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Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobiles

phones in communication has negative effects on young people’s reading

and writing skills.  Agree or disagree.

reading and writing proficiency/ competence/ capacity

their language skills

using slang words and abbreviations

INTRO: although I agree to some extent, I still believe this development

benefits young people’s reading and writing proficiency.

BODY 1: the demerits of mobile phones and computers on reading and

writing skills

+ on writing: use slang and abbreviations to write faster, coupled with the
help of some software programs ( grammarly)=> correct grammatical
mistakes automatically=> affect their writing style, especially in formal
situations ( writing emails to the recruiters)

+the excessive use of these electronic gadgets hinders their reading time,
as online games and virtual communication are more appealing than
holding a book.

BODY 2: The benefits of those high-tech gadgets in improving their

language skills.

+some writing tool ( Quilbot, which uses the AI in writing paraphrasing)=>

suggest alternative word choices or even grammatical structures=>
benefits those who want to horn their writing capacity. ( I find it very useful
in my process of my writing self-studying as this tool offers me more formal
and high-scoring expressions that are similar to what I want to convey)

+the constant access to endless reading materials online ( bbc news, the
guardian, online novels) enables readers opportunities to read anywhere=>
enrich their vocabulary and improving their reading comprehension.

CONCLUSION: despite some drawback of the new form of communication,

reading and writing skills among youngsters and greatly benefit if they
utilize this development effectively.

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