Unit 2 Part 2

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UNIT – 2

Answer the following questions.

a. What is a program?

A computer program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by a

computer to perform a specific task.

b. What is a computer language?

A Computer language includes various languages that are used to communicate with
a Computer machine. Some of the languages like programming language which is a
set of codes or instructions used for communicating the machine

C. Who are programmers and what is their work?

The people who are writing program are called programmer. Computer
programmers write code to create software programs.

d. Differentiate between Procedural and Non-procedural Programming languages.

Procedural language is a traditional programming language in logical step-by-step

process for solving a problem. A computer language that does not require writing
traditional programming logic.

Major difference between these computational models is that the procedural

language is command-driven whereas non-procedural language is function oriented.

e. What do you mean by Source program?

Source program is the set of instructions and statements written by a programmer

using a computer programming language.
f. How is Machine Language different from Assembly language?

Machine language is a collection of binary digits or bits that the computer reads and

The assembly language of a computer is a low-level language, which means that it

can only be used to do the simple tasks that a computer can understand directly.

g. Write a short note on. i. Machine Language ii. High-Level Language

i. Machine Language: is a low-level language comprised of binary digits (ones and

zeros). It is called machine understandable language.

ii. High-Level Language: A high-level language (HLL) is a programming language

such as C, FORTRAN, or Pascal.

Such languages are considered high-level because they are closer to human
language. Almost similar to English language.

h. Define the following. i. Assembler ii. Compiler iii. Interpreter

i. Assembler: An assembler is a program that converts assembly language into

machine language.

ii. Compiler: A compiler is a computer program that translates computer code

written in high level language into machine language. It convert entire HLL program
into Machine Language at once.

iii. Interpreter: Interpreter is a program that translate high level language into
machine language. It convert program line by line
Write the full form of the following terms.

i. BASIC - Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

ii. LOGO - Language Of Graphics Oriented.

iii. COBOL - common business-oriented language

iv. FORTRAN - Formula Translation

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