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Last January 13, 2023 there was a seminar on coping with challenges and threats currently faced

in the world of business was held at the paghiUsA hall of the University of Antique Main

Campus at Sibalom Antique, which has a lot of students from different courses. The speakers are

Dr. Lilian Farparan, Police Chief Master Sergeant (PCMS) Christopher D. Mendoza, Mr.

Wilfredo Sadio, ENGR. Lynna Joy B. Cardinal, Mr. Arnel Oliveros, ARCH. Maria xenia Sentina

– Randall, Naresh A. Randall, and lastly Mr. Raymart Estremera – Alian, these people give their

advice on how they became successful in their careers.

(Morning Session)

The seminar was opened by the Master of Ceremonies (MC), followed by a prayer and

the national anthem, and finally the school anthem.

The first topic was various online fraud tactics in the Philippines and was discussed by PCMS

Christopher D. Mendoza. Mendoza indicated the types of scams that exist in the Philippines,

including love scams, online loan app scams, online shopping scams, SIM swap scams (online

banking scams), phishing or online phishing, smishing (SMS phishing), and lottery scams. I'm

here. Email/SMS spoofing, money mule fraud, identity theft. The speaker will also explain how
these various scams work and who might be the target of this type of scam. A family member is

a victim of fraud. The second speaker was Mr. Wilfredo Sadio, owner of Antikenyu Takun/Baka

Naman in San Jose, Antique, and he discussed the second topic, the challenges of starting a

business. Mr. Sadio showed the possible challenges of starting a business like a disaster and gave

some examples such as super typhoons and covid 19. In his presentation, he explained how the

mindset needed to survive the challenges an entrepreneur may face, such as opening an ancient

Antekenyu Takun at the height of Super Typhoon Odette, and how to manage it properly.

(Afternoon Session)

The afternoon session presented the third topic, consumer rights by EGNR. Lynna Joy B.

Cardinal Officer-In-Charge (OIC) Provincial Director, Department of Trade and Industry of

San Jose Antique. Engr. Cardinal stands for the right to basic needs, the right to safety, the right

to information, the right to choose, the right to representation, the right to compensation, the

right to consumer education, and a healthy environment. She explained how DTI works, what its

limitations are, and its importance in controlling the price of commodities. She also notes the

importance of her DTI during the height of the country's disaster.

Mr. Arnel Oliveros, of the staff of the Department of Trade and Industry, San Jose,

Antique, said his fourth topic in the seminar, Company name registration requirements. In his

presentation, he showed the steps to register a business name, how to properly name a business

name, the do's and don'ts with a business name, and the proper agency to register a business


The fifth speaker is Arch. Maria Xenia Sentina - Randall and Narish A. Randall, owners

of Maxi Treats and Xen Delights, discuss the fifth theme of the seminar, the dos, and don'ts of
running a business. They will tell you how they have become successful entrepreneurs, what

qualities they have to make their dreams come true, and what to prioritize when choosing a

company. They also share entrepreneurial values and how to embrace customer comments,

positive or negative, and consider negative comments to be: Make suggestions and actions to

improve your business.

The last topic of the seminar/workshop was starting a business in a shopping center. This

was discussed by the Business Center Head of the Antique branch of Robinsons Bank in San

Jose, Antique Mr. Raymart Estremera - Alian. He explains what it takes and what you need to do

to start a business in a mall, then discusses the benefits and potential challenges of starting a

business in a mall.


Seminar speakers taught us how to be more productive and highlighted some of the

challenges of making our dreams come true. First, I learned the discipline and values necessary

to succeed. This will put you on the right path to success. Second, I have become more aware of

the challenges that can arise during my work. Along the way to your dreams, this seminar will

also give you tips on how to overcome such difficulties. The last one is to be competitive in life.

This is the most important thing for me. Because when you're competing in life, you have the

talent to create, and when you create, you can also master what you create. Having a stable life is

good, but being successful is much better give a seminar. It's a great opportunity to make my

dream come true to reward the hard work of my parents and those who believe in me.

All in all, I appreciate the time and effort of the schools and speakers who provided this

knowledge. We know that not all students have the opportunity to be motivated by listening to

entrepreneurs and professionals. What I have learned has boosted my confidence, really helped

me achieve my vision in life, and helped me push my limits. This seminar has paved the way for

me to step outside my comfort zone. I found something. Each speaker's message is one of my

inspirations to be more competitive. This seminar shows me the path that I will go through until I

reach my destination.
NOTE: The above stated narrative report was based on my research on the internet and
also on my classmates I inquired due to my absence during the said seminar. Thank you!

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