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TOPIC: "Some people think the money spent on developing the

technology for space exploration is not justified. OTHERS,
HOWEVER, there are more beneficial ways to spend this money.
Disagree : nên đổ tiền vào space explore.
 Find other inhabitable planets
Tuy nhiên,có người nghĩ tiền này có thể dùng để
Xây nhà để giải quyết…
Negative consequence:
Government fund
+health care
To what extent do you agree or disagree?"
Reason why exploring other planets.
+ problems on the earth we are facing: environmental pollution,
OPINION: agree that money should not be spent on space
-spend on education….
-expensive => put financial pressure on the government = increase
taxes on its citizens (those who are financially disadvantaged)

Model answer
Whether more resources should be spent on space exploration has
created a heated debate. Although there are some indisputable
benefits of this, I would argue that other fields should be given
higher priority.
Overpopulation is said to be one of the driving factors responsible
for the need of colonizing other planets. As the number of people
on Earth has been constantly increasing due to the rising fertility
rate. If no programs were developed in search of another habitable
world, the Earth’s population would therefore suffer from the
growingly serious living accommodations shortage entailing many
other consequences including the rapid rising cost of living or
crimes. Therefore, it is argued to be necessary to spend more
money on space exploration programs.
Despite this, I support the idea that other necessities should be
placed stronger emphasis as our world are changing in
unprecedented rate, coupled with the destructive impact of the
Covid-19 pandemic. Although a second Earth could save people’s
lives if there was no place to live, this plan is rather unachievable
in the short term. Hence, instead of pouring the huge amount of
national budget on this, we can save more lives by assigning more
money on investigating renewable energy to curb climate change
which has put thousands of people at risk each year. Education
should also be received more financial support as this can better
people living standard and even generate intellectual workforce
who can make great contribution to save the earth.
In conclusion, although the scheme into space exploration can be
beneficial to some extent, I opine that money should be well-
allocated to address other urgent problems on our planet first.

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