Educ. 104 MIDTERM

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EDUC. 104
Foundation of Inclusive and Special Education

Name ____________________________________________________Course & Sec. ________________


Choose the best answer.

____________1. Which of the following factors is most important to consider when assessing the academic
achievement of students from culturally and linguistically diverse background?
a. The student’s prior opportunities to learn
b. The student’s current grade level
c. The student’s report card grades
d. The student’s standardized test scores

____________2. Which of the following procedures must an individualized Education Program (IEP) team follow
in order to determine that a student is eligible for special education services?
a. Documenting the student’s aptitude based on standardized achievement instruments.
b. Evaluating the student in all areas suspected disability
c. Evaluating the student’s adaptive functioning abilities with behavioral rating scales.
d. Administering formal instruments in order to obtain a standardized score.
____________3. A special provides reading instruction to a small group of second grade students. Each student
has an individualized Education Program goals related to increasing their sight word vocabulary and fluency.
Which of the following assessment procedures should the teacher use to monitor the students towards these
a. Administering an informal reading inventory to each student on a monthly basis.
b. Developing individual portfolios in which each student collects a list of mastered sight words every week
c. Conducting an error analysis of each student’s oral reading on a monthly basis
d. Reviewing data on each student’s reading accuracy and speed on a graph every week
____________4. A special education teacher and a general education teacher will be co-teaching a second-grade
class, and they are planning activities for the first day of school. Which of the following strategies would be most
effective for the teachers to use in promoting positive interactions between students?
a. Creating questions for students to use in interviewing each other to find out specific information, then
having students share the results of these interviews with the class.
b. Asking each student to bring in a favorite family photograph to post on a classroom bulletin board.
c. Pairing students who are known to be quiet with students who are known to be more outgoing to work
together on various tasks and play together at recess.
d. Assigning students to write a paragraph about their likes and dislikes to read aloud to the class.
____________5. Recognizing a student’s need is the ___________ step of qualifying for special education
a. Final
b. Second
c. First
d. Third

____________6. A teacher who uses culturally responsive teaching methods in the classroom ____________.
a. Requires students to solve problems in consistent, uniform ways
b. Ignores cultural differences so that all students feel accepted
c. Focuses on understanding each student’s cultural and ethnic background
d. Encourages students to only speak English in the classroom

____________7. In culturally responsive teaching, teachers do which of the following educational Practices?
a. All of the answers are correct.
b. Learn the backgrounds and interests of their students to practice inclusion.
c. Help students learn concepts by teaching culturally relevant ways
d. Encourage personal development and choice.
____________8. A teacher who understands that children respond in different ways because of their varying
cultures and backgrounds in utilizing the ____________ teaching method.
a. Culturally accommodating
b. Educational sensitivity
c. Culturally responsive
d. Responsive to intervention

____________9. The statement Men are generally more intelligent than women.
a. Is true
b. May be true
c. Shows gender bias
d. Id true for different domains of intelligence

____________10. Education of children with special needs should be proven.

a. Along with other normal children
b. By methods developed for special schools
c. In special schools
d. By special teachers in special school

____________11. While discussing gender roles in the classroom, you would assert that
a. There are different professions for men and women
b. Boys need to attend school as they are the future earning of the family
c. Tender Stereotypes in society need to be addressed meaningfully
d. Household work should not be seen as productive
____________12. What is the term used to describe any program provided for children and adolescent with
disabilities instead of, in addition to, the regular classroom?
a. Enrichments program
b. Special Education
c. Inclusive education
d. Adolescent education

____________13. Someone who supports full inclusion would advocate

a. Hiring only teachers who are certified in special education
b. Keeping students with disabilities in separate classes for an entire day
c. Mainstreaming without pull out
d. Use of pull-out strategies as the primary intervention
____________14. Communication between the classroom teacher and special education personnel should begin.
a. Any time after the first day of class
b. Before students are placed in the classroom
c. At the time that students are placed in the classroom
d. After students are placed in the classroom
____________15. Inclusive Education covers
a. Children with learning disability
b. Children with hearing impairment
c. Children with visual impairment
d. All of the above
____________16. Main aim of the inclusive education is
a. Re organized material to be targeted
b. Knowing the diversity of the class
c. To conduct the test
d. To prepare the result
____________17. In inclusive education a teacher gets appreciation who
a. Has strict control over his students
b. Knows the problems of students and helps them
c. Has charming personality
d. Is not friendly with students
____________18. Which of the following is not the goal of inclusive education?
1. Recognizing education for all children as a fundamental right
2. To ensure that no child is denied admission in mainstream education multiple choice questions.
3. To provide for home-based learning for persons with severe, multiple and intellectual disability.
4. To emphasize job-training and job oriented vocational training
5. To facilitate of girls with disabilities and disabled students from rural and remote areas to
government hostels
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 5 only
c. 5 only
d. None
____________19. Education-of-all-in schools-for-all could be a tagline for which of the following?
a. A cohesive education
b. Inclusive education
c. Cooperative education
d. Exclusive education
____________20. The rationale behind inclusive education is that
a. The benchmarks for performance of each child should be uniform and standardized
b. Society is heterogeneous and schools need to be inclusive to cater to heterogeneous society
c. We need to take pity on special children and provide them access to facilities
d. It is not cost-effective to provide for separate schools for special children
____________21. Research has pointed out that several levels of discrimination exist in the schools. Which of
these is not an example of discrimination exist in the schools?
a. Teachers have love expectations of children from lower socio-economic strata
b. Many teachers use only lecture method to teach
c. Some children are made to sit separately during mid-day meals
d. Ttirls are not encourages to take up mathematics and sciences.
____________22. What is the practice of enrolling learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents in a regular
school, where students could participate in a mainstreamed with nondisabled peers?
a. Normalization
b. Mainstreaming
c. Integration
d. Inclusion

____________23. Which refers to the practice of educating learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents in
regular classes during specific time-periods based on their skills?
a. Normalization
b. Mainstreaming
c. Integration
d. Inclusion
____________24. What is the concept that refers to the reduced function or loss of a specific part of the body or
a. Impairment
b. Disability
c. Handicap
d. None of thes
____________25. What is MOST important academic component in creating an inclusive classroom?

a. Differentiated instruction
b. Mixed-ability grouping
c. Classroom climate survey
d. Flexible seating
____________26. Which Provides free appropriate public education to children with disabilities?
a. Section 8, DepEd Order No. 43
b. RA 10533
c. Senate Bill 1414
d. Senate Bill 1298

___________ 27. When parents first find out their child has special needs/ disabilities, the first expected reaction
a. denial
b. anger and resentment
c. acceptance

____________ 28. Which refers to the person-level limitation in physical and psycho-cognitive activities?

e. Disability
f. Handicap
g. Impairment
h. Special Needs

TEST II: True or False

Write T if the statement is true and if it is false write the correct answer that will make the statement true on the space
provided before the number.

____________1. Inclusive Education is about putting the right education into action by including all learners,
respecting their diverse needs, abilities and characteristics and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the
learning environment.
____________2. Teachers shall be considered as the primary implementers of integrative education as they
address the diverse needs of the learners
____________3. Special Education is defined as classes designed for students with disabilities, giftedness and
____________4. Integration is the practice of educating students with learning challenges in regular classes, in
the least restrictive environment, based on their skills.
____________5. Mainstreaming refers to the creation of spaces such as regular classrooms, special education
classrooms or pull-out services for diverse learners
____________6. The Philippine Inclusive Education is a process where all types of learners with diverse needs are
given equal opportunities for a meaningful life in non-discriminatory environments.
____________7. Diversity originated from the Latin words divers us which indicates similarities.
____________8. Children with different physical features may not affect the classroom processes directly but
may have implications for classroom dynamics.
____________9. Ethnicity refers to belonging to a social group with common regional and cultural traditions.
____________10. Diversity gives recognition, acceptable and respect to individual unique.
Test II . Multiple Identification. Select your answer from the box.
moral/ religoius social model Differentiated instruction

UDL Mainstreaming community of learners

Flexible use Simple and intuitive use RA 10754 (2006

1. This model of disabilty views disability as a punishment inflicted upon an individual or family by an external force.
2. People are disabled by society - aimed to removed barriers.
3. An republic act expanding th Benefits and Previleges of PWDs.
4. It is the inclusion 'of learners with special needs into general educational settings or regular schools.
5. is a teaching approach that works to accommodate the needs and abilities of all learners and eliminates unnecessary
hurdles in the learning process.
6. It is the practice of developing an understanding of how each student learns best, and then tailoring instruction to
meet students' individual needs.
7. This dimension develop school practices which reflect the inclusive cultures and policies of the school.
8. An inclusive practices design to accomodate the individual preferences, abilites, and needs of all students.
9. An inclusive practices designed to be easy for all to use and understand.
10. It is the practice of developing an understanding of how each student learns best, and then tailoring instruction to
meet students' individual needs.

TEST III: ESSAY (20 points)

1. How does inclusive education promote successful learning?

2. What are the challenges and opportunities in implementing inclusive education?

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