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Chapter 2 : general questions

Q1 / Complete the following:

1.Organs of speech can be divided into
two main types ,namely: active and passive articulators..

2. The vocal cords:.are two small bands of elastictissue .

3.The active organs are The active articulators are the lower lip and the tongue
4. The passive organs include The passive articulator
is the articulator that remains stationary in the
production of a speech sound............,.........,..........

5. The highest part of the palate is called The hard part of the palate.......
6. The sounds that touch alveolar ridge arecalled /t/, /d/, /n/, /l/, /s/ and /z/

7 . The soft palate is a moveable part of

the palate.
8.The back of the tongues lies under lies under the soft palte

9. The tip and blade lie under under the alveolar ridge
10. The front of the tongue lies under the hard palate
11. When the lips are closed, p,/ and /b/ sounds
are produced.//,//
12. When the lips are rounded,
as /o/, /o:/, /u/ and /u:/ sounds are produced.
13. When lip teeth position, /f,v/ sounds
14. The voice sounds are producedwhen : speech sound
produced with vibration of the vocal cords.
15. The voiceless sounds are producedwhen. : speech sound produced
without vibration of the vocal cords

16. When the soft palate is raised ,it. closes The

nasal cavity.
17. When the soft palate is lowered,. opened nasal
18. The sounds that are produced when thesoft palate is raised are called
19. The sounds that are produced when Thesoft palate is lowered is called : NASAL
20. When the tongues touched the front teeth, the resulted sounds are
21. The alveolar ridge is important in Englishbecause : many of the consonant
sounds are made with the tongue touching or close to the alveolar ridge

22. The tongue is important in Englishbecause...

most important of the organs of speech because it has the greatest variety of moveme

Q2/ what is the difference of the tongue.

the back- lies under the soft palte the front - lies under the
hard palate
the tip- lies under the alveolar ridge
the blade- lies under the alveolar ridge

2. nasal and oral sounds

3. Voice and voiceless
voiced sounds : speech sound produced with vibration of the vocal cords.
Voiceless sound : speech sound produced without vibration of the vocal cords

4. Active and passive articulators. The active articulator does all

or most of the movement when a speech sound is made. The
passive articulator is the articulator that remains stationary in the
production of a speech sound.
5. 5.hard and soft palate :
The hard palate : is immovable and fixed in position and it is the
highest part of the palate .. It lies between the alveolar ridge and
the beginning of the soft palate.
‫غير متحرك وثابت في موضعه وهو اعلى جزء من الحنك ويقع‬: ‫الجزء الصعب من الحنك‬
‫ب‬E ‫الحافه السنخيه وبداية الحنك الرخو‬
The soft palate (the vellum) :is amovable part of the palate .it can
be raised and lowered.

Q3/Numerate only

1. Parts of palate
The hard palate
The soft palate of th tongue

the back- -the front - -the tip- -the blade

3.lips shapes

1-closed position in the production of

2-the lip-teeth position in the
/f,v/production .
3-spread position

4.vocal cords movements or states

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