Spring 2021 - ENG502 - 1 by Malik M. Zahid-Watermarked

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‘MA ELT. Introduction to Linguistics (Eng502) Spring 2021 Assignment ‘Total Marks: 20 Lectures: 1-14 Instructions: © Upload your assignments in a proper format, i.e, MS word file. Corrupt files will be awarded zero marks. The assignments should be zoomed in at 100%. Please avoid plagiarism; plagiarized work will be marked zero. After the due date, the assignments submitted via email would not be entertained. Please avoid submitting copied assignments; otherwise, such a case would be referred to the discipline committee. ‘* The font color should be preferably black and font size 12 Times New Roman. Attempt the given questior QI. Language throughout history has geographical territory. But in the present age of technology, language knows no boundaries and barriers of territory. Today a man can hear and understand any language of the world because of the help of Artificial Intelligence (AD. Discuss how Artificial Intelligence (AT) has impacted language and communication in terms of positive and negative effects. Enlist any five positive and five negative effects of Artificial Intelligence (AT) on language. (5*2+5*2=20 Marks) Solution: Artificial Intelligence: Ariificial intelligence is now widely used to facilitate social interaction, but its impact on social relationships and communication is not well understood. We study the social consequences of one of the most pervasive Al applications: algorithmic response suggestions. Two randomized experiments provide evidence that a commercially-deployed A changes how people interact with and pereeive one another in pro-social and anti-social ways. We find that using algorithmic responses increases communication efficiency, use of positive emotional. language, and positive evaluations by communication, partners, However, consistent With common assumptions ubout the itegative implications: of AT, people are evaluated more negatively if they are suspected to be using algorithmic responses. Thus, even though AI can increase communication efficiency and improve interpersonal perceptions, it risks changing users’ language production and continues to be viewed negatively. Artificial intelfigence can dramatically improve the efficiencies of our workplaces and can augment the work humans can do, When AI takes over repetitive or dangerous tasks, it frees up the human workforce to do work they are better equipped for—tasks that involve creativity and empathy among others. If we utilize AI with care we can improve these outcomes, including those related to diversity and inclusion, However, if AT is used carelessly, this can undermine its benefits and limit success for our people and the organization as a whole. As with most changes in life, there will be positive and negative impacts on society as artificial intelligence continues to transform the world we live in) How that will balance out is aniyone’s guess and up for much debate and for many people to contemplate. Asan optimist at heart, I believe the changes will mostly be good but could be challenging for some. Here are some of the challenges that might be faced (and we shauld be thinking about how to address them now) as well as several of the positive impacts artificial intelligence will have on society. Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Language and Communication: The transformative impact of artificial intelligence on our society will have far-reaching economic, legal, political and regulatory implications that we need to be discussing and preparing for. Determining who is at fault if an autonomous vehicle hurts a pedestrian or how to manage a global autonomous arms race are just a couple of examples of the challenges to be faced. Artificial intelligence algorithms are powered by data. As more and more data is collected about every single-minute of every person’s day, ourprivacy gets compromised. If businesses and governments decide to make decisions based on the intelligence they gather about you like China is doing with its social efedit system, it could devolve into social oppression. The goal of artificial intelligence includes learning, reasoning, and Perception. As technology advances the machine that calctilates basic operation recognized by a specific type of system which requires a machine to optimize through embodied artificial ence. So we can say that artificial intelligence is beneficial for different industries where machines are wited for performing complex tasks with the help of artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence approaches also in mathematics, computer science, linguistics, psychology, space science and so more. Positive effects of Artificial Intelligence: 1, It defines a more powerful and more useful computers 2, It introduces a new and improved interface for human interaction, 3. It introduces a new technique to solve new problems. 4. It handles the information better than humans. 5. It is very helpful for the conversion of information into knowledge. 6. It improves work efficiency so reduce the duration of time to accomplish a task in comparison to humans. Negative effects of Artificial Intelligence: 1. The implementation cost of Al is very high. 2. The difficulties with software development for AI implementation are that the development of sofiware is slow and expensive, Few efficient programmers are available to develop software to implement artificial intelligence. 3. A robot is one of the implementations of Artificial intelligence with them replacing jobs and lead to serve unemployment. 4. Machines can easily lead to destruction if the implementation of machine put in the wrong hands the results are hazardous for human beings. 5, Automation-spurred job loss, mn Malik Science Academy COME AND JOIN US FOR YOUR BRIGHT FUTURE

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