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According to

According to
B.C.A., M.C.A., B.Sc. (IT, CS), M.Sc. (IT, ICT, CS), B.E.
(IT), PGDCA and Diploma Courses of Engineering Programs of
Various Universities

Dr.Vimal A. Vaiwala [M.C.A., Ph.D.]
SDJ International College, Vesu Surat

Mr. Hitesh B. Vora [M.c.A., NET]

Vivekanand College for Advance Computer and Information Science, Surat

[First Edition: 2023]

Sr. No. Title
Unit 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing
1.1 Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
1.1.1 Concept of cloud and cloud
1.1.2 Types of cloud based on deployment
1.2 Cloud Service model
1.2.1 laaS, PaaS
1.2.2 SaaS
1.2.3 Naas, DBaas 13
1.3 Advantages and
dis-advantages of cloud computing 18

Unit 2:Architecture of Cloud Computing 23

2.1 Basics of Planning and deployment of cloud 24
2.1.1 Cloud planning phases 26 Business architecture development 27 IT architecture development 28 Transformation plan development 28
2.2.2 Technologies behind the cloud 29 Virtualization 29 Service Oriented
Architecture(sOA) 33 Utility computing 36
2.2 Cloud Computing Architecture 38
2.3 Infrastructure components of cloud 41

Unit 3: Cloud Management 45

3.1 Task of cloud management 47
3.2 Cloud storage devices 49
| 3.3 Cloud storage classes 54
3.3.1 Cloud Virtualization 55 Hypervisor 56 Type of hardware virtualization 57

Unit 4: Cloud Securing, Operations and Applications 59

4.1 Security boundaries 60
4.1.1 Cloud Security Alliance(CSA) 60
4.1.2 Cloud operations and its management concept 62
|4.2Cloud Applications 64
4.2.1 Business applicationss 64
and backup applications
4.2.2 Data storage 55

Data and Data Lake 69

Unit 5: Concept Big
5.1 Concept of Bigdata 70
5.1.1 Sources of Bigdata_ 71
5.1.2Bigdata benefits over Traditional 73
5.1.3 Concepts of Data Warehouse 74 Concept Technique
of Data processing 76 OLTP 76 OLAP 77
5.2 Concept of Data Lake
5.2.1 Data lake concepts and its architecture 79

5.2.2 Significance of data lake

lake and data
5.2.3 Comparison between data 83

Unit 1
Introduction to Cloud
Unit-1 IntroductiontoCloud
2 Computing

was a scarce and expensive tool. Today, with the advent of cloud
The power of computers
abundant and inexpensive, causing
a profound paradigm shift -a ehi
computing, it is from
abundance. This IT revolution is acceleratin
computing of scarcity to computing of the
services and business models and disrupting the c
commoditization of products, rrent
information and communication technology
(ICT) industry. It provided services in tha
Cloud computing
way for water, electricity, gas, telephony and other appliances. provida:
es on-

demand computing, storage, software, and other computing services with metered ment

based on usage. Cloud Computing helps reinvent and transform technology partnershine .

improve marketing, simplify and increase security, and increase stakeholder engagement and

consumer experience, while reducing costs. With cloud computing, you don't need to allocata
too many resources to handle potential peaks in operations. Then you have the resources you

really need. You can scale these resources to instantly scale up and down as your business

needs change. The two most common IT-related terms currently in use are Internet and cloud

computing. If you go back a hundred years, the word lndustrial Revolution had become a

common term. Each of these terms had an immense impact on how business was conducted.

The coming Internet and Cloud Computing have spawned startups in various new industry

verticals, forcing the existing conglomerates to acclimatize and adapt quickly to survive in the

innovative environment.

This chapter makes sense of cloud, cloud computing, implementation-based cloud types by

describing different models of cloud services. The chapter also introduces a number of
networks and databases as a service and discusses the pros and cons of cloud computing


he term Cloud refers to loud i

a network or the Internet. In other
words, we can say that ci
Something that is present in distant places. Cloud can provide services over networks, . on

public networks or on private networks, i.e. WAN, LAN or VPN. Applications such as

conferencing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) all run in the

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Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computing

is a model where users have a

convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool or
resources, such
such as
as servers, storage and
applications, over the internet. Users don't have a

control of underl hardware infrastructure that is owned and
managed by the provider.
access the services or allocated resources by using a Web browser.

d establishes an IT environment invented to provide measured and scalable resources

amately. It has evolved as a modern model for
information exchange
and internet services.
This arovides more secure, flexible and scalable services for consumers. It is
used as a service
oriented architecture that reduces end-user overhead information.


Cloud Computing refers to manipulating, configuring, and accessing the applications online.
It offers online data storage, infrastructure and
application. It is a
term used for technologies
that provide compute and application services that do not require users to know the IT

hardware infrastructure, physical location and configuration of the systems that deliver
Services. Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as services over the
Internet and the hardware and system software in the datacenters that provide those

services. Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand

network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources

(e.g, networks, servers,
storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal

management effort or service provider interaction. Another approach of cloud computing is

"utility computing" where could computing mainly focus on delivering services based upon
the pricing model it called as "pay-per-use" strategy.
According to George Reese

He have defined three criteria on whether a particular service is a cloud service

I h e service is accessible via a web browser (nonproprietary) or web services API.

Lero capital expenditure is necessary to get started.

YOu pay only for what you use as you use it.

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Cloud CComputing
Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud

Cloud Capabilities
Dynamically Scalable
Self service mgmnt
Pay per use


Mobik Api Eroer based Apps Desktos Apgs inhouse Enterprise kopo
Figure 1.1:Conceptual View of Cloud Computing


Cloud computing comprises a virtualized pool of infrastructure resources with applications

and service that can used directly through a self-service portal. For the end user, cloud

computing consists ofthe following

Cloud network

Cloud Application programming Interfaces (APls)

Client:Aclient is an access device or software interface that a user can use to accessclout
services. There are three broad categories namely:
Mobile clients
Thin clients
Thick clients
Cloud Network: A network is the bridge between the user and cloud services. The inter ternet

is the best choice for

accessing the cloud.

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toCloud Computing 5

Anplication programming intertaces (APls): It is a
set of programming instruction and
that provides abstractions over a specific provider cloud. It
includes a custom or unique
orovider call that can be used to enhance
the amount of
control over a cloud
APls help programmers to have a common mechanism for connecting to a
particular cloud service.



ararises can choose to deploy applications on

Public, Private or Hybrid clouds. Cloud
can play a vital part in
fogrators determining the right cloud path for each
organization. On
dho hasis of location, cloud computing can be classified as public cloud, private cloud and
hybrid cloud.

Public Cloud

Pitblic clouds are owned and operated by third parties; they deliver superior economies of

scale to customers, as the infrastructure costs are spread among a mix of users, giving each

individual client an attractive loW-cost, "Pay-as-you-go" model. All customers share the same

infrastructure pool with limited configuration, security protections, and availability variances.

These are managed and supported by the cloud provider. One of the advantages of a Public

cloud is that they may be larger than an enterprises cloud, thus providing the ability to scale

seamlessly, on demand. Some examples of public cloud providers are Savvis, Verizon, Amazon

Web Services, 1BM and Rackspace. You should understand that in case of public cloud, the

resources are owned or hosted by the cloud service providers and the services are also sold

to other companies.

Public Services Company X

Cloud (laas/Paas/
Company Y

igure 1.2: Level of Accessibility in case of Public Clouds

6 Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computing
Private Cloud

Private clouds are built exclusively for a single enterprise. They aim to address concerns
data security and offer greater control, which is typically lacking in a public cloud. There are
two variations to a private cloud:

On-premise Private Cloud: On-premise private clouds, also known as internal clouds are
hosted within one's own data center. This model provides a more standardized process and
protection, but is limited in aspects of size and scalability. IT departments would also need to

capital and operational costs for the physical resources. This is best suited for
applications which require complete control and configurability of the infrastructure and

Externally hosted Private Cloud: This type of private cloud is hosted externally with a cloud
provider, where the provider facilitates an exclusive cloud environment with full guarantee
of privacy. This is best suited for enterprises that don't prefer a public cloud due to sharing of
physical resources.
The general objective of private cloud is not to sell the cloud services to the external

organizations, but to get the advantages of cloud architecture by not providing the privilege
to manage your own data center.

Private Services
Cloud laas/PaaS/

Figure 1.3: Level of Accessibility in case of Private Clouds

Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid Clouds combine both public and private cloud models. It is observed that an
organization host applications, which require high level of security and are critical, on private
cloud. In hybrid clouds, an organizations can use both types of cloud, i.e., public and private
together. Such type of cloud is generally used in situations such s cloud bursting. With a Hybrid
Cloud, service providers can utilize 3rd party Cloud Providers in a full or partial manner thus

increasing the flexibility of computing. The Hybrid cloud environment is capable of providing

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Introduction to Cloud Computing

nd, externally provisioned scale. The ability to
augment a private cloud with tne

of a
a public
public cloud can be used to
manage any unexpected surges in workload.

Public Cloud


Organization Y

Organization X
Cloud Services

(laas/Paas/ Saas)

Figure 1.4: The

Implementation of Hybrid Private Clouds
Parameters Public Cloud Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Description It is cloud computing | It is cloud computing It is any
that's delivered via that is dedicated environment that
the internet and solely to your uses both public and
shared across organization. private clouds.
Scalability Very High Limited Very high
Reliability Moderate Very High Medium to high
Security Totally depends on High class securityy Secure
service provider

Performance Low to medium Good Good

Cheaper High Cost Costly
Examples Amazon, Google VMWare, Microsoft BM, HP, Eucalyptus
App engine

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Unit-1 Introduction toCloud Computing

The cloud services have been use for years before the term "Cloud Computing". In fact, al
services available in the cloud have been available since the drawn of computing. But now
the cost of setting up cloud infrastructure has become cheaper, the cloud
mechanisms have become more convenient to use, and the related bandwidth has become

more general and affordable.

There are Five key types of cloud -based service mechanisms are available:

as a Service

(Database (Platform as
as a
Cloud a Service)
Service Service

Naas Saas
(Network As a (Software as a
Service) Service)

Figure 1.5: Cloud base service mechanisms

1.2.1 laas (Infrastructure as a Service)
laaS provides basic storage and
computing capabilities as standardized services over
the network. Servers, storage systems, networking equipment, data centre space etc.
are pooled and made available to handle workloads. The
customer would typically
deploy his own software on the infrastructure.

laaS is a way to deliver cloud

computing infrastructure like server, storage, network
and operating system. The customers can access these resources over cloud

computing platform i.e. Internet as an on-demand service.

In laas, you buy complete resources rather than purchasing server, software,
datacenter space or network equipment. laaS was earlier called as Hardware as a
LInit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computing
Service(HaaS). It is a Cloud
computing platform based model. Haas differs from laas
in the way that users have the
bare hardware on which they can
infrastructure using most appropriate software. deploy
their own

End User (The end
aser sees a finished Firewall Load Balance
application) Virtual Machine is
and started
Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine

The Virtual machiae is

uploaded to storage Storage

Software Virtual
oWner Machine laaS Vendor

Figure 1.6: laaS

Example: DigitalOcean, Linode, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google
Compute Engine (GCE), Rackspace, and Cisco Metacloud.
Characteristics of laas
Resources are available as a service.

Services are highly scalable.

Dynamic and flexible.

GUI and API-based access.

Automated administrative tasks.

Advantages of laas
I n laas, user can dynamicallychoose a CPU, memory storage configuration according
to need.

Users can easily access the vast computing power available on laas Cloud platform.

Disadvantages of laaS
model is dependent on availability of Internet and
dd Cloud computing platform
virtualization services.
10 Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computine
Paas (Platform as a Service)
I t is a layer of software, or development environment is encapsulated & offered as a

service, upon which other higher levels of service can be built. The customer has the

freedom to build his own applications, which run on the provider's infrastructure. To
meet manageability and scalability requirements of the applications, Paas providers
offer a predefined combination of S and application servers.

PaaS is a programming platform for developers. This platform is generated for

programmers to create, test, run and manage the applications.

A developer can easily write the application and deploy it directly into Paas layer.
Paas gives the runtime environment for application development and


Integrated Developmeat Eaviorameat
Data Security Recovery Application Scalable
hosting infrastructure

Figure 1.7: PaaS

Example: AWS Elastic
Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Heroku,, Google App
Apache Stratos, Magneto Commerce Cloud, and

Characteristics of Paas
Accessible to various users via the same
development application.
Integrates with web services and databases.
Unit-1Introduction to Clo Computing_

Ruilds on virtualization technology, so resources can easily be scaled up or down ds

per the organization's need.

Support multiple languages and frameworks.

Provides an ability to "Auto-scale".

Advantages of Paas

PaaS is easier to develop. Developer can concentrate on the development and

innovation without worrying about the infrastructure.
In PaaS, developer only requires a PC and an Internet conne ction to start building
Disadvantages of Paas

One developer can write the applications as per the platform

provided by PaaS vendor
hence the moving the application to another PaaS vendor is
a problem.

1.2.2 Saas (Software as a Service)

I n this model, complete application is offered to the customer, as a service on

demand. A single instance of the service runs on the cloud & multiple end users are

serviced. On the customers" side, there is no need for upfront investment in servers

or software licenses, while for the provider, the costs are lowered, since only a single

application needs to be hosted & maintained.

Saas is known as 'On-Demand Software'.

I t is a software distribution model. In this model, the applications are hosted by a

cloud service provider and publicized to the customers over internet.

I n SaaS, associated data and software are hosted centrally on the cloud server.

User can access SaaS by using a thin clientthrough a web browser.

CRM, Office Suite, Email, games, etc. are the software applications which are

provided as a service through Internet.

Unit-1 Introduction toCloud Computino


Databases Codes


L Application

Figure 1.8: Saas

Cisco WebEx,
Example: BigCommerce, Google Apps, Salesforce, Dropbox, ZenDesk,
ZenDesk, Slack, and GoToMeeting.

Characteristics of SaaS

Managed from a central location.

Hosted on a remote server.

Accessible over the internet.

Users are not responsible for hardware and software updates. Updates are applied

The services are purchased on the pay-as-per-use basis.

Saas pricing is based on a monthly fee or annual fee subscription, so it allows

organizations to access business functionality at a low cost, which is less than licensed

SaaS services are offered as a one-to-many model means a single instance of the

application is shared by multiple users.

The software is hosted remotely, so organizations do not need to invest in additiona
Unit-1 Introduction
toCloud Computing 13

Software as a service removes the need for installation, set-up, and daily maintenance

for the organizations. The initial set-up cost for Saas is typically less than the

enterprise software.


Data is stored in the cloud, so security may be an issue for some users. However, cloud

computing is not more secure than in-house deployment.

Since data and applications are stored in the cloud at a variable distance from the end-
user, there is a possibility that there may be greater latency when interacting with the

application compared to local deployment.

Without an internet connection, most SaaS applications are not usable.

Switching Saas vendors involves the difficult and slow task of transferring the very

large data files over the internet and then converting and importing them into another

Saas also.

1.2.3 Naas (Netwok as a Service)

The network as a service provides networking infrastructure to the customers, who

don't want to build their own application. The third party can deliver the network


NaaS includes services such as Wide Area Networking Connectivity, Datacenter

Connectivity, Bandwidth on Demand, and other applications. It includes the

optimization of resource allocations by making network and computing resources as

a unified whole.

Naas uses virtualized network infrastructure to provide network services to the

customer. It is the responsibility of NaaS provider to maintain and manage the

network resources. Having a provider working for a customer decreases the workload

utility. NaaS is also based on

o Lne customer. Moreover, NaaS offers network as a

pay-per-use model.
14 Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computing

Remote users Public internet

internet connections

Branch offices SaaS


Data centers Internet apps

Figure 1.9 NaaS

Aryaka and Pertino offer WAN and secure Virtual Private Networks (VPN) as a service, Akamai

offers CDN as a service, Amazon offers web-hosting, private cloud, and storage as aservice
and many service providers offer Bandwidth On Demand and hosted networks as a service.

Characteristics of NaaS

NaaS allows the customer to access the internet directly and in a secure manner.

With the help of a virtualized network, the NaaS provides network service to the


I t helps the user in a way by providing them with a virtual environment which saves

their physical costs such as the cost of the hardware and their maintenance.

Cloud services offer more flexibility and greater customization. Changes are made to

the network via software, not hardware. IT teams are often able to reconfigure their

corporate networks on demand.

Cloud services like NaaS are naturally more scalable than traditional, hardware-based
services. Enterprise NaaS customers can simply purchase more capacity from a vendor

instead of purchasing, plugging in, and turning on more hardware.

The cloud provider maintains the network, managing software and hardware

Introduction to loud Computing 15


The NaaS vendor's infrastructure may not be compatible with legacy systems that are

ctill in place older hardware, on-premise-based applications, etc.

I n many enterprises, important applications and processes still run in on-premise data
centers, not the cloud.

Database as
a Service (DBaas)
For all enterprise applications, Databases are an essential component. Database services for

on aremise applications are configured using internal, purchased servers and database. Large
3nizations have a shared infrastructure for an internal teams, where the database may be

shar service and used for different applications. Database as a service (DBaaS) is a cloud

computing managed service oftering that provides access to a database without requiring the

setup of physical hardware, the installation of software or the need to configure the database.

Mast maintenance and administrative tasks are handled by the service provider, freeing up
users to quickly benefit from using the database.


Pubic Network

Batabase es a Service (DBaas




Figure 1.10: DBaas

16 Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computina
Amazon (Amazon Aurora, DynamoD8, Amazon RDS, SimpleD®), Google Cloud (GC Bigtahile
Google Cloud Datastore, GC Spanner, Google Cloud SQL), Microsoft Azure (Microsoft sSo
Database, MA Table Storage, Microsoft DocumentDB) , Compose (1BM), 1BM Cloudanunt,
MongoDB Atlas, Oracle Database Cloud Service

Characteristics of Dbaas
A fully managed info service helps to line up, manage, and administer your info withis
the cloud and conjointly offer services for hardware provisioning and Backup.

Dbaas permits the availability of info's effortlessly to Database shoppers from


numerous backgrounds and IT expertise.

Provides on demand services.

Supported the resources offered, it delivers a versatile info platform that tailors itself

to the environment's current desires.

A team of consultants at your disposal, endlessly watching the Databases.

Automates info administration and watching.

Leverages existing servers and storage.

DbaaS is responsible of the info supplier to manage and maintain info hardware and

The hefty power bills for ventilation and cooling bills to stay the servers running area

unit eliminated.

An organization that subscribes to Dbaas is free from hiring info developers or

constructing a info system in-house.

Make use of the most recent automation, straightforward outs of clouds area unit

possible at low price and fewer time.

Human resources needed to manage the upkeep ofthe system is eliminated.

Since DbaaS is hosted off-site, the organization is free from the hassles of power or

network failure.

Explore the portfolio of Oracle info as a service.

to Cloud Computing 17


Traditional enterprises may have objections to cloud-based services

I n case of significant failure of the DbaaS
server or network, the
organization mißnt
lose its knowledge.

Companies already equipped With resources and

IT-related human resources might
nat realize DbaaS solutions economically viable.
Intrinsic network connected problems with cloud can impact the performance f a

Features offered within the typical RDBMS might not perpetualy be offered during a

DbaaS system.

The use of Dbaas may result in revenue loss in

alternative areas of code updates and
hardware management.

Parameters laas Paas SaaS NaaS Dbaas

Full Name Infrastructure as Platform as a Software as a Network as a Database as a
a Service Service Service Service Service
Who uses System Developers Developers Network DBA

it? administrators engineer

Which Virtual data Virtual Web Web Web software
Service center to store platform and software and software and and tools to
users get? information and tools to apps to tools to check the
create platforms Create, test complete check the database and

for services and and deploy business service it's connections

app development, apps and tasks

testing and serviceS

Providers Servers, Storage, Servers, Servers, Servers, Servers,
Control Networking Storage, Storage Storage, Stora e,

What? Virtualization Networking, Networking, Networking, Networking

Virtualization, Virtualization, Virtualization, | Virtualization,
OS, OS, Middleware,
18 Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computing

Middleware, Middleware, Middleware, Runtime,

Runtime Runtime, Runtime
Applications, Data


User OS, Middleware, Applications,

controls Runtime, Data

what? Applications, Data

Cost Most expensive Mid level cost Cheapest Mid level cost | Mid level cost

Flexibility Very flexible Flexible butLowest Flexible but Flexible but with
with some modifications with somhe some limitations

limitations limitations

Security Most control over | Secure but Secure but Secure but Secure but can
data, but need higher level can be can be be accessed by

advanced of risk than accessed by accessed by provider

knowledge in Saas provider provider




Cost Savings

Nowadays Cost saving is the very important aspects for any industry. It helps you save
significant investment costs as it does not require any physical hardware investment. In
addition, you do not need qualified personnel to maintain the equipment. Procurement and

management of the equipment is done by the cloud service provider.

Strategic edge

Competitive edge over your competitors offers by Cloud computing. This is one of the best
advantages of cloud services that allows you to access the latest applications at any time
Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computing_ 19

without wasting time and money on installations. In today scenario, all the industries are
believe in centralized data access.

High Speed

Cloud computing provide you to deploy your service speedily in fewer

clicks. This faster
deployment allows you to have the
necessary resources for your system in very short of time

Back-up and restore data

Back-up and restore is essential aspects of each and

every industries because you can cover

your loss of money but you can't cover your data loss therefore once data is stored in a cloud,
it is easier to back up and restore it, which is otherwise a very time-consuming process on-

Automatic Software Integration

In the cloud, software integration is something that happens automatically. That's why you
don't have to put in any extra effort to customize and integrate your


Reliability is one of the biggest advantages of cloud hosting. You can always be immediately
informed about any updates.


Employees working on-site or at remote sites can easily access all possible services. All they
need is an internet connection.

Storage capacity

The cloud offers almost unlimited storage capacity. At any time,

you can quickly increase your
storage capacity with very low monthly fees.


The cloud computing platform helps employees located in different geographies to

collaborate in a very convenient and secure manner. If you have several branch, then with
the help of centralized database employees can easily collaborate their works.
20 Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computi
Quick Deployment

Finally, cloud computing offers you the advantage of rapid deployment. So when you decid.
to use the cloud, your entire system can be fully functional within minutes. However, thetin
required depends on the type of technologies used in your business.

Performance Can Vary

When working in cloud environment, your

application runs on the server
simultaneously provides resources to other companies. Any greedy behavior or DDOS attact
on your tenant could affect the performance of your shared resource.

Technical Issues

Cloud technology is always prone to outage and other technical issues. Even the best cloud
service provider companies face this kind of
problem despite maintaining high
maintenance standards.

Security Threat in the Cloud

Another disadvantage when using cloud computing services is the

security risk. Before
adopting cloud technology, you should be well aware of the fact that you will be sharing all of
your company's sensitive information with a third-party cloud computing service provider.
Hackers could access this information.


Downtime must also be considered when

working with cloud computing. Indeed, your cloud
provider may be experiencing power loss, low internet connectivity, service maintenance, etc.

Internet Connectivity

Good internet connectivity isa must in cloud computing. You cannot access the cloud without
an internet connection. Also, you have no other way to collect data from the cloud.

Lower Bandwidth

Many cloud storage service providers limit the bandwidth usage of their users. So, if your

organization exceeds the allocated allowance, the additional fees could be significantly costly
Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computing 21

Lacks of Support

Cloud computing companies fail to provide proper support to customers. Moreover, they
want their user to depend on FAQs or online help, which can be a tedious job for non-technical



Short Question

1) What is cloud Computing?

2) Explain Hybrid Cloud with an example?

3) Explain laaS with an example

4) Explain PaaS with an example

5) Explain SaaS with an example

6) Explain Naas With an example

7) Explain DBaaS with an example

Long Question

1) What is cloud computing? Explain with an example and also discuss the advantages and

2) Explain the components of the cloud with an example.

3) Explain Public, Private and Hybrid clouds with an example.

5JExplain laas service model with its advantages and disadvantages
6)Explain SaaS service model with its advantages and disadvantages
7Explain PaaS service model with its advantages and disadvantages
8JExplain NaaS service model with its advantages and disadvantages
9Explain DBaaS service model with its advantages and disadvantages

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