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2 Ee [Ge \our __ 3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part. Write the CLASS-XIt 2 hiea Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80 ‘eneral Instructions: re 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading. ‘The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING and LITERATURE. Section A: READING SKILLS (20 marks) | Marks | | Read the passage given below. a | On the evening that I am considering I passed by some ten or twenty cosy bams and theds without finding one to my liking: for Worcestershire lanes are devious and peu, and it was nearly dark when I found an empty cottage set back from the ro: in a little bedraggled garden. There had been heavy rains earlier in the day, and th, straggling fruit trees still wept over it. | decided: and with a long look up the road, and a long look dowa the road, I drew an fron bar from the lining of my coat and forced the door, which was only held by a padlock and two staples- Inside, the darkness was damp and heavy: I struck a match, and with its haloed light I saw the black mouth of a passage somewhere ahead of me: and then it spluttered out. So, I closed the door carefully, though I had little reason to fear passersby at such a dismal hour in so remote a lane and lighting another match, I rept down this passage to a little roonrat the far end, where the air was abit clearer, | ~~~ for all that the window was boarded across. %, | joreover, there was a litle rusted stove in this room? and thinking Wf too dark for fanyone to see the smoke, I ripped up part of the wainscot with my knife, and soon was oiling my tea over a bright, small fire, arid drying some of the day’s rain out of my ‘steamy clothes. Presently, stretching my body, I went to sleep. 4 1¢ passage. It occurred to me rather grimly that there was nothing to do but to:sit up| face the music and that would probably mean being hauled Back to Worcester jail jch I hiad left two days before, and where, for various reasons, I had no anxiety t e seen again. her over, and was about to go again to sleep when I was startled to hear steps in stranger was dripping wet, better than I should have thought it possible for aman (0 get, even on such a rainy night: and his clothes were old and worn. It occurred to ¢ at once that he was no lawful citizen, but another wanderer like myself, a ;entleman of the road, so I gave him some sort of greeting and we were presently in ‘onversation. He complained much of the cold and the wet, and huddled himself over ¢ fire, his teeth chattering and his face an ill white. Page 1c 6 ‘more frequented for it’s a tidy little bit of a cottage’. ‘No* I said, “it is no decent weather for the road this. But I wonder this cottage isn’t, “Time was” he answered, “there wasn’t a cosier little cottage in the country, nor rettier garden. But now no folk’ll live in it, and there’s very few tramps will stop her either. “Why’s that?” I asked. He gave a very troubled sigh before answering. 16S “Ghosts.” He said, “Ghosts. Him that lived here. It is mighty sad tale, and 1’ll not tell! lit to you, but the upshot of it was that he drowned himself, down in the mill-pond. All) slimy, he was and floating, when they pulled him out of it. There are some say he jwalks up and down this cottage, up and down; like when the smallpox: had’em, and they couldn’t sleep but they heard his feet going up and down by their doors. Drowned himself in the pond, he did: and now he walks”. ; But it doesn’t do for the likes of us to get superstitious,” I answered. “It wouldn’t do for us to start seeing ghosts, or many’s the wet night we'd be laying in the roadway.” | | “No.” he said: “no it wouldn’t do at all I never had belief in walks myself.” laughed. Nor I.” I said, “I never see ghosts, whoever may”. Ie looked at me again in this queer, meland oly fas mn. “i | “No”. he said. “Expect you don’t ever: Some folks don’t. | t’s hard enough for poor fellows to have no money for their lodging, apart fro ghosts scaring them.” : = “It’s the coppers not spooks make me sleep uneasy.” said I. “What with coppers, and méddlesotié-minded folk, it isn’t easy to get a night’s res inow a days. ye 10 _ hikes of us that ever get dry, be it wet or fine, winter “hee shenet his muddy hands up to-wrist in the fire, glowering over it fiercely an ater was still oozing from his‘clothes all'about the’ floor, and a dank smell ‘went up, from him. “God! Man, Tried, “can’t you never get dry?” tle ‘coughing laughter. “Dry? L shan’t never be dry,__ ‘isn’t the i or summer see that!” (Dry? He made jmadly. But T caught up my two boots and ran orying |__| below. a) Why is the cottage alway 2 i) Haunted ee ii) Abandoned iti) Old and dilapidate iv) None of the above 1 | Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given] b) What does the phrase ‘sit up and face the music’ mean? i) Dance to the tune ii) Face the consequence iii) Feeling of embarrassment |___iv) _None of the above ce) Why can’t he afford to get Superstitious? i) No money for lodging ii) | Coppers chasing them iii) Spend the nights on the roadway iv) All the above 4) Why didn’t he find a cottage to his liking? xe) |What did the stranger mean when he said he had no belief in ‘walks’? [Why did he call the stranger ‘gentleman of the road’? pa | et ee) What is the connection between the story told by the second man and his wn personal appearance? nl ~h) [Why does the first man run away “crying out into the night”? i) Select the option that conveys the opposite of ‘push’, from words used in the passage. i) Hauled ii) Devious iii) Bedraggled iy) _ Spluttered Dd Select the most suitable title for the above passage- i) The Empty Cottage ii) The Haunting | iii) | Spooky House iv) __ The gentle Man of the Road II [Read the passage given below. 10 7 [More than 5 million international students were studying outside their home country in 2016. With over 3,00,000 Indian students studying erseas, India is the second largest source of international students after China. The total number of Indian students overseas increased from 66,713 in 2000 to 3,01,406 in 2016, based on the analysis of data om UNESCO Institute of Statistics. This translates into 2,34,693 lmore students overseas in 2016 as compared to that in 2000—at a jrobust average annual growth rate of 22% ina span of 16 years. The ~~ [growing aspirations of Indian students to access to global education __feflect an expansion of high to middle-income families. | SHARE OF INDIAN STUDENTS OVERSEAS AT 4 DESTINATIONS | 2000 2016 3 4 5 _fand work policies, (One of the biggest reasons for this shift in the share of Indian student Overseas had been the pro-immigration policies of Canada and Australia. ajority of Indian students are highly price-sensitive, value-maximisers who are constantly trying to search for options that lower cost and increase (career opportunities. And, hence they are more sensitive to immigration For example, Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) introduced in 2006 allows students to gain work experience which qualifies for permanent residency in Canada, Likewise, from 1999 Prverss, Australia’s point-based immigration policies were designed to ncourage international students to pursue a permanent residency in ‘Australia. (The future demand for international education remains strong among indian students..In 2018, over 17.7 million students used Study portals to pests for Master’s degrees and about 5.7 million — for Bachelor’s rogrammes. Our data shows an increase of 37% and 77%, respectively, from users located in India. While the demand is strong, the unwelcoming isa and immigration policies pose a significant hurdle to translate that pspiration into reality to study abroad. India is at an inflexion point where ‘wo broad segments of students are emerging. The first segment is the raditional segment of price-sensitive, value-maximiser. The ‘ other merging segment is the prestige-conscious, experience-secker. ‘alue-maximisers will search for options which offer more “value for joney” mostly through master’s programmes. For example, in addition to traditional destinations, this segment will seek alternative destinations in he Middle East, Asia and Continental .Europe- offerings English-taught Programmes. The new emerging segment of experience-seekers is concentrated at undergraduate level and fields of study beyond engineering nd computer ‘science. These: students have higher financial resources to ‘und their education and are relatively less concerned about immigration .d immediate work opportunities. a) [The main purpose of this © passage ased on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given| below. 10. i) entertain the readers-about the growing aspiration of Indian students to study abroad. 2 i) inform the readers: about the growing rate of Indian student studying abroad.» i eee iii) persuade the students to study in the UK and the USA. iv) teach students how to.apply for admission in foreign countries. 1x10 Fr af the details supports the main idea that the rate of Indian students, ing significant ly? “py |Whiet i b) |Whic i studying abroad is grow’ | | | | dents are highly-price-sensitive, | uation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) was, 2 | i) Majority of Indian stu ii) Canada’s Post-Gradi | introduced in 2006. . | | iii) The total number of Indian students overseas increased from! . i 66,713 in 2000 to 3,01,406 in 2016. iv) The number of Indian students in the UK in 2016 was same as that! in 2005. | \ \ x i) ased on the information | ore Indian students from 2000 to 2016 are | | i) Australia and the USA | ii) Canada and the UK | | iii) Canada and Australia { iv) the UK and the USA | ised @) Based on the information given in the pie-chart, we can infer that | | Zig | a) The number of Indian students seeking admission in the USA has | dropped by 14 per cent in 2016. | | b) The number of Tnidian ‘students studying in the UK remained the | same in 2000 and in 2016. " | | c)-The_number_of Indian: students | tudying.in_Australia was less i | 2016 than in 2000. Sah | | @ Canada attracted moré Indian students in 2000 than in 2016, | ¢) Canada and Australia have attracted more students in 2016. | i) a), b) and d) ii) a), c) and d) ii) ), byande) an students seeking, cet given in the pie-chart, the countries that attracted 1 ) |Choose the option that lists the reason for more Indi: ission in Canada and Australia as mentioned in Passage. Jow cost and ‘more éareer opportunities 22 Q i) higher cost and less career opportunities value and maximum price im temporary residency:and work permit. is ig in India seeking admission f) {What are the two-emerging segment of studet abroad? spe Page 6 iv) c), d) and e) a A 8) |What details are given that. | __peptions that offer more value support the fact that value-maximers will seel] hat offer more value for money? ee ele |b) |What evidence is Biven to show that the future demand for international 1 ducation remains strong amo i Ti a he Indian students are More sens SECTION B- CREATIVE WRITING en SKI # eel Ed ~All the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is |__ purely coincidental. |_1. | Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. ose 3 ANY ONE fr ou are Janika Shaun, the President of Cultural Club of St. Ann’s School hennai. The club is celebrating Bhasha Bharatiya Utsav to commemorat Birth Anniversary of Subrahmania Bharati in the school. Draft a notice bout S@ words, for the school notice board, informing them about the ultural fest, competitions, and an exhibition containing Bhasha courts, talls, Ethnic wear to be conducted to mark the day. | OR i [You are Vikram Shyamalan, the school captain of Winchester English) edium School, Trichy. The school is organizing a drive to create an| iwareness about Cyber Jagrookta. Draft a notice in about 50 words, for the ‘chool notice board addressing the students of classes X to XII, to take par jin a Seminar where officers ‘from the crime branch will be enlightening the Students. a 2. | Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5 A [You are Dr. Vijay Ananth. You have received an invitation from the Director, Health Service, Sat Lake, Kolkata, to preside over a gathering of{ leading medical practitioners attending a work shop on communicable diseases in. children on 22" Nov, 2023 at 10:00 am in the National Institute f Homeo Sciences, New Delhi. Respond to accept the invitation in about 5 words. : ww OR B {Draft a Formal Invitation for Concordia Enpli i 1, Chennai : 25" Annual Day celebration on 2™ Tan, 2023 in the Vidyalaya premises. The [Education Minister of the State has consented to: be the Chief Guest. Design| 1¢ invite in not more than.50 words. You are Ashokan Eliot the Schoo Captain of the Vidyalaya | 3. | Attempt ANY ONE from Aand B given below. A B pe june otner day lYour school organized a seminar on Bird Flu for creating awareness among uy vistea tne grain market A pvcamyaril, 11ere yor you vis ck jated on’ caf wheat being catied in overloaded tla em ; by the sted lit £0 : ot oes Or about 120-150 words: You arg etter to ab suzanne Nimith, an animal 0 Cross, ational daily in activist with Blu You have seen an | You are Anand/Arti of 14, Model Town, Delhi, 5-Star Hotel. advertisement in The Hindu for'the post of Head Chef in a Apply for the job with complete biodata, Write in 1254150 words. ARK HOTEL e recruiting a hef tiempt ANY ONE tudents of your school and their parents, As secretary of the Health club of Jasis Public School, Hyderabad, Write a report in 120-150 words for “The Deccan Herald.” ne DOG AN DIONE ORC eC ea a) T | | B (Consumi e adulicrarca” OR (Consuming adultesieq poor Deals ieee bisorders eroding ee 1004 has let loose a Pandora’s Box of physiea gifted. As q SSRs ley life expectancy that advanced technology You are Dr. Gus Ne or an e-zine, draft an article in about 4120-150 words Ww Delhi __ IV Read the given extracts to attem context. rf H "1 Attempt ANY ONE of two extraets given. 1A. Now we will count to twelve j and,we will all keep still: For once on the face of the Earth ea aa Its not speak in any language; * llet’s stop for one second, z= land not ti6¥8 our arms’ so'mnuch. ake it would be an exotic moment without rush, without engines, e would all be together lin a sudden strangeness. Fishermen in the cold'sea would not harm:whales land the man gathering salt would look at his hurt hands. — are green Wars, Those who prepare Uae 2 ars with gas, Wars with fir % victory with no survivors, would put on clean clothes and walk about with their Lee rothers iin the sh ill the blank with i ication, because i) | anid in different tongues can be barrier for communication, | \ cei sn Pi) Gathering salt hurts our hand, as salt_ | A. They are sharp | | B. Dehydrates the skin | | C. Contains poison D. Salt is mixed in the dirt. Jo, doing nothing, ) an appropriate answer, with refer Se —pheeat = | we exotic flowers, exotic fruits and exotic moment A. Beautiful to achieve B. Smart to achieve C. Need of the hour D. Unusual feet to achieve iv) (Green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire are all wars against ¥) |The connotation of the word ‘Brothers’ si, vi) (Choose the option that correctly matches the poetic devices given in Column |A with the examples in Column B Column A Column B a) Symbolism i) Cold Sea b) Transferred Epithet ii) Sudden Strangeness c) Anaphora iii) Brothers d) Alliteration iv) Let’s not speak in any language Let’s stop for one second. i, b-i, c-iv, d-ii . b-I, a-iii, c-iv, d-ii iv, b-I, c-iii, d. b-iv, c-l, d- OR 1B) Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen, [Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. eiey Go not fear ie men beneath thetieer 7 [They pace in sleek chivalric consis a | | Aunt Jennifer’s fingers flutteri : 8 luttering through her wool Find even the Ivory needle hard to pull (The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band \Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand. |When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by. | [The tigers in the panel that she made | ill go on prancing, proud and unafraid, 9). What do you infer by the word ‘Sleek? atiributed to the tigers - Powerful movement. . Proud movement. | . They are Predators. . Beautiful movement. lDOmp ii) Tory needle suggests that she comes from \aatit family. iii) |The Pun intended in the word ‘Ringed’ pou) _- iv) |Which poetic device is used in “the massive weight of uncle’s wedding 1 band”? o _A. Transferred Epithet ——_- -— AIOE ORS eee B. Personification C. Hyperbole _D. Metaphot v) |On the basis of the extract; : , \Choose the correct option with reference to (1) and (2) given below- 1) The image created for the tigers--Denizens of a world of green 2) That of the Aunt--- A Slave in her home. A. (1) and (2) are in stark contrast B, (1) and (2) are the same C. ee (2) is false vi) [Why does rot not get freedom even after death : : j 1 | A.Herchildren also suffer. 5 Uncle remarries. it ands for all the women folk those who suffer. Ries | | 2.A\Six hundre “ijjon years ago, a giant amalgamated soumen” | d and fifty Ere did indeed exist, aed roughly around i 535 Journey to the end of the Earth 19 Antarctica. THINS! n: humans hadn’t arrived on the global scene, an 500 rien ng a huge variety of flora and fauna. For climate was much ee ia thrived, but around the time when the dinosaurs fnillion years Gone age of the mammals got under way, the landmass ountties, shaping the globe much as we know it k t upercontinen! esent-day ne 0 ite differen! were quite differ ee vere wiped out and the was forced to separate into ¢ today tro visit Antarctica now is to be a part of that history; to get a grasp of where \ve've come from and where We could possibly be heading. It’s to the significance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields; ozone land carbon; evolution and extinction. When you think about all that can happen in a million years, it can get pretty mind-boggling. Imagine: India pushing northwards, jamming against Asia to buckle its crust and form the Jimalayas; South America drifting off to join North America, opening up thel ke Passage to create a cold circumpolar current, keeping Antarctica ifrigid, desolate, and at the bottom of the world. rhe first land mass Pangea divided into Gondwana and Laurasia. Then the upercontinent Gondwana drifted to | A. Northern Hemisphere B. Southern Hemisphere C. Didn’t drift D. None of the above ii) Reptiles: Dinosaurs:: {Carbon is the primary component of all life forms. What is ‘paradoxical about| leaving carbon footprints in the carbon evolutionary process that Tishani is orried about? iv |The Drake passage connects A. Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans B. Indian and the Pacific Oceans. C. Indian and the Atlantic Oceans D. Arctic andthe IndianQceans ee Bibs ha: brie tf 2.BKA white man!” Hana whispered. Yes, it was 4 white man. The wet cap fell jaway and there was ellow hair, long, as though for many weeks itl had not been cut, Lyra eh Stee Late ode gee Tie 8 eke ee Oe ee thot and had not been tended. It was bad chance that the frock nen pet ‘ound. oe ite mary eked to gee ‘Sadao and Hana sho 2 iii) [How did the wound get reopened. A. Because it was not treated B. Sadao was inspecting C Rock had struck the wound D. Wounds should be left open to heal. iv) ¢ flesh was blackened with powder because______— 3.A/ “it is his karam, his destiny,” Says Mukesh’s grandmother, who has watched her own husband go blind with the dust from polishing the glass of bangles; “Can a god-given lineage ever be broken?” she implies. Born in the caste off bangle makers, they have seen nothing but bangles — in the house, im the ard, in every other-house, every other yard, every street im. Firozabad. pirals of bangles — sunny gold, paddy green, royal blue, pink, purple, pe colour born out of the seven colours of the rainbow — lie in mounds empt yards, are piled on four-wheeled handcarts, pushed by young mi long the narrow lanes of the shanty town. And in dark hutments, next ines of flames of flickering oil lamps, sit boys and girls with their fath d mothers, welding pieces of coloured glass into circles of bangles. The -yes-are moré adjusted to the dark than to the light outside. That is why they fien end up losing their eyesight before they become adults. Savita, a. young girl in a drab pink dress, sits alongside an elderly woman, ‘oldering pieces of glass. AAs her hands move mechanically like the tongs of 4 achine, I wonder if she knows the sanctity of the bangles she helps make. It symbolises an Indian-woman’s suhaag, auspiciousness in marriage. It wil \dawn on her suddenly one day when her head is draped with a red veil, her hands dyed red with henna, and red bangles rolled onto tier wrists, She will ken become a bride. Like the old woman beside her who became one many ears ago. She still has bangles on her wrist, but no light in her eyes. ‘ s of bangles. Their] ~ fait ae ante a eee the reason for their blind belief in their ‘Karam’ and God givenl |A. Superstitious IB. Illiteracy \C- Downtrodden ID. Fear P vice ii) BES bangle makers lose their eye sight due to : Page* L A. Working in dingy rooms, | 1B, Glows duat | ©, Both A and 8 | PD. None of them, lil) Replace the word ‘Soldering’ in the following ynonym. ‘ Savita, a young girl ina draw pink dress gi Soldering pieces of glass. nentence with ls alongside an elderly Woman, iv) |The sanctity of the bangles in Hindu Culture is immense, Kavita 19 oblivious 0 it till she becomes a screed oss The poetic device in “She still has bangles on her wrist, but no light in he itha are all evening as he was trudging along the road he caught sight of a little ray cottage by the roadside, and he knocked on the door to 0 ask shelter for ¢ night. Nor was he refused. Instead of the sour faces which ordinarily met im, the owner, who was an old man without wife or child; was happy to get omeone to talk to in his loneliness, Immediately he put the porridge pot onl ¢ fire and gave him supper; then he carved off such a big slice from hi¢ tobacco roll that it was enough both for the stranger’s pipe and his own! inally he got out an old pack of cards and played ‘mjolis’ with his guest til bedtime, pecans ian HO: rote seen tua { le old man was just as generous with his confidences as with his porridge id tobacco. The guest was informed at once that in his days of prosperity, is host had been a crofter at Ramsjo Ironworks and had worked on the land. ow that he was no longer able to do day labour, it was his cow which, upported him. Yes, that bossy was extraordinary. She could give milk for le creamery every day, and last month he had received all of thirty kronor it ayment, ittle gray cottage by the roadside. Replace the underlined word with Synonym. c. at ne dark evening as he was trudging along the road he caught sight ad i —_ tobacco. confidences mean A. Food B. Secrets C, Home D. Family 1 1 1 old man was just as generous with his confidences as with his porridge Bi al 2 “a above exttact, Choose the sa = ae T Was a retd, Army Officer, : one fer entertained the Vagabond because he was a noble at heart. ~ “le had a wife and a child, D. He had a bossy cow which gave him milk forthe creamery. rue for the Crofter. | 1 v) (A card game that they play Gu; ee vi) ¢ Vagabond was i iT at by 1 fac eae ae by a happy face. He was general lly met by sour; A. Good-tempered B. Friendly C. Happy : D. Bad-tempered ; |Answer ANY FIVE of the following in about 40-50 words each. «| 5*2-10 i) How did Douglas drive away the tiny vestiges of fear/terror that would return| 2 /hen he was in the pool? (Deep Water) ii) [Aging gracefully is not every old person's cup of tea. Old age is the second © ring out the dilemma: that Kamala:Das faces when she is forced to bid” hildhood. It’s every family’s responsibility:to, care for its aged members, Bing to her aged mother. (My Mother at 66) iii) y does Asokamitran call the incandescent light ‘a fiery misery"? (Poets 2 \d Pancakes) 9) [To meditate is to introspect and to interospéct is’ to iets eee SD es luniversal brotherhood. How does Pablo Neruda portray this in his po: Keeping Quiet? (Keeping Quiet) vy) \Umberto Eco’s contribution to the world of literature is huge. And the secre. 2 bbehirid ‘his contribution is ‘interstices’..How does ‘he ‘explain ‘interstices? ‘The Interview) i a OOY Si pata vi) ‘ohn Keats lived in the lap of nature’s beauty. He is rightly called.a sensuous, 2 post Support the statement. (A Thing of Beauty) 4 ‘Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. 2*2=4 Sum up Sam’s letter to Charley which was mailed to Charley’s granddad. 2 (The Third Level) amb leaves an indelible mark on the mind of Derry: He succeeds in 2 ee him out from his shell and opening up a panorama of nature’s beauty. How does he do so?_(Qn the Face of it) ‘Annan’s solution to the problem of caste 2 system. ee .2__ (My Memories of Childhood) | Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 1555 inion Jack flew high on the ramparts of Indian Forts seeping deep into thd 5 = Page i -L al Wery fabri fie British wo India, So was the of | Then the French won the 100 years’ Wit and tried hard to wipe out Engi from England when a Nation fs thwarted it’s their language, CUT | Wate ar holds the key to their freedom. And Sophie gets dravn into h ke belief world and refuses to accept the ground realities of the wor'd # "he belongs to. Imagine them conversing together and M. Hamel | nis out in his memoir. Write out the memoir for M. Hamel and elaborate Ihe last day at his school ‘pefore a new German teacher is to take his place. rite it out in 120-150 words, Es GS eee | | [Fab fietarmers in Champaran ae forces cultivate indigo in their rented lan | Lind the rich in the Roadside Stand look down 9F ‘the wares put up for sale | the poor by not even. caring to even glance at it. The rich dictate and | {the poor dance to their tunes. Suppose you have championed for their cause. | |And you were asked to speak to students to motivate them. Write this address, |___ fin 120-150 words. | Vi Answer ANY ONE of the following in ‘about 120-150 words. PSs | 0 f \ \ ‘Poaching of animals, Sacrificial animals °° animals used in laboratories thei} 5 | plotation has gone unabated for ages on end. Man feels that he can exploit | Poi es will, What he fails to understand is thet fhe is a speck on the | iture’s time scale. He'too ‘has to the dinosaurs ‘did when the time se falki in his work ‘The Tiger King’ teaches v6 © ‘valuable lesson that | ‘thing is permanent and that Humans need to learn to coexist. Put yoursell Aes shoes and elaborate on the whims and fancies of the filthy rich and th OR (Whether itis native American Zitkale Sa OF dailt Christian Bama they bott} 5 Nong to the marginalized community. These complex stigmas in the society ong roots from a play between superiority & ‘inferiority complexes} feriority complex as portrayed in Derry ‘eats away into the vitals of A rao to write an article about the same for the ‘school magazine| ite it in about 120-150 words: | 2 : : ee - “a .

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