Mindmap 7.8b Nadiyah

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I think that watching animal videos is fun for three reasons. First, animal videos are
cute.   Animals have remarkably expressive faces. I enjoy watching the cute expressions
on each animal’s face in the videos. Second, animal videos are funny. For example, in one
video, I saw a baby panda and it’s mom. The baby panda sneezed and surprised the mom. I
laughed so much when the mother panda jumped in surprise. I wonder if other people
thought that video was funny. Finally, animal videos make me happy when I feel sad.
Animals always seem happy in their videos. Seeing happy animals encourages me to
forget my own sadness and cheers me up. I doubt that anyone can be sad when
watching these videos. For these reasons, I believe that watching videos about animals
is enjoyable. 

I think that anonymity is not OK on social media for three reasons. First, anonymity is not
responsible. People with anonymity or we can say ‘internet trolls’ can comment on everything on
social media very easily without thinking about the impact of their comments on others. It is harmful
to others. I don’t know if internet trolls know the impact of their comment on others. Second,
anonymity is not respectful. We know that when giving comments face-to-face with others we
should introduce our name. I think that it also should be applied when we are on social media. At
least we should show our name in our account. Third, anonymity is not helpful for problem-solving. I
think that the important thing in the conversations is the kindness of what we delivered in speaking.
As an adult, we won’t waste time in an unuseful conversation

For three reasons, I believe anonymity on social media is not acceptable. First, anonymity is not to
blame. People with anonymity, or "internet trolls," can easily comment on anything on social media
without considering the impact of their comments on others. It is dangerous to others. I'm not sure
if internet trolls realize the impact their comments have on others. Second, anonymity is impolite.
We know that when making comments in front of others, we should introduce ourselves. I believe it
should also be applied when we use social media. At the very least, we should include our name in
our account. Third, anonymity is not conducive to problem-solving. I believe that the most important
aspect of the conversations is the kindness with which we spoke. As adults, we will not waste time in
an ineffective conversation.


Anonymous is not
Topic and
controlling idea

It is not OK to be
anonymous on Supporting
social media detail

Anonymous is not

Anonymous is not
helpful for problem

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