance costs as required by this Agreement, but exclusive of the costs of medical insurance for Advisers
Taxation, as applicable
Costs of complying with the Contractor’s reporting and liaison obligations under this Agreement
Costs associated with all personnel briefings in Australia or in-country
Costs associated with any subcontracting and procurement of goods and services
Costs, including domestic and international travel, accommodation, per diems, and local transport costs where
required for all Contractor Head Office personnel
Any other overheads required to perform the Services in accordance with this Agreement
Recruitment costs
All escalators for the Term of this Agreement
Any allowance for risks and contingencies
Professional development and training costs
All other costs not specifically identified in this 0 (specify)

Table 2: Milestone Payments (Clause 2)

Upper limits
No. Milestone Deliverable Means of Verification Due Date
payable (AUD)

Table 3: Reimbursable Long Term Adviser Costs (if applicable) (Clause 3)

Upper Limits
Inputs Up To (Months) Remuneration Rate (AUD)
Position Name Payable
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Total Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 (AUD)
(if any)
(if any)

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Upper Limits
Inputs Up To (Months) Remuneration Rate (AUD)
Position Name Payable
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Total Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 (AUD)
(if any)

Table 4: Reimbursable Short Term Adviser Costs (if applicable) (Clause 4)

Inputs Up To (Days Worked) Daily Fee Rate (AUD) Upper Limits

Position Name
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Total Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Payable (AUD)


Short- term inputs for this table are assumed to be an average 26 ‘working days per month (and minimum of 5 working days per week).
Days worked per month may vary if Short Term Advisers do or do not work on weekends and public holidays. If a Short Term Adviser
works on a weekend or public holiday, that day is classified as a working day.
Table 5: Reimbursable Adviser Support Costs (if applicable) (Clause 5) Please check against Head Contract for applicability

Cost Upper
per limits
No. Item of
unit payable
1 Housing Costs (LTA only)
2 Mobilisation Costs
3 Demobilisation Costs
4 Airfares
5 Hotel Accommodation
6 Travelling Allowance
7 International Communication Costs
Compulsory Arrival and Departure Taxes,
Travel to/from Airport (e.g. taxis)
9 Transport Costs
10 Medical Insurance
11 Personnel Security


Table 6: Locally/Nationally Engaged Office Support Personnel Costs (if applicable) (Clause 6)

Engaged Monthly Upper Limits
Name Inputs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Staff Rate 1 Payable (AUD)

1 Fees to include any entitlements in accordance with local labour laws

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Table 7: Reimbursable Operational Costs (if applicable) (Clause 7)

Project Manager/Director to amend as appropriate. Careful attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses accurately reflect the
Head Contract and Basis of Payment, especially if payments are outputs rather than inputs based.

No of Cost per unit Upper limits

No. Item
units (AUD) payable (AUD)
1 Office rental
2 Utilities
3 Telephone
4 Internet
5 Office consumables
6 Vehicle Purchase (one)
7 Vehicle Maintenance
8 Office equipment insurance
9 Website Maintenance/Hosting
10 Locally Engaged Staff Work Related Travel
11 Office Security
12 Equipment
13 Training/Workshops
14 Travel (accommodation etc.)
15 General Meetings (venue hire, food etc.)
Consumables (vehicles repairs, maintenance and insurance; fuel;
ground transport; office consumables; publications etc.)
17 Other costs as approved by DFAT

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Schedule 5 Deed of Confidentiality

for DFAT Projects Only
THIS DEED POLL is made on the day of month and year in person, except in accordance with the terms of
favour of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA this undertaking; and
represented by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (c) improper use or disclosure of Confidential
(‘DFAT’) . Information would damage the Commonwealth.
BY name and address of Contractor and/or personnel
(‘Recipient’). 3 RESTRICTIONS ON USE
3.1 The Recipient must:
RECITALS (a) keep the Confidential Information, and all
documents containing, or referring to, any
A. DFAT and DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd (the Confidential Information, under effective control
‘Client’) have entered into a Contract for the purpose of the Recipient;
of a project, namely name of project in name of (b) not use or reproduce any document containing,
country. or referring to, any Confidential Information, nor
B. The Client has entered into a subcontract with name allow any other person to use or reproduce any
of Contractor (the Recipient) for the name of Activity such document;
on the name of project. (c) take all reasonable steps to ensure that
C. The Recipient has been engaged by the Contractor Confidential Information, and all documents
to work on the project. containing, or referring to, any Confidential
D. The Recipient will, in carrying out that work, be given Information, are protected at all times from any
access to Confidential Information. unauthorised use, disclosure or access and
E. DFAT requires the Recipient to enter into this Deed immediately notify the Commonwealth if the
in relation to use of Confidential Information. Recipient becomes aware of any unauthorised
THE RECIPIENT DECLARES AS FOLLOWS: access to, or use or disclosure of, any
Confidential Information;
1 INTERPRETATION (d) if required at any time by the Commonwealth to
1.1 In this Deed, unless the contrary intention appears: do so, deliver up to the Commonwealth, or
1.2 ‘Confidential Information’ means information that: destroy, all Confidential Information, including
(a) is designated by DFAT as confidential; or all documents containing, or referring to, any
(b) the Recipient knows or ought to know is Confidential Information, in the possession,
confidential, but does not include information custody or control of the Recipient; and
which: (e) if required by the Commonwealth:
(c) is or becomes public knowledge other than by (i) permit the Commonwealth reasonable
breach of this Deed or other obligation of access to the Recipient’s premises and
confidentiality; or information management systems to
1.3 ‘Personal Information’ has the same meaning as in ensure or check compliance with this
the Privacy Act 1988. undertaking; and
3.2 provide to the Commonwealth a statutory declaration
2 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of an officer of the Recipient stating that Clause 3.1(e)
2.1 The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that: has been complied with.
(a) the Confidential Information is confidential and
that any Confidential Information disclosed to 4 PERSONAL INFORMATION
the Recipient is disclosed to the Recipient only 4.1 The Recipient agrees, with respect to all Personal
pursuant to the terms of this undertaking; Information acquired by it during the performance of
(b) it must not, other than with the prior written the Contract, to abide by the provisions of the Privacy
approval of the Commonwealth, use, disclose, Act 1988 as if the Recipient were an ‘Agency’ as
divulge or deal with any Confidential defined by that Act.
Information, nor allow any act, matter or thing
to be done or occur whereby any Confidential 5 SURVIVAL OF OBLIGATIONS
Information may be ascertained or used by, or 5.1 The obligations in this Deed are perpetual.
disclosed or communicated to, any other
EXECUTED as a deed poll:
SIGNED, by the Recipient: )
Signature of Recipient
In the presence of:

Signature of Witness Name of Witness


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Schedule 6 Declaration of Status

Project Manager/Director to delete if not appropriate. Careful ‘Dependant Child’ means a child under 21 years of age
attention should be paid to ensure that these clauses accurately who is a natural, step- or adopted child of the Adviser, a
reflect the Head Contract and Schedule 4 (Basis of Payment), child of the Adviser’s Partner or a child for whom the
especially if payments are outputs rather than inputs based. Adviser is a legal guardian.
THIS DEED POLL is made on the date day of month and year in 2 Adviser Status
favour of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA represented 2.1 The Adviser has/has not relocated in-country from their
by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (‘DFAT’). permanent country of residence.
2.2 The Adviser is/is not accompanied by dependants.
BY insert name and address of Adviser (the ‘Adviser’) 2.3 The Adviser’s dependants and/or partner are/are not in
RECITALS receipt of an expatriate housing allowance from the
Commonwealth of Australia or any other employer.
A. DFAT and DT Global Asia Pacific Pty Ltd (‘DT Global’) 2.4 The Adviser’s dependants and/or partner:
have entered into a Contract for the purpose of a project, (a) are/ are not currently employed by DFAT or on a
namely name of project (the Project) in name of country. DFAT-funded project; and
B. DT Global has entered into a subcontract with name of (b) are/are not in receipt of an allowance that
Contractor to provide the services of the Adviser on the recognises their accompanied status from the
Project. Commonwealth of Australia.
C. DT Global requires, where applicable, that your presonnel 2.5 The Adviser is/is not accompanied by a Dependant
declare their eligibility to receive allowances under the Child/ren.
Head Contract. 2.6 The Dependant Child/ren is/is not attending kindergarten
through to year 12.
THE ADVISER DECLARES AS FOLLOWS: 2.7 The Adviser acknowledges that he/she must provide
1 Interpretation proof of enrolment in a primary or secondary school for
1.1 In this Deed: each Dependent Child in order to be eligible to receive
‘Partner’ means a person who: Mobility Allowance Support.
(a) has a close personal relationship with an Adviser; 2.8 The Adviser must inform DT Global promptly if their status
(b) shares accommodation or housing with an as described in this Clause 2 above changes.
Adviser; and 3 Proof of Status
(c) provides the Adviser with financial or domestic 3.1 DFAT may, at any time, request the Adviser to give DFAT
support. reasonable evidence to confirm the Adviser’s status as
‘Dependant’ means a person who: described in Clause 2 above.
(d) has a close personal relationship with an Adviser; 3.2 If DFAT makes a request under Clause 3.1 above, the
(e) shares accommodation or housing with an Adviser must promptly comply with the request.
Adviser; and
(f) who is provided with financial or domestic support
by the Adviser.

EXECUTED as a deed poll:

SIGNED, by the Adviser: )
Signature of Adviser
In the presence of:

Signature of Witness Name of Witness


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