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▪ Surrogate Advertising – In certain places there are laws against advertising products like

cigarettes or alcohol. Surrogate advertising finds ways to remind consumers of these products
without referencing them directly.
▪ Exaggeration – Some advertisers use false claims about a product's quality or popularity. A
Slogan like “get coverage everywhere on earth” advertises features that cannot be delivered.
▪ Puffery – When an advertiser relies on subjective rather than objective claims, they are puffing
up their products. Statements like “the best tasting coffee” cannot be confirmed objectively.
▪ Unverified Claims – Many products promise to deliver results without providing any scientific
evidence. Shampoo commercials that promise stronger, shinier hair do so without telling
consumers why or how.
▪ Stereotyping Women – Women in advertising have often been portrayed as sex objects or
domestic servants. This type of advertising traffics in negative stereotypes and contributes to a
sexist culture.
▪ False brand comparisons – Any time a company makes false or misleading claims about their
competitors they are spreading misinformation.
▪ Children in advertising – Children consume huge amounts of advertising without being able
to evaluate it objectively. Exploiting this innocence is one of the most common unethical
marketing practices.
Source: AdWeek Media poll
▪ Scope of digital marketing is very broad, it covers internet marketing, online
advertisement and advertisement through various electronics channels
▪ Direct marketing is one of the most controversial methods of advertising
channels, especially when the approaches included are unsolicited
▪ TV and telephonic commercials
▪ Electronic spam
▪ Telemarketing

▪ Bait and switch

▪ Planned obsolescence
▪ Pyramid scheme
▪ Concern over online privacy
▪ 89% of British consumers are worried about data privacy, with 60 per cent of those
people saying they are more concerned than they were a year ago
▪ 60 per cent said companies sharing personal data with other companies were the
cause of their worry
▪ 54 per cent said brands using data to serve behavioural ads to them was the reason
they were more concerned
▪ Ninety-one per cent are less likely to click on online advertisements
▪ 78 per cent said they would avoid using smartphone apps if they believe the
company does not protect their privacy
▪ Advertorial - an ad that's intentionally made to look like an article

▪ E.g. Feature by Sony campaign launched several years ago. It consisted of articles written
by freelancers who presented themselves as average citizens writing about how they
used technology. The articles were commissioned and paid for by Sony. They often didn't
even mention Sony except in sidebars, which made them especially hard to distinguish
from normal site content.
▪ Pop-ups, Pop-unders, and Fake Dialogue Boxes - “creepy” and invasive
▪ behavioral data stored about a user, the potential for data leakage raises privacy
concerns about the use of consumer data in remarketing and other forms of personalized
▪ Paige Fair published a report showing that 11% of global internet users use Ad
▪ The main reasons that consumers use ad blockers is for privacy, security and
▪ Derides any race, caste, color, creed and nationality.
▪ Is against any provision of the constitution of India.
▪ Tends to incite people to crime, cause disorder or violence, or breach of law or
glorifies violence or obscenity in any way.
▪ Presents criminality as desirable.
▪ Exploits the national emblem, or any part of the constitution or the person or
personality of the national leader or a state dignitary.
▪ Portray a derogatory image of women.
▪ Portrayal of the female form, should be tasteful and aesthetic, and within the well-
established norms of good taste and decency.
▪ Exploits social evils like dowry, child marriage.
▪ Promotes directly or indirectly production, sale or consumption of: Cigarettes,
tobacco products, wine, alcohol, liquor or other intoxicants.


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