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Macasandig/Pueblo Campus

Performance Task
Third Quarter
SY 2022-2023

Architectural Design


Architectural designing is one of the highlight of the South and West Asian Artists Association (SWAAA) exhibit that will be held at the Metropolitan Art Museum
in Manila a month from now. The organizers invited The European Union Artists Society to be the main guest of the event.
You are a group of architects who knows about the upcoming exhibit of South and West Asian Artists Association (SWAAA).

Your audience will be the European Union Artists Society and other guest of the event

As passionate artists, you wanted to contribute an Architectural design that you dedicated for your loved ones. Your design will be displayed during the 3-day
exhibit of SWAAA and it might be used as part of the cover page of the events’ posters and brochures.

As a group, you will do this following the details stated below:

1. Draw an Architectural design together with your group mates.

2. The design that you will come up with should be dedicated to your loved ones.
3. This shall serve as your profession of love towards them just like the Taj Mahal architecture of India.
4. You are given the choice of drawing it manually or digitally.
5. For manual drawing, please use the following art materials:
a. 1/8 Illustration board
b. Pencil
c. Coloring materials
6. For digital drawing, you can use any drawing software/application you like. Coloring your final design is a must.

STANDARD (criteria from each subject area)

Your output will be evaluated using this rubric:
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Instruction & The art is planned carefully; The art is planned carefully; The art is planned The art shows little evidence
Concepts understanding of all understanding of most adequately; understanding of understanding the
(X3) concepts and instructions concepts and instructions of some concepts and concepts and instructions.
are clearly demonstrated. are demonstrated. Mostly instructions are Neatness and details need
Very precise with details. precise with details. demonstrated. Good effort improvement
with details but has some
less developed areas.
Creativity/ The art demonstrates The art demonstrates The art demonstrates an The art demonstrates little
Originality creativity and outstanding creativity and logical average amount of creativity and problem-
(X2) problem-solving skills. problem-solving skills. creativity. Some use of Art solving skills. Not all Art
Excellent use of Art Good use of Art Elements & Elements & Principles: Elements & Principles used:
Elements & Principles: Principles: Color, Balance, Color, Balance, Rhythm, and Color, Balance, Rhythm,
Color, Balance, Rhythm, and Rhythm, and Variety. Variety. and Variety.
Craftsmanship/ The art shows outstanding The art shows good art The art shows limited The art shows a few art
Skill art making skills, with clear making skills with some attention to techniques when making skills and little
(X2) attention to techniques when attention to techniques making 3D features. The attention to techniques when
making 3D features. The when making 3D features. product is somewhat clean making 3D features. The
product is clean, neat, The product is mostly clean, and neat. The product shows product is messy and shows
crafted carefully and neat, and crafted some thought during little thought during
thoughtfully. thoughtfully. construction. construction.
Timeliness Performance output is Performance output is Performance output is Performance output is
submitted on or before the submitted within a day after submitted two days after the submitted three days after
set deadline. the set deadline. set deadline. the set deadline.

Total Score: 32 points

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