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1. ‘ALIAH BINTI AZMI 2018269008










4.0 RESULTS 6-16

5.0 DISCUSSION 17-19




Anaemia is a type of condition where a reduction in the amount of red blood cells
(RBCs) or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood that carrying adequate oxygen to
the tissues of the body. The low hemoglobin production, hemoglobin in the body does
not function properly, low red blood cell production or the body breaks down red blood
cells too quickly are the factors that which cause low red blood cell levels in the body.
Next, the types of anaemia are aplastic anaemia, iron deficiency anaemia, sickle
anaemia, thalassemia, vitamin deficiency anaemia and more. Meantime, the typical
symptoms of anaemia include pale complexion, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath
or heavy menstrual flow for females. Anaemia therapies vary according to a person’s
type of anaemia has. A survey by questionnaire was conducted among UiTM students
using Google Forms. This survey investigates how common anaemia among UiTM
students, type, symptoms, causes of anaemia and types of treatments that the
respondents undergo in order to treat their anaemia. The survey was conducted with
50 respondents consisted of 44 respondents are females and 6 respondents are
males. The result showed 33 respondents have anaemia. According to the pie chart,
the most common type of anaemia among the respondents is iron deficiency anaemia.
The symptoms of anaemia that respondents have, such as the skin seemed dull and
pale, heart beats more rapidly than normal, feeling exhausted all the time without ever
understanding why, experience shortness of breath and difficulty in holding the breath.
The most prevalent causes of anaemia among the respondents are nutrient deficiency
based on the bar chart. Last but not least, the result showed the respondents take
supplements as treatment that they get for their anaemia. The findings indicated the
survey carried out on the study of anaemia among UiTM students manage to obtain
an adequate response. The suggestion to develop this project is not only to restrict the
respondents of this survey to UiTM students, but to be accessible to all parts of society.
As a consequence, more respondents can be generated, and the target number of
respondents need to find can be reached more quickly.


Anaemia is a type of condition where the person afflicted has low amount of red blood
cells or haemoglobin in their blood. Their blood has abnormally low oxygen-carrying
capacity, hence, their blood oxygen levels cannot support normal metabolism. The
factors that may affect low level of red blood cell are low production of haemoglobin,
the haemoglobin in the body does not function properly, low production of red blood
cells or the body breaks down red blood cells too quickly. An anaemic person’s heart
must pump more blood to make up for the lack of oxygen in the blood. This can lead
to enlarged heart or heart failure or even death. Some inherited anaemias, such as
the sickle cell anaemia can lead to life-threatening complications. Anaemia may
happen due to blood loss, destruction of red blood cells or decrease in red blood cells
formation, nutritional deficiency, hereditary factor or even unhealthy lifestyle.

There are several types of anaemia which are aplastic anaemia, iron deficiency
anaemia (the most common type of anaemia), sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia,
vitamin deficiency anaemia and more. The common symptoms of anaemia include
paleness of complexion, fast heart rate, fatigue, shortness of breath or heavy
menstrual flow for females. Nutrients that are lacking which leads to anaemia are
vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, iron, copper, riboflavin, folic acid etc.
The treatments for anaemia differ for the type of anaemia an individual has but some
of them are treated by intaking supplements, blood transfusion, bone marrow
transplant, oxygen therapy and so on. The medications to treat anaemia are folic acid,
iron, vitamin B12 or even birth control pills.

Anaemia has been recognized as one of the significant public health concerns
as it is associated with many other complications pr health problems among the
populations and contributes to the economic burden due to high healthcare cost.
Anaemia can be considered as a common disease as it affects more than 2 billion
people globally which is more than 30% of the total population. Although the most
affected group was non-pregnant women of reproductive age, anaemia can also affect
younger age group and elderly. People and woman with chronic disease such as
cancer have the highest risk of developing anaemia. The highest prevalence of
anaemia in non-pregnant women was observed in Africa (47.5%) and in South-East
Asia (35.7%). The lowest is in America with 17.8% prevalence.

In Malaysia, according to a Health Ministry survey, about one in five Malaysians
suffer from anaemia, with the prevalence higher for women in their reproductive years.
In reference to the 2019 National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS), 21.3% of the
Malaysian population suffered from the condition which is estimated to be 4.6 million
people. Among women of reproductive age group, about 3 in 10 were anaemic.
Women in their reproductive years, aged between 15 and 49 years are most likely to
be anaemic due to pregnancies and menses. It is a threat towards women’s health as
it increases pregnancy risks such as miscarriage and premature delivery, and it can
affect the baby causing low birth weight and stunting. Among the ethnicity groups in
Malaysia, Indians have the highest number of women afflicted by anaemia which is
39.8%. This is most likely because a lot of Indians are most likely to be vegetarians.
In Malaysia, anaemia among the general population is highest in Kelantan at 27.2%
while Penang has 14.4% prevalence of anaemia among women in their reproductive

The prevalence of anaemia among UiTM students is identified to relate whether

it is a common disease or not. The objective of this research is to determine how
common anaemia is among UiTM students. Other than that, this research is carried
out in order to determine which type of anaemia is the most common among UiTM
students, to investigate the symptoms of anaemia that the respondents have, to
identify the most common cause of anaemia among the respondents and lastly, to
determine the type of treatment that the respondents undergo in order to treat their


In conducting a survey by questionnaire, we provided some questions to ask the

respondents related to anaemia after having a discussion among us. The respondents
are consisting of adolescent and adults who are the students of UiTM. The reason we
choose this community because they are more alert to the health. Hence, we want a
valuable feedback from them. Furthermore, percentage of population aged 15-64
years old is the highest compared the percentage of population aged 14 years old and
below, and 65 years old and above in Malaysia. This is the range of age for most of
students. Thus, we can collect a lot of responses from them. The example questions
of the survey are when they got anaemia, type, symptoms, causes of anaemia and

The method uses for distribution of the survey to respondents by create a form
answered online which is Google Form. Then, Google Form reaches to the
respondents by spread it through various platforms such as WhatsApp and Twitter,
where we need at least 30 respondents to complete this survey. We spread this survey
by forward it to other groups of WhatsApp such as different semester of WhatsApp
group. We also ask for the help of friends to disseminate this survey to students and
staffs of UiTM that they know. Besides, we spread the survey through social media
which is Twitter by tweeting the link of survey. Therefore, people will notice this survey
and they can fill the form if they full the condition of the survey. Due to the pandemic
of COVID-19, we have not been able to interview the respondents face to face. This
is because we need to follow Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to curb the spread
of Coronavirus disease. Therefore, every one of us did the interview via personal
message of WhatsApp to know more regarding anaemia.


The questionnaires in the Google Form about anaemia was created and it was open
to public for one month where the targeted public was the students in UITM. This
survey was conducted because we want to know the majority of the students in UITM
who have an anaemia. During the one month of this survey that was conducted, there
are exactly 50 respondents that had responded to this form. From all of the responds
that was taken, we managed to analyse the results from this Google Form. Firstly, the
question that was asked to the respondents was their gender. This is because we want
to know the majority of both gender that took this survey.

From the result above, the majority of the respondent where 44 respondents (88%)
are females while the remaining 6 respondents (12%) are males.

Next, we asked about the respondents’ age. From the result that was taken
from the form above, most of the respondents where 37 people (74%) were aged 20
years old. Next, there are 3 respondents (6%) that aged 21 years old while there are
2 respondents (4%) that have the age of 18 years old and another 2 respondents (4%)
were aged 27 years old. Meanwhile, the remaining 6 respondents where each one of
them that equivalence with 1 respondent (1%) filled the age of 19,22,23,24,25 and 33
years old.

Next, we asked our respondents whether they have the anaemia or not. The
result shows that majority of the respondents where 33 respondents (66%) answered
that they have anaemia. Meanwhile, the remaining 17 respondents (34%) answered
that they do not have the anaemia.

The next question that we asked the respondents was at what age did they get
their anaemia. The respondent who does not have the anaemia will answer 0 years
old where the total of respondents that answered 0 years old are 15 respondents
(30%). Next, there are 7 respondents (14%) that answered they got their anaemia at
the age 16 years old. Meanwhile, there are 5 respondents (10%) that got their
anaemia at the age of 15 years old.

Then, there are a total of 12 respondents which each 3 of them (6%) answered
different ages where the ages are 15,17,18 and 19 years old. Next, there are a total
of 4 respondents which each 2 of them (4%) answered different ages where the ages
are 16 and 20 years old. Lastly, the remaining 7 respondents which each 1 of them
(2%) answered with different ages which the ages are 1,5,7,8,14,21 and 26 years old.

Next, we asked our respondents if they get further diagnose of their anaemia
and majority of them where the total of 30 respondents (60%) out of 50 respondents
answered no. Meanwhile, the remaining 20 respondents (40%) answered yes.

Then, we asked to our respondent about what types of anaemia that they have.
Majority of the respondent where 23 respondents (46%) answered that they have iron
deficiency anaemia. Next, there are 7 respondents (14%) that have thalassemia while
there are 4 respondents (8%) have vitamin deficiency anaemia. Next, there is 1
respondent (2%) has thalassemia carrier while another 1 respondent (2%) has the
minor thalassemia and 1 respondent (2%) has sickle cell anaemia. Lastly, the
remaining 13 respondents (26%) have no any kind of anaemia.

Next, we asked our respondents whether their skin appeared to be dull and
pale. A lot of respondents where the total of 29 respondents (58%) answered yes while
the remaining 21 respondents (42%) answered no.

Next, we asked the respondents, of how frequent does they detect that their
heart is beating faster than normal and majority of them which a total of 35 respondents
(70%) answered sometimes. Then, 10 respondents (20%) answered always and lastly
5 respondents (10%) answered never.

Next, we asked if they always feel tired and weak all the time without even
knowing the reason why and majority of them which a total of 22 respondents (44%)
answered always. Then another 20 respondents (40%) answered sometimes and
lastly, the remaining 8 respondents (16%) answered never.

Then, we asked the respondents if they always experience shortness of breath

and trouble catching their breath and a total of 34 respondents (68%) answered
sometimes. Then, 8 respondents (16%) answered always and another 8 respondents
(16%) answered never.

Next, we asked the respondents if the anaemia affects their daily lifestyle and
25 respondents (50%) answered sometimes. Meanwhile, 17 respondents (34%)
answered never and the remaining 8 respondents (16%) answered always.

The, we asked if the respondents are female and does heavy menstrual flow
can lead to more serious condition to their anaemia. Majority of the respondents in
which the total of 28 respondents (56%) answered yes meanwhile the remaining 22
respondents (44%) answered no.

Next, we asked what are the causes of our respondents’ anaemia. A total of
11 respondents (22%) answered that they have blood loss while another 16
respondents (16%) said that they lack of red blood cells and another 3 respondents
(6%) answered they have destruction of red blood cells. Then, 6 respondents (12%)
answered they have abnormal red blood cell, while another 18 respondents (36%)
have nutrient deficiency and 9 respondents (18%) answered that they got it from their
family members. Lastly, the remaining 10 respondents (20%) answered none.

Next, we asked if they take any medication for their anaemia and 25
respondents (50%) answered yes while another 25 respondents (50%) answered no.

Next, we asked the respondents what nutrient did they lack that causes their
anaemia and 29 respondents (58%) answered that they lack iron while 13 respondents
(26%) answered folic acid. Then, 9 respondents (18%) answered vitamin B 12 and 5
respondents (10%) answered vitamin C while 3 respondents (6%) answered vitamin

Next, 1 respondent (2%) answered vitamin B6, 3 respondents (6%) answered

copper, 1 respondent (2%) answered riboflavin, 1 respondent (2%) answered
ineffective erythropoiesis and 1 respondent (2%) answered B complex. Lastly, a total
of 9 respondents (18%) answered none.

Then we asked the respondents, if they took medication for their anaemia,
what kind of medication they are taking. There are 21 respondents (42%) that take
iron medication while there are 14 respondents (28%) that take folic acid medication
and 9 respondents (18%) take vitamin B 12.

Next, there is 1 respondent that take erythropoiesis medication, 1 respondent

(2%) take the vitamin C medication, 1 respondent (2%) take the ferrous bisglycinate
chelate medication, 1 respondent (2%) take birth control pill and 1 respondent (2%)
take the B complex medication. Lastly, the remaining 19 respondents (38%) does not
take any medication.

Lastly, we asked our respondents of which treatment did they get for their
anaemia where majority of the respondents with the total of 29 respondents (58%)
take supplements for their anaemia. Then, there are 6 respondents (12%) that get
blood transfusion and 1 respondent (2%) get the bone narrow transplant.

Next, there are 2 respondents (4%) that get the oxygen therapy, 1 respondent
(2%) maintain a good diet, 1 respondent (2%) take the medicine that was prescribed
by their doctor and 1 respondent (2%) take the birth control pills to treat their anaemia.
Lastly, the remaining 13 respondents (26%) does not get any treatment for anaemia.


From the survey experiment that we have done towards UiTM students, 50
respondents responded our Google Form with 88% of female student while the
remaining 12% are male students. From the respondents that are more among female
students rather than male students, this shows female are more common in
experiencing anaemia rather than male. This may be due to monthly blood loss during
their period. There are 2 respondents in the age of 18 and 19. Among the age of 20s,
there are 47 persons, while there is 1 student in the age of 33. It proves that growth
spurts among the teen ages leads to development of anaemia while some do inherit
the disease from their family and gene. Most 66% of respondents have anaemia while
34% are the one that doesn’t have anaemia. Based on the respondents that have
anaemia, they discover it at the age of 1, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26
years old

Most of the one that that have anaemia have a further diagnose with a doctor.
From their further diagnosis, 46% of them have iron deficiency type of anaemia and
the other anaemia respondents have variation types of anaemia which are sickle cell,
aplastic, thalassemia and vitamin deficiency anaemia. Among the patient, it shows that
they have some common symptoms. 58% of the respondents have a dull and pale
skin tone. 70% of them sometimes have fast heart beating rate while there is 20% that
always have fast heart beating rate and the remaining 10% have a normal heart
beating rate. 44% of them feel tired and weak easily even without doing anything while
40% of them sometimes have that symptom and 16% of them never experienced that
symptom. 16% of them always experienced shortness of breath and trouble of
catching their breath while 68% of them only experience it sometimes and other 16%
never experienced that symptom.

16% of them always had anaemia, affecting their lifestyle while 50% only
experience it sometimes and 34% of them never experience it. Only 64% of the female
experience more serious condition during a heavy menstrual flow and 36% of them
doesn’t have a bad effect on their anaemia. Most of them have anaemia due to their
nutrient deficiency, lack of red blood cell; RBC, had blood loss, get the disease from
family inheritance or gene. Other than that, the anaemia is due to abnormal RBC and
destructions of RBC. Most of them lack the nutrient of iron, 2nd folic acid, 3rd vit B12,

4th vitamin C, 5th vitamin E and copper, B complex, ineffective erythropoiesis,
riboflavin and vitamin B6 (1). Due to this disease, 50% of them took the medication
upon their anaemia. 42% of iron taker, folic acid, vit B12, ESA (erythropoiesis agent),
B complex. Furthermore, there’s also some of them took treatment supplement which
are 58%, 12% by the blood transfusion, 4% use the oxygen therapy and 2% by the
bone marrow transplant.

From this survey it is shown anaemia can be inherited especially thalassemia

and sickle-cell anaemia. When the body is unable to generate adequate amount of
hemoglobin to hold oxygen across the body is the condition of a Thalassemia’s patient.
While sickle-cell anemia patient has a health condition where their blood protein
hemoglobin experiencing mutation causing red blood cells to form into a sickle shape.
According to Dr. Christal Murray, people thought anemia are caused by external
factors but from studies, it is cause by glitches in gene (Scott Jennifer A., 2010). As
women that experience blood loss during their monthly can lead to iron-deficiency
anemia, supplement and diet that is rich in iron are consumed in order to replace the
lost iron. There are people that consider their anemia as minor problem that they let it
untreated but serious health complexion may occur to untreated iron-deficiency
anemia (Gupta Sanjay, 2013).

In order to get valid result from the survey, we encourage more on students that
have anemia rather than the students that don’t have it. As most of the questions
referring to anemia patient’s experience and how widely it is among students. To
bigger our population, the respondents are all of the UiTM students from all over
Malaysia. This means we are not focusing only at Perak branch UiTM students only.
Some UiTM student branches that are included in this survey are Shah Alam, Negeri
Sembilan, Perlis and Perak. Unfortunately, the results are quite invalid due to their
answers, there are a bit off in the data and statistic. Some answered that they don’t
have anemia but answers to other questions that relate to anemia disorder. Some
have the symptoms and stated what medication they are on but stating that they don’t
have anemia.

From the survey’s result, the accuracy and validity may irrelevant. Due to their
answers, there are a bit off in the data and statistic. Some answered that they don’t
have anemia but answers to other questions that relate to anemia disorder such as
them having symptoms and taking medications that doesn’t have relation with anemia.
Some have the symptoms and stated what medication they are on but stating that they
don’t have anemia. This maybe to their clumsiness and mistakes in understanding the

Usual prevention from anemia is food intake as in vitamin C, B12, iron-rich and
folic acid food. For Some prevention that are known by everyone for thalassemia which
is one of the types of anemia. Thalassemia is the most common inherited disease and
can’t really be cured but some prevention is the doctor will be prescribed folic acid
medication during the pregnancy if the mother has thalassemia or a carrier because
pregnancy for thalassemia patient may risk the baby in developing a neural tube


In conclusion, a survey related to the study of anaemia among UiTM students

produced by our group managed to get an adequate response, which is 50
respondents. Admittedly, we are very proud of our teamwork attitude as a group in
disseminating this survey and also in preparing the questions for the survey. Each
member is responsible for preparing and disseminating this survey. We are also
satisfied with the response given by the respondents which is 50 respondents, which
is not a small number. Therefore, we are very grateful to the respondents for the
cooperation given by them to answer this survey. Based on the survey, as many as
33 of respondents have anaemia, which exceeds the number of respondents we need
to look for, which is only 30 respondents. The results of these many respondents are
through the distribution of surveys on various platforms such as WhatsApp and Twitter.
Not to forget also the help obtained from close acquaintances who helped spread this
survey. Through this survey, we get various answers related to anaemia. The
information that can we get from this survey are most anaemia patients in this survey
have anaemia of iron deficiency which is 46%. Other than that, 58% of the respondents
have a dull and pale skin tone as a symptom of anaemia. As many as 64% of female
respondents experience more serious condition during a heavy menstrual flow.
Therefore, through this survey we can understand and learn about anaemia in more
depth based on the responses given by respondents about the type, symptoms,
treatment and more. The recommendation that can improve this project is not to limit
the respondents of this survey to UiTM students only, but open to all sections of
society. As a result, it can produce more respondents, and the target number of
respondents we need to find, can be achieved faster.


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