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SỞ GD&ĐT KIÊN GIANG Năm học 2022-2023

Đề tham khảo Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 (Global Sucess)
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

I. PRONUNCIATION (0.8 points)

A. Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. stops B. looks C. laughs D. words
2. A. appliance B. benefit C. gratitude D. rubbish

B. Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. damage B. strengthen C. manage D. support
4. A. gratitude B. appliance C. homemaker D. chemical

II. USE OF ENGLISH (3.2 points)

Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
5. She decided to find a job to earn money instead of just living at home and being a housekeeper.
A. raise B. make C. lend D. borrow
Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
6. It’s incredible that his new song leads the Billboard hot 100 chart only in 3 days.
A. believable B. beyond belief C. implausible D. unbelievable
Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
7. People are waiting for a _______ system with better doctoors and facilities in this country.
A. health care B. education C. entertainment D. transportation
8. In my family, my father always takes charge of doing the _______ lifting.
A. strong B. hard C. huge D. heavy
9. As the concert did not _______ place, we had to stay at home.
A. make B. organize C. take D. perform
10. Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, James Watt are among of the greatest _______ of all time.
A. invention B. inventiveness C. inventors D. invents
11. We have to _______ our homework.
A. do B. did C. is doing D. doing
12. My little sister _______ to speak English.
A. learn B. learns C. is learning D. learning
13. Our friends ____ for the fashion show now.
A. are preparing B. is preparing C. prepare D. prepares
14. You look different, _______ a haircut?
A. do you have B. did you have C. has you had D. have you had
15. Richard _______ TV when the phone _______.
A. was watching – rang B. . watched – rang
C. watched - was ringing D. was watching - was ringing
16. The girls agreed _______ the cake equally.
A. to be divided B. dividing C. to divide D. divide
17. Minh had his teeth decayed, _______ he refused to see the dentist.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
18. Our street _______ because of snow.
A. is closing B. is being closed C. closes D. closed

Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each
of the following exchanges.
19. Student A. “I will present about climate change in front of class next week. What should I do?''
Student B. “_______”
A. Oh! That’s great B. I think you should search for information.
C. No problem. D. That’s the way it is.
20. Student A. “Let’s go to the music show?”
Student B. “_______”
A. No problem. B. It’s beautiful C. That’s a good idea. D. no, not much

III. READING (2.0 points)

A. Read the following passage and mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 21 to 35.
The world first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere.
Although it only _______ (21) of short, simple scenes, people loved it and films have been popular
ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to _______ (22) the story.
Soon the public had their favourite actors _______ (23) actresses and, in this result the first film
stars appeared. In 1927, the first “talkie”, a film with sound, was shown and from then on, the public
would only accept this kind of film.
Further improvements continued, particularly in American, _______ (24) produced 95% of all
films. With the arrival of television in the 1950s, fewer people went to see films, but in recent years
cinema audiences have grown again. More countries have started to produce films that influence film-
making and there are currently _______ (25) national film industries.
21. A. contained B. consisted C. belonged D. held
22. A. explain B. join C. read D. perform
23. A. so B. but C. or D. and
24. A. when B. which C. where D. who
25. A. plenty B. much C. many D. lots

B. Read the following passage and mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 26 to 30.
Orbis is an organisation which helps blind people of everywhere. It has built an eye hospital inside
an aeroplane and flown it all over the world with an international medica team. Samantha Graham, a
fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from England, went with the plane to Mongolia. Samantha tells the story
of the Eukhtuul, a young Mongolian girl.
‘Last year, when Eukhtuul was walking home from school, she was attacked by boys with sticks
and her eyes were badly damaged. Dr. Duffey, an Orbis doctor, said that without an operation she
would never see again. I thought about all the things I do that she couldn’t, things like reading
schoolbooks, watching television, seeing friends, and I realised how lucky I am.’
‘The Orbis team agreed to operate on Eukhtuul and I was allowed to watch, together with some
Mongolian medical students. I prayed the operation would be successful. The next day I waited
nervously with Eukhtuul while Dr. Duffey removed her bandages. “In six months your sight will be
back to normal,” he said. Eukhtuul smiled, her mother cried, and I had to wipe away some tears, too!’
Now Eukhtuul wants to study hard to become a doctor. Her whole future has changed thanks to a
simple operation. We should all think more about how much our sight means to us.’
26. What information can be learned from this passage?
A. the best way of studying medicine
B. the international work of some eye doctors
C. the difficulties for blind travellers
D. the life of schoolchildren in Mongolia
27. The word "she" in the passage refers to _______.
A. Eukhtuul B. the nurse C. the writer D. the medical student
28. After meeting Eukhtuul, Samantha felt ____.
A. angry about Eukhtuul’s experience B. proud of the doctor’s skill
C. grateful for her own sight D. surprise by Eukhtuul’s ability
29.  What is the result of Eukhtuul's operation?
A. Before she recovers, she needs another operation.
B. After some time she will see as well as before.
C. She can see better but can never have normal eyes.
D. She can't see perfectly again.
30. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?
A. to describe a dangerous trip
B. to explain how sight can be lost
C. to warn against playing with sticks
D. to report a patient's cure

IV. WRITING (2.0 points)

A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
31. I haven’t seen him since last week.
→ The last time I _____________________________________________________________________.
32. My grandfather built this house in 1990.
→ This house _______________________________________________________________________.
33. You can try to get Jim to lend you his car, but you won't succeed.
→ There's no point____________________________________________________________________.
34. I can't buy this house because I don't have enough money.
→ If I______________________________________________________________________________.
B. Combine the sentences using the given words in brackets.
35. John didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for help.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
36. The water was very hot. We couldn’t drink it.(SO…THAT)
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
C. Use the given words or phrases to make complete sentences.
37. She / work / in London / but / now / she / do / a training course / in Bristol.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
38. Last night, when / we / have dinner / the telephone / ring.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.

V. LISTENING (2.0 points)

Part 1
You will hear Molly talk about the harmful effects of using straws on the environment. Listen and
complete questions from 39 to 43. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. You
will hear the conversation twice.
39. Sea birds, fish and turtles can be _________________ or even dead because they mistake straws
for food.
40. ________________ project is begun by Molly last year.
41. More than one hundred __________________ stop using straws after one year of campaigning.
42. Molly wants to keep the environment and animals safe from ______________________.
43. Molly hopes that one day _________________ may disappear from the world.
Part 2
Listen to Eric talking to Mai about the famous singer. For question 44-48, tick A, B or C. You will
hear the conversation twice.
44. Which contest did Alexander Rybak win?
A. Eurovision Song Contest
B. European Singing Contest
C. Eurovision Singing Contest
45. Which musical instrument does Mai think Alexander play best?
A. The guitar
B. The violin
C. The cello
46. What is NOT a song by Alexander?
A. Christmas tales
B. Europe's skies
C. Funny little world
47. How does Mai find Alexander's songs?
A. Funny and noisy
B. Calm and relaxing
C. Lovely and inspirational
48. What does Mark think about Pop music?
A. Some pop songs are adorable.
B. Pop music is as interesting as Rap and Rock.
C. Pop music is more fascinating than Rap and Rock.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

III. READING (2 points)

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

IV. WRITING (2 point)

A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
31. → The last time I saw him was last year.
32. → This house was built by my grandfather in 1990.
33. → There's no point in trying to get Jim to lend you his car.
34. → If I had enough money, I would buy this house.
B. Combine the sentences using the given words in brackets.
35. → John didn't understand the homework assignment, so he asked the teacher for help. .
36. → The water was so hot that we couldn’t drink it.
C. Use the given words or phrases to make complete sentences.
37. → She works in London but now she is doing a training course in Bristol.
38. → Last night, when we were having dinner, the telephone rang. .

V. LISTENING (2 point)
Part 1
39. sick
40. Straw no more
41. schools
42. plastic pollution
43. plastic straws
Part 2
44. B
45. B
46. A
47. C
48. C


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