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Module-V Modern Manufacturing and Engineering Materials Contents: Composites- Introduction, Stress, Strain and Hooke’s Law, Classification, Metal Matrix composites (MMC) - MMC preparation by Casting process and Powder Metallurgy. Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of MMC. Nano composites- Introduction, Synthesis by Top-down and Bottom-up approach, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications. Rapid Prototyping- Definition, Various RP Techniques, Methodology in RP, Application in various Engineering fields- Medical, Automobile. Part 1: COMPOSITES 1.1 Introduction A composite material (also called a composition material or shortened ‘0 composite, which is the common name) is a material made from two More constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemi¢*! Hbeee (at, when combined, produce 4 casterial wit charectets™ different from the individual components. The individual compone"® remain separate and distinct within the _ : ating finished structure, differentia! composites from mixtures and solid solutions There ajor ci © are two major components of composite materials: 144 a) Reinforcements: Materials that provide strength to the composite t Matrix: The material that holds the reinforcement in pla Figure below shows the components of composite material. Reinforcement, Reinforcement : Ny Bs, | \ toon interface, ‘the new material may be preferred for many reasons. Common examples include materials which are stronger, lighter, or less expensive when compared to traditional materials. 1.2 Stress, Strain and Hooke’s law Stress: Force of resistance per unit area offered by a body against deformation. Fig 5.1 illustrates the concept of stress. The SI unit is N/mm°. Itis represented by & | Cutting plane Internal forces External forces (a) (b) M Fig 5.1 Concept of Stress ‘thematically, 145 P N Stress,O =] mm2 { = Cross-sectional area Where, P= External force or load, A= Cross-sectio! Strain: Change in dimension of an object under application of external force. Stroin €=8L/L t aes a P Lee. /-—— L —--+| : changeinlength 6L Strain, = ————___—___ = __ original length L Hooke’s law: Within the elastic limits of materials, i.e within the limits in which Hooke’s law applies, it has been shown that Stress(a) « strain(e) stress ge ee eee strain ce This constant is given by the symbol E + elasticitY and termed as Modulus of elastic of Young’s modulus. Thus, 146 13 Classification of Composite materials The comp: site materials are clas Based on type of matrix material ied based on the following Composite Composition sl. Properties Application n0 | 1 Metal It is made by | Higher specific | Piston, | Matrix dispersing a | strength, robots, high composites | ceramic (oxides, | stiffness, high | speed | (MMC) carbides) or | operating machinery. metallic (lead, | temperature, rotating shaft tungsten, low thermal | of ships, | molybdenum) expansion missile phase into a metal | coefficient, structures, matrix (Al, Mg, | wear resistant fighter Fe, Cobalt, Cu) aircrafts a 2 | Ceramic Ceramic fibres | Good corrosion | Disc brakes | matrix embedded in a | resistant, high | of airplanes composites | matrix made from compressive and racing (CMC) ceramic materials | strength, high cars, wings of such as C, SiC, | thermal shock | planes. alumina, mullite or | resistant blades of gas zirconia turbines, pump: cutting tools, heat exchangers 147 s h, | Satelti They contain au ae e : : q ae thermoset (I/poxy) i good | wings Be ae es | or — thermoplastic css, o » doors, composites (PVC, nylon) and | fatigue . ‘a i hulls a embedded fibres of | resistance Propeller i carbon, Shafts, engine | components, | bridge decks electronic cabinets, bath units Based on Reinforcement material | Sha Composites Composition Properties ie | o 1 Particulate Consists of | High tensile | Piston, | composites particles strength at | cylinder embedded in a body of matrix. “The particles are very fine in the form of flakes, powders, buckyballs, hollow spheres, platelets, * Particulate composite is bringing, ind and gravel ina Matrix of cement for Providing and strength stiffness, high | sleeve, cell temperatures : high toughness and oxidation resistant wheels! turbine 7 | Fibre reinforced | These are composites : High z (FRC) composed of | strength and fme teal axial particles in | high i racing icyele | the form of fibres | mod ram modulus o! c embedde: mbedded in a | clasticity for | body parts | matrix mz : ae ee fibres are usually aan of metals, wings and | ceramics, glasses os or polymers assembly of an aircraft Types of FRC | | 4 AA lag fi vii | | | | | | Cae (a) b oranaaea Do catnicue piscontnuous and aligned and randomly fibres fibres oriented fibres Various types of Fibre Reinforced Composites 3 | Laminate Consists of | Good Skin composites various layers of | stiffness and | materials materials held | st ngth, of together. Fibres | coefficient of | aircrafts, used are glass, } thermal Plywood graphite, SiC, | expansion used in boron and furnites: Matrix materials are cpoxy, 149 titanium, alumina etc. Ex: Plywood SURD DIRECTION 1.4 Metal Matrix composites (MMC) A metal matrix composite (MMC) is composite material with at least two constituent parts, one being a metal necessarily, the other material may be 4 different metal or another material, such as a ceramic or organic compound. 1.4.1 Metal Matrix composites (MMC) fabrication by Stir casting technique Stir casting technique has been widely adopted for the fabrication of MMCS due to its simplicity, flexibility and applicability of the techniques t0 lr" scale production of commercial components. Composites fabricated by this technique involve melting of the matrix material followed by the addition of the reinforcement to the melt with 150 simultaneous stirring, followed by casting in a ; mi diagram of stir casting process is shown in Fig 5.2. old. The schematic |+-——— Electrical motor_| | Sh Bre screw o = Furnace | ° “i Crucible | c ai Rotor | Liquid metal Fig 5.2 Stir casting technique for the fabrication MMCs Steps: ¢ Heating matrix material to liquid metal above liquidus temperature (650°C- 900°C) and cooled down to semi solid state © Pre-heated reinforcement is added to semisolid state of matrix melt and heated mixture again to liquid state. © Gradually increasing stirring speed from 0 to 350rpm © Followed by cooling and solidification 14.2 Metal Matrix composites (MMC) fabrication by Powder Metallurgy technique mical technique for fabrication of Al Powder metallurgy is the most econo! lending and MMCs. MMCs fabricated by this met! mixing of matrix powders and reinforcements, Pr" followed by sint Compacts of desired shape and size, hod involves elemental bl essing it into greet ering under 151 ere al suitable temperature. Fig 5.3 shows the p fabrication of MMC. controlled atmosph Metallurgy technique used in| OW, Steps: ¢ Preparation of powder: Powders are prepared using Ball Mill ang Blending «Hot pressing: Compacting and Sintering (650°C, 450Mpa) Extrusion: Finishing and Polishing ce hdd = >| < = < r = >| >| < >| <— ; > Vacuum degassing Blending of gas atomized powders: | Cold Isostatic Compaction —— Ge a4 Panicle reinforced eee Hot ess Extrusion Fig 5.3 Powder Metallurgy technique used in fabrication of MMC 1.4.3 Advantages of MMCs © Higher te {Higher temperature capability * Fire resistance © Higher tra I “Sverse stiffne: : iffness and strength No moisture absor plion 152 e Higher electrical and thermal conduc oF ICtivities, e Better radiation resist ance 1.4.3 Disadvantages of MMCs Higher cost of materials ¢ Complex fabrication methods for fiber- reinforced systems (except for casting) ° 1.4.4 Applications of MMCs Automobile ¢ High temperature engine components ¢ Brake drums and rotors ¢ Bumpers Aerospace ¢ Jet engines fan blades * Space and satellite structures * Helicopter transmission structures Part 2: NANO COMPOSITES 15 Introduction Nanocomposites are materials that incorporate nanosized particles into a matrix of standard material. The result of the addition of nanoparticles is a drastic improvement in properties that can include mechanical strength, ‘cughness and electrical or thermal conductivity. The effectiveness of the nanoparticles is such that the amount of material added is normally only between 0.5 and 59% by weight, 153 1.5.1 Synthesis by Top-down and Bottom-up approach There are two approaches for synthesis of nanomaterials and the fabrication of nano structures. 1) Top- Down approach 2) Bottom-Up approach 1. Top- Down approach It refers to slicing or successive cutting of a bulk material to get nano sized particle In this technique the starting material is solid state © The physical processing methods are: a) Mechanical methods: Cutting, etching, grinding, ball milling b) Lithography techniques: Photo Lithography and Electron Beam Lithography ¢ Fig 5.4 shows the Top- Down approach i Processes such as etching and nanolithography, starting from bulk materia ie Ew lop down approaches Mer example, lithography, 154 Bulk metal Powder Fig 5.4 Top- Down approach 4dvantages of Top-down approach « Large scale production: deposition over a large substrate is possible « Chemical purification is not required Disadvantages of Top-down approach e broad size distribution (10-1000 nm) «varied particle shapes or geometry «Control over deposition parameters is difficult to achieve e Impurities: stresses, defects and imperfections get introduced « Expensive technique 2. Bottom-up approach * Bottom up approach refers to the buildup of a material from the bottom: atom by atom, molecule by molecule * Atom by atom deposition leads to formation of Sel atoms/molecules and clusters e together to form self ass f- assembly of cI em| onolayers OP embled monolayers These clusters com the surface of substrate ee * All the Bottom-up techniques, the starting material is either BS state or liquid state of matter * Physical and chemical processing me 155 thods: © Physical techniques- = Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD): Involves condensation of vapor phase species - Evaporation (Thermal , e-beam) - Sputtering - Plasma Arcing, - Laser ablation, © Chemical techniques- = CVD: Deposition of vapor phase of reaction species - PECVD(RF-PECVD,MPECVD) " Self-assembled Monolayer : © Electrolytic deposition, Sol-gel method, * Microemusion route, pyrolysis. * Fig 5.5 shows the Bottom-up approach a | | . Be | changes pH caneenoten Q® BOQ Hotton up ct Physical and/or chemical Wiggers tfor exampl rarclns Ante: self asseanily lar pat 156 Clusters Atoms | Fig 5.5 Bottom-up approach Advantages of Bottom-up approach + Ultra-fine nanoparticles, nanoshells, nanotubes can be prepared + Deposition parameters can be controlled + Narrow size distribution is possible (1-20 nm) * Cheaper technique Disadvantages of Bottom-up approach * Large scale production is difficult * Chemical purification of nanoparticles is required 1.5.2 Advantages of Nanocomposites Nanocomposites can dramatically improve properties like: * Mechanical properties including strength, modulus and dimensional stability * Electrical conductivity * Decreased gas, water and hydrocarbon permeability Flame retardancy Thermal stability * Chemical resistance + Surface appearance + Optical clarity 1.5.3 Disadvantages of Nanocomposites The few disadvantages associated with nanoparticle incorporation ha concemed toughness and impact performance. 1.5.4 Applications of Nanocomposites Nanocomposites are currently being used in a number of fields and new applications are being continuously developed. Applications — for nanocomposites include: + Thin-film capacitors for computer chips * Solid polymer electrolytes for batteries. + Automotive engine parts and fuel tanks + Impellers and blades * Oxygen and gas barriers + Food packaging Part 3: Rapid Prototyping 1.6 Introduction Creating physical prototype of a final functional product model is on of the " S i sel important steps prior to Production. Prototyping helps in early feedback : : ack and product design decision in understanding product fee an Subtractive type or Trad; a ine or Traditional prototyping were performed using lath? . ¥ machine: " Hse ani where material is removed from solid piece esign remains but when it comes to complex geomet co vefd nsuming, exhaustive and costly. Hence (© ove machining was time ont 158 from traditional prototyping techniques ney called Rapid Protoryping or Adc W technique iti Ny © NPE proton : Ving. in er to build up the desired dee fe WAS introduced here material 1 added layer-by. Hn pid protos : typing which ca es Nn creat a Iso itis one Of the most res a of interest for many researchers, ; market demand in manut has a hug employment opportunities. and Search oriented “ This chapter introduces the on Rapid prototyping, its definition, overview Methodology, its y i arious te advantages, Disadvantages and Applications US technique 1.6.1 Definition of Rapid Prototyping (RP) Rapid prototyping is basically an additive manufacturing process, |: layer fabrication technique used to quickly fabricate a model of a part — three dimensional physical models directly from CAD. : The other names of Rapid prototyping are additive fabrication. three dimensional printing, solid freeform fabrication (SFF), layered manufacturing etc. 1.6.2 Various RP Techniques 1. Stereo Lithography (SLA): SLA is a laser based Rapid builds parts directly trom C AD by cunng Prototyping process which a relatively low power or hardening a photosensitive laser- He-Cd Laser. 2. Slective Laser Sintering (SLS): The build d together by a power ful ee resin with mde | media comes it 2 arbon dioxide laser form which is fus form the final product. 3. Fused Deposition Model CNC controlled robot carryine feeding the head with a plastic wire, » by string”. Like a baker decoraline a cake, nie 1S basically ling (EDM): DM macht extrude? built “9s head. BY a minnature lid objects ee 159 4. Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): In this technique, the layers of adhesive coated paper, plastic or metal laminates im successively glued together and cut to shape with a knife or laser cutter. . Solid Ground Curing (SGC): SGC uses a mask to expose the entire object layer at once with a burst of intense UV light, The w method of generating the masks is based on electrophotography (xerography). 1.6.2 Methodology or process chain or Sequence of Rapid prototyping The steps involved in any of RP process techniques are as shown in Fig 5.6. 5 2 | [Laser] RP Process Chain / Js step3 /— ‘Generation of Laser Scanning Pats ‘or Material Deposition Path 5 RP system oat ProcessingiFiniahing : errant Fig 5.6 RP process or se Step I: CAD solid mode com el or closed surface model is fe the eo" : s ra del is fed into as shown in Fig 5.7. — quence 160 Fig 5.7 CAD solid model Step 2: ‘STL?’ File (read as dot STL File and abbreviated as Standard triangulation language) is generated, i.e. software generates a tessellated object description as shown in Fig 5.8. Fig 5.8 Tessellated objects Step 3: Slicing the file- Series of closely spaced horizontal planes are mathematically passed through the “STL? File. Generate a *.sli’ file, as shown in Fig 5.9. Fig 5.9 Slicing the object file 161 Step 4: Final Build file- Part sliced, supports sliced, RP parameters are se (layer thickness, scan speed....) and file is sent to RP machine. Step 5: After the part is built, post-processing is carried such as removal of part from the platform, removal of supports from the part, cleaning (wiping, rinsing...) the part and finishing (sanding, polishing. ...) the part. 1.6.3 Advantages of Rapid prototyping Almost any shape or geometric feature can be produced. Reduced product development time and cost (could range 50 -90%) Errors and flaws can be detected at an early stage. RP can be used in different industries and fields of life (medicine. art and architecture, marketing..) Assemblies can be made directly in one go. Material waste is reduced. No tooling is necessary. Fast and inexpensive method of prototyping design ideas Multiple design iterations Physical validation of design 1.6.4 Disadvantages of Rapid prototyping Resolution not as fine as traditional machining (millimeter t0 sub- millimeter resolution) Surface flatness is rough (dependant of material and type of RP) The price of machinery and materials 1.6.4 Applications of Rapid Prototyping 1 of skull ete. ca ae |, Mode ull ete. can be used for training of surgical operat = erations. 2. These Siamese twins were successfully separated. The operation was planned with models of the skulls. PP modeling fat surgical planning to sepat ate Siamese twins (Courtesy, Biomedical Moding. ac} 163 | RP model of congenital | scoliosis Rapid-prototyping (RP) Model of | fractured acetabulum using a RP machine [RP — model showing | | acetabular defect in | patient scheduled to | undergo total hip l | replacement 4. Prototype of auto engine intake pipe 164 6. Prototype of axles and manifold: Is 165

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