Instruction Manual Kamewa FF270

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Instruction manual

Kamewa waterjets

Kamewa FF240
Kamewa FF270
Kamewa FF310
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets

Table of Contents
Preface ................................................... 3
About the instruction manual .............................. 3

1. Safety instructions
1.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Driving the boat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Maintenance work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2. Introduction to the FF-series

2.1 Water jet unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 The maneuvering system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3. Operating a boat with a water jet unit

3.1 Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Operating in shallow water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3 Checklist if you run aground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.4 Driving through flotsam and seaweed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.5 Driving in heavy seas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4. Starting and stopping

4.1 Before starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2 Starting the engine and the water jet unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.3 After starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.4 Stopping the engine and water jet unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5. Maintenance instructions
5.1 Maintenance schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.2 Laying up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.3 Fault-tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6. Removing and installing

6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

2009-01-27 1 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets

6.2 Tools for removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

6.3 Removal instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.4 Installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

7. Technical information
7.1 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2 Recommended lubricants and sealants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.3 Tightening torques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.4 Conversion factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

8. Spare parts
8.1 Ordering spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
8.2 Spare part series 1, 1-2 seasons or a maximum of 1500 h of
operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
8.3 Other spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 2 2009-01-27
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Preface

Thank you for choosing us as the supplier of the water jet unit for your boat.

It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that the water jet unit is
handled and cared for in a safe and correct manner. Therefore you should
read the instruction manual thoroughly so that you learn how to operate
the controls and other equipment safely before casting off for the first time.
In particular pay special attention to the safety information.

To obtain trouble-free operation with low wear the water jet unit must be
maintained and stored in accordance with these instructions. To avoid
personal injury and damage to the equipment, follow the instruction manual
when operating, servicing and maintaining the water jet unit.

Rolls-Royce accepts no responsibility for any damage that occurs as a

consequence of work carried out by non-authorized personnel.

Please feel free to contact Rolls-Royce if you have any queries regarding
this equipment.

We wish you success with the new water jet unit.

© 1998-2008 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab. We reserve the right to make changes.

About the instruction manual

In the instruction manual you will find safety information, a general intro-
duction of the water jet unit, the basic theory for maneuvering a boat with
a water jet unit, the main maintenance instructions, technical data and a
spare parts catalogue. Finally there is also a glossary containing the most
common terms.

You will find enclosed drawings and documents in section “DRAWINGS”.

Always have the instruction manual close to hand. Store it in a safe place
and do not forget to hand it over to the new owner if you sell your boat.

2000-09-19 3 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Preface Kamewa water jets

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 4 2000-09-19
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Safety instructions

1. Safety instructions

1.1 General
Read this chapter very carefully. It concerns your personal safety. This
chapter describes how the safety information in the manual is presented.
There is also an overview of basic boating safety for boating and care of
the water jet unit.

If these instructions are not followed, there is a risk of personal injury, se-
rious damage to the product or property or major operating faults.

Draws attention to factors that may cause damage to the product or prop-
erty, or operational faults.

Draws attention to important information that facilitates maintenance or

1.2 Driving the boat

The new boat

Carefully read the instruction manual and other information supplied with
the boat. Learn how to safely handle and operate the engine, controls and
other equipment.
If this is your first boat or you are inexperienced with this type of boat, we
recommend that you practice maneuvering the boat in a quiet and calm
area. Make sure you learn the handling characteristics of the boat at dif-
ferent speeds, water and load conditions before casting off on your first
“real” trip.
Remember that according to the law, anyone in charge of a boat is required
to know and follow all traffic and safety rules and regulations at sea. Check
which regulations apply to you and the waters in which you will be sailing
by contacting the relevant authorities or marine safety organisation.
It is a good idea to take a mate’s course. We recommend that you con-
tact a regional boating or marine safety organisation for information about
suitable courses.

2004-10-25 5 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Safety instructions Kamewa water jets

Accidents and near misses

Statistical evidence clearly demonstrates that insufficient maintenance of
boats and engines, and a lack of safety equipment are the major cause of
accidents and near misses on the water.
Ensure that your boat, engine and water jet unit are maintained according
to the instructions in the relevant instruction manual and that all essential
safety equipment is on board and functional.

Safety switch

We recommend that you install and use a safety switch, especially if your
boat is capable of high speed. The safety switch stops the engine if the
pilot falls and/or loses control of the boat.

Daily check

Make a habit of carrying out visual inspections prior to operation (be-
fore starting the engine) and after operation (after the engine has been
stopped). This will help you to quickly identify potential leaks or other ab-

Check that the impeller shaft rotates freely.

Check the oil level in the hydraulic tank.

Before starting for the first time

Check that there are no foreign objects in the inlet duct or impeller housing.

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FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Safety instructions


The braking effect is extremely powerful if the reversing bucket control is
shifted to full reverse when driving ahead at high speed. Avoid heavy and
sudden steering and ahead/astern maneuvers. There is a risk of those on
board falling down or overboard.
If full steering lock is applied at high speed the boat will turn sharply. This
produces high side forces and may cause personal injury and equipment
Never drive close to bathers or in areas where it is reasonable to expect
that there may be people in the water. Take care when maneuvering in
harbours for example. Because of the power of the water expelled by the
water jet, injury can be caused even when maneuvering at low speeds.
The suction in the inlet duct presents a risk to people and objects in the
water under the boat and close to the inlet opening. There is a danger that
these may be adhered to the inlet duct and cause major damage or suffer
serious injury. It is the responsibility of the captain/operator to ensure that
the area around the inlet opening is clear of people or objects.

While driving

Never loosen the anodes located inside the boat or the inspection hatch
when the engine is operating.

If the water jet unit disengages or the engine stalls while driving, there is
no steering or drive force and the boat cannot be maneuvered.

After driving

When the boat is not in use, the reversing bucket of the water jet unit must
be in the “full ahead” position so that the piston rod is inside the cylinder.
This is to protect the piston rod from corrosion and fouling.

2004-10-25 7 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Safety instructions Kamewa water jets

1.3 Maintenance work

Prior to maintenance

There are directions for safe and correct maintenance and service pro-
cedures in the instruction manual. Read through them carefully before
beginning work.
Never attempt an operation if you are not completely confident of how to
do it. Contact Rolls-Royce if necessary.

Undertaking any work envisaged by this document may either directly or

indirectly create risks to (1) the safety and health of the person undertaking
the work or (2) the water jet unit and/or its components whilst the work is
being undertaken.

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that appropriate controls and

precautions are identified and applied in relation to the work envisaged
by this document in accordance with relevant statutory, legal and industry
requirements to protect the health and safety of the persons undertaking
the work.

It is also the user’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate controls and

precautions are identified and applied in relation to work envisaged by this
document to protect against risks to the water jet unit and/or its components
whilst the work is being undertaken.

Neither this document, nor its use, in any way absolves the user from their
responsibility to ensure that the controls and precautions referred to above
are implemented.

If, whilst undertaking any work envisaged by this document, you become
aware of any Rolls-Royce product design related feature which could cre-
ate risk to a person undertaking work or to the water jet unit and/or its
components please contact After Sales department at Rolls-Royce Oy Ab

It is the user’s responsibility to make all relevant hazard identifications and

risk assessments of all the activities associated with the use of this docu-

It is the user’s responsibility to design and implement safe systems of work

and to supply safe equipment (including, without limitation, safety equip-
ment) and training (including, without limitation, health and safety training)
to anyone using this document to work on products to which it relates.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 8 2004-10-25
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Safety instructions

A user without the relevant experience of working in accordance with this

document or with products, or similar products, to which it relates should
seek appropriate advice to enable them to identify the appropriate health
and safety controls and precautions and controls and precautions to pro-
tect against risks to the water jet unit and/or its components whilst work is
being undertaken. Technical assistance can be sought from Rolls-Royce
and will be subject to Rolls-Royce’s terms and conditions.

While carrying out maintenance work

Never work alone when removing or installing heavy components, even
when using the safe lifting equipment such as lockable pulleys. In most
cases two people are required when working with lifting equipment; one to
operate the lifting equipment and the other to ensure that all components
have sufficient space to move freely so that they are not damaged during
the lift.

Make it impossible to start the engine by disconnecting the electrical sys-
tem. Secure a warning sign on the instrument panel - “Maintenance work
in progress!”

The intermediate shaft should only be adjusted with the engine stationary.

Never loosen the anodes located inside the boat before checking that the
water level is lower than the anodes. The boat may sink if water can enter
the boat through the anode opening. Never leave the anodes loose when
the boat is in the water.

The water jet unit hydraulic system operates under extremely high pres-
sure. This pressure may be high even when the engine is not operating.
Always take great care when opening nipples. Carelessness can result in
injury. In addition, the oil may be hot and cause scalding.

2004-10-25 9 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Safety instructions Kamewa water jets

The chemicals used (for example sealant and thread sealant) can cause
skin irritation. Follow the safety instructions on the product packaging.

Use only components manufactured or approved by Rolls-Royce. Remem-
ber that components that appear identical to approved components may
not fulfil the requirements.

Ensure clean conditions and take great care when installing.

After maintenance

The water jet unit must not be operated dry, since the rubber bearing and
the mechanical sealing require water lubrication.

The tightness of the bearing tensioner nut should be checked after approx-
imately 30 hours of operation and should be re-tightened if necessary.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 10 2004-10-25
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Introduction to the FF-series

2. Introduction to the FF-series

2.1 Water jet unit

Main components of the water jet unit


10 13

6 12

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab, Finland

4 Type: -

Unit number:

Date (month / year): /


1. Reversing bucket 8. Bearing housing
2. Steering nozzle 9. Reversing rod
3. Guide vane chamber 10. Inspection hatch
4. Impeller 11. Reversing cylinder
5. Impeller housing 12. Serial number plate*
6. Steering shaft 13. Shaft flange
7. Inlet duct 14. Hydraulic oil cooler

* = The serial number plate is installed on the transom.

Figure 2-1. Main components of the water jet unit.

Refer to the enclosed “assembly drawing” for more information about the
water jet unit components.

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FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Introduction to the FF-series Kamewa water jets

Description of function
Water enters through the inlet duct. The base plate of the inlet duct is
positioned flat against the hull of the boat. Water enters both as a result of
the movement of the boat and due to the action of the impeller, which sucks
it in. At low speeds, most of the water is sucked in, while at higher speed
most of the water is pressed in. The pump is said to be operating at heavy
or light load. Inside the inlet duct the speed of the water slows, causing
the pressure to increase. There is a further increase in pressure above
the impeller until the guide vanes in the guide vane chamber eliminate the
rotation of the water flow. This maintains the energy generated by the
rotation. The flow of water then accelerates via the guide vane chamber
and the trim nozzle (which is located on the end of the guide vane chamber)
and out in to the air. It is the difference between the ingoing and outgoing
speeds which generates thrust. This can be explained using the impulse


T thrust (N)
ρwater density (kg/m3)
Q volumetric flow (m3/s)
Vout average speed out (m/s)
Vin average speed in (m/s)

Function of the reversing bucket

The ahead/astern movement of the boat is controlled with the reversing

bucket. The reversing bucket is infinitely variable between three main po-
sitions to obtain the speed and control needed for different maneuvers.

1. Full ahead position

When driving full ahead the reversing bucket is in its upper position,
i.e. completely raised. The jet of water is now unaffected by the re-
versing bucket and thereby the maximum ahead thrust is obtained.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 12 2004-10-25
FF240, FF270, FF310
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Kamewa water jets Introduction to the FF-series

2. Zero thrust position

At the zero thrust position the reversing bucket deflects the major part
of the jet of water in a forward/downward direction, while the remaining
part of the jet of water passes unaffected. The forces are equal, and
the boat is neither moving ahead nor astern. Zero thrust is obtained
when the reversing bucket is lowered about 70%.

3. Full astern position

At full astern position the reversing bucket fully deflects the jet of water
in a forward/downward direction, i.e. the boat is reversing.

Function of the steering nozzle

Sideways movement of the boat is controlled by the steering nozzle. There

are three main positions with infinite variables in-between:

1. Full steering lock starboard

Full steering lock starboard means that the steering nozzle is turned
23° to starboard side. Due to the deflection of the jet of water a side
force is generated which turns the boat to starboard.

2. Steering nozzle straight

When the steering nozzle is straight the jet of water is unaffected,
which means that the boat will move straight ahead, or astern, de-
pending on the position of the reversing bucket.

3. Full steering lock port

Full steering lock to port side means that the jet of water is deflected
to port and the generated side force turns the boat to port.

2004-10-25 13 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Introduction to the FF-series Kamewa water jets

General water jet unit advantages to a propeller installation:

• As a rule of thumb, the water jet unit gives higher overall efficiency,
in comparison with a corresponding propeller installation, at speeds
exceeding 25 knots.

• Superior maneuverability at all speeds.

• No underwater appendages which results in shallow draught and safe


• No risk of overloading the engine, low noise and vibration levels. This
means longer service life and low maintenance costs.

• High thrust at low speeds, giving fast acceleration.

Competitive advantages of the FF-series over other water jet unit manu-

• Easy and compact installation. Delivered painted and complete with

a structurally dimensioned inlet duct for easy installation. Direct drive

• Easy service and maintenance. Wear parts are easy to replace with-
out any special tools. Low risk of damage. No gear shifting.

• Impeller housing is lined with polyurethane to minimize wear and cor-


• Hydrodynamically optimised design.

• High quality components.

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Kamewa water jets Introduction to the FF-series

2.2 The maneuvering system

The boat is maneuvered by the steering wheel, the reversing bucket con-
trol and the engine speed control. The steering wheel affects the steering
cylinder which in its turn affects the steering nozzle, i.e. the direction of
the jet of water. This means that the engine must be running and the gear
must be engaged to be able to maneuver the boat.

By maneuvering the reversing bucket you are braking and reversing the
boat. When the reversing bucket control is set at ahead position and the
reversing bucket is in the upper position, there is nothing blocking the jet
of water. When shifting the reversing bucket control to reverse position,
the reversing bucket is lowered and deflects the jet of water. When the
reversing bucket is completely lowered the jet of water is directed ahead
and the boat is reversing.

Figure 2-2. Example of control stations.

2004-10-25 15 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Introduction to the FF-series Kamewa water jets

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 16 2004-10-25
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Operating a boat with a water jet unit

3. Operating a boat with a water jet unit

Driving a boat with a water jet unit is different from driving a boat with a
propeller. Read this chapter carefully before casting off on your first trip.

3.1 Operating
The steering wheel and reversing bucket control are used when maneuver-
ing at low speeds, in harbour for example. Otherwise the steering wheel
and the engine speed control are used. The best way to drive is to maneu-
ver the steering wheel with one hand and to control the reversing bucket
and engine speed with the other.

Do not use full power at low speed, when towing another boat for example.
There is a risk that cavitation may damage the water jet unit. Cavitation is
experienced as abnormal vibration and noise!

Set a constant engine speed before maneuvering with the reversing

bucket. Better steering response can be obtained when driving ahead at
low speed by increasing engine speed slightly and then reducing ahead
speed with the reversing bucket. This since the steering response is low
at low engine speed and increases when the engine speed increases.

If the water jet unit disengages or the engine stalls while driving, there is
no steering or drive force and the boat cannot be maneuvered.

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FF240, FF270, FF310
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Operating a boat with a water jet unit Kamewa water jets

Zero thrust position

The zero thrust position is when the reversing bucket deflects the jet of
water both downwards and forwards. Ahead and astern drive power are
then the same and the boat is stationary.

To obtain zero thrust position, the reversing bucket control must be set at
approximately 70% (0% being “full ahead” position and 100% “full astern”).
Because the zero thrust position varies for each boat, and is dependent on
wind and load conditions, familiarise yourself with the zero thrust position
of your boat.

Zero thrust
approx. 70%

“Full ahead” 0%

Full astern 100%

Figure 3-1. The reversing bucket controller.

A big difference between steering a boat with a water jet unit and a pro-
peller driven boat is that when reversing the steering works in the opposite

On a boat with a water jet unit the steering response is progressive, that
is when the steering wheel is turned a little bit when driving ahead, the
steering response is less than on a propeller boat. At approximately half
steering lock the steering response is the same and at full steering lock the
steering response is more powerful than on a propeller boat.

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Kamewa water jets Operating a boat with a water jet unit

Figure 3-2. Schematic steering diagram.

The braking effect is extremely powerful if the reversing bucket control is
shifted to full reverse when driving ahead at high speed. There is a risk of
equipment damage and personal injury. If full steering lock is applied at
high speed the boat will turn sharply. This produces high side forces and
may cause personal injury and equipment damage. The driver must warn
the passengers about the risks with an emergency maneuver.

Operating to and from a jetty with a water jet unit

1. Using a relatively low engine speed, swing the stern of the boat out
first, and then reverse out. When driving ahead and leaving a jetty,
make sure that the stern does not collide with the jetty to avoid dam-
ages on both boat and jetty.

2. Dock at a jetty by first mooring the bow. The stern can then be swung
in with the water jet unit.

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Operating a boat with a water jet unit Kamewa water jets

Operating sideways with twin water jet units

1. Shift the inner reversing bucket control to astern position (to the side
you want to move).

2. Use the outer reversing bucket control to balance the boat in position
(ahead/astern position).
3. Maintain the desired course using the steering wheel. The boat will
move sideways. Sideways speed depends on engine speed, wind
and load conditions.

Figure 3-3. Operating a boat sideways.

Rotating the boat

Boats with one water jet unit:

1. Maintain a constant engine speed.

2. Shift the reversing bucket control to zero thrust position so that the
boat is kept stationary.

3. Turn the steering wheel in the direction that the boat should turn.

4. The boat will now rotate on the spot. By shifting the reversing bucket
control to the limit positions the boat can be made to move ahead or

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 20 2004-10-25
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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Operating a boat with a water jet unit

Boats with two water jet units:

1. Maintain a constant engine speed.

2. Move the inner reversing bucket control to full astern and the outer
reversing bucket control to ahead position.

3. The boat will now rotate on the spot. By shifting one reversing bucket
control to the limit positions the boat can be made to move ahead or
astern. To strengthen the rotation turn the steering wheel the same
direction as the boat is rotating.

Braking is very different from braking with a propeller boat. The biggest
difference is the reversing bucket which is constructed to be maneuvered
from “full ahead” to “full astern” in approximately 2 seconds. This without
damaging the water jet unit nor the engine. In case of an emergency brak-
ing the braking distance will be much shorter.
1. Select a suitable engine speed.

2. Shift the reversing bucket control to astern position.

3. Carefully increase the engine speed if necessary until the desired

braking force is obtained.

4. Reduce the engine speed as soon as the boat has slowed down.

5. Do not apply full steering lock before the boat has slowed down.

Emergency braking
1. Maintain a constant engine speed throughout the entire emergency

2. Obtain the desired braking force using the reversing bucket.

3. Reduce the engine speed as soon as the boat has slowed down.

Never disengage the water jet unit or reduce throttle when emergency
braking. If this is done there will be no braking force. The forces involved
in emergency braking can cause personal injury and material damage.

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Operating a boat with a water jet unit Kamewa water jets

3.2 Operating in shallow water

Avoid driving at high engine speed in shallow waters. Sand and stones can
be sucked through the water jet unit. This may cause wear to the impeller
and guide vane chamber.

Figure 3-4. Operating in shallow water.

A Do not accelerate heavily in shallow waters. Stones and sand etc.

may be sucked into the water jet unit and cause wear to the impeller
and guide vane chamber.
B Drive at idling speed until deeper water is reached. If a foreign
object is sucked into the inlet duct, temporarily disengage the water
jet unit to remove the object(s).

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Operating a boat with a water jet unit

3.3 Checklist if you run aground

Remove the start key and shut off the power using the main switch to make
it impossible to start the engine.

1. Inlet duct:

• Check that there are no water leaks.

• Check the condition of the inlet grid.

• Check that there are no cracks in the inlet duct.

• Check that there is no buckling in the inlet duct or on the bottom

of the hull in front of the duct.

• Remove any scrap, stones, seaweed etc. that has been sucked in.

2. Shaft, impeller, impeller housing and guide vane chamber

• Check that the impeller rotates freely by turning the shaft by hand.

• Remove any scrap that has stuck in the impeller and guide vane

• Check that the guide vanes in the guide vane chamber have not
been deformed.

3. Steering nozzle and reversing bucket

• Check that the cylinders and rods are not bent.

When starting the engine and engaging the gear:
1. Check that there are no abnormal vibrations in the shaft and hull.

2. Move the steering nozzle from side to side between the limit positions.
Check for abnormal noises from the steering gear.

3. Move the reversing bucket up and down. Check for abnormal noises.

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FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Operating a boat with a water jet unit Kamewa water jets

3.4 Driving through flotsam and seaweed

Scrap, twigs, seaweed etc. will not usually block or damage the water jet
unit. However, avoid driving over such objects because they affect the
performance of the water jet unit.

It is usually possible to notice when the water jet unit is blocked because:

• engine speed increases,

• the speed of the boat decreases,

• abnormal sound and vibrations can be heard from the water jet unit.

If fishing nets or lines are sucked into the water jet unit, the water jet unit
must be disengaged or the engine stopped as quickly as possible to avoid
damage to the impeller and impeller housing!

Removing an obstruction of the water jet unit

If a blockage of the water jet unit occurs, reduce the engine speed to idling
speed or disengage it. The blockage may clear when the boat goes forward
and water flows through the water jet unit.

If the blockage was not removed:

1. If a marine gear is installed, backflush the water jet unit by reversing

impeller rotation. Use low engine speed.

2. If no marine gear is installed:

Set the waterjet unit(s) to reversing position. Reverse the boat, then
rapidly set the engine rpm to idle and lift the reversing buckets. The
boat will continue to reverse and the waterjet(s) will be flushed by the
flow of water through it.

If this is not successful either, the next step is to open the inspection
hatch and the anode hatch. The following points must be observed
before the hatches are opened:

If the measures above were not successful:

1. Switch off the engine(s).

Remove the start key and shut off the power using the main switch
to make it impossible to start the engine!

2. Open the inspection hatch.

3. Remove the blockage from the inlet duct through the inspection hatch.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 24 2004-10-25
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Operating a boat with a water jet unit

If measures described in this chapter were not helpful contact Rolls-Royce.

3.5 Driving in heavy seas

When driving in heavy seas note that engine speed may vary as the im-
peller sucks in air. When the impeller sucks in air, drive and maneuvering
force are reduced. Engine speed should be reduced until engine speed
and drive force are stable.

2004-10-25 25 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Operating a boat with a water jet unit Kamewa water jets

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 26 2004-10-25
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Starting and stopping

4. Starting and stopping

4.1 Before starting

Water jet unit

Check the following before the water jet unit is started:

1. Check that there is no grease or water leakage.

2. Check the oil level in the hydraulic oil tank of the control system.

If there is a risk of foreign objects in the inlet duct, remove the objects
before starting the engine or engaging the gear. When starting pay special
attention to abnormal vibrations. If there is abnormal vibrations, the reason
for this must be investigated and remedied else the impeller and impeller
housing may be damaged.

4.2 Starting the engine and the water jet unit

The start procedure depends on whether the water jet unit is directly en-
gaged to the engine or if it is engaged via a gearbox. Note that it is not
possible to move the position of the reversing bucket and the steering noz-
zle if the engine is not running.

The water jet unit is directly engaged to the engine

1. Check that the engine speed control is in idle position.

2. Be prepared to adjust the reversing bucket to zero thrust position

and the steering nozzle to centre position as soon as the engine has

3. Start the engine.

4. Set the steering wheel in centre position and the reversing bucket con-
trol to zero thrust position.

2002-02-18 27 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Starting and stopping Kamewa water jets

The water jet unit is engaged to the engine via a gearbox

1. Check that the engine speed control is in idling position and that the
gear is in neutral position.
2. Start the engine.

3. Be prepared to adjust the reversing bucket to zero thrust position

and the steering nozzle to centre position as soon as the engine has

4. Engage the gear. Only ahead position is used, counter-clockwise ro-

tation viewed from the stern, during normal operation.

5. Set the steering wheel in the centre position and the reversing bucket
control to zero thrust position.

4.3 After starting

1. Check that the steering nozzle turns both starboard and port and that
the reversing bucket maneuvers correctly.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 28 2002-02-18
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Starting and stopping

4.4 Stopping the engine and water jet unit

The water jet unit is directly engaged to the engine

1. Before the engine is stopped, set the reversing bucket in “full ahead”
position so that the piston rod is inside the cylinder as illustrated below.

The piston rod is inside

the cylinder

Figure 4-1. The FF water jet unit in correct position.

This must be done so that the piston rod on the reversing cylinder
is inside the cylinder. This protects the piston rod from fouling and
If the cylinder is above the water line it is recommended that the reversing
bucket is kept in reversing position because the anodes provide better anti-
corrosion protection when the reversing bucket is in the water.

2. Stop the engine.

Be aware that the boat moves as soon as the gear is engaged the next
time the engine is started. This is due to the positions of the reversing
bucket and steering nozzle. Be prepared to adjust the position of the
reversing bucket and steering nozzle as soon as the gear is engaged.

3. Check that there is no oil or water leakage.

2002-02-18 29 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Starting and stopping Kamewa water jets

The water jet unit is engaged to the engine via a gearbox

1. Set the steering wheel to the centre position and the reversing bucket
control to full ahead position. This must be done so that the piston
rod on the reversing cylinder is inside the cylinder. This protects the
piston rod from fouling and corrosion.

2. Disengage the gear.

If the cylinder is above the water line it is recommended that the reversing
bucket is kept in the reversing position because the anodes provide better
anti-corrosion protection when the reversing bucket is in the water.

3. Stop the engine.

Be aware that the boat moves as soon as the gear is engaged the next
time the engine is started. This is due to the positions of the reversing
bucket and steering nozzle. Be prepared to adjust the position of the
reversing bucket and steering nozzle as soon as the gear is engaged.

4. Check that there is no grease or water leakage.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 30 2002-02-18
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Maintenance instructions

5. Maintenance instructions
The Kamewa FF-series are constructed for maximum service life and op-
erational safety. Regular maintenance according to the table below main-
tains these qualities and will avoid unnecessary operational difficulties.

Read through the safety instructions before beginning the maintenance
work, see page 8 section “Maintenance work”.

Never attempt an operation if you are not completely confident of how to
do it. Contact Rolls-Royce if necessary.

5.1 Maintenance schedule

Maintenance schedule See
After the first 30 hours page 32
Daily before the first start-up page 33
Weekly page 33
Each month page 34
Yearly service (with the boat docked) page 35
After 2000 hours of operation page 36
Painting page 37

The warranty only applies when the instructions in chapter “Maintenance
schedule” are followed and documented in a proper way.

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FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Maintenance instructions Kamewa water jets

After the first 30 hours

Visual checkpoints:

1. Check the bearing housing (1) temperature - after approximately a

half hour of operation. Stop the engine and check the temperature of
the bearing housing. Normal temperature is approximately 20-40°C
higher than the temperature of the water.

The engine must be stopped when measuring the temperature. If not, there
is a risk of personal injury. Secure a warning sign on the instrument panel
“Maintenance work in progress!” to avoid the engine being started.

2. Check that the bearing tensioner nut (2) is tightened.

3. Check that the bearing housing cover screws (3) are tightened.

4. Check the installation of hydraulic cylinders (4).

5. Check the installation of the reversing bucket (5) and steering nozzle.

6. Check the installation of the steering shaft and reversing rod (6).

7. Check the installation of the control mechanism for the reversing



Figure 5-1. Checkpoints after the first 30 hours of operation.

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Maintenance instructions

Daily before the first start-up

Visual check
1. Check the water jet unit visually both inside and outside the boat.
Check that there is no oil or water leakage.

2. When running, check the steering nozzle angle to both starboard and
port as well as the function of the reversing bucket.

1. Check for possible water leak (a few water drops are allowed) or
grease leak from the bearing housing inspection hole. If there is
water leakage the mechanical sealing in the bearing housing must be
replaced. If there is grease leakage the seals in the bearing housing
must be replaced.

Figure 5-2. The inspection hole of the bearing housing.

2005-06-06 33 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Maintenance instructions Kamewa water jets

Each month
1. Check the condition of the outer anodes (1). Replace the anodes if
more than half has been worn away.

Figure 5-3. Checkpoints to be inspected monthly.

2. Check if the inspection hole in the bearing housing is open. Clean the
inspection hole with a stiff wire if necessary.

The consumption of the anodes may vary from case to case. The qual-
ity and condition of the water and also incorrect grounding of the boat’s
electrical system will affect the system.
If the anodes are being used up quickly, the inner anode in the guide vane
chamber must also be checked:
1. Dock the boat.

2. Remove the guide vane chamber.

3. Remove the anode from the guide vane chamber and check the con-
dition. Replace the anode if more than half the anode has been worn

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Maintenance instructions

Yearly service (with the boat docked)

2 3

Figure 5-4. Checkpoints to be inspected annually.

The water jet unit must not be run dry because the rubber bearing in the
guide vane chamber and the mechanical sealing require water lubrication!
1. Check all bearing bushings for wear. Replace the bearing bushings if
the play is greater than 1 mm.

2. Check the condition of the piston rods (1) on both the steering and
reversing cylinders. Note that a thin film of oil on the piston rod is

3. Remove the reversing components, steering components and the

guide vane chamber. Check the following:

• Measure the clearance (2) between the impeller and the impeller

• Check the condition of the rubber bearing and the shaft sleeve (3).
If the play between the rubber bearing and the shaft sleeve is not
between 0.1-1.0 mm the rubber bearing must be replaced.

• Check the guide vanes in the guide vane chamber. If they

are damaged and/or corroded contact Rolls-Royce for further

4. Check the condition of the inner anodes in the guide vane chamber,
under the inspection hatch and on the inlet duct. Replace the anodes
if more than half have been worn away or after a maximum of two

5. Check the o-ring (4) under the inspection hatch. The o-ring must be
replaced if it does not provide a perfect seal.

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Instruction manual
Maintenance instructions Kamewa water jets

6. Remove the impeller and the impeller housing, check the following:

• Check the impeller. If the tips of the impeller blades are lightly
damaged they can be filed off as illustrated below. If the impeller
blade is deformed the impeller should be replaced.

Figure 5-5. Cross section of the impeller blade.

• Check the impeller housing running surface. Replace the impeller

housing if there are 2 mm deep scratches or 10 mm long scratches
in the direction of the shaft.

7. Visually check the mounting of all components. Tighten as necessary.

8. Check the condition of the paint on all the water jet unit components.
Clean and touch-up the paintwork as necessary.

9. Open the bearing housing cover and check the grease, if needed the
bearing and housing must be washed and grease replaced.

10. If there has been a grease or water leakage, dismount the bearing
housing and check the sealings.

After 2000 hours of operation

1. Replace the grease in the bearing housing, use water resistance
grease SKF LGWA 2/0.4 or similar.

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Maintenance instructions


Anti-fouling paint

The waterjet is not anti-fouling painted at factory expect for the inside of
the inlet pipe and the inlet grid. All painted surfaces on the outside of the
waterjet must be painted with anti-fouling before the boat is launched.

Apply the anti-fouling paint as follows:

• Clean the surfaces from grease and oil with a suitable washing deter-

• Remove salt and other dirt with high pressured fresh water.

• Apply a thin layer off HEMPADUR 45182 or equal epoxy tie coating
and let it dry.

• Apply the anti-fouling paint within three (3) days after the epoxy tie
coating has been applied.

The water jet unit can be anti-fouling painted with the same type of anti-
fouling paint as the boat, provided that the paint does not contain copper.
If local legalization does not allow the use of anti-fouling paint, contact
Rolls-Royce for advice on alternative methods.

Drying times according to the paint manufacturer’s instructions.

Touching up paintwork damage

Any scratched water jet unit component must be repaired. Observe the
following before painting a component:

If a corrosive damage to the inlet duct is deeper than 3 mm, contact Rolls-
1. Wash the area to be painted with fresh water.
Be careful when using pressure washers. High water pressure can
damage components on the water jet unit.

2. Leave the area to dry.

3. Lightly blast the surface and level out any unevenness.

4. Paint the area as described below.

2005-06-06 37 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Maintenance instructions Kamewa water jets

Spray painting:

1. Spray 3 layers with “Intershield 803”.

2. Spray 1 layer with HEMPADUR 45182 or equal epoxy tie coating.

3. Spray 1 layer with anti-fouling paint.

Drying times according to the paint manufacturer’s instructions.

Painting with brushes:

1. Apply 5 layers of “Intershield 803”.

2. Apply 1 layer of HEMPADUR 45182 or equal epoxy tie coating.

3. Apply 2 layers of anti-fouling paint.

Drying times according to the paint manufacturer’s instructions.

Do not apply “anti-fouling paint” on cylinder rods and anodes.

Correction of damages in the painting

Should an area or a component of the water jet unit be scratched during

installation, the damaged painting must be remedied. Observe the follow-
ing before painting a component:

1. Blast the area to be painted.

2. Wash the blasted area with fresh water.
Be careful when using pressure washers. High water pressure can
damage components on the water jet unit.

3. Leave the area to dry for about 12 hours.

4. Lightly blast the surface and level out any unevenness.

5. Paint the area as described earlier.

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Maintenance instructions

5.2 Laying up

With the boat in the water

If the boat is not going to be in use for a longer period the following actions
should be taken to avoid fouling and corrosion:

Once a week

Start the engines and take the following actions.

• Clutch in the water jet and run it for a few minutes to wash out sea

• Lower and raise the reversing bucket a few times.

• Turn the steering wheel to the limit positions a number of times.

When the engine is stopped follow the stopping instructions on page 29 to
avoid corrosion.

Preventing fouling
1. The water jet unit must be painted with “anti-fouling” paint of pre-
scribed quality.

2. If possible, moor the boat in deep water.

3. Keep the water jet unit out of sunlight as much as possible. A tarpaulin
can be used to cover the water jet unit to protect it from sunlight. In
shallow waters a similar protection should be placed over the opening
for the inlet duct.

4. If there is a risk of frost the engine compartment should be warmed

sufficiently to prevent water from freezing in the inlet duct and guide
vane chamber.

Before starting the water jet unit after a longer period of inactivity, check
that no foreign objects are obstructing the moving components or blocking
the inlet duct.

In regions where it is a risk of frost, the boat should be lifted onto dry land.
Seasonal storage of the water jet unit is recommended to avoid that the
inlet duct does not crack as a result of freezing.

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FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Maintenance instructions Kamewa water jets

Boat docked

To avoid fouling and corrosion the mechanical seal should be flushed with
fresh water every time the boat is docked.

Seasonal storage
Carry out the following after the boat has been taken on to dry land:

1. Clean the water jet unit with fresh water.

Do not use pressure washers. High water pressure can damage compo-
nents on the water jet unit.

2. Touch up any damage to the paintwork, as described on page 37 sec-

tion “Touching up paintwork damage”.

3. Grease all zinc coated components, for example hydraulic connec-

tions, zinc coated screws etc.

4. Wipe up all the water in the guide vane chamber.

If the water in the guide vane chamber is not dried off there is a risk of the
guide vane chamber cracking due to freezing.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 40 2005-06-06
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Maintenance instructions

5.3 Fault-tracing
A number of symptoms and possible causes of operational problems are
described in the table below. In the event of faults or errors that you cannot
remedy yourself you should always contact Rolls-Royce.

Read through the safety instructions before beginning the maintenance
work, see page 8 .

Symptom Possible cause

Steering does not function correctly 1,2,3
The boat does not reverse 1,4,5,6
Poor performance 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
Abnormal noise from the impeller housing 9,12,14,15
Abnormal vibrations 9,10,12,16,17
Abnormal noise from the bearing house 11,18,19
Bearing housing leaking grease or water 19,20
The axial bearing is hot 11,18,21
The shaft nut/bearing tensioner nut has 11,16,17,22

1. Hydraulic fault 12. Partially defective impeller

2. The installation of the steering 13. The clearance between the
components impeller and the impeller housing
is too great
3. The function of the steering 14. Defective impeller housing
4. Obstruction in the reversing 15. Sand in the water jet unit after
bucket operating in shallow waters
5. The installation of the reversing 16. Shaft damaged due to running
bucket components aground
6. The reversing rod setting 17. Intermediate shaft not balanced
7. Engine fault 18. Too little grease in bearing
8. Control setting 19. Defective mechanical sealing
9. Foreign objects in the impeller 20. Defective seals in bearing
housing or in the guide vane housing
10. Foreign objects in the inlet duct 21. Water in the grease
11. Bearing fault 22. Defective locking washer/locking
screws or shaft nut/bearing
tensioner nut not sufficiently

2005-06-06 41 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
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Instruction manual
Maintenance instructions Kamewa water jets

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 42 2005-06-06
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

6. Removing and installing

6.1 General
The instruction for removal describe how to correctly remove the water
jet unit component by component. Depending on circumstances, several
components can be removed from the water jet unit at the same time, as
long as the instructions are followed.

The water jet unit must be completely out of the water and dry prior to re-
moval. All components should be inspected as they are removed. If any
component is worn or damaged a spare part must be ordered. Compo-
nents can be ordered as described in chapter “Spare Parts” or by contact-
ing Rolls Royce.

Installation is carried out in reverse order to removal. Before starting to

install, check that all new components are available.

Use only components manufactured or approved by Rolls-Royce. Note
that components that appear identical to approved components may not
fulfil the requirements.
Ensure clean conditions and take greate care when installing.

There are critical joints which must be tightened using a torque wrench.
The tightening torques are listed on page100, section “Tightening torques”.

Component Removal Installation

Shaft flange page 46 page 98
Reversing bucket page 49 page 94
Turning arm page 52 page 93
Steering nozzle page 53 page 91
Guide vane chamber page 55 page 87
Impeller page 58 page 85
Impeller housing page 61 page 84
Steering arm and steering shaft page 62 page 83
Bearing housing of steering shaft page 63 page 81
Reversing cylinder page 65 page 79
Components of the inlet duct page 67 page 78
Bearing housing and shaft page 69 page 73

2005-01-16 43 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

6.2 Tools for removal and installation

General tools
Type Size FF240 FF270 FF310 Qty
Box wrench 24 mm x x — 1
Socket wrench 41 mm x x — 1
Socket wrench 36 mm x — — 1
Socket wrench 24 mm x x x 1
Socket wrench 19 mm x x x 2
Socket wrench 17 mm x x x 2
Socket wrench 13 mm x x x 2
Socket wrench 10 mm x x — 1
Allen key 10 mm — — x 1
Allen key 8 mm x x — 1
Allen key 5 mm x x x 1
Allen key 4 mm x x x 1
Allen key 3 mm x x x 1
Screwdriver x x x 1
Small screwdriver x x — 1
Adjustable wrench x x x 1
Ø6.5 mm drill & Tap M8 x x — 1
Ø6 mm drill x x — 1
Ø5.5 mm drill x x — 1
Hammer + mandrel x x x 1
Plastic mallet x x — 1
Feeler gauge x x — 1
Torque wrench x x — 1
Socket for flange nut x — x 1
Rubber mallet — x — —

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Special tools
Pos Type Qty
1 Puller for the shaft flange / impeller 1
2 Wrench for the bearing tensioner nut 1
3 Special tool for installing the seals of the 1
bearing housing
4 Wrench for impeller nut 1

1 2


Figure 6-1. Special tools to be used when removing and installing components.

Special tools 1–2 are delivered with the FF240 and FF270 water jet unit.
Special tools 1, 2 and 4 are delivered with the FF310 water jet unit.

2005-01-16 45 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

6.3 Removal instructions

If the reason for removal is only to check or remove the impeller, begin by
removing the reversing rod as described on page 48 section “Reversing

Shaft flange
1. Disconnect the intermediate shaft by unscrewing the screws retaining
the intermediate shaft in the water jet unit flange.
2. Remove the hydraulic pump (if installed). Do not loosen the hydraulic
hoses from the pump

3. Fold back the locking tabs on the locking washer and slacken off the
flange nut.

4. Secure the puller in the shaft flange.

5. Tap the puller a couple of times with a hammer. If the shaft flange does
not release, tighten the puller further and tap it a few more times.

Tap with a hammer so

that the shaft flange loosens

Tighten the puller

Figure 6-2. Removing the shaft flange.

Use the flange nut as a stop. This prevents the shaft flange and puller
from falling off the shaft when the shaft flange loosens!

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

6. When the shaft flange has loosened, unscrew the puller and the flange
nut. Pull off the locking washer and the shaft flange.

Shaft flange

Locking washer

Flange nut

Figure 6-3. Components to be removed.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 Socket for flange nut FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Screwdriver FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Puller FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Hammer FF240, FF270, FF310

2005-01-16 47 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Reversing rod
1. Loosen the reversing bucket feedback mechanism from the cylinder
rod inside the transom.
2. Remove the screw retaining the reversing rod in the reversing bucket.
If necessary, also remove the reversing rod from the reversing cylin-

3. Check the bearing bushings. If there is more than 1 mm play, the

bearing bushings must be replaced.



Figure 6-4. Removing the reversing rod.


Qty Tool FF-series

2 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Screwdriver FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Hammer FF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 48 2005-01-16
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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Reversing bucket
Valid for FF240 and FF310:

1. Fold down the locking tabs. Slacken off the screws securing the re-
versing bucket in the guide vane chamber.

2. Pull out the distance sleeves.

Take care not to damage the bearing bushings or distance sleeves.

3. Check the bearing bushings. If there is more than 1 mm play, the

bearing bushings must be replaced. If the bearing bushings are re-
placed, the bearing seat must be cleaned before installation.

4. Check the anodes on the reversing bucket. Replace if less than half
an anode remains.


Reversing bucket

Bearing bushing

Figure 6-5. Removing the reversing bucket.

2005-01-16 49 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets


Qty Tool FF-series

1 24 mm socket wrench FF240, FF310
1 5 mm Allen key FF240
1 Screwdriver FF240, FF310
1 Hammer FF240, FF310
1 17 mm socket wrench FF310

Valid for FF270:

1. Fold down the locking tabs. Slacken off the screws securing the re-
versing bucket in the inlet duct.

2. Pull out the distance sleeves.

Take care not to damage the bearing bushings or distance sleeves.

3. Check the bearing bushings. If there is more than 1 mm play, the

bearing bushings must be replaced. If the bearing bushings are re-
placed, the bearing seat must be cleaned before installation.

4. Check the anodes on the reversing bucket. Replace if less than half
an anode remains.

Distance sleeve

Bearing bushing

Reversing bucket

Figure 6-6. Removing the reversing bucket.

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing


Qty Tool FF-series

1 24 mm socket wrench FF270
1 5 mm Allen key FF270
1 Screwdriver FF270
1 Hammer FF270

2005-01-16 51 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Turning arm
1. Remove the feedback potentiometer link (if installed) from the steering
arm inside the transom.
2. Remove the locking pin retaining the turning arm in the steering shaft.
Make a note of which way the locking pin was installed.

Steering shaft

Turning arm

Locking pin

Figure 6-7. Removing the turning arm screw.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Steering nozzle
1. Slacken off the screws securing the pins holding the steering nozzle.

2. Pull out the pins.

Take care not to damage the bearing bushings or pins.

3. Remove the steering nozzle and the turning arm.

4. Check the bearing bushings. If there is more than 1 mm play the bear-
ing bushings must be replaced. If the bearing bushings are replaced,
the bearing seat must be cleaned before installation.

5. Check the condition of the anode. Replace if less than half the anode

Removing the turning arm bearing:

1. Remove the locking screw.

2. Tap out the bearing through the hole on the inside of the steering

Bearing bushing

Locking screw


Turning arm


Figure 6-8. Removing the steering nozzle.

2005-01-16 53 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
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Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets


Qty Tool FF-series

2 13 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 4 mm Allen key FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Hammer + mandrel FF240, FF270, FF310

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Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Guide vane chamber

1. Remove the screws retaining the anodes in both the guide vane cham-
ber and impeller housing. Remove the anodes.

2. Remove the screws retaining the guide vane chamber.

3. Pull the guide vane chamber from the shaft. The end of the shaft is
held in the guide vane chamber with a rubber bearing (a water lubri-
cated slide bearing).

4. Check the condition of the anodes. Replace if less than half an anode

5. Check the steering shaft bearing bushing. If there is more than 1 mm

play the bearing bushings must be replaced.

Removing the steering shaft bearing bushing:

1. Remove the locking screw.

2. Press out the bearing bushing from the support bearing housing.


Guide vane


Figure 6-9. Removing the guide vane chamber.

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Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Check the rubber bearing. If the play between the rubber bearing and
the shaft sleeve is not between 0.1-1.0 mm the rubber bearing must be

Removing the rubber bearing:

1. Remove the anode. Replace if less than half the anode remains.

2. Remove the locking screws. On FF240 the rubber bearing is locked

by the anode screws.

3. FF270 only: Tap out the end piece.

4. Press out the rubber bearing.


Locking screw

End piece Rubber


Figure 6-10. Removing the rubber bearing.

End piece valid only for FF270.

When pressing out the rubber bearing, the inner section of the guide vane
chamber must be supported. The application force must not be taken up
by the outer section of the guide-vane chamber and the guide vanes. Do
not damage the mounting surface of the rubber bearing in the guide vane
chamber. This may make it difficult to install the new rubber bearing.


Qty Tool FF-series

2 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270
1 13 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270
1 5 mm Allen key FF240, FF270, FF310
1 4 mm Allen key FF240, FF270, FF310
2 19 mm socket wrench FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 56 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

1 17 mm socket wrench FF310

1 10 mm Allen key FF310
1 Hammer FF270

2005-01-16 57 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Before removing the impeller, the clearance between the impeller and the
impeller housing must be measured. Follow the instructions on page 89
section “Checking the clearance between the impeller and impeller hous-
ing” and make a note of the clearance.
Removing the impeller:

1. FF240 and FF310: Remove the impeller nut locking screws.

2. Unscrew the impeller nut and pull out the shaft sleeve.

Shaft sleeve

Locking screw

Impeller nut
Figure 6-11. Removing the shaft sleeve.

Locking screws only on FF240 and FF310.

3. Secure the puller in the impeller.

4. Tap the puller a couple of times with a hammer. If the impeller does
not release, tighten the puller further and tap it a few more times.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 58 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Secure the

Tap with a hammer until

the impeller loosens

Figure 6-12. Securing the puller.

5. When the impeller has loosened, pull it off the shaft. Slacken off the

Pull the impeller

from the shaft

Figure 6-13. Pulling out the impeller.

6. Remove the o-ring that is located on the shaft behind the impeller.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 4 mm Allen key FF240, FF310
1 36 mm socket wrench for impeller FF240
1 41 mm socket wrench for impeller FF270

2005-01-16 59 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

1 Puller FF240, FF270, FF310

1 Hammer FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Special wrench for impeller nut FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 60 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Impeller housing
1. Remove the screws retaining the anodes in the impeller housing and
inlet duct. Remove the anodes.
2. Check the condition of the anodes. Replace if less than half an anode

3. Remove the screws retaining the impeller housing in the inlet duct.
Remove the impeller housing.

4. Check the impeller housing surface. If there are 2 mm deep scratches

or 10 mm long scratches in the direction of the shaft, the impeller
housing must be replaced.



Impeller housing
running surface

Figure 6-14. Removing the impeller housing.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 5 mm Allen key FF240, FF270, FF310
1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270
1 10 mm Allen key FF310

2005-01-16 61 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Steering arm and steering shaft

1. Remove the steering cylinder from the steering arm. In case of twin
unit mounting, also remove the parallel rod from the steering arm.

2. Remove the locking pin retaining the steering arm in the steering shaft.

3. Make a note of which way the locking pin was installed.

4. Remove the steering arm from the shaft.

Steering shaft
Steering arm

Locking pin

Figure 6-15. Removing the steering arm and steering shaft.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 62 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Bearing housing of steering shaft

Removing the bearing housing

1. Remove the screws retaining the bearing housing in the water jet unit

2. Remove the bearing housing from the water jet unit transom. The
o-ring must be replaced if it does not provide a perfect seal.

The position numbers in the text refer to the figure on page 64.

3. Check the bearing bushing (2). If there is more than 1 mm play the
bearing bushing must be replaced..

Figure 6-16. Removing the bearing housing

2005-01-16 63 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Removing the seals and the bearing bushing

1. Check the seals (3) and (6). Press out the seal from the bearing hous-
ing (1).

2. Remove the locking screw (5) and press out the bearing bushing (2)
from the bearing housing (1). The bearing bushing (2) is pressed out
towards the side facing the transom.

Figure 6-17. Components of the bearing housing.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Screw driver FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Hammer FF240, FF270, FF310
1 3 mm Allen key FFF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 64 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Reversing cylinder

Ensure cleanliness when removing hydraulic components.
1. Remove the hydraulic hoses. Drain the oil into a suitable container.

Take great care when removing the hydraulic hoses. The pressure may
still be high, the oil may be hot. Carelessness can result in personal injury.

2. Remove the reversing bucket control mechanism from the cylinder.

Mark the position of the control mechanism on the cylinder. You will
need it as a reference when installing.

3. Remove the reversing cylinder from the water jet unit transom.

4. Check the condition of the reversing cylinder. In the event of leakage,

scratches on the piston rod or other damage the reversing cylinder
must be replaced.

5. Check the seal, replace the seal if it is broken.



Figure 6-18. Removing the reversing cylinder.

2005-01-16 65 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets


Qty Tool FF-series

1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 13 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Adjustable wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 66 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Components of the inlet duct

Inspection hatch (1):

1. Unscrew the eye nuts of the inspection hatch.

2. Pull up the inspection hatch with o-ring from the inlet duct.

3. Check the anode. Replace if less than half the anode remains.

4. The o-ring must be replaced if it does not provide a perfect seal.

If necessary, the wire and inspection hatch can be removed from the
inlet duct.
Anode plug (2):
1. Remove the anode plug.

2. Check the anode. Replace if less than half the anode remains.

3. The o-ring must be replaced if it does not provide a perfect seal.

Figure 6-19. Removing the inspection hatch and anode plug.

Anodes on the inlet duct:

1. Check the conditions of the anodes. Replace if less than half an anode

2005-01-16 67 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets


Qty Tool FF-series

1 41 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 13 mm socket wrench FF240, FF310
1 10 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 5 mm Allen key FF270

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 68 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Bearing housing


9 4
12 6
13 8


Figure 6-20. Bearing housing components.

Bearing housing components

1 Bearing tensioner nut 9 Bearing housing
2 Bearing housing cover 10 Inspection hole for grease and
water leakage
3 O-ring 11 Grease nippel
4 Seal 12 O-ring
5 Support sleeve 13 O-ring
6 Axial bearing 14 Mechanical sealing
7 Support sleeve 15 Screws
8 Seal 16 Locking washer

2005-01-16 69 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

The seals of the bearing housing

The flange end of the shaft is held in the bearing housing (9) by a grease
lubricated axial bearing (6). The bearing housing (9) and the bearing hous-
ing cover (2) have seals (4, 8) to keep grease in the bearing housing (9).
A mechanical sealing (14) seals against water.

There is an inspection hole (10) on the underside of the bearing housing

(9). If any of the seals are leaking, grease or water will come through the
inspection hole (10).

Figure 6-21. Inspection hole.


Ensure cleanliness when removing bearing housing components.
1. Remove the screws (15) holding the bearing housing (9) in the inlet

2. Valid for FF240 and FF310: Fold back the locking tabs on the locking
washer (16).

3. Remove the bearing tensioner nut (1).

4. Remove the bearing housing cover (2).

5. Remove the o-ring (3).

6. Remove the bearing housing (9) from the shaft. The bearing housing
assembly can now be lifted onto a clean work bench for further disas-

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 70 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Figure 6-22. Removing the axial bearings.

1. Press out the seal (4) from the bearing housing cover (2) if a new one
is required.

• Note the installed direction of the seal (4). If there is too much
grease in the bearing housing the seal (4) will let out the overflow.

2. Remove the mechanical sealing (14) from the shaft. If water was leak-
ing from the inspection hole before the removal work was started, re-
place the mechanical sealing (14).
3. Pull out the support sleeve (5) from the bearing housing (9).

4. Press out the axial bearing (6) from the bearing housing (9). Replace
the axial bearing (6) after 5,000 hours of operation or earlier if abnor-
mal vibrations and noise come from the bearing housing (9) during

If the axial bearing (6) does not need to be replaced, the bearing shells
must be placed on the same side of the axial bearing (6) as before, but
the axial bearing (6) shall be turned 180°.

5. Pull out the support sleeve (7).

6. Press out the seal (8) from the bearing housing (9) if a new seal is
required. If grease was leaking from the inspection hole before the
removal work was started, replace the seal.

7. Check the o-rings (12 & 13). Replace the o-rings if they do not provide
a perfect seal.

2005-01-16 71 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Figure 6-23. Removing the axial bearing from the bearing house.


Qty Tool FF-seriesl

1 24 mm socket wrench FF270, FF310
1 19 mm socket wrench FF240
1 Wrench for bearing tensioner nut FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Hammer + mandrel FF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 72 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

6.4 Installation instructions

Bearing housing

The position numbers in the text refers to Figure 6-20 “Bearing housing
components”, see page 69.

Installing the shaft

1. Lift the shaft into the water jet unit, from the outside with the shaft
flange foremost.

2. Install the mechanical sealing (14):

• Remove the sealing ring from the rotary unit.

• Clean the shaft, lubricate the shaft and rotary unit with soft hand
soap and water.

3. Install the rotary unit against the collar on the shaft.

Figure 6-24. Installing the rotary unit.

4. Clean the sealing ring and install it on the rotary unit. Later when
installing the bearing housing on the shaft , check that the sealing
ring is still correctly attached to the rotary unit

2005-01-16 73 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets


If there is sufficient room between the engine and the water jet unit, it is
easier to carry out these steps on a clean work bench before installing the
entire bearing housing (9) in the boat.

1. Before installing the seal (8):

• Lubricate the seal (8) with grease.

• Install the seal (8) in the bearing housing (9), the spring side of the
seal towards the axial bearing (6).

Figure 6-25. Installing the seal into the bearing housing.

2. Install the o-ring (12 & 13) on the bearing housing (9).
3. Install the mechanical sealing counter sleeve:

• Lubricate the rubber on the counter sleeve with soft hand soap
and water.

• Press the counter sleeve into place by hand.

• Clean the sealing surface of the counter sleeve thorougly.

4. Install the support sleeve (7):

• Lubricate the support sleeve (7) with oil before installing it.

• Protect the bearing housing (9) from dirt by inserting a cloth below
the bearing housing.

• Install the support sleeve (7) into the bearing housing (9).

Check that the seal (8) does not deform when the support sleeve (7) is
slid into the bearing housing (9).

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 74 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

5. Install the axial bearing (6):

• Remove the bearing shells and apply grease in the axial bearing
(6) before installing it in the bearing housing (9).

• Carefully press the axial bearing (6) into the bearing housing (9)
until it comes into contact with the support sleeve (7).

• Valid for FF310: Install the bearing support sleeve in the axial
bearing (6).

Figure 6-26. Installing the axial bearing.

6. Install the support sleeve (5):

• Lubricate the support sleeve (5) with oil before installing it.

7. Before installing the seal (4):

• Lubricate the seal (4) with grease.

• Install the seal (4) in the bearing housing cover (2), the spring side
of the seal (4) towards the bearing housing cover (2).

Figure 6-27. Installing the seal into the bearing housing cover.

2005-01-16 75 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

8. Install the o-ring (3) in the bearing housing cover (2).

9. Install the bearing housing cover (2) on the bearing housing (9).

Installing the bearing housing assembly on the shaft

1. Before installing the bearing housing (9) on the shaft, lubricate the
threads on the shaft with installation paste.

Figure 6-28. Lubricating the threads.

2. Carefully press the bearing housing (9) onto the shaft until the me-
chanical sealing (14) on the shaft is in contact with the counter sleeve
inside the bearing housing (9).

Figure 6-29. Pressing the bearing housing onto the shaft.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 76 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

3. The entire bearing housing assembly is screwed together with bearing

tensioner nut (1).

• Tighten the bearing tensioner nut (1).

• Tighten from different directions, tighten to prescribed tightening


• Valid for FF240 and FF310: Lock the bearing tensioner nut with
the locking washer (16)

Figure 6-30. Tightening the bearing tensioner nut.

4. Tighten the bearing housing cover (2) screws to prescribed tightening



Qty Tool FF-series

1 24 mm socket wrench FF270, FF310
1 19 mm socket wrench FF240
1 Special wrench to install the FF240, FF270, FF310
bearing tensioner nut
1 Special tool to install the seals FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

2005-01-16 77 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Components of the inlet duct

Anodes on the inlet duct:

1. Install the anodes on the inlet duct. Tighten to prescribed tightening


Inspection hatch (1):

1. Screw the anode into place on the inspection hatch, tighten to pre-
scribed tightening torque

2. If the wire is removed, install the wire on the inlet duct. Secure the
inspection hatch by attaching it to the wire.

3. Lubricate the o-ring to secure its position.

4. Install the inspection hatch with o-ring. Tighten the eye nuts to pre-
scribed tightening torque.

Tightening torque

Figure 6-31. Installing the inspection hatch and anode plug.

Anode plug:

1. Lubricate the o-ring to secure its position.

2. Screw the anode plug into place on the inlet duct, tighten to prescribed
tightening torque.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 41 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 13 mm socket wrench FF240, FF310
1 10 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 78 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

1 5 mm Allen key FF270

Reversing cylinder

Ensure cleanliness when installing hydraulic components.
1. Install the seal.

2. Install the reversing cylinder on the water jet unit transom. Tighten to
prescribed tightening torque.

3. Install the reversing bucket control mechanism on the cylinder. Make

sure it is installed in the same position as before removal to ensure
correct function of the reversing bucket control.

4. Install the hydraulic hoses.

Seal Tightening

Figure 6-32. Installing the reversing cylinder.

2005-01-16 79 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

5. Sealant must be applied on the outside of the transom, between the

transom and the cylinder barrel.


Figure 6-33. Applying sealant.

6. Bleed the cylinder.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Adjustable wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 80 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Bearing housing of steering shaft

The position numbers in the text refer to Figure 6-34.

Installing new bearing bushing

1. Press the bearing bushing (2) into the bearing housing (1).

2. Drill a Ø6 mm hole in the bearing bushing for the grease nipple, be

careful not to damage the threads in the bearing housing.
3. Lock the bearing bushing (2) with the locking screw (5). The locking
screw must not compress the bearing bushing. Apply tread sealant
on the locking screw.

4. Lubricate the seals and the bearing bushing with grease.

Installing new seals

1. Tap the seal (6) into place, spring side towards the bearing housing
2. Tap the seal (3) into place, spring side turned away from the bearing
housing (1).

Figure 6-34. Components of the bearing housing.

2005-01-16 81 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Installing the bearing housing

1. Lubricate the o-ring to secure its position.

2. Install the bearing housing on the water jet unit transom. Tighten to
prescribed tightening torque.

Figure 6-35. Installing the bearing housing.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

1 Hammer FF240, FF270, FF310
1 3 mm Allen key FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Ø6 mm drill FF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 82 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Steering arm and steering shaft

1. Push the steering shaft into the bearing housing.

2. Install the steering arm on the steering shaft.

3. Install the locking pin in the steering arm. Make sure it is installed the
same way as before removal.

4. Tighten the locking pin nut to prescribed tightening torque.

5. Do not install the steering cylinder and the parallel rod yet.


Locking pin

Figure 6-36. Installing the steering arm and steering shaft


Qty Tool FF-series

1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

2005-01-16 83 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Impeller housing
1. Apply grease on the contact surfaces between the impeller housing
and inlet duct. Apply grease on the guide pins as well.
2. Install the impeller housing on to the inlet duct. Make sure that the
mounting hole of the zinc anode on the impeller housing is towards
the mounting hole on the inlet duct. Remember to install the insulation
washers under the screws.

3. Tighten the screws to prescribed tightening torque.

4. Install the anodes, tighten to prescribed tightening torque.


Guide pin
Insulation Tightening
washer torque
Figure 6-37. Installing the impeller housing.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 5 mm Allen key FF240, FF270, FF310
1 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270
1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270
1 10 mm Allen key FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 84 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing


Prior to installing:

1. Clean the shaft.

2. Check the key and the key-way in the shaft and in the impeller.

3. Install the o-ring.

4. FF240 and FF310: Before the impeller nut and shaft sleeve are in-
stalled, lubricate them with installation paste so that they can be re-
moved again if required.

5. FF270: Lubricate the shaft sleeve with installation paste before the

Shaft sleeve

Locking screw

Impeller nut
Figure 6-38. Installing the o-ring, impeller, shaft sleeve and impeller nut.

Locking screws only valid for FF240 and FF310.
The impeller cone must not be lubricated!

6. Insert the impeller on the shaft in the impeller housing until correct
contact between the impeller and shaft surface has been obtained.
Check that the key is correctly installed.

7. Use a plastic mallet to tap the impeller further along the shaft.

8. Install the shaft sleeve and the impeller nut.

2005-01-16 85 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

9. FF270 only: Install the shaft sleeve, apply the thread sealant on the
impeller nut threads and install it on the shaft.

10. Tighten the impeller nut to prescribed tightening torque. Counterhold

the flange end of the shaft to enable tightening.

11. FF240 and FF310: Screw the locking screws into place on the impeller
nut. Apply thread sealant.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 4 mm Allen key FF240, FF310
1 36 mm socket wrench for impeller FF240
1 41 mm socket wrench for impeller FF270
1 Plastic mallet FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Special wrench for impeller nut FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 86 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Guide vane chamber

Installing the new rubber bearing

1. Press in the new rubber bearing in the guide vane chamber. Apply
soap as a lubricant.
When pressing in the rubber bearing, the inner section of the guide vane
chamber must be supported. The application force must not be taken up
by the outer section of the guide vane chamber and the guide vanes.

2. Drill holes in the rubber bearing for the locking screws. Do not drill all
the way through. Drill only in the bakelite layer.

• Ø6.5 mm drill, FF240, FF270

• Ø8.5 mm drill, FF310

3. Thread the holes.

• M8, FF240 and FF270

• M10, FF310
4. Screw the locking screws into place. Apply thread sealant. On FF240
the rubber bearing is locked by the anode screws.
The locking screws must not press against the rubber bearing.

5. Install the anode, tighten to prescribed tightening torque.

6. FF270 only: Install the end piece. Use a rubber mallet to tap the end
piece into the guide vane chamber. Seal between the rubber bearing
and guide vane chamber with sealant.

The hole in the end piece must always be open so that the rubber bearing
can be lubricated by the water flowing through it.


Locking screw

End piece Rubber


Figure 6-39. Installing the rubber bearing and anode.

2005-01-16 87 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Installing the steering shaft bearing bushing

1. Press the bearing bushing into the bearing seat.

2. Drill a Ø5.5 mm hole for the locking screw.

3. Lock the bearing bushing with the locking screw. The locking screw
must not compress the bearing bushing. Apply tread sealant on the
locking screw.

Installing the guide vane chamber

1. Install the anodes on the guide vane chamber, tighten to prescribed
tightening torque.

2. Check that the contact surface between the guide vane chamber and
the impeller housing is clean.
3. Before installing the guide vane chamber, lubricate the contact surface
and the guide pins with grease.

4. Lift the guide vane chamber to right position against the impeller hous-
ing. Check that the guide pins are fitted into their respective holes in
the impeller housing.

5. Install the guide vane chamber with 4 screws. Remember to install

the insulation washers.
6. Check that the impeller rotates freely in the impeller housing.

7. Screw in the remaining screws and tighten the guide vane chamber,
tighten to prescribed tightening torque.

8. Install the anodes on the guide vane chamber/impeller housing,

tighten to prescribed tightening torque.


Insulation torque

Figure 6-40. Installing the guide vane chamber.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 88 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Checking the clearance between the impeller and impeller housing

1. Check the clearance between the impeller blade and the impeller
housing running surface:

FF240 FF270 FF310

Minimum clearance 0.4 0.4 0.45
Maximum 0.5 0.55 0.55
clearance (mm)

• If the impeller is hanging and touches the bottom of the impeller hous-
ing, then the maximum clearance on the opposite side must not ex-
ceed 1.0 mm (FF240) or 1.1 mm (FF270 and FF310).

Measure the clearance

with the feeler gauge
Figure 6-41. Measuring the clearance.

2005-01-16 89 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets


Qty Tool FF-series

2 17 mm socket wrenches FF240, FF270
1 13 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270
1 Ø5.5 mm drill FF240, FF270
1 Ø6.5 mm drill FF240, FF270
1 Tap M8 FF240, FF270
1 Feeler gauge FF240, FF270
1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Hammer FF240, FF270
1 5 mm Allen key FF240, FF270
1 4 mm Allen key FF240
1 Ø8.5 mm drill FF310
1 Tap M10 FF310
2 19 mm socket wrench FF310
1 17 mm socket wrench FF310
1 10 mm Allen key FF310
1 Rubber mallet FF270

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 90 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Steering nozzle
1. Install the bearing bushings in the steering nozzle:

• Apply sealant between the bearing bushing and the steering noz-

• Let the sealant dry before installing the steering nozzle.

2. Install the turning arm bearing:

• Clean the bearing seat.

• Use a hammer to tap the bearing into the bearing seat.

• Drill a Ø5.5 mm hole for the locking screw.

• Lock the bearing with the locking screw.

3. Lift the steering nozzle to right position on the guide vane chamber.

4. Press in the pins. Check that the holes for the pins are right opposite
to the holes in the guide vane chamber.

5. Install the bolts. Tighten to prescribed tightening torque.

Bearing bushing

Locking screw



Figure 6-42. Installing the steering nozzle.

2005-01-16 91 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets


Qty Tool FF-series

2 13 mm socket wrench FF240,FF270, FF310
1 4 mm Allen key FF240,FF270, FF310
1 Small screwdriver FF240,FF270, FF310
1 Hammer + mandrel FF240,FF270, FF310
1 Torque wrench FF240,FF270, FF310
1 Ø5.5 mm drill FF240, FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 92 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Turning arm
1. Install the turning arm in the steering nozzle.

2. Push the steering shaft into the turning arm.

3. Install the locking pin in the turning arm. Make sure it is installed the
same way as before removal.

4. Tighten the locking pin nut to prescribed tightening torque.

5. Install the steering cylinder to the steering arm inside the boat. In case
of twin unit mounting also install the parallel rod.


Locking pin

Figure 6-43. Installing the turning arm.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 17 mm Socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

2005-01-16 93 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Reversing bucket
Valid for FF240 and FF310:

1. Install the anodes on the reversing bucket. Tighten to prescribed tight-

ening torque.

2. Install the bearing bushings in the reversing bucket. Apply sealant be-
tween the bearing bushing and the reversing bucket. Let the sealant
dry before installing the reversing bucket.

3. Install the reversing bucket on the guide vane chamber.

4. Press in the distance sleeves. Check the locking of the distance

5. Tighten the reversing bucket to prescribed tightening torque.

6. Fold up the locking tabs towards the screw head.


Figure 6-44. Installing the reversing bucket.

Valid for FF270:

1. Install the anodes on the reversing bucket. Tighten to prescribed tight-

ening torque.

2. Install the bearing bushings in the reversing bucket. Apply sealant be-
tween the bearing bushing and the reversing bucket. Let the sealant
dry before installing the reversing bucket.

3. Install the reversing bucket on the inlet duct.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 94 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

4. Press in the distance sleeves. Check the locking of the distance


5. Tighten the reversing bucket to prescribed tightening torque.

6. Fold up the locking tabs towards the screw head.


Figure 6-45. Installing the reversing bucket.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 24 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 5 mm Allen key FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Screwdriver FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 17 mm socket wrench FF310

2005-01-16 95 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Reversing rod

1. Install the bearing bushings. The bearing bushings must rotate in the
reversing rod and must not be locked.

2. Install the reversing rod to the reversing cylinder. Install the revers-
ing rod on the reversing bucket. Remember to install the insulation




Figure 6-46. Installing the reversing rod

Checking the installation:

1. Check that the reversing bucket does not knock against the steering
nozzle when it is raised and lowered. At the same time check also
that the reversing bucket does not knock against the steering nozzle
when turning the steering nozzle from side to side.
2. Check that the reversing bucket raises sufficiently so that it does not
obstruct the jet of water when driving ahead.

3. Check that the reversing bucket lowers sufficiently to allow reversing.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 96 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Removing and installing

Check that
the reversing
bucket raises

Check that
the reversing
bucket lowers

Figure 6-47. Checking the reversing rod installation.

4. If the criteria in steps above are not fulfilled the length of the reversing
rod must be adjusted as follows:

• Fold up the locking washer and unscrew the nut on the reversing

• Adjust the length of the reversing rod by screwing the reversing

rod in and out as necessary.

• When the reversing rod is adjusted, tighten the nut on the revers-
ing rod to prescribed tightening torque. Fold down the locking

5. Tighten the reversing rod to prescribed tightening torque.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 24 mm box wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
2 17 mm socket wrench FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Hammer FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Screwdriver FF240, FF270, FF310
1 Torque wrench FF240, FF270, FF310

2005-01-16 97 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Removing and installing Kamewa water jets

Shaft flange
Prior to installation:

1. Check the key and the key-way in the shaft flange and shaft.

2. Warm up the shaft flange so that it is 15-20°C warmer than its sur-

1. Install the shaft flange.

2. Install the flange nut and locking washer.

3. Tighten the flange nut to prescribed tightening torque.

4. Allow the shaft flange to cool down and then check the tightening

5. Fold down the locking tabs on the locking washer.

6. Install the hydraulic pump (if present).

7. Install the intermediate shaft.


Figure 6-48. Installing the shaft flange.


Qty Tool FF-series

1 Socket for flange nut FF240,FF270, FF310
1 Screwdriver FF240,FF270, FF310
1 Torque wrench FF240,FF270, FF310

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 98 2005-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Technical information

7. Technical information

7.1 Technical data

Type designation FF240 FF270 FF310
Weight (water jet only) 124 kg 155 kg 242 kg
Water volume in inlet duct 25 l 28 l 40 l
Power range 50–260 kW 50–370 kW 50–500 kW
Hydraulic pressure of the approx. 70 bar
control system

7.2 Recommended lubricants and sealants

Type Rolls-Royce recommend
Grease in bearing housing SKF LGWA 2/0.4
Sealant when installing Sikaflex® 252
Bostik® 2639
3M® 5200
Gasket adhesive Loctite® 5203
Water resistance grease SKF LGWA 2/0.4
Installation paste CRC® aluminium paste
Thread sealant, securing Loctite® 243
Thread sealant, securing Loctite® 222
Thread sealant, locking Loctite® 270

Hydraulic oil for the control Quality recommended by

system Rolls-Royce
Steering system Mobil Aero HFA
Reversing system Automatic transmission oil

2006-01-16 99 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Technical information Kamewa water jets

7.3 Tightening torques

Component FF240 FF270 FF310
Bearing tensioner nut 150 Nm 280 Nm 280 Nm
Bearing housing assembly 70 Nm 140 Nm 160 Nm
Anodes on the inlet duct 20 Nm 10 Nm 20 Nm
Reversing cylinder 40 Nm 40 Nm 40 Nm
Steering shaft bearing housing 40 Nm 40 Nm 40 Nm
Impeller housing 40 Nm 40 Nm 60 Nm
Anodes on the impeller housing / inlet
10 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm
Impeller nut 140 Nm 200 Nm 390 Nm
Anode in the guide vane chamber 15 Nm 15 Nm 20 Nm
Anodes on the guide vane chamber 10 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm
Guide vane chamber 40 Nm 40 Nm 60 Nm
Anodes on the guide vane chamber /
10 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm
impeller housing
Steering nozzle 20 Nm 20 Nm 20 Nm
Turning arm 40 Nm 40 Nm 40 Nm
Steering arm 40 Nm 40 Nm 40 Nm
Anodes on the reversing bucket 10 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm
Reversing bucket 120 Nm 120 Nm 120 Nm
Reversing rod 10–15 10–15 10–15
Nm Nm Nm
Lock nut for reversing rod 120 Nm 120 Nm 250 Nm
Shaft flange 100 Nm 230 Nm 280 Nm
Anode plug 70 Nm 70 Nm 70 Nm
Inspection hatch 10 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm
Anode below the inspection hatch 30 Nm 30 Nm 30 Nm
Anode on the steering nozzle 10 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 100 2006-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Technical information

7.4 Conversion factors

Metric to U.S. factors Multiply by
mm to inches 0.03937
kg to lb 2.205
N to lbf 0.2248
Nm to lbf ft 0.738
l to U.S. gallon 0.2642
m3 to cu ft 35.315
m/s to ft/min 196.85

°C to °F:

U.S. to metric factors Multiply by

inches to mm 25.40
lb to kg 0.454
lbf to N 4.448
lbf ft to Nm 1.356
U.S. gallon to l 3.785
cu ft to m3 0.0283
ft/min to m/s 0.00508

°F to °C:

2006-01-16 101 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Technical information Kamewa water jets

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 102 2006-01-16
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Spare parts

8. Spare parts

8.1 Ordering spare parts

In this chapter and from the enclosed “assembly drawing” you will find the
information you need to order spare parts. Complete the spare parts form
with the information needed, you will find a copy of the form in section

2001-11-08 103 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Spare parts Kamewa water jets

8.2 Spare part series 1, 1-2 seasons or a

maximum of 1500 h of operation





14 15

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 104 2001-11-08
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Spare parts

Pos Qty Spare part Part number

FF240 FF270 FF310
1 4 Bearing bushing 101 069 02 101 069 02 101 069 02
2 2 Bearing bushing 270 051 01 270 051 01 270 051 01
3 2 Anode 101 082 20 101 082 20 101 082 10

4 2** Anode 101 080 10 101 082 20 101 080 10

5 2 Anode 101 026 01 101 026 01 101 026 01
6 1 Anode 240 174 01 270 174 01 310 174 03
7 4* Anode 101 082 20 101 082 20 101 082 20
8 1 O-ring 102 026 29 102 026 29 102 026 29
9 1 O-ring 101 026 59 101 026 59 101 026 59
10 1 Bearing 101 055 12 101 055 12 101 055 12
11 1 Bearing bushing 101 055 12 101 055 12 101 055 12
12 2 Bearing bushing 101 051 11 101 051 11 101 051 11
13 1 Anode 101 082 20 101 082 20 101 082 20
14 1 Bearing bushing 240 060 01 240 060 01 240 060 01
15 1 O-ring 102 026 63 102 026 63 102 026 63
16 1 Anode 101 077 02 101 077 02 101 077 02
17 1 Anode 101 082 28 101 082 28 101 082 28

* = 2 pcs on FF270

** = 1 pcs on FF240

2001-11-08 105 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Spare parts Kamewa water jets

8.3 Other spare parts











23 25
21 28

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 106 2001-11-08
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Spare parts

Pos Qty Spare part Part number

FF240 FF270 FF310
18 1 Rubber bearing 102 014 40 270 014 01 310 014 60
19 1 Shaft sleeve 240 013 01 270 013 01 310 013 11
20 1 Impeller nut 240 016 03 2414442 2412747
21 1 Mechanical sealing 102 038 45L 102 038 60L 102 038 63L
22 1 O-ring 102 026 05 102 026 12 102 026 34
23 1 O-ring 102 026 54 102 026 21 102 026 33
24 2 Seal 102 025 60 102 025 60 102 025 80
25 1 Axial bearing 102 034 45 102 034 50 102 034 52
26 1 Bearing tensioner nut 102 029 08 102 029 50 102 029 10
27 1 Locking washer 102 030 08 — 102 030 10
28 2 Support sleeve 240 021 03 270 021 01 310 021 12
29 1 O-ring 102 026 68 102 026 21 102 026 52
30 1 Flange nut 102 029 05 2414130 2414130
31 1 Locking washer 102 030 05 — —
32 1 Impeller housing 240 003 07 270 003 04 310 003 13
33 1 Guide vane chamber 240 186 01 5381470 310 186 02
34 1 Impeller 240 007 __ 270 007 __ 310 007
35 1 O-ring 102 026 01 102 026 61 102 026 04
36 2 Distance sleeve 101 052 13 101 052 12 102 052 13
37 2 Pin 270 075 01 270 075 01 270 075 01
38 1 Seal 101 189 01 101 189 01 101 189 01
39 1 Reversing cylinder 101 210 39 101 210 38 101 210 39
40 2 Seal 102 025 25 102 025 25 102 025 25

2001-11-08 107 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Spare parts Kamewa water jets

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 108 2001-11-08
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Kamewa water jets Glossary


Anode A metal that protects the water jet unit from

corrosion by sacrificing itself.

Anti-fouling paint Paint that prevents fouling.

Booster Water jet unit without steering and reversing

bucket. Often used as the centre water jet
unit on boats with three water jet units.

Cavitation Cavitation is a phenomenon that may occur

in any fluid subjected to velocity increase or
a body moving rapidly through the fluid. Ac-
cording to Bernoulli’s equation an increase
in velocity causes a drop in static pressure.
If the pressure drops to the vapour pressure
of the fluid, pockets of vapour will be formed.
The vapour pressure varies with the tem-
perature of the fluid. These pockets may
suddenly collapse, either because they are
carried along by the liquid until they arrive
at a point of higher pressure, or because
the pressure increases again at the point in
question. The forces then exerted by the liq-
uid rushing into the cavities may cause very
high local pressures which can lead to se-
rious erosion of boundary surfaces. In ex-
treme cases light may be emitted when the
cavity collapses.

Displacement boat Type of boat on which the hull never planes

on the water but ploughs through the water.
In contrast a planing craft functions as a dis-
placement craft up to a certain speed when
the hull rises out of the water and reaches
planing position.

Docked Dock, equipment (fixed or floating) which al-

lows the boat to stand dry on the bottom
when the water has been pumped out of
the dock. Docks are usually used for larger
craft. Smaller craft are usually lifted onto

Laid up water jet unit Boat docked.

Marine gear Transmission for boats, also designated re-

verse gear. Usually has only two gear posi-
tions, forward and reverse, plus neutral po-

2000-09-21 109 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab
FF240, FF270, FF310
Instruction manual
Glossary Kamewa water jets

sition. Generally produces a reduction in en-

gine speed (RPM).

Single installation Boat with one water jet unit installed.

Thrust The pressure force generated by the jet of

water that forces the boat forward.

Twin installation Boat with two water jet units installed.

Zero thrust position All ahead and astern thrusts are equal. See
“Function of the reversing bucket chapter“
and section “Zero thrust position”.

Rolls-Royce Oy Ab 110 2000-09-21
P.O. Box 579
FIN-67701 Kokkola

Telephone: +358 6 8324500

Telefax: +358 6 8324512

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