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Reaction paper on

The Story of Teddy Stallard and Miss Thompson

Teddy Stoddard was that little boy who used to be quiet and timid in this story. In a 1974

edition of Home Life magazine, Elizabeth Silance Ballard published "Three Letters from Teddy."

In this story, Teddy didn't get along with everyone, and even his homeroom teacher, Mrs.

Thompson, thought he was unpleasant because his clothes messy and he needed to take a bath.

Mrs. Thompson felt good about scribbling red marks and big Fs on Teddy's papers because Teddy

had left the homeroom teacher as an outcast.

Mrs. Thompson realized the reason Teddy was acting the way he is right now as the tale

went. How did he go from bright, intelligent, and pleasant to silent, distracted, aloof and

disoriented? It was all due of his beloved mother's death. It was an eye-opening experience for

Mrs. Thompson, who grew engaged in educating the children and devoting special attention to

Teddy, making her "his favorite teacher he had had in his entire life," as mentioned in the book.

Knowing that his mother's loss has produced a significant change in his life, his father's lack of

interest, and even his teacher treat him unjustly in comparison to other children. Teddy has long

forgotten what it is like to be cared for and loved by others.

Mrs. Thompson began to focus on Teddy at that moment. It was quite touching that,

despite Mrs. Thompson's treatment of Teddy, he still donated his Mom's perfume and a rhinestone

bracelet because he wants to smell and remember his mother on her. Teddy was eventually made

the sharpest student in his class, and he regained the character he formerly had. Teddy began

writing letters to her after that. Mrs. Thompson would receive a note every year informing her she

was Teddy's favorite teacher of all time. Teddy graduated from high school and despite the
difficulties, he believes she is the finest teacher he has ever had. Mrs. Thompson was his favorite

teacher until he graduated from college with honors, until he received his bachelor's degree, and

even until he earned his MD. Until his wedding, he requested her to sit in the pew for the groom's


After reading the story, I realized that one little act of kindness, compassion, and caring to

individuals in need may have a huge influence on their life. It was a wonderful story to read. In a

way, it restores my faith in mankind. It taught me a lot of lessons, made me realize things, and

gave me a whole new perspective on how I approach others and interpret situations. Finally, you

never know how your actions will influence someone. It is critical to comprehend the issue, given

that every one of us follows a different road every day.

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