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Eulabeia S.

Hipolito STEM 11-Integrity


Just like a math problem, once we know the problem, the given, and the variables, making a solution
would not be easy but it becomes possible.

As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a great suffering among people of the world. From
damage to mental health, loss of livelihood, sickness and death, the pandemic has impacted all aspects
of our lives. However, along with this unpleasant experience, research has proved to be a great help in
understanding the virus itself. With research, we have come to know various helpful information that
could save countless lives.

Without research, we would not have known which information is true regarding Covid-19. The dangers
of Covid-19 in our health would be unknown and prone to fake news if it were not for research. Anyone
can post a wrong information in social media and many would instantly believe and share it. The
symptoms, the cure, the treatment, quarantine and other things related to Covid-19 would be
unbelievable and doubted by people if no proper research is conducted to prove its credibility.

Using research, the uncommon symptoms are revealed. The researchers ask the patient and list the
uncommon symptoms of the virus and share the information to warn the public. With the additional
knowledge, people are likely to know whether or not they have the virus and prepare for the possible
outcome. Thus, people will take extra caution and less would likely be infected.

Another thing that research contributes to our situation in the pandemic is the chance it gives to the
people affected by the virus to share their experiences. The person who experienced the disease may
find comfort in relaying his or her experience to others while the listeners may gain knowledge about
how to deal with the virus in case it ever happens to them. It benefits both the person who shares and
the listener.

The news regarding Covid-19 we see everyday is made up of mostly research and statistics. Since
research is mostly about collecting data from participants and reaching a final conclusion, it makes the
news more credible especially when the research involves experts in the area of medicine if we are to
talk about Covid-19. With the help of research, fake news can be easily avoided.

Ultimately, research provides all the necessary information we need if it is accurately and properly
conducted. Although we may be plagued by an unfamiliar virus, a proper research will help us
determine our current standing in this messy situation. After all, knowledge is power. Just like a math
problem, once we know the problem, the given and the variables, making a solution would not be easy
but becomes possible.

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