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Sustainable City – 01


• The main areas for the current work on sustainable cities are:
1. Sustainable consumption and production roadmap for cities
covering all the sectors
2. Upstream interventions through policy, technology, and financing to
reduce and manage pollution and waste

• Aggressively rehabilitate degraded landscapes

• Minimize automobile dependency
• Isolate polluting industries and demand scrubbers on industrial
• Use an integrated approach to waste management (e.g., the 3Rs,
reduce, recycle, reuse)
• Design waste disposal sites and take particular care with toxic
• Use a municipal environmental impact assessment system for all
new developments.
Resilient City – 01 Resource

• The word resilience

simply means to
“bounce back” rooted
in a system’s ability to
return to a normal state
after an event occurs,
disrupting its former
• It was C S Holling, who
introduced the city
concept of resilience in
1973 (Odiase et al.,
2020c). Holling (1973)
considered the term;
“a measure of systems
resiliency and their
towards change and
disruption while
retaining the same
relationships between
populations or
state variables”.
Economics of Biodiversity – The Dasgupta Review
• We need to accept that humanity and our economy are
embedded within Nature.
• The Economics of Biodiversity is the Economics of Nature.
• Nature is an asset; just as produced and human capital are
• Globally, we are significantly failing to manage our assets
• Our failure to do so has put ecosystems at risk of reaching
tipping points.
• Our demands on Nature are outstripping its supply.
• We need to adopt a different set of ambitions and measures
to reflect nature’s benefits.
• In identifying options for change, the Review will:
a. Use the Impact Equality to identify what needs to change for
humanity’s engagement with the biosphere to be sustainable
b. Consider what institutional structures are effective
c. Set out how economic models, evaluation processes and metrics
can recognize that our economies are embedded in the
d. Identify nature-based solutions as an essential part of the
package of measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change
e. Identify actions needed across all spheres, based on an
understanding of how people’s preferences are affected by the
choices of others
f. Recognize that citizens have the power to insist on action

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