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I was staring at the window and suddenly tears fell from my eyes.

The only comes to my mind is why the

world is so unfair. Everyone is competing to gain the best of everything in life. The world is unfair, isn’t
it? We all admit that life is hard. Even if we live long lives, death will come sooner or later for everyone.
It must happen. Why should we even try to live, overcoming the challenges it brings, if it will all just end
one day?

“Amora, Dinner is ready!” My mom said while serving her specialty chicken adobo in the table.

“yay! you never fail to amaze me with your adobo, mom” I ran to the table and smelled my favorite
adobo. I was about to take a bite when my mom stopped me and raise her five hands, it was a sign that
we need to wait for my dad.

My dad is an engineer while my mom is an architect, they both have busy life but they make sure they
still have time for me. I'm an only child, my parents also stood up as my playmates and also my best
friends, so even when I was young I never thought of having siblings, my parents are enough for me.

“I’m home, where’s my baby?” My dad said when he opened the door.

I raised my right eyebrows when I heard the word baby, my dad keep calling me his baby even I'm
turning 18 next month.

“dad I’m not a baby anymore” I said.

He just pat my head and smile.

“you’re still our baby, no boyfriend until you graduated college. Did you understand Ms.Samanth Amora
C. Del Fierro?” he replied.

I just smiled and nodded.

my friends always tell me that I'm so lucky to have a complete family, sometimes they dreamed to have
parents like mine.

Well, honestly

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