ProCom A2 (2) (1) Final

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Professional communication for FEBRUARY 2022
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................3
2.0 Literature Review..................................................................................................................................3
3.0 METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................................................5
4.0 Results and discussions..........................................................................................................................8
Table 4.1: Municipal Solid Waste characterization..................................................................................8
4.2 Plastic waste characterization...........................................................................................................9
Table 4.2: plastic waste characterization.................................................................................................9
Table 4.3: ash, volatile, fixed carbon, and moisture content of plastic waste.......................................10
Table 4.7................................................................................................................................................11
Table 4.9: flue gas emissions in mg/m3.....................................................................................................12
5.0 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................13

The production of plastic waste is increasing due to increase in the number of
inhabitants which leads to increase in demand and production of plastics which are
then thrown away after use.Plastics are cheap and versatile,so they are used for
many application and this leads to plastic waste being one of the most abundant
waste in the MSW.This report focuses on the characterization of plastic waste and
finding ways to reduce it.While conducting this experiment,LDPE were the most
found type of plastic at Mare Chicose Landfill station,so it was mixed with other
types and different proportions to determine energy contents.It was found that their
energy content is higher than that of some of the materials used for energy
production.To investigate the emissions of flue gas combustion chamber was
designed.The results indicate that the flue gas exceeds the acceptable limit.In
conclusion,some ways to reduce the quantity of plastic waste at recycling and use
it for energy production.However,when using it for energy production we need to
control the flue gas emission.

1.0 Introduction
Plastics have many properties hence they have many uses, and this leads to an increase in their
demand worldwide. They are used every day and they mostly have a one-time use, so this leads
to a lot of plastic waste produced. Most of the plastic waste generated is not recycled or
incinerated, they are thrown into landfills and the environment. In addition, plastics take a long
time to break down and they end up in water bodies, drainages, and cause land pollution.
Furthermore, their presence in the water bodies affects aquatic animals as they sometimes
mistake it for food, and they end up having digestive problems. When plastics are in water, they
tend to degrade faster thereby releasing their toxins into the water. Men then consume these
toxins when they eat marine animals for example fish, this leads to heart disease and cancer.
Moreover, plastics cause water turbidity so less or no sunlight enters, such that aquatic plants
cannot carry out photosynthesis hence do not release oxygen thereby causing lack of dissolved
oxygen in the sea. Some of the plastics enter the drainage pipes thereby causing blockages which
lead to flooding thereby affecting humans.
Aims and objectives
The aim of this project is to study the composition of the plastic waste in Mauritius and to
analyze the possible ways in which we can manage the waste.
 Carry out a characterization of plastic waste for the identification of the amount of plastic
waste generated and its types
 To evaluate the recycling possibilities of plastic waste
 To examine the properties of plastic waste, both chemical and physical
 To study the energy potential of each type of plastic and deduce which plastic
composition is best for energy generation.
 To design and construct a combustion chamber prototype
 To study the emissions caused by the burning of these plastics in the designed
combustion chamber.
 To suggest the best plastic waste composition that can be used in energy production in
terms of energy content and emissions

2.0 Literature Review
Plastics are synthetic materials and therefore when heat and pressure are applied, they can be
molded and shaped as desired. The production of plastics is done using organic products such as
coal, natural gases and crude oil, salt, sand, and cellulose. They can be categorized into
thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoplastics represent plastic polymers which when cooled,
can be given different shapes since they melt quickly when heated. The forces present in these
polymers are dipole-dipole interactions and Van Der Waals forces. Thus, thermoplastics melt in
no time when heat is applied because of these weak forces of attraction. Polyethene (PE) is an
example of thermoplastic. The other category is thermosets which correspond to those plastic
polymers that are produced using heat processes. Compared to thermoplastics, thermosets, when
cooled, solidify, and keep their shapes intact. Chemical bonds are what hold the polymers
together. An example of thermosets will be polyester resins. However, since thermoplastics are
more malleable than thermosets, it is the type of plastic that is most widely used. Plastics are
classified by examining their chemical and physical properties as well as their uses. The Society
of Plastics Industry came up with the SPI code which facilitates the correct disposal and
recycling of the different types of plastics by consumers and recyclers. The SPI code refers to a
number having a range of 1 to 7 and is given to each type of plastic that exists. For example,
Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) is one type of plastic and is associated with the number 3. In
addition, physical composition changes due to differences in structure and composition of
various types of plastics. This includes thermal properties involving maximum operating
temperature and ignition temperature, strength dealing with tensile and flexural strength and
lastly density. The recycling of plastic waste is categorized into primary, secondary, tertiary and
quaternary. The primary category is the process in which there is no change in the characteristics
of the plastics thus generating products. The secondary category is where plastic waste is
converted into products having attributes different from its parent material. The tertiary category
involves the breaking down of the waste into its very fundamental constituents with the use of
chemical and thermal processes hence giving rise to products. The quaternary category consists
of the production of electricity with the energy recovered either by burning or incinerating plastic

Furthermore, plastic waste is also recycled by the process of mechanical recycling whereby it is
physically handled and without any fundamental change new products are made. The steps
involved in this process are plastic waste collection, sorting, crushing, washing and pelleting
These recycled plastic wastes have various uses like packaging, construction be it in insulation or
plastic road construction, clothing and furniture. Moreover, it is important to note that plastic
waste and its products have detrimental impacts, therefore a legal framework is needed to deal
with them. So, the involvement of the local government and environmental protection acts
becomes necessary. As seen earlier, the energy recovered from burning and incineration of
plastic waste produces electricity not only on a domestic but also on an industrial scale. In the

waste-to-fuel method, fuels are obtained from plastic waste using processes namely pyrolysis
and gasification. Pyrolysis is a thermal process requiring a high temperature of 300-800 ℃ and
no oxygen to break down the waste. A fuel containing hydrocarbons is then produced. If plastic
waste is to be degraded at a lower temperature, catalyst like silica or zeolites is used; this process
is called catalytic pyrolysis. The other process gasification is one whereby plastic waste is
converted into a synthetic gas known as syngas which is the fuel used to generate electricity. In
this process, plastic waste is prepared, sorted, and then placed in a gasifier having a temperature
of 800-1200 ℃. Another method is called the waste-to-energy in which energy is obtained from
plastic waste with the process of incineration which is the thermal combustion of this waste. It is
carried out at a controlled high temperature with oxygen present. Heat and electricity are
produced as a result. Even though incineration produces electricity, it bears both its advantages
and disadvantages. The benefits include more availability of landfills space since there is waste
reduction by a known percentage of 95-96, a reduction in waste transportation costs if
incineration plants are built next to transfer stations and lastly dependency on coal and petroleum
is reduced significantly due to the high energy value in plastic waste. However, the drawbacks
will be the expensive installation costs, the requirement of staff who are skilled enough to be
able to manage this plant and also toxins like acid gases, nitrogen oxide, heavy metals, dioxins,
and carcinogens which are emitted. Lastly, the operation of an incineration plant is as follows: 1)
Waste storage and feed preparation 2) Combustion 3) Gas temperature reduction 4) Air pollution
control 5) Dispersion of treated gases

To begin with, plastic waste was gathered at Mare Chicose Landfill where lorries came from the
five different waste management centres of the country thus the project reflects the
characterization of plastic debris of the entire country. The characterization of the trash was
carried out by manual categorisation/grouping and by visual analysis. After that, the sample bags
were opened for sorting where the plastic waste was set apart from other types of dumps such as
food, paper, clothes, wood and metal among others and they were then weighed. The plastic litter
was further segregated into PVC, LDPE, HDPE, PP, PET and PS and their respective masses
were recorded. Next step was to prepare them for the proximate analysis which indicates the
moisture, ash, volatile contents of a fuel. This was done by choosing a few items with the best
condition from the bigger plastic waste pile and they are then cut into smaller pieces. After
which they are crushed by means of a pulveriser to form 1mm pellets to be used in microbalance

when carrying out CHNS analysis (it is used to determine the amount of nitrogen, carbon and

Proximate analysis
 Moisture contents
This experiment is performed on the same day the trash was collected so as to hinder any loss or
gain of moisture in the samples. The pellets of the various categories of plastic are placed
individually in aluminium plates and their initial masses are measured. Next, the plates are put in
an oven for a day at a temperature of 105°C.Afterwards, their final masses were taken and their
moisture contents.
The moisture content is computed using the formula below:

initial weight × final weight

Moisture content= X 100%
initial weight

 Ash content
The dried samples obtained from the previous experiment are now weighed in crucible, two at a
time. Then they are put in a muffled furnace for three hours at a temperature of 550°C.Three
hours later, the crucible with the contents is weighed again.
The ash content is found using the following formula:
initial weight × final weight
Ash content= X 100%
initial weight

 Volatile content
The dried samples are placed in crucibles covered with a lid and the mass is recorded. Next, they
are put in a muffled furnace for at a temperature of 900°C for 7 minutes. After which the final
mass is taken.

The formula used to find the volatile content is as follows:

initial weight × final weight
Volatile content= X 100%
initial weight

 Fixed carbon
The fixed carbon content is computed using the formula below:
Fixed carbon=100 - (moisture content + ash content + volatile content)

Goss calorific value (GCV)

For this study a bomb calorimeter was used. The pulverized plastic of weights in the range of 1-2
grams and approximately 0.5 grams of molasses were combined by means of a spatula.
Following this, a pellet machine was used to make pellets of mass of about 1 gram out of the
mixture. The prills were placed in a crucible which are carefully placed inside the high-pressure
oxygen combustion bomb with oxygen at a pressure of 25 atm forced into it. Also, a set up was

made comprising of 2 litres of water where the bomb was placed. Then the wire connection was
done and the calorimeter was closed, after which it was powered up. The starting temperature
was taken and after a while the maximum temperature was also noted. This process is repeated
with a range of percentages from 0 to 100 of PET and with all the different types of plastic
The GCV of each specimen examined was evaluated by the formula below:
s tan d ardisation factor ×max i mum temperature
GCV = (MJ/Kg)
mass of sample

Ultimate analysis
CHNS Analysis
For this analysis, an elemental analyser was used. The grinded plastic waste is combined with a
varying percentages and compositions of PET in the range 0-100.The blend is put in an
aluminium capsule and its mass is found using a microbalance. Their mass is made to be within
the range of 0.5 - 1.5 mg. After crushing the capsule, it is inserted in the CHNS analyser which
provides ratio of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur existing the samples.
This procedure is carried out for all the various samples of plastics in this study.

Analysis of flue gas emission from plastic waste

The perfect mix of the LDPE and other variety of plastics are bound to go through ignition to
examine the flue gas emission during this procedure. For this analysis, a laboratory scale
combustion chamber was designed and to the composition of the flue gas a flue gas analyser was

Design of the combustion chamber

Galvanized sheets were used to make a vertical rectangular combustion chamber. It included the
1. A chimney to let the gas circulate. On its side an incision was made to for the probe of
the flue gas analyser during the experiments.
2. A meshed aluminium grate inside where the samples are put to be combusted.
3. For collection of the ash formed during ignition, an ash pit was set down.
4. A door on the same level of the grate that is opened to put the samples in the chamber.
5. Two fans powered by 9 volts batteries, one near the hole of the chimney to increase the
flow of the flue gas out of the chamber and another under the grate supply excess air
needed to combust the samples.

1. Pellets of samples of weight 1.5g were made.
2. Five pellets were put on the grate inside the chamber.
3. The samples are set in fire by means of a kitchen lighter.
4. When they are completely inflamed, the door was closed and the fans were turned on.
5. The probe of the flue gas analyser was put in the cavity made on the chimney and the
values were taken.
6. The recorder was halted when the highest level was reached and a portable printed was
used to print the values acquired.
Material selection
 Galvanized sheets
 Metal screws
 Sheets of metal mesh
 Copper wires
 9 volts batteries
 Two exhaust fans

Galvanized sheets were used for the construction of the chamber because it is affordable, light
and malleable. Also, it has higher thermal conductivity as compared to stainless steel which
allows quicker heat transfer.
Conversion of exposure limits from ppm to mg/m3
The values for flue gas emission are converted from ppm to mg/m3 using the equation below
Emission =
- Pressure is atmospheric pressure (760 torr or 760 mm Hg)
- Molecular weight corresponds to the components of the flue gas
- Temperature in Kelvin
- R is the ideal gas constant (62.4 L torr/mol K)

4.0 Results and discussions
Table 4.1: Municipal Solid Waste characterization
Type of MSW Mass/kg Composition (%)
Food 2597.7 17.6
Yard 3847.35 26.1
Plastics 2535.12 17.2
Paper 4136.64 28.0
Metal 268.37 1.8
textile 230.35 1.6
Glass 279.83 1.9
others 864.79 5.9
total 14760.15 100

Table 4.1 shows the characterization of MSW compiled based on the solid waste from all five
transfer stations in Mauritius that is it gives a reasonable overview of the waste composition of
the country. 17.2% of the MSW is plastic waste, so there is a good potential for recycling. Data
shows that there has been an increase in the plastic waste generated since 2016 and this is
because as the population and people`s purchasing power increase, the demand and manufacture
of plastics increases hence the increase in waste production. There are about nine recycling
companies that are registered in Mauritius, and they lead to the recycling of about 3.7% of plastic
being thrown away.

4.2 Plastic waste characterization

Table 4.2: plastic waste characterization
Type of Plastic waste mass/g Composition %
P.P 372.33 14.7
P.S 241.14 9.5
PET 566.29 22.3

LDPE 953 3 37.6
PVC 78.74 3.1
HDPE 323.3 12.8
Total 2535.1 100

Table 4.2 shows the characterization of plastic waste and as you can see LDPE is the most
abundant (37.6%), this is because it is used to manufacture goods packaging plastics, it is used
both at home and in industries to pack goods, for examples food, hence the high demand and
manufacture. PET is the second most produced waste (22.3) and this is because it is used to
make soft drink and water bottles which are used every day, also they have a one-time use, so
they are easily converted into waste. The least percentage of plastic waste is PVC because its
products, for example plumbing pipes, have a long term use hence are not thrown away

Table 4.3: ash, volatile, fixed carbon, and moisture content of plastic waste

Plastic Ash Content Volatile Content Fixed Carbon Content Moisture Content %
type % % %
LDPE 2.39 73.7 21.87 2.04
HDPE 2.45 80.33 13.43 3.79
PP 1.37 85.11 11.05 2.47
PS 1.07 83..24 14.29 1.4
PVC 3.51 87.25 6.61 2.63
PET 2.22 86.39 9.51 1.88

A plastic which contains a high amount of moisture has a low calorific value also more energy is
needed to incinerate such plastics. The moisture content percentages in the above table are higher
than the theoretical values because the plastics are taken from landfill sites so most of the
moisture detected is from rainwater or humidity.
The ash content is the number of incombustibles available in plastic waste. In plastics, these
incombustibles may be in the form of anti-block agents, pigments, and fillers (Cambridge

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Polymer Group, 2014). A high ash content indicates that the energy content of the material is
Volatile content is a mixture of hydrocarbons and incombustible gases. It is directly proportional
to the level of pollutants in plastics. Ash content is usually directly proportional to volatile
content. The variation between the results of these two parameters in the above graph is due to
the uneven distribution of combustibles and incombustibles in the plastic samples (Behara et al,

Fixed carbon
Fixed carbon is the solid combustible residue after a material is burned and the volatile matter is
removed. Fixed carbon content affects the time of combustion of a material that is the higher the
fixed carbon content the longer the combustion of the plastic. Unfortunately, those plastics that
have a higher energy potential also have high fixed carbon content.

Energy potential of plastic waste with varying composition of LDPE

Table 4.7

Plastic Gross calorific value MJ/Kg

50% LDPE 48.12 26.63 42.18 39.33 37.1 24.7
60% 48.12 28.71 39.29 24.19 18.53 25.15
70% 48.12 25,23 40.66 33.45 26.27 24.22
80% 48.12 29.44 36.72 40.31 25.61 22.45
90% 48.12 37.55 36.71 40.34 21.24 20.95
100% 48.12 44.26 41.81 37.45 19.94 20.01

The energy content of the different composition of the plastics is different because they have
different compositions and chemical structures. Additives such as dyes and fillers affect the
energy content of different plastic compositions. For example, PVC has the lowest calorific
value because more than half of the composition of pipes is fillers. Furthermore, storing the
plastics in the refuse bag decrease the energy content by 5% as it increases the moisture content (
Wasilewski et al, 2013).
Since there are a lot of LDPE plastics in the MSW collected, it was mixed with other plastics.
Table 4.7 shows the amount of energy contained in these mixtures. The results in table 4.7 shows
energy potential of plastic waste. A GCV of 48.12MJ/Kg, from LPDE indicates the similar
energy potential compared to fuel oil and liquefied natural gas which have calorific values of
48.6 and 46.6 MJ/Kg respectively (Garthe,2010). The plastic compositions highlighted in yellow
have the optimum energy content.

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Table 4.8: results comparison between the optimum plastic compositions

Plastic 50% PP/ 50% LDPE 100% LDPE 100% HDPE

Ultimate analysis %
Carbon 72.328 80.134 83.322
hydrogen 9.943 14.967 13.646
nitrogen 0.358 0.318 0.263
Sulphur 0 0 0
oxygen 17.371 4.581 32.769
Gross calorific value (MJ/Kg
GCV MJ/Kg 41.81 48.12 44.26

The CHNS values of the plastics is essential because they represent the amount and composition
of flue gas that they emit when they are combusted. Table 4.9 shows that the compositions with
the highest calorific values contain the lowest percentage of nitrogen which means that they will
emit less NOx when burned.

Table 4.9: flue gas emissions in mg/m3

Plastic composition CO mg/m3 NO mg/m3 NO2 mg/m3
50% PP 215.86 59.01 32.54
100% LDPE 176.46 7.96 5.34
100% HDPE 270 32.74 14.3

According to Stack Emissions Standards from EIA report 2012, the maximum allowable limit for NOx and
CO emissions are 1000mg/m3 per day respectively (EIA, 2012). From the table we can observe that the
emissions of NOx and CO for the combustion for the compositions above is high for the combustion of

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only 15 grams of sample. This means that for largescale operations the emissions will exceed the EIA
maximum permissible limits.

5.0 Conclusion
The characterization of plastic wastes in Mauritius and the determination of different ways of
processing them was the goal of this study. The characterization of the wastes was performed
when MSW was collected at Mare Chicose Landfill. The different types of plastics present were
identified and were analyzed plastics that contained high energy content and with lesser CHNS
were chosen. A combustion chamber was built to determine the composition and level of flue gas
emissions The presence of 17.2% of plastic waste in MSW make the recycling process more
capable. Plastic wastes can be utilized in a lot of applications and can also be exported from the
mechanical recycling process.They can be utilized in energy production as they contain low level
of moisture and has high energy production capabilities. It was analyzed that the moisture level
is higher than expected according to theories. Rainfalls and high level of humidity at the landfills
could be the cause. Plastics has the least amount of moisture compared to other materials used
for energy production and will not require high energy for its drying process. Plastic wastes have
energy content which is close to other material such as coal and can be used to produce energy in
an efficient manner, thus generating better profits. There is a significant amount of carbon and
nitrogen in plastic waste resulting in production of CO and NOx according to flue gas analysis
result and the levels of emission is not allowed according to the EPA.Therefore, combustion of
plastics is not a good alternative and Pyrolysis is a better alternative for energy production from
plastics as it operates at a higher temperature that most of compounds present in the gas are
being eliminated,thus,the level of gas emission do not exceed the limit according to the EPA.
Energy production factories should possess flue gas cleaning equipments.Some ideas can be
recommended to improve the project.MSW should be collected on sunny days to avoid moisture
contents in the plastics. Use only one crucible containing the samples during the investigation of
ash and volatile contents to avoid high level of smoke emission in the laboratory. The
pulverization of plastics to the size of 1mm to make the pellets more stable. Flue gas analyzer
should be calibrated and set up properly to obtain more accurate composition of the gas.
The corners of the combustion chamber should be sealed properly to avoid gas leakages and a
side glass should be integrated for observation. Aspen software should be used for more accurate
results on conditions of our own choice. The level of flue gas emissions using pyrolysis and
incineration should be compared and investigated. Some future works are suggested to improve
the project. First of all, surveys should be carried out at several recycling company across
Mauritius to have a better knowledge on the actual situation. Pyrolysis of plastics and by
products should be investigated properly. The assessment of production of energy using mixture

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of plastics with other MSW should be carried out. The process of pyrolysis and incineration
should be simulated at varying conditions using the software Aspen.

 Waste and resource management: Waste & Resource Management - Acceleratio
 The Environmental Impact of Plastic Waste Incineration: aarms-2016-3-03-nagy-kuti.original.pdf
 Classifications of Plastics: classifications_of_plastics.pdf (
 PVC and waste incineration (Prof Buekens): A002 - PVC and Waste Incineration - Prof Buekens -
[PDF Document] (
 Wastes incineration technology: Waste Incineration Technology (
 How an incinerator works: How an Incinerator Works | Inciner8
 Waste management, Recycling plant for tire and plastic: Waste Management: Recycling Plant for
Tire and Plastic (
 Recycling processes: 8.3: RECYCLING PROCESSES | Engineering360 (
 Plastic pollution: plastic pollution | Definition, Sources, Effects, Solutions, & Facts | Britannica
 Waste incineration. advantages and disadvantages: Waste Incineration: Advantages &
Disadvantages | Greentumble
 When the mermaids cry, the great plastic tide: Plastic Pollution (
 Ash content of Irish wood fuel:Layout 1 (
 Plastic pollution, turning a problem into a solution: Could This Be the Answer to Plastic
Pollution? - Latest Environment News (
 How are plastic made and what u need to know about them: How Plastics Are Made And What
You Need To Know About Them (
 Science Made Simple: How Plastic is Turned into Polyester: Science Made Simple: How Plastic is
Turned into Polyester – Fair Harbor (
 UK testing durable roads made of recycled plastic: U.K. Is Testing Durable Roads Made Of
Recycled Plastic | Digital Trends
 Environmental Council of Zambia: Incinerator Specifications (
 MSW Characterization Methodology: MSW Characterization Methodology (
 Hoe PET bottles convert to recycled polyester garments: How PET bottles convert to recycled
Polyester garments – frajorden (
 Burning plastic for energy, an update: Slide 1 (
 In the next 30 years, we'll make four times more plastic waste than we ever have and we won’t
be doing a very good job recycling: In the next 30 years, we'll make four times more plastic
waste than we ever have | Science | AAAS
 SPI Symbols (Society of the Plastics Industry): SPI Symbols (Society of the Plastics Industry) -
Office of Consumer Affairs
 How plastic waste is presenting new horizons for road construction: Plastic fantastic: How plastic
waste is presenting new horizons for road construction (
 A whopping 91% of plastic isn't recycled: A whopping 91% of plastic isn't recycled

14 | P a g e
 These Adidas are made from recycled ocean plastic, and they're the most comfortable running
sneakers I've tried: These Adidas Are Made From Recycled Ocean Plastic, and They're the Most
Comfortable Running Sneakers I've Tried (
 PARTHA DAS SHARMA’s Weblog on “Keeping World Environment Safer and Greener”: Plastic
wastes – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle of plastics are essential to make environment greener and
safer: | PARTHA DAS SHARMA's Weblog on "Keeping World Environment Safer and Greener"
 REDUCE OUR PLASTIC USAGE: Reduce Our Plastic Usage - Plastic Waste Solutions
 Plastics production, plastic waste generation by industry and plastic waste treatment by method
in the EU, 2011: Plastics production, plastic waste generation by industry and plastic waste
treatment by method in the EU, 2011 | Epthinktank | European Parliament
 What Are the Different Types of Plastic? : What Are the Different Types of Plastic? | Quality
Logo Products®
 What Happens to All That Plastic? : What Happens to All That Plastic? (
 What Are Thermoplastics? : Thermoplastic (
 Mauritius amends regulations banning plastic bags: Mauritius Amends Regulations Banning
Plastic Bags | SGS
 Plastic roads, India's rational plan to bury its garbage beneath the streets: Plastic roads: India’s
radical plan to bury its garbage beneath the streets | Guardian sustainable business | The
 What Is a Thermoplastic Polymer? : What Is a Thermoplastic Polymer? (
 Plastics recycling: challenges and opportunities: Plastics recycling: challenges and
opportunities (
 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastics in municipal solid waste combustion: Polyvinyl Chloride Plastics in
Municipal Solid Waste Combustion: Impact Upon Dioxin Emissions - A Synthesis of Views
 2016-2017 Budget: Promoting Green economy to maximise investment opportunities: Republic
of Mauritius- 2016-2017 Budget: Promoting Green economy to maximise investment
opportunities (

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Applications used:

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Brainstorming Literature review
 By applying heat and pressure, plastics can be molded and shaped as
 Organic products, salt, sand and cellulose are used for plastic production
 Categories of plastics: thermoplastics and thermosets
 Classification of plastics is done by analyzing their chemical and physical
properties as well as their uses
 The SPI code ranges from 1-7 and was set up by the Society of Plastics
 Properties of plastics: chemical and physical
 The varying chemical composition of plastics means that their physical
properties also change
 Physical properties include: thermal properties, strength and density
 Plastic waste recycling categories include primary, secondary, tertiary and
 Mechanical recycling is the physical processing of waste
 The steps in mechanical recycling are grinding, sorting, crushing, washing
and pelleting
 Uses of recycled plastics are packaging, in construction like insulation and
plastic road construction, clothing and furniture
 The legal framework involves local government and Environment
Protection Act
 The energy recovered from plastic waste is used to produce electricity
 Waste-to-fuel: pyrolysis and gasification
 Waste-to-energy: incineration
 Advantages of incineration: reduction in landfill space, waste transportation
costs and demand on coal and petroleum
 Disadvantages of incineration: Installations costs are high, require skilled
workers and toxic emissions
 Working principle of incineration

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Technical report meeting minutes
Meeting 1
18 February 2022 / 20:00-21:00 / Google Meet
Attendees: 1) Sookun Tishika – 2110560
2) Muzorori Rebecca – 2014917
3) Bissessur Ruchi – 2113551
4) Mohammad Sarfaraz Kaudeer – 2013277
Agenda: Selection of a dissertation and distribution of workload
Action items:
1) Selection of the dissertation topic based on the opinions of each of the team
members: Characterization of plastic waste in Mauritus
2) The dissertation was divided into 4 sections as follows:
 Introduction and conclusion – Sarfaraz
 Literature review – Tishika
 Methodology – Ruchi
 Results and discussions – Rebecca
3) Each team member has to brainstorm on his/her respective sections above.
Next meeting agenda: To go through the brainstorming and discuss on work
Next meeting details: 21 February 2022 / 20:00 / Online – Google Meet
Meeting 2
21 February 2022 / 20:15 – 21:24 / Google Meet
Attendees: 1)Sookun Tishika – 2110560
2) Muzorori Rebecca – 2014917
3) Bissessur Ruchi – 2113551
4) Mohammad Sarfaraz Kaudeer – 2013277
Agenda: Going through the brainstorming and discussing the work process
Action items:
 We analyzed the introduction section individually for a few minutes
 Upon discussion, we came up with the identification of the problem
 The brainstorming was viewed and discussed
 Discussion on the work process: data arrangement and paraphrasing of the
Next meeting agenda: Paraphrasing of the sections in the dissertation
Next meeting details: 22 February 2022 / 20:00 / online – Google Meet
Meeting 3
22 February 2022 / 20:00-21:43 / Google Meet
Attendees: 1) Sookun Tishika – 2110560

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2) Muzorori Rebecca – 2014917
3) Bissessur Ruchi – 2113551
4) Mohammad Sarfaraz Kaudeer – 2013277
Agenda: Paraphrasing of sections and allocation of tasks to members
Action Items:
 Paraphrasing of introduction using different points
 Listing of aims and objectives
 Allocating tasks to members:
1) Paraphrasing of literature review – Tishika
2) Paraphrasing of methodology – Ruchi
3) Paraphrasing of results and discussions – Rebecca
Next meeting agenda: Analyze paraphrasing of sections and make changes
Next meeting details: 24 February 2022 / 20:00 / online – Google Meet
Meeting 4
24 February 2022 / 20:00 – 22:20 / Google Meet
Attendees: 1) Sookun Tishika – 2110560
2) Muzorori Rebecca – 2014917
3) Bissessur Ruchi – 2113551
4) Mohammad Sarfaraz Kaudeer – 2013277
Agenda: Analyze paraphrasing done by team members and next allocation of tasks
to members
Action items:
 Paraphrasing of each section was analyzed.
 Discussion of final workload:
1) Sarfaraz – cover page, table of contents, attach documents for introduction
and conclusion
2) Tishika – attach documents for literature review and meeting minutes
3) Ruchi – Attach documents for methodology and references
4) Rebecca – Attach documents for results and discussions and graphs
Next meeting agenda: Finalize technical report ready for submission by proof-
reading the report
Next meeting details: 28 February 2022 / 20:00 / online- Google Meet

Meeting 5
28 February 2022/20:00-22:20/Google Meer
Attendees:1)Sookun Tishika-2110560
2)Muzorori Rebecca-2014917
3)Bissessur Ruchi-2113551

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4)Mohammad Sarfaraz Kaudeer-2013277

Agenda:Finalized technical report

Action items: We discussed and finalized the report

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