Reading Interestsof Adults

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Reading Interests of Adults

Dr. Radhika Kapur

Reading is regarded to be a very important aspect in the lives of the
individuals, no matter what professions they are engaged in or what are their career
prospects, reading plays a fundamental role in an individual’s life. The habit of
reading only has numerous advantages and there are no disadvantages in reading.
Reading performs the major part of enhancing the knowledge of the individuals.
Reading enables an individual to become aware of what is going around him; the
technological advancements and other improvements and progressions taking place
in the world generates knowledge and information within an individual’s mindset
through reading. Books are considered to be the most common aspects of reading
and besides books, there are many things that individuals read in order to gain
knowledge, information and acquire awareness. Different sources of reading are
computers, articles, books, newspapers, documents, internet, magazines, journals,
research manuscripts and popular articles. In this research paper, there has been
generation of information regarding the reading interests of the adults. There are
reading materials of children, some of the children also become avid readers and
read most of their time, but there are differences in the reading materials of
different age groups. The main purpose of this research paper is to generate
information regarding the reading interests of adults.

Keywords: Reading, Adults, Reading Materials, Education, Teachers,


Reading makes provision of understanding through which the individual
may enlarge his perspectives of awareness, information, responsiveness and
strengthen his concern and acquires a deeper understanding of himself, of other
human beings and of the entire world. Reading has come to grasp the most
noteworthy place in the field of education as a way of communication in an
exceedingly educated society. Books are considered to be a very much part of
people's lives in the current society and in spite of the development of the
innovative audio-visual materials, the book in its normal conservative form is still
the most important means of communication ever since it has come into existence.
Thus the attainment of excellent basic education describes for the growth of good
reading habits amongst young and adult learners. Reading is a solution to an
affluence of experience that connects people in that are far from each other in time
as well as distance. Reading is vital for students in common in order to get familiar
with the new knowledge in a changing world and that of the technological age. The
capability to read is at the center of self education and lifelong learning. Reading is
a very important subject which is not only about satisfaction and pleasure but also
a requirement; it is the basic instrument of education. Reading provides the way for
an enhanced understanding of one’s own practices and it can be a stimulating
journey to self innovation. It is the skill of interpreting printed and written words,
the most efficient procedure of conscious learning which influences the degree and
accurateness of information, as well as the approaches, values, principles, results
and achievement of readers (Chettri & Rout, 2013).

Reading is regarded as a habit when an individual devotes some or most of

the time towards it on a regular basis; then it is said that an individual has the habit
of reading and always takes out some time for it. Reading is considered as a habit
on the basis of amount of materials being read; it develops as a practice when an
individual devotes few hours daily in his reading room and avidly concentrates
upon his reading. Reading is regarded as a long term habit and it enhances the
knowledge and contributes in the development of mental capacities and
personalities of the individuals. Reading habit refers to the behavioral trait which
expresses keenness towards different materials that are utilized for reading and it
also inculcates questions of how much, how often and what do the individuals read
(Chettri & Rout, 2013).

Reading Materials of Adults

The following are the classification of reading materials that are of interest
to the adults: (Balairsingh & Mahapatra, 1988).

1. Newspapers – Newspapers are considered to be those sources of reading

which are of interest to majority of the adult populations around the
globe; the newspapers contain information and knowledge concerning all
fields such as economic conditions, politics, business, management,
sports, cinema and television, history, criminal cases, research and
development and so forth. The developments, procedures and practices
that are put into operation regarding these areas are found in newspapers.
2. Magazines – There are different kinds of magazines relating to different
areas such as interior decoration, cooking, fashion designing, poetries,
healthcare, and so forth. Adults normally choose a magazine to read
which is of interest to them and in most cases concerning their
profession; if a person is an interior decorator then he will have to read
magazines regarding interior decoration and if a person is an athlete, he
would be interested in reading magazines relating to sports.
3. Books – These are the most common reading sources amongst the adults;
there are number of books, fiction, non-fiction, myth, professional,
religion and books relating to different areas and fields. Adults who are
avid readers and take pleasure in reading normally read books in their
free time and those adults who are not engaged in any kind of work take
pleasure in reading and they consider it as an appropriate activity for
passing their time.
4. Poetries – The field of poetry is also regarded as a profession and some
of the adults take interest in writing poetries and consider it as their
profession. The field of poetry involves reading of number of other
poetries and this is also one of the reading habits and interests of adults,
they feel contented in reading poetries and in becoming poets.
5. Computer and Internet – These are considered to be the most prominent
reading materials for the adults, when adults are working in the field of
education or they have to perform the tasks of research and writing then
internet is regarded to be one of the most easily accessible and
convenient means of obtaining information regarding any area or topic.
There are number of articles, long as well as short, papers, printable
material that are available on the internet.
6. Journals and Articles – Adults individuals who are working in the field of
education as researchers, writers, scholars, educationists, teachers, or
they are administrators, managers, then it is vital for them to have access
to journals and articles. Journals and articles are regarding a particular
topic or area for example, there are journals on adult education, there are
articles on learning and development and other areas; therefore, journals
and articles are also stated to be reading materials which are of interest to
the adults.
Promotion of Reading Habits and Formulation of an Educated Society

In the recent past, educationists as well as the general public were in

consideration as to which approach was the most efficient means to encourage the
habit of reading amongst the adult people. Some stated that phonics, the teaching
of fundamental skills, was the enhanced tactic whereas others believed that
complete language, a more holistic viewpoint of literature-based instruction, was
the better scheme. Though the disagreement never resulted in an authoritative
manner, the wide-ranging consensus among the educationists is that an
amalgamation of the two approaches provides a stabilized and wide-ranging
method for teaching reading. Efficient reading is the most significant possibility of
successful erudition. Reading is interconnected with the complete educational
procedure and hence, instructive success requires successful reading. Reading is
the recognition of the symbols and the organization of proper meaning associated
with them (Palani, 2012).
Reading involves identification and comprehension; comprehension skills
help the readers to acknowledge the significance of words in isolation and within
the perspective. Before the initiation of the television, both the young adults and
the old found enough time to read. Apart from teachers, other professionals used to
spend their spare time time in reading both English and vernacular literature.
English medium schools maintained upon additional reading from their students;
but all these have become an object during the past period. Now, reading habit has
lost its significance with the advent of innovative technology as both the young and
the old prefer watching television programs and movies rather than reading. As far
as the educational institutions are concerned, training and instruction of students
for the tests and exams seems to be the only job that is required for the
development of reading skills amongst them; when students have to go for
examinations, then they prefer reading, otherwise, it is a fact as it has been stated
above that people prefer to watch television, listen to music, instead of reading
(Palani, 2012).
The Significance of Reading

Reading is measured as a crucial aspect for the overall development and

progress of the human being. However, with

the initiation of modern digital technologies, particularly the mounting recognition

of social networking on the web, mobile phones, televisions, and other sources of
amusement, the reading habit of the general public, especially the individuals who
are young, is undergoing a decline as compared to the adults; adults individuals,
who are senior citizens, still prefer reading rather than getting involved with the
technological means, they normally read religious books and newspapers. Reading
and other activities of the adults has been investigated to find out how reading
habit is influenced by various other elements. The family issues, household
activities, jobs, or business are some of the factors that may cause hindrances in the
reading habits of the adults, but it has been researched that older adults normally
prefer reading rather than making advanced technical means part of their daily
lives (Akanda, Hoq & Hasan, 2013).

Reading is an art which establishes a basis for the human being upon which
to erect his or her understanding of living an effectual life as well as the aspects
with which to construct his or her viewpoints regarding the outside world. It has
been found out that, in addition to individual and psychological developments,
reading is significant for ensuring one’s access to social, economic and community
life. Against the background of speedily changing nature of life as well as the
social order, reading is regarded to be fundamental for individuals from all parts of
life for productively dealing with the complexities and problems of the present
existence. In recent times, the coming out of digital technologies and various
modes of social communication, the habit of reading is encountering a number of
impediments. The children, teenagers as well as the young adults who are in their
early 20s, take interest in activities such as social networking, gaming, music,
cinema, and due to these activities their interest in reading begins to decline and
they prefer to read only when it is required such as during their exams or academic
assignments (Akanda, Hoq & Hasan, 2013).
Reading Interests of Teachers and Educationists
In the field of education, reading is considered to be one of the most
essential job duties, if an individual is not an avid reader or does not take interest in
reading, then it is required that he should not choose the field of education as a part
of his profession. Reading is a skill that is mainly taught and encouraged to an
individual by the teachers or their parents or friends who themselves have the habit
of reading; it is up to the teachers and the educationists that they should encourage
their students to read other materials too besides text books. In writing papers and
articles, it is vital that ones writing skills should be adequately honed; therefore,
reading is the main area that enhances the knowledge, capability, aptitude and the
writing skills of the individual. In today’s world, rapid development of educational
technologies led to creation of information societies therefore, knowledge and
information has become the center of economic development of the contemporary
Speedy transformation of information affects the education systems
straightforwardly and it requires training and development of individuals who can
adjust to the present existence. Information societies require people who can reach
knowledge, in a manageable way, contribute their creation by utilizing information
that they reach, who have acquired the authority of performing investigation and
connection, and the practice of assessment systems have to instruct individuals
who possess the abilities that can be put across. Reading rate of the individuals
who read regularly, between the ages of 16 and 21, decreased to 63% in 1983 from
75% when it is match up to 1978. Therefore, analysis of the university students’
reading habits became indispensable. Especially the eminence of reading habits
and awareness of candidate teachers has crucial significance in order to be a good
example for pupils and teenagers. Thus, shaping of reading habits and interests of
university students is required in order to increase the attributes that are put across
and construct propositions about this subject, it is thought that effects of this
investigation conducted will give indications in determining features of efficient
teachers in the present existence (Pehlivan, Serin & Serin, 2010).
The Influence of the Reading Habits upon the Academic Performance of
the Adult Students
Adults are individuals who are above 18 years of age; educational
institutions have no age limits, a person who is 40 years of age or a senior citizen,
even he is permitted to attend educational institutions to acquire knowledge and to
obtain a degree. The area of this research paper focuses upon the influence of
reading habits upon the academic performance of the students in higher education.
It is a fact that students who are enthusiastic readers and read most of their time do
perform well academically, but in order to achieve their desired objectives, there
are certain aspects that need to be taken under consideration: firstly, reading has to
be done with attentiveness and concentration, secondly, one has to completely
understand what one is reading and learn to write down the concept in his own
words, thirdly, thinking about other things or attending other matters should be
avoided as it may distract the attention of an individual, unless it is extremely
necessary, and fourthly, reading should be done with the purpose of learning so
that an individual can utilize the good things read and learned in his day to day life;
for example, if an individual has learned about the ways of anger management,
then it is vital that he may implement what he has learned not only in his academic
performance but also in his daily life.
Reading habits are well-planned and purposeful guide of learning which has
achieved a structure of reliability on the part of students toward understanding
academic courses and performing well during the examinations. Reading habits
establish the academic achievements of students to a great extent. Both reading and
academic achievements are interconnected and dependent on each other. Students
often come from various environments and localities with different levels of
academic backgrounds. Therefore, they vary in the pattern of their reading
practices; while some students have good reading habits, others tend to display
poor reading habits. Educational attainment means how much knowledge the
individual has obtained from the educational institution (Acheaw, 2014).
Reading is considered to be one of the crucial areas that are prevalent in
every work, task, job, or performance; every field such as academics, management,
administration, business, industry, trade and so forth. In India, in rural areas too,
adult individuals who possess some of the basic literacy skills buy newspapers
from the vendors, grocery shops or tea stalls and read. Newspapers, magazines,
books, internet, poetries, journals and articles are the most common and prevalent
reading materials. A person who is able to read is able to acquire complete
knowledge, information and awareness about the daily matters and all the areas
such as environment, development, research, sports, adventure, politics,
economics, monetary and fiscal policies, business, management, administration,
medical, crimes and so forth.
For the adult individuals, reading is also considered to be the major past
time, normally older adults, who are retired from their jobs or are housewives, they
prefer reading in their free time and in most cases, these adults find ample time to
read. Reading is regarded to be a profession for academic individuals; they have to
read in order to achieve higher grades or to rise in their careers. For adult
individuals reading is a task that is done in a professional manner as well as it is
considered as a hobby; therefore, reading is crucial and it also assists in curbing the
loneliness of an adult individual.

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