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Unit 3 International presentations (page 30)

For any presentation or pitch to land effectively, we need to design

and deliver it with a good understanding of who our audience is and
what they care about.

Unit 4 Present a marketing strategy

Using endorsement: Using a celebrity to represent helps to
differentiate our brand from competitors. It also can improve ad
recall, making consumers remember our ad and that our brand is
connected to their favorite celebrity.

Unit 5 Decision making meeting

1. Identify the Problem
2. List the Alternatives.
3. Make a Decision.
4. Evaluate the Decision

Unit 6 How to Survive an Ethics Crisis

Ethical crisis management requires the organization to focus its initial
response on using communication to address the physical and
psychological concerns of the victims.
1. Recognize that it is an ethics crisis. The biggest mistake is not
recognizing that it is an ethics crisis. Executives...
2. Investigate quickly, objectively and thoroughly. An
investigation into an ethics crisis cannot follow the usual...
3. Consider the impact on your employees. A big risk in an ethics
crisis is that your own employees...
The most offensive thing about my story was
Unit 7 Investment
I choose to invest in your company because I had looked at the track
record of your management team which has experienced past
business success.

Unit 8 Consulting
“You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can
dramatically increase your income, power, influence, and success.
The problem is you just don’t see them.”

Unit 9 Strategy
Use SWOT to analyze strategy
1. Strengths
2. Weaknesses
3. Opportunities
4. Threats

Unit 10 Online business – how to use social media on business

Social media has levelled the playing field when it comes to
marketing and communication. Your business can now use social
media to tell your story on a global with very little cost.

Unit 11 Growth of new business

Growth doesn’t mean anything if it cannot be sustained in the long-
term. Also, growth isn’t possible without some inherent risks.

Unit 12 Project management

Planning: How to Map Out a Project
Build-Up: How to Get the Project Going
Implementation: How to Execute the Project
Closeout: How to Handle End Matters

 Risky (adj): mạo hiểm

 A broad range of: nhiều, rộng lớn
 Well-organized (adj): có hệ thống, gọn gàng
 Keep track of: theo dõi sát sao
 Revenue (n): lợi tức
 Expenses (n): chi tiêu
 Make money: kiếm tiền
 Calm temperament: bình tĩnh
 Approval (n): sự đồng ý
 Put somebody out of business: vỡ nợ, phá sản
 Slash (v): giảm
 Cater to (v): đáp ứng yêu cầu
 Whim (n): ý tưởng chợt nảy ra
 Get to know: làm quen với ai đó
 Specialize in: chuyên về cái gì
 Watch out for: trông chừng
 Not know somebody from Adam: chưa từng gặp ai

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