I Love You Ajax Zhongchi

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I love you, Ajax. ; Zhongchi.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/38083933.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Relationship: Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Character: Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Zhongli (Genshin Impact),
Guizhong (Genshin Impact), Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Ajax
(Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff,
Slow Romance, Top Zhongli/Bottom Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin
Impact), Anal Sex, Gay Sex, Not Beta Read, Zhongli and Guizhong are
friends, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Attempt at Humor, Not
Canon Compliant, No Spoilers, Eventual Smut, Alternate Universe -
Romantic Comedy, Consensual Sex, Consensual Kink, Ajax has a trust
kink, Zhongli is a Tease (Genshin Impact), Zhongli is Not an Archon
(Genshin Impact), Zhongli is Not Yanwang Dijun | Rex Lapis, Zhongli is
Not a Deity (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe is Called Ajax (Genshin
Impact), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe -
College/University, Alternate Universe - Human, Professor Zhongli and
Ajax, Flirting, Scaramouche and Tartaglia | Childe are Roommates
(Genshin Impact)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-03-31 Updated: 2022-06-03 Chapters: 9/20 Words:

I love you, Ajax. ; Zhongchi.

by axsthxtxc


"I love you, Ajax." Zhongli proclaims for the umpteenth time today, and Ajax's face heats
up. "We're in public, Zhongli!"


After Zhongli confesses to Ajax, he seems to grow bolder the more they meet up. The
problem with this was Ajax's innocence to it all and Zhongli's calm demeanor. Their friends
ship it, the whole campus ships it, but most importantly, Zhongli ships it. As a professor on
a prestige campus, will Ajax be able to continue work without a hitch? Or will he finally hit
it off with his best friend? [read tags, please!]

[updates every Sunday!]

Two in the morning shenanigans ft. Zhongli
Chapter Summary

Ajax finds himself conflicted. It was 2 a.m, and he had to wake up early for work later,
yet his best friend-Zhongli-confessed to him. How does he react to this information?
By doing what he does best. Avoiding and being gullible.

Chapter Notes

Zhongli being cocky literally makes me go :flushed:

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ajax made sure no noise left his mouth after that.

Did Zhongli really just confess to him? At two in the fucking morning? He clutched onto the door
and he was sure it was about to break if it wasn't because his eyes were getting pulled in by
Zhongli's. What were they talking about again? "Ajax? Are you alright?" That deep voice made
Ajax visibly shudder, and the red that was lying underneath his skin has now surfaced, making
Ajax more flustered than he should be. "Zhongli, this isn't some sort of joke, right?" Ajax
chuckled, this time turning his head away so Zhongli could stop infiltrating his mind.

"You know better than anyone else that I don't joke around, Ajax." The firmness and seriousness in
Zhongli's voice made Ajax whip his head back around to stare right at him. Was this man fucking
with him? There is literally no way this could be real. "Zhongli, you..." Ajax mumbled, his eyes
glued to the floor this time. It made Zhongli coo inside of how fidgety Ajax was. "I...?" Zhongli
followed afterward, his hands remaining crossed against his chest. He should've clothed more
heavily if the air was gonna be this cold tonight. But no, he really needed to tell Ajax this. He's
been pining over this ginger head for an awfully long time now, and he was baffled Ajax couldn't
take the hint at all. That, or Ajax was just denying everything like he is now.

There was a long silence that followed after that, and before Ajax could even talk, Zhongli
chuckled. "What's so funny, huh?" Ajax's voice was a little higher than usual, but that's probably
because he was so in shock at what the hell is happening right now. "I do apologize for ruining
your rendezvous for tonight. If you wish, I'll come back again tomorrow for some afternoon tea,
no?" Ajax pulled his lips into a thin line, staring straight into Zhongli's eyes. "I don't have an
answer for your little confession by then, you know." Ajax scoffed, narrowing his eyes a little.
Zhongli only nodded at that understandingly, "I know, Ajax." and with that, he turned around, not
even giving Ajax a second glance before disappearing into the night.
Ajax shut the door behind him and the flush on his face was visible under the moonlight that
peeked through the window, threatening to tease him of the stutter in his step as he made his way
upstairs. As he shut the door behind him, he could already feel the smugness in his roommate's

"You and Zhongli, huh? Damn Ajax, I never thought you would actually hit it off with your best

"FUCK OFF, SCARAMOUCHE!" Ajax shouted, throwing a pillow in his direction. The shorter of
the two easily dodged the expected pillow to his face and hugged it instead, still wearing that
smugness that continued taunting Ajax; who was already flustered as it is. "I'm just saying, it took
you long enough before you realized his feelings for you," Scaramouche shrugged, ruffling the
fading silver highlights on his violet hair before turning around on his bed. "How would I know???
It's not like everyone else on the campus knows it either!"

"Trust me Ajax. Everyone knows." Scaramouche emphasized specifically that everyone on campus
knew and Ajax was contemplating whether or not he was going to throw another pillow in
Scaramouche's direction before deciding not to. He turned off his bedside lamp before shutting his
eyes tight.

Please tell Ajax this was a fever dream...


"Zhongli, you're looking rather dressed up today, wouldn't you say so?" Guizhong chuckled,
eyeing her best friend up and down. Zhongli took one last look into the mirror before smiling at his
best friend, a faded pink displayed on his cheeks as he pocketed his hands. "I do apologize for that.
Am I dressed too much?" Guizhong chuckled before shaking her head, making her way in his
direction before readjusting his collar, "Confessed to Ajax, I presume?" Zhongli could only hum at
that, readjusting the watch on his wrist. "I'm off to work," he called out, grabbing the folder for his
history class and shutting the door behind him.

Guizhong could only smile at that. "Go get him, tiger."


College was...how is Zhongli supposed to describe it? Rather...silent for today.

No, maybe even off-puttingly quiet today.

He roamed the hallway like he usually would before heading to his next class when he found the
ginger head he adored so much teaching his students how to properly grip a sword. His form was
close to perfection, but you could feel the hesitation as he swung the sword before pulling back, a
smile on his face. "See? Now you guys try!" an enthusiastic grin plastered on Ajax's face and
Zhongli was falling in love with him all over again. He approached him from behind and tapped
his shoulder lightly, startling the other man. "Z-Zhongli? What are you doing here?" Ajax asks,
dazed at the sudden appearance of his best friend; and in the middle of him teaching a class as well.

The students looked at them knowingly before proceeding with what Ajax taught them, thrusting
the sword forward before retreating back. "I was monitoring the classes per usual before my next
class when I happened to bump into you. Is that so wrong, Ajax?" Zhongli asks, a raise of an
eyebrow before crossing his arms in amusement. Ajax's face flushes for a moment before he looks
away, clearing his throat. "Not at all," he responds, and a comforting silence engulfs both of them
for a few minutes.

Ajax wanted to ask- No, he needed to ask why Zhongli confessed to him. He gave Zhongli a
sideglance and all the other man was doing was smiling fondly at the students who were trying
their best to learn in his class. A blush appears on Ajax's face and he completely turns away from
Zhongli, who notices the sudden shift in movement. "Do you want to say something, Ajax?" he
asks, and by all the archons above, why was his best friend blessed with such an attractive voice?
"Nothing that concerns you." he blurts out, and the genuine laugh that Zhongli let out had Ajax's
knees melting.

"If you say so, Ajax," Zhongli replies with almost no hesitation, and the trust Zhongli had in him
had his heart twirling, almost making it soar if Zhongli just pushed a little more- "I trust you." that
sent Ajax over the edge and his heart completely soared, clearly taken aback by this newfound trust
Zhongli had in him; unbeknownst to him, this already existed the moment Zhongli fell in love with
him. Zhongli faces him, and the slight height difference they had (Ajax being taller between the
two) made Ajax completely weak. For the first time in his life, he wished he was a little shorter
than him.

The bell rings and it breaks Ajax out of his daydream, straightening his posture. "I have to go
attend my history class. If you will excuse me," Zhongli excuses himself. It took a few minutes
before Ajax recollected his sanity, staring at the students; who all had teasing looks sent in his
direction, mind you. "I guess that's it for today's class! Yes, um- please run along-!" he dismisses
them and picks up his stuff, before dashing to the faculty lounge.

Once he was sure he was safe, he heaves out a sigh and lands with a thump on the chair to his
personal cubicle, grumbling. "Everything alright, Mr. Fencer?" he hears from the side, and the
annoyingly loud sound effects of the videogame he was playing had Ajax turning his head in his
direction, glaring at him. The man in question didn't deter from his gaming though, and he even
made sure to heighten the experience by adjusting the volume higher by one before he continued
playing, a smirk concealed on his face. "If you don't turn that phone off right now, I swear I'll mop
the floor with your clothes today," Ajax hisses, and the man only chuckles at this.

He turns his phone off and places it on the table, arms crossed as he continues swinging sideways
with the swivel chair he was on. "No seriously, what's wrong?" he asks, but Ajax didn't miss the
chuckle in that statement. He feels like he already knows the reaction of the man in front of him, so
he only shrugs, "I don't want to talk about it," he grumbles, and the other man could only let out a
sound of rejection. "You clearly do," he presses, and he scoots the swivel chair towards Ajax. "Let
me guess, it's about Zhongli again?"

Ajax could only let out a sound at that, and the other man chuckled again, placing an arm around
him; comforting him or something. "Come on man, are you really gonna pass up the opportunity to
be with Zhongli?" Ajax turns his head away from him and he slouches against the chair, much to
the other man's amusement, "You're not helping, Scaramouche." Scaramouche gasps, clearly
sarcastic as he blinks. "Whatever do you mean, my dear Ajax? I'm just trying to help you," he says
in the sweetest tone he could muster, but Ajax knew he was making fun of him deep down inside.

"He's my best friend and everything, and I-" Scaramouche shuts him up by shushing him with a
finger to his lips, and he purses his lips together as if giving a warning to Ajax to shut up, "Zip it,
Ajax. I don't want to hear it." He retracts the finger away from Ajax's face and he crosses his arms
again, pushing his swivel chair away from Ajax so Ajax could look at him better. "You talk about
him every chance you get, you hang out with him with every chance you get, and, archons- you
even act like a newly married couple every single time I lay my eyes on the both of you."
Scaramouche counts it off his fingers, and Ajax's face flushes, gripping the fabric of his shirt.
"Before you even try to reason with me, remember that one drunk night when you-"

Ajax's eyes dilate and he places a hand over Scaramouche's mouth, much to his amusement.
"Okay! Okay! I get it!" Ajax exclaims before he retracts his hand. "I just- you know...?" Ajax
squeaks, and he just prays that Scaramouche gets where he's coming from. A sigh makes its way
out of Scaramouche's lips and he nods his head, "Yeah, yeah, I know. You're just trying to be
cautious about it all, right?" Ajax nods his head before turning towards his cubicle, grabbing the
notes he needs for his next class. While working out things here and there, he continues, "I just
don't want our friendship to get ruined or something,"

"That's so overtly cliche, don't you think?" Scaramouche comments, and Ajax finally gets all the
things he needed for his next class. He stands up and sends a smile in Scaramouche's direction.
"Make sure to attend your next class, Scara!" Ajax calls out, completely ignoring his comment.
Scaramouche could only shake his head at that, gathering his things, "Always avoiding
commitment. Typical Ajax."

"Ajax, I do believe you're forgetting something," Ajax freezes up on the spot as he almost almost
made his way out of the faculty door, before turning his head to give an awkward smile to the
person talking to him. "Afternoon tea?" the person in question raises an eyebrow, and Ajax turns to
properly face him, before scratching his cheek, "Oh, hey Zhongli! I, uh...didn't expect to run into
you today or something," he stammers, and Zhongli could only chuckle in amusement to that. "I
told you last night we could talk about this again today over some afternoon tea," Ajax didn't miss
the way Zhongli's eyes flickered with hope before he continued, "But if you don't feel like it, I
won't force you, Ajax." and a smile shows up on his face; of course, this makes Ajax's heart flutter.

Ajax gulps for a moment before he clears his throat, "Maybe not today, Zhongli. I- uh... need to
think about it," he chuckles nervously. Zhongli could only nod understandingly at that, "I
understand, Ajax." Zhongli adjusts the things he was holding, sending a goodbye wave to Ajax
before making his way out of the faculty. Ajax stands rooted in place for a moment before he
follows after Zhongli, tugging on his clothes, "On um- on second thought...I, uh... yeah... I do want
to go talk about it over afternoon tea,"

Archons, Ajax was one gullible man.

Chapter End Notes

Ajax being a mess is my drug.

almost a normal conversation over afternoon tea.
Chapter Summary

it was supposed to be just afternoon tea...

Chapter Notes

Ajax being shy makes me act tf up, idc what everyone else says

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A surprised look makes its way to Zhongli's face and he stops for a moment to turn to Ajax. His
heart flutters as Ajax tenses a little, a tint of pink evident on his face. "My pleasure to always spend
time with you, Ajax." Zhongli smiles, and he doesn't miss the sparkle behind his lifeless eyes
before he looks away. Ajax clears his throat and pockets his hands, and the madman rushes away
from the scene like it wasn't his answer that made Zhongli smile like this.

Zhongli turns back around and he contemplates whether or not to wait for Ajax, so he spent the
next five minutes going back and forth in the hallway, confusing half of the students that passed by
him. Some students even stayed behind to spy on him, and the unsuspecting Ajax and Zhongli
continued on their merry way as the gossiping students had knowing smiles on their faces. Of
course, they were in college already, and they knew better than to spy on the two so they just left
them alone.

Now, Zhongli and Ajax were walking side by side on the pavement, the occasional cars and people
chattering the only sounds that they could hear before silence envelops them again. None of the
two minded though. Actually, it was more than fitting for both of them. Ajax scratched the back of
his head and he kept glancing in Zhongli's direction, who only kept to himself. He was silent, but
this motherfucker was smiling. Yeah, that stone face of a best friend he had was now smiling, and
archons forgive Ajax because his heart had a frenzied attack just looking at him.

He looks away and clears his throat, and the awkward atmosphere had Zhongli smiling, silently
sending loving looks in Ajax's direction; who was still currently having an entire internal
monologue about why he shouldn't find his handsome and perfect man of a best friend hot.

Once they reached Ajax's house, Ajax opened the door for Zhongli. Zhongli nods at him before
stepping inside, stepping out of his shoes. "I do pardon the intrusion," he calls out, and as expected,
no one showed up. The house only belonged to Ajax and his roommate-Scaramouche-after all.
Zhongli removed some particles of cinder on his stuff and he waited for Ajax, who was still
fumbling with the coat he had on. It takes a couple of minutes before Zhongli hesitantly makes his
way in front of him, eyeing his hands. "May I?"

He asks, and Ajax looks down at him, blushing incoherently, "Oh uh- Yes of-of course," AJax
internally cursed himself for stuttering, but Zhongli only started gently unbuttoning his coat, as if
not wanting to hurt or offend him in any way. After he completely unbuttoned Ajax's coat, he
signals for Ajax to extend his arms behind him and he does, letting Zhongli strip him of his clothes.

That's a weird way to word it but hey, Ajax's mind was just trying to play tricks on him, okay.

Zhongli places the coat on the coat hanger with much care and he gestures for Ajax to go lead the
way for him. Ajax blinks before he panics, and he frantically moves forward, before accidentally
tripping on the raised platform by the entrance. Of course, Zhongli almost effortlessly caught him,
and this caused Ajax's mind to malfunction. Feeling Zhongli's slender hands keep his waist in a
safe place made him feel things, that's for sure.

He looks back to find Zhongli looking concerned, and a pout forms on his lips, "Be more careful
Ajax. You'll get yourself hurt." Ajax really shouldn't have blushed at that, but he did and he panics,
shifting in Zhongli's arms. "Ajax, don't move-" but it was too late, and Ajax yelped as he was
brought back, his back pressing against Zhongli's. He felt his breath fan against his neck and that
sent a tingle all the way down to his legs and he trembles, before finally staying frozen in his spot.

Zhongli's arm was wrapped around his waist and he was kind of embracing him in a tight hug, but
his other hand was holding firmly onto the coat hanger by the side to keep both of them standing
on two feet. "I told you not to move, you idiot," his voice reverberates against Ajax's eardrums and
he wanted that same voice to praise him for doing the absolute minimum. He didn't know why, but
he wanted to hear praises from Zhongli's lips.

He detaches himself from Zhongli and he turns around to give him an apologetic look, his whole
face red. "I-I'm sorry ahahahahahah," he laughs nervously. "I don't think I'm in my best state
today," he sighs, and he finally stepped into his house. Zhongli only hummed at that before
stepping inside, letting Ajax lead the way. Ajax led him to the living room and told him to wait for
a few seconds before he brought the tea bag and two cups to the living room, setting them down on
the table. He positions himself to face Zhongli-who was, at the moment-just staring at the tea bag
slowly converting the water into tea. He had an arm on the couch, and he was supporting his head
with it. The tiny skin exposed from his neck had Ajax gulping, and he looks away.

"You uh- look really...nice today," Ajax finally blurts out, and he starts twiddling with his fingers,
not even wanting to see the expression on Zhongli's face. Zhongli, on the other hand, was already
internally screaming from the compliment Ajax gave him, and he removes his head from his arm,
clearly intrigued. "Oh?" he speaks, and he gives himself a victory dance for that one compliment he
was dying to hear today. I mean, everyone else had already been complimenting him, but hearing it
come from Ajax himself had Zhongli running laps for this man.

He didn't comment on it further though, seeing as Ajax looked like he was already embarrassed
enough as it is, so he just contains the smile threatening to show on his face, before looking away,
coughing. "Y-You too..." he mumbles, and both of them have never felt so much tension in the air
until now.

The rustling of clothes was their only background, and waiting for the tea felt a lot longer than
usual. Zhongli's head was turned away from Ajax, whilst Ajax put his legs up to hug his knees,
placing his head on top of it. He feels his heartbeat threatening to rise in rhythm if something just
happened, and he found himself waiting for it. Really odd, Ajax. No, seriously. That's really odd.
When the tea looked like it was ready after a long three minutes, Ajax reached out, only to find
Zhongli reaching out for the same cup.

When the tips of their fingertips brushed against each other, Zhongli pulled away first, and Ajax
followed after. The two cups of tea were still waiting patiently for one of them to take it, but none
of them moved. Instead, both of them were signaling each other through their eyes (or whatever
telekinesis power they may or may not have, you never know) to take one already. "Just-!" Ajax
found himself frustrated, and he pauses as Zhongli went wide-eyed. "...take the goddamn tea
already, geez..." he mumbles, and he sinks himself into the couch, still hugging his knees. Zhongli
blinks for a couple of moments before he started laughing, taking Ajax aback.

He raises his head up and he raises an eyebrow, clearly feeling offended because of Zhongli.
"What's wrong?" Zhongli had to halt himself from laughter by clutching his stomach, and he leans
back into the couch, having another fit of laughter wash over him. "I-I'm sorry, Ajax, really-" he
excuses, and he clutches his side, before wiping the imaginary tear on his eye. He finally lays limp
and the laughter dies down before he clears his throat and stares right at Ajax. "I just found you
getting frustrated really cute," the random flirting coming out of literally NOWHERE had Ajax
taken aback, and he unlatches from the current position he was in, furrowing his eyebrows
together. "T-that's not true!" he exclaims, and he crosses his arms, leaning into the couch. Zhongli
still had his head thrown back on the couch, and archons, he looked really attractive right now for
reasons unknown to Ajax (not really).

Silence follows after that, and Zhongli just stares at Ajax, who, in turn, stared right back at him.
Just staring into his eyes was causing his entire system to crash, and before it does, Ajax looked
away, taking one of the cups to sip out of it, "A-Anyway, I want to set boundaries between us," he
clears his throat, and Zhongli finally fixes his position a little, leaning forward before clasping his
hands together, wanting to hear Ajax better, "What boundaries?" he asks, and Ajax just knew there
was a deeper meaning to that, but he chose to ignore it for today.
"Just make sure you're not making it too obvious-" "The whole campus knows, you know." "That's
not the point!" Ajax whines, and Zhongli could only throw him an insincere apology before letting
him continue. "Don't be all lovey-dovey with me on the university campus. It throws me off
focus," Ajax shrugs, and Zhongli finally picks up the tea still waiting to be drank. He takes a sip
and he fixes his posture, before setting it down with a clank. "Alright." he approves, and Ajax

Wait, just like that? Isn't he supposed to fight it, saying stuff like-

"But that means I can court you outside of the university, right?" Ah. That's why. Heat arose from
Ajax's skin and for the first time today, he was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to contest
that but he only shuts it, before finally succumbing to defeat; letting that bashful of an expression
linger on his face a little longer before turning it into a scowl again. "If you don't feel comfortable
with that as well, I can always-"

"Alright! Alright! I'll...uhm- let you do it, or something..." Ajax cuts him off, and he was sure the
red on his face was taking up all of his mental capacity, and the system that helps him run like a
normal human being tonight. "Are you sure, Ajax? Like, really really sure?" he repeats himself,
and a flicker of hope flashed by his eye when both of them made eye contact again. "Just court in a
normal way, okay?" he asks, and a smile rips through Zhongli's face, and he nods, a shade of pink
being kissed by the first stars for the night.

Something deep down inside was telling Ajax that he was currently doing something wrong, but he
shoved all of those at the back of his brain.

Because just one look at Zhongli, his heart fluttered. "Then give me two months to be your pretend
boyfriend," Zhongli adds, and this makes Ajax confused, knitting his eyebrows together, "Excuse
me?" Zhongli rises up from his seat and walks towards Ajax, before bending to one knee in front of
him. "May I?" he gestures to Ajax's hand, and Ajax puts it out; still confused about the sudden
proposal Zhongli was doing. Zhongli guides the hand near his lips and he kisses it tenderly,
sending fireworks off in Ajax's system.

"I'll treat you with so much love, care, and affection for the next two months. Like... a trial
boyfriend or something," Zhongli said, and he leaves tiny massages on Ajax's hand. Ajax's face
heats up, and he looks away. Zhongli holding his hand with so much care was making his mind
fuzzy. "You can refuse anytime. I won't force you, Ajax. You know I'm not the forceful type,
right?" Zhongli tries catching Ajax's eyes, and he slowly starts standing up, trapping Ajax on the
couch. Still holding onto Ajax's left hand, Zhongli hovered over Ajax, staring straight into his eyes.

Ajax gulped as Zhongli lovingly stared at him, and before he knew it, his hand was being pulled
towards Zhongli's lips again. He places a delicate yet tender kiss on it, and archons, Ajax felt the
genuine love and affection from that one simple kiss alone. He felt butterflies erupt from his
stomach and he looks away, intimidated by Zhongli's charisma.

Zhongli chuckles and he pulls away, properly standing up in front of Ajax. Ajax takes a moment
before he gulps, and the next words that came out of his mouth were something he either regrets or
would be thankful for in the future.

"It's a deal."

Chapter End Notes

fluff, humor, and smut in the incoming chapters, lez get itttttt
His Words.
Chapter Summary

A few words from your lips is enough to make me weak.

Chapter Notes

No, you don't understand- Zhongli showering Ajax with affection is my drug :weary:

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A smile forms on Zhongli’s face and he backs away from Ajax, sitting back on the couch opposite
of him. “I’ll only do things your way. We can take this as slow as you want, Ajax.” Ajax could
only hum at that, his face flushed from the overwhelming sensation of Zhongli’s touch. How did he
have that much of an effect on him?

Ajax clears his throat and he fixes himself on his seat, staring straight at Zhongli. “I still don’t have
an answer for your confession, if you’re going to ask,” Ajax made it clear to Zhongli, and Zhongli
still understandingly nods his head, swirling one of his fingers on the rim of the cup.

Ajax’s eyes followed as Zhongli’s slender finger expertly circled around the rim, and- yeah, he
needed to calm himself down. He’s probably only feeling like this because Zhongli confessed to
him. Yeah, that’s probably it. He definitely doesn’t have feelings for him. “I’m sure you’re just
trying to make sure that this isn’t something that’ll take a toll on our friendship?” Zhongli’s voice
sends tingles to Ajax’s body, raising goosebumps.

“Yes,” Ajax exhales, and he leans back on the couch, hands on his shirt. “Even if you answer me or
not, the friendship will stay the same. After all, we were friends first before I developed these
feelings for you,” Zhongli finally stops tracing the rim of the cup and he finally takes a sip. Ajax
notes how beautiful he looked with his eyes fluttering shut, and the light in the room highlighted
his face perfectly.

Once Zhongli was done, he set the cup down on the table, and the little remains that were left were
left to evaporate, never to be spoken about again. Zhongli looks out of the window, and a soft
smile makes its way to his face. “Don’t answer me ‘yes’ if it’s only because you don’t want the
friendship to end. Only answer me yes if you feel like that’s entirely you,”
Ajax was speechless once again. Again, Zhongli had a wonderful way with words.

“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind,”


“Well, it was nice to visit you in your lovely home, Ajax.” Zhongli takes a feel of his own fingers
before he smiles at Ajax, grabbing the coat from the coat hanger. “I’ll take my leave now. Will I
be seeing you tomorrow?” Ajax thinks for a moment and he fidgets being under Zhongli’s
expectant gaze. “No pressure, Ajax. You can reject if you-“

“Yes!” Ajax interrupts, and a flush decorates his face, making Zhongli chuckle. “As I said, you
don’t have to force yourself to see me. I understand when I’ve overstepped my boundaries.” He
reminds Ajax, but this only made Ajax shake his head. “This is my own decision. It wasn’t
influenced by you at all,” he reassures, and an amused look envelops Zhongli’s façade, an
unreadable expression in his eyes.

“Surely, you wouldn’t be regretting this later?” he asks, worried. Zhongli puts both of his hands
up, “I’m not gaslighting you or anything, right?” and Ajax relaxes because of the joke. A small
chuckle leaves his lips and seeing him smile was enough for Zhongli’s drive to shower him with
affection to increase. “Don’t worry so much about that, Zhongli. Honestly, you’re starting to talk
like I’m a fragile person waiting to break after one measly slip-up.”

Zhongli only hums at this before going closer to Ajax, looking up at him. “I’m just making sure
you’re taken proper care of. After all, your smile is the most precious thing to me,” he states before
his hands ghosted over Ajax’s. “May I?” he asks again, and Ajax nodded his head. Without another
second wasted, Zhongli grabbed Ajax’s hand and places a tender kiss on it, still meeting eye to eye
with Ajax. After his lips left Ajax’s hand, he places the back of Ajax’s hand on his own face, and
he melts into it.

“I’ll be taking my leave now, Ajax. Please take good care of yourself while I’m gone,” Ajax could
only lightly chuckle at this, “Stop acting like my grandpa and go, you dork,” Ajax gestures, and he
retracts his hand from Zhongli. Zhongli smiled and pockets his hands in his coat before he makes
his way out.

Once he closed the door behind him, a big smile made its way to his face, and he found himself
internally screaming. He walks down the pavement, and the cool air hitting his skin was enough
for him to take a trip down memory lane. He remembers how Ajax was when they were a little
When he first saw him, Ajax wasn’t this shy. Actually, he was the first one who approached him.
He had this…cocky personality, and he was always the life of the party. Zhongli was just a
bookworm, and he clearly knew he had the intelligence an older person would have. It wasn’t
necessarily offensive, but it’s not like he’ll take pride in that as well.

He was actually just walking down a street when he heard a ruckus in a house, and he turns to see
the door burst open, a person getting thrown into the curb; right on Zhongli’s feet. The person
grumbled, and he looked up at him, before standing up properly.

His heart flutters as he reminisces, and he hops a little.

It was a good day to walk down a street.


“Ajax? Ajax,” Ajax heard a voice from the distance, and it echoed in his ears as he stirred awake
from his sleep. As he opened his eyes, a white image flashed before finally, his eyes adjusted to the
surroundings. He stirs from his sleep and he turns to the side, finding a man smiling at him. He
had very long and dark brown hair that cascaded all the way down to his waist. Nonetheless, he
looked rather handsome.

He looked around the room for a bit before that voice interrupted his thoughts, and he blushed as
he realized who that voice belonged to. “It’s time to get up, my love.” My love, he repeats, as if
that pet name didn’t take a toll on his heart. The man inches closer to him and he places a gentle
kiss on his forehead, before smiling fondly at him, “My love, even after just waking up, you never
fail to take my breath away.”

The compliment with his voice had Ajax running laps, and he makes a sound of an agreement to
that, as if urging him to go on. The man places a hand on his cheek and he caresses it gently,
treating Ajax like a prized possession he would do everything to protect. “So so pretty, my love,”
the compliment had Ajax mewling, and he inches closer to the man. The man chuckles and he lays
down sideways on the bed, his other hand carding through Ajax’s hair.

“So so lovely,” he coos, and Ajax’s eyes fluttered open, finally seeing a clear picture of his face
“WAKE UP, SLEEPY HEAD!” somebody shouts, and Ajax shot up from his bed, ignoring the
headache that made its way down his body, all the way to his toes. He looks around confused, and
finally, a short man starts snickering, holding a phone up. “SAY HI TO ZHONGLIIII!” he shouts,
and Ajax’s face contorts into confusion.


But, wasn’t he just-

Realization hit him and his eyes widen, finally waking up from that little sleepy daze he was in,
shooting up from the bed before grabbing his roommate’s phone.

His eyes widen when he realized Scaramouche had already sent the video of him just waking up to
Zhongli, and just like he expected, the other man didn’t waste any time and had already seen it.
Ajax sends a glare in Scaramouche’s direction, who, in turn, only shrugs. “Oh, don’t even get me
started. I’m sure Zhongli would compliment that,” Scaramouche sauntered his way to Ajax and
looked into the phone, seeing three gray dots going up and down as Zhongli typed.

An expectant but nervous look reigned on Ajax’s face, and it only takes a couple of seconds before
Zhongli’s reply had Ajax’s knees buckling.

‘That’s my Ajax’, he answers, and Ajax gives the phone back to Scaramouche, a groan leaving his
lips as he made his way out of the bedroom.

Scaramouche follows after him, and a knowing grin reigns on his face as Ajax washes his face, his
hair flying everywhere. Scaramouche leans on the door, and he finally starts talking again. “I’m
sure you had a good sleep yesterday,” he starts, and Ajax only nods his head, before he started

When he spat the mouthwash out, he turns to Scaramouche, a dreaded look on his face. “I don’t
want to talk about it,” he starts, but this only makes Scaramouche more curious.

Ajax pushed his way out of the bathroom and he starts making his way downstairs, thinking of
what breakfast he should have. When he spots the image he hung on the refrigerator, his face
flushes again, and he places a hand on his eyes. Scaramouche notices this and he glances at the
image, before finally, he laughs.
“Had a dream about Zhongli, didn’t you?” he sings, and Ajax could only groan at that. “You
should go make breakfast for Zhongli. He doesn’t usually eat breakfast, doesn’t he?” hearing this
news, Ajax raised his head from his dreaded state and he knits his eyebrows together. “He

Scaramouche leans against the kitchen sink and he nods, checking out his own nails. “He doesn’t
have enough time to make one for himself. He goes to the university really early, doesn’t he?” he
answers Ajax, and Ajax purses his lips together.

He glances at the image on the refrigerator again before sighing.

He can’t believe he was doing this.


Now, to say Zhongli was surprised was an understatement.

He was beyond flabbergasted.

Before him, Ajax had tossed him a lunchbox. Zhongli stares at it for a few minutes before he looks
back again, speechless. “Before you ask, yes, it is what you think. Scaramouche said you didn’t
usually eat breakfast and all. I felt bad so…I made something for you,” Ajax simply answers,
placing his head on his hand, and looking at the students walking past them.

Zhongli takes another moment to stare at the lunchbox in front of him again before he finally turns
to Ajax, finally talking. “Thank you, Ajax.” He thanks him, and Ajax turns to face him, a flushed
look on his face. “It’s not what you-“

Zhongli only hums, before opening the lunch box to find everything neatly prepared. “I know.” He
simply answers, and he starts digging into the food. The way the meat melted into his mouth had
Zhongli moaning, and he takes another bite into it. When he swallowed, he turned to Ajax to give
him thanks.

“Thank you for the food, Ajax. Nothing else could fill my appetite better than meat,” he answers,
and Ajax blinks. No flirting? Ajax thought, but he remembered the deal they had last night, before
shaking his head and turning to the other side. “Well, if that’s all, I’ll go-“
Before he could continue what he had to say, Zhongli places a hand on top of his, and this takes
Ajax by surprise. Before long though, Zhongli retracts the hand on his, and he sends Ajax a sweet
smile. “I apologize for suddenly placing my hand on top of yours. I just really wanted to sincerely
thank you for the food,” he states, and Ajax looks away. “Just make sure it’s not on campus,” Ajax
mutters, and Zhongli raises a curious eyebrow. "I mean the flirting," Ajax deadpans, and Zhongli
only chuckles, before going closer to Ajax. They were still a few inches away, but Ajax's face was
already heating up. Zhongli doesn't say anything though. Instead, he only smiles before backing
away, nodding his head. "I'll keep that in mind."

Ajax coughs before he starts walking away from Zhongli.

A flustered look reigns on Ajax’s face and the fast beating of his heart was enough to confirm it.

Just Zhongli’s words were enough to make him weak. How much more if they were off-campus?
He shakes the thoughts away from his head.

He just needed to survive today.

Chapter End Notes

Down bad for this Zhongli :weary: <3

His Touch. [Slightly M]
Chapter Summary

Maybe your touches are enough to keep me in paradise.

Chapter Notes

so like, tension beep boop [mildly sexual!]

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ajax found himself in a dilemma.

It’s been a whole week since the entire ordeal of his best friend-Zhongli-confessing to him, and
something…something about Zhongli being calm about it was ticking Ajax off. Here they both
were, on another one of Zhongli’s supposed “dates”. They were taking a stroll down a dimly lit
street at midnight, and the silence in the air was enough to have Ajax’s thoughts running.

He takes a glance at Zhongli, who, in turn, had a satisfied look on his face. It’s pissing Ajax off
how much self-control this man had. Here Ajax was, wearing nothing but a plain white shirt that he
even made sure made his waist looked a little too noticeable in, and Zhongli didn’t even bat an eye
about it.

He was also wearing that pretty bracelet that Zhongli gifted to him on his birthday, and he even
wore cologne to smell a little better for the date, but no, not even a single glance in his direction.
Ajax wasn’t trying to impress him at all, by the way. He was just flabbergasted by the fact that this
man was supposedly in love with him, yet he was showing no sign of drooling over his entire fit
for today.

Ajax lets out a scoff and he turns his head in the other direction, finally making Zhongli avert his
gaze from the pathway to Ajax. “Is something wrong, Ajax?” he asks, and Ajax found something
deep inside of him tick before shaking his head, still looking away from Zhongli. Both of them
reach a corner before Zhongli stopped, also making Ajax stop in his place.

“Are you not enjoying our date, Ajax?” he speaks again, and after a few minutes, Ajax finally turns
his head to glare at Zhongli. If there were daggers that shot out of Ajax’s eyes, he was sure Zhongli
was dead by now. “I am,” he grits through his teeth before he starts walking again, turning the

Zhongli follows suit though, and he had a worried look on his face as he grew a little closer to
Ajax. Their arms brush together, and Ajax retracts his hands, crossing his arms. “Are you sure?”
Ajax rolls his eyes before facing Zhongli, still glaring at him. “Well, what do you think?” he didn’t
mean to sound so annoyed, but really, Zhongli could’ve done better than this by now.

Zhongli though, had his eyes widened, and a few thoughts ran through his eyes before something
clicked, and he pocketed his hands. “Are you hungry then?” he asks, and Ajax shakes his head. It
takes Zhongli another minute before he gives Ajax another answer, “Did I do something wrong?”

Of course not, Ajax thought to himself, and finally, he faces Zhongli with his full body. “No. My
problem is the fact you haven’t done something wrong yet,” he finally answers, and after a silence
engulfs both of them, that was when embarrassment washed over Ajax.

Did he really just…say that?

He wasn’t even the one in love here.

Zhongli blinks for a couple of moments before Ajax looks away, dying to get himself out of this
situation he stupidly put himself into. “Do you want something to happen, Ajax?” Zhongli’s voice
echoes and rings against his ears, and Ajax hated the way that his voice was enough to take a toll
on him. Ajax faces him again, and by all the archons above, somebody hold him back from
jumping unto Zhongli.

Why did he have to be so good-looking?

Zhongli wore nothing but a simple black turtle neck paired with a long coat, his long hair tied back
in a rat tail, and Ajax had to clash with himself for thinking it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen
in his entire life. “I’m just…saying, that’s all…” Ajax answers him, mumbling. An amused look
reigns over Zhongli, and he inches closer to Ajax, who took a step back. This little game they were
playing continued until Ajax’s back hit the wall, letting Zhongli trap him.

Zhongli didn’t place his hands on the wall though. He remained a few feet away from him, and just
the distance alone was enough to tick Ajax off again. “Are you really in love with me?” Ajax asks
out of the blue, but Zhongli was unfazed. In fact, he only hums. “I do,” he answers, and that makes
Ajax’s heart twirl.
“Then why aren’t you doing something?” Ajax asks him, and the puzzle pieces finally started to
make sense in Zhongli’s head. “Do I have to repeat myself, Ajax? I told you I’ll only start doing
something under your terms, your orders. I will not force you into anything you wouldn’t like,” the
utter dedication this man had made Ajax’s heart soar so fucking high he was sure it went past
heaven already.

“Then…does that mean I can order you around?” a glint sparked in Zhongli’s eyes before it
disappeared, and he nodded his head, “Your wish is my command, Ajax.”

Numerous thoughts swirled inside Ajax’s head, and his face heats up from all the… explicit
thoughts in his head. Why did he have to have those thoughts now?! It only takes a few minutes
before Ajax clears his throat though, and he curls his hands into fists to soothe the pounding in his
head. “Then…can you compliment me?”

Zhongli’s eyebrows raise and he steps closer as Ajax’s gaze averted to the ground. When he felt
Zhongli’s feet come in contact with his, he looks back up to find him staring straight into his eyes.
Ajax slouches over a little, and that overwhelming feeling of wanting to look perfect for Zhongli
was screaming in his head. Zhongli hesitantly places a hand on his arm and he squeezes, before his
eyes followed his hand. “Where do you want me to start?” he whispers, and- fuck, Ajax was one
gullible motherfucker.

“How your waist would look perfect with my hands around it? Or the fact that bracelet is enough to
make my mind go numb, hmm? Where do you want me to start, Ajax?” this was a completely new
side of Zhongli that made Ajax’s inside churn in a good way. Holy shit, maybe he should’ve asked
for this since the start.

Zhongli comes closer, and Ajax turns his head away from him, closing his eyes shut tight. When
Zhongli’s lips touch his sensitive ears, Ajax holds in a breath, “No words can describe how
beautiful you look right now,” he whispers, and Ajax’s knees buckle against him. Zhongli pulls the
pleasure away from him though, and he distances himself from Ajax, smiling.

“Is that enough, Ajax?” Ajax blinks back the tears in his eyes. When did those even get there? Ajax
breathes in and out heavily. Zhongli had barely touched him, yet he found his heart beating faster,
and suddenly, his body started to feel hot.

He clears his throat before he recollects himself, getting off the wall. “Y-yes,” he stammers, and
this earns an amused laugh to come out of Zhongli’s lips. Both of them start walking down the
street again, and the scene from earlier kept replaying in Ajax’s head. How could he have not
noticed it sooner? Zhongli had the most hypnotizing voice he could’ve ever heard, so why wasn’t
he enraptured by this man’s charisma yet?

Or maybe he has…he just chooses to ignore it.

Ajax rubs both of his hands together as the air started to turn cooler, and Zhongli takes notice of
this. Without a second thought, he takes off his own coat and places it against Ajax’s shoulder,
effectively keeping him in place. He takes a glance at Zhongli, who only gave him a smile. “Don’t
get cold now,” he says in such a sweet tone, that Ajax couldn’t help but smile.

He puts the coat on and he doesn’t know if it’s the heat or the fact Zhongli wore it that made his
face heat up again. Zhongli, on the other hand, hesitated, before a tinge of pink made its way to his
face, averting his gaze from Ajax. “Can I…hold your hand?”

Ajax blinks for a moment before he notices that Zhongli was…shy?

A chuckle involuntarily makes its way out of his lips and he hums, before intertwining his hands
with Zhongli’s. When Zhongli felt the touch, he turns his head back to face Ajax, and a lovestruck
look was on his face. Ajax could only scrunch his nose at this, before placing both of their hands in
the pockets of the coat. “To keep both of us warm,” he simply states, and he starts walking again.

Zhongli’s whole face turned heated and he looks away, coughing. Ajax did a victory dance in his
head, and for once, he had Zhongli flustered between the two of them; Unbeknownst to him
though, Zhongli’s always flustered when he’s with him (He’s just really good with hiding it). It
only took a couple more minutes before Ajax was back at his own house, and he turned toward
Zhongli to say goodbye.

“This was a really fun date, really. I enjoyed myself,” Ajax lets go of Zhongli’s hand, who was still
silent. Zhongli had the back of his right hand placed on his face, and just seeing the sight alone had
Ajax melting. If this is what he looked like shy, then Ajax wouldn’t mind seeing it more often.
“Mhm,” answered Zhongli, and Ajax’s heart twirls a little at that.

Hmm…it just needs a little more time.

Zhongli breathes in and out slowly, before finally, he returns back to his normal state, and he
smiles at Ajax. “I’m glad you did,” Zhongli simply answered, and now, a comforting silence
reigned between the two of them. It takes a couple of minutes before suddenly-
Zhongli places both of his hands on either side of Ajax’s waist. This flusters Ajax, and the sudden
close proximity had his head sent to heaven in a flash. “I uh…thought this didn’t need any
permission,” Zhongli stammered, and good lord, if someone saw them right now, they’d think that
they were just two best friends trying to figure out if they were in love with each other or not.

Well, it’s not so far-fetched.

Zhongli backs away after a few seconds though, and he scratches his cheek, his other hand playing
with the black piercing he wore for today. “I apologize for my brashness. I won’t do it again, don’t
worry,” Zhongli coughs, and it takes Ajax a few seconds before he started laughing, placing a hand
on his mouth.

Zhongli had been doing nothing but treat him right, and he had the audacity to apologize for
something that was normal between two people who had a tension going on between them. After
the laughter died down from Ajax’s side, he opens his eyes to find Zhongli’s face literally
screaming ‘Why are you laughing?’ “You can be cute sometimes too, I suppose,” Ajax hums, and
this makes Zhongli internally scream.

Externally though, he only chuckled, acknowledging the compliment thrown his way. “Well if
that’s all, then I’ll see you again in university, Ajax. May I have my coat back?” he reaches a hand
out, and Ajax takes the coat off. Once Zhongli had his coat on again, his eyes trail down to Ajax’s

Wordlessly, Zhongli grabbed Ajax’s hand before bringing it up to his lips, kissing it tenderly. At
this point, Ajax was used to it being a daily thing between the two of them. “Good night, Ajax.”

Ajax thinks for a moment before he pulls Zhongli in, leaving a light kiss on his cheek.

When he pulls away, he lets go of Zhongli’s hand and hurriedly opens the door, but not before
saying good night back.

When he shut the door behind him, a certain short man had a disgusted look on his face, but Ajax
knew deep down inside he was proud of him. “You and Zhongli?” Scaramouche raises an eyebrow,
but Ajax only rolled his eyes, before he took his shoes off. “Shut up.”

Ajax slowly made his way upstairs, a smile plastered on his face.
The progress in their relationship was taking a very interesting turn.

Chapter End Notes

me when- when- flirty zhongchi- shy zhongchi- they're so akjgbdakjgbdajkgbad

:weary: <33
Chapter Summary

Ajax wants to talk about his conflicted feelings for Zhongli, and Zhongli makes sure
he's there to comfort him.

Chapter Notes

*points at the zhongchi in this fic* THIS! I WANT THIS! *YEARNING GRIP*

Y'all don't understand the number of times I was giggling and shi while writing this
like damn, that's me who wrote that? Unreal. But anyway, more fluff, and smut will
come...eventually- I hope I don't disappoint y'all once it comes :sob: <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Zhongli had never felt more blessed by the archons than he was now.

He opens the door to his house with that shit-eating grin still on his face, and archons, this man
was head over heels in love with Ajax. Although, his happiness was short-lived when he found his
best friend staring at him, an eyebrow raised with her arms crossed. “Let me guess, something
happened on your date?”

Zhongli froze in place before his entire face turned red, and he blinks his eyes rapidly. Guizhong
could only chuckle though before she went to him, taking his coat off for him before placing it on
the coat hanger. “You get three guesses, and if you guess it right, I’ll treat you to dinner tomorrow.
Does that sound good?” Zhongli smiled, before stepping into his house.

Guizhong followed suit and she was already thinking of a million things as Zhongli hummed, still
happy with the outcome of today’s date. “He held your hand?” Zhongli shakes his head, “We’re
already past that, Guizhong.” Guizhong clicks her tongue before she started thinking again, both of
them making their way to the bedroom, sitting down on their respective beds. Guizhong faced
Zhongli while he opened his closet, rummaging through all the pajamas he had. “He kissed you?”

Zhongli hummed, “Where though?” he follows with a cheeky smile on his face, contemplating
what pajama to wear for tonight. “Don’t look,” he orders, and Guizhong faces the wall. A light
bulb appeared on her face and she slaps her thigh, “Ah, I got it!”
Guizhong laughs before she started doing a drum roll on the wall; Zhongli is already dressed up to
go to bed. When he lays down, that’s when Guizhong revealed her answer, “He kissed you on the
cheek!” Guizhong finally faces him again, and Zhongli nods his head before closing his eyes.

Guizhong squeals and she moves around in her bed; she wasn’t even the one who received the kiss,
but it seemed like she was a lot more expressive (not to mention, excited) than Zhongli was.
“That’s progress!” she jumps on her bed, and Zhongli nods his head, his eyes still closed.

The room grew quiet after a while, and because of this, Zhongli turned his head her way, opening
his eyes. Guizhong though, remained seated on her bed, a smug look on her face. “What’s your
plans for tomorrow, then?” she sang, and Zhongli chuckled, before finally, he laid down sideways,
his head placed on his hand. He removes his hair from the rat tail and he lets his hair fall, the
window angled the moonlight perfectly on him.

“I’ll go visit Ajax in his house and help him with cleaning, perhaps,” Guizhong hums and she
nodded her head, before she snickered, “Not tryna fu-“

Zhongli’s eyes widened, and before she could even continue what she said, his hand had reacted
before his brain could when he threw a pillow to her face, making her fall back to her bed. “Hey!”
she said, removing the pillow from her face. “I’m just saying, you bitch!” she scoffs, knitting her
eyebrows together playfully.

Zhongli chuckles before he got up from the bed, two pillows already set for battle. “You wanna go,
Guizhong? I’ll have you know I’m pretty skilled when it comes to pillow-fighting,” he boasts, but
Guizhong only stretches her arms, before also following after him.

“You’re gonna eat your words, old man,”


Ajax let out a chuckle.

Zhongli showed up in front of him, and he had this adorable-looking pout on his face. “You ticked
Guizhong off again, didn’t you?” Ajax let the man in, and he only hummed, stretching his muscles.
“Gorilla strength, I tell ya,” he groans, before placing his coat on the coat hanger. “Is Scaramouche
here?” he asks, looking around.
Ajax only shakes his head. “He and Guizhong went out to get an ace tattoo. Those two are the best
of friends,” Ajax rolls his eyes before both of them made their way to the living room. Zhongli
lands on the couch with a thud, and he groans before shutting his eyes. Ajax hesitates for a moment
before he sat down beside him, fumbling with his fingers.

“Didn’t even hold back, honestly,” Zhongli grumbles, and he opens his eyes to find Ajax beside
him. Ajax looks around the room, and someone please save him- he doesn’t know how to continue
the conversation.

He thought it over last night…you know, the feelings he had bubbling deep inside of him for
Zhongli. He was still unsure if it was just some sort of infatuation or something more. Or maybe he
was only feeling that way because Zhongli confessed to him, or maybe-

“Are you alright, Ajax?” Zhongli’s voice broke Ajax from his thoughts, and Ajax blinks, before
facing him. Zhongli had his head on the couch and Ajax felt his heart twirl at that before he looked
away. “I was uh…thinking last night,” he starts, and this perks Zhongli’s interest. He gets off the
couch and straightens his posture, clasping his hands together. “What were you thinking about?” It
takes Ajax a couple of minutes before he faces Zhongli again, eyes set on him. “Us,” he exhales,
and Zhongli’s face heats up before it disappeared, like it was never even there to begin with.

Zhongli scoots away a little from Ajax and he coughs, fixing his shirt in the process. “I won’t force
you into anything, just to remind you,” he repeats himself, and Ajax hums, before he faces front.

Okay, now it was getting really awkward.

Before Ajax could even wallow himself in his thoughts, he stood up and he cleared his throat, “We
should uh- start cleaning,” he hurriedly said, before he walked away. Zhongli follows after him
though, and silently, both of them started cleaning. They started in the kitchen, where Ajax washed
the dishes and Zhongli started wiping away the cabinets.

It takes a couple of minutes before Ajax initiated a conversation, “I’m sorry for uh- bringing that
up. I should also consider your feelings and everything-“ but Zhongli could only make a sound of
disagreement, and Ajax turns to face him, a plate in hand. “Taking my feelings into consideration is
alright. Just don’t overdo it until that’s the only thing you can think about. I care for you, Ajax.”
Zhongli stops wiping away at the cabinets and he walks to Ajax, before smiling at him, “Rest
assured, if you accept or reject me, nothing will change, alright?”

Ajax blinks and before he knew it, tears started to form in his eyes. This alerts Zhongli and he
drops the towel on his hand, wiping his hands on his shirt before he cups Ajax’s face, removing the
tears that started to fall. “I’m sorry, Ajax- Did I make you cry?” Ajax sniffled before he shook his
head, placing the plate down on the sink before fully facing Zhongli, looking down at him.

“You always think of me first, you dork…” he mumbles, and Zhongli melts at this. Truly, Ajax
was beautiful in every way. “At parties when I get entirely wasted, you take me home. When I
accidentally fall asleep, you make sure to wake me up. When I’m tired or fatigued, you’re always
there to comfort me,” Ajax recites, and Zhongli continued removing the tears on his face. As the
tears were wiped away from his face, Ajax felt his heart soar, and finally, Zhongli came crystal
clear to him.

Both of them stare at each other for a moment before Ajax sniffled, and it was only then he

Zhongli was the only person he wanted to think about or replay in his mind.

Ajax leans into his touch and he closes his eyes, his wet hands kept on his sides, not caring if some
of the water droplets were making their way to the floor. “And I realized, you’ve never asked for
anything in return,” Zhongli listens silently, and before long, he embraces Ajax in a hug, caressing
his hair.

Ajax returns the affectionate gesture by hugging him back, dampening the back of Zhongli’s shirt
in the process. “Anything you give me is already good enough, Ajax. Really, I’m alright.” He
reassures him, and Zhongli pulls back.

Ajax nods his head before he turns away, going back to cleaning the dishes again. “You need to
inform me if I’m leading you on, alright? I…still need to think about it.” Zhongli only hums,
before getting the towel. “Alright.”


It was already a quarter past 3 when they finished, and both of them landed exhausted on the couch
of the living room, but nonetheless, everything was worth it in the end. “I should really start
exercising again,” Ajax groans before all of his strength left his body, and he just laid there; almost

Zhongli on the other hand could only hum in agreement, also having the life drained out of him.
“At least your house is spotless now,” Zhongli chuckles, and he turns his head to face Ajax. Ajax
also looked at him and he smiles, nodding his head. Zhongli looks away first and he coughs,
feeling his heartbeat increase in rate. Honestly, he couldn’t stay put when Ajax was in the picture.

Zhongli screamed internally though when he felt Ajax’s head rub against his shoulder, and finally,
he feels the entire side of his body press into his. Zhongli takes a look at him, but Ajax already had
his eyes closed, a smile on his face. “Can you sing for me, Zhongli?”

Zhongli’s heart twirls, and the atmosphere of all this was just a little too perfect for comfort.
Nonetheless, he knew no better. He was too in love with Ajax. He starts singing a soft melody, and
Ajax melts on his side, nuzzling his head closer to him. He places both of his legs up on the couch
and he got himself in a comfortable position, hesitantly wrapping an arm around Zhongli’s.

Zhongli’s heart flutters as he sings, and he melts into Ajax, leaning his head on him, “But, love.
Never forget,” he sang, his voice reverberating and sending tingles in Ajax’s system. “I love you
just the way you are,” he finishes the song, and then it turns silent again.

Ajax felt his heartbeat thump harder from inside him, and he was sure Zhongli could hear it. He
shifts in his position and he looks up at Zhongli, who, in turn, returns the gaze. He gives him an
affectionate smile before he places a loving kiss on his forehead. “I love you, Ajax.”

Ajax’s face heats up and he felt his entire body melt against Zhongli. Zhongli leaves one last look
at Ajax before detaching himself from him, confusing Ajax. His eyes followed Zhongli’s back
before he turned around, kneeling in front of Ajax. “Can I take care of you today?”

Ajax was sure his insides were screaming at him and literally begging him to say yes, but he only
shook his head, before he too placed a chaste kiss on the top of Zhongli’s head, taking him back.
Zhongli’s whole face heated up and he couldn’t even contain the smile already erupting from the
butterflies he got in his stomach. “Both of us need to take a shower, silly,” Ajax giggles, and-
Zhongli wanted to shower him with affection then and there.

Someone, please hold him back.

Zhongli got up and he placed a hand out for Ajax to hold on to, and he obliges, before both of them
met eye to eye again. “I’ll go take my leave then. Thank you for letting me spend my time with you
today, Ajax.” Ajax’s heart flutters. This was a sign. “Likewise, Zhongli. I’ll see you at university
tomorrow?” Zhongli gives a loving squeeze to Ajax’s hand before he hummed, that smile never
leaving his face.
“Of course, Ajax.”

And with that, Zhongli lets go before he makes his way out of the living room. Ajax, on the other
hand, sat back down on the couch. Here he was, a fully grown adult male yet-

He had a blush on his face and finally, his heart had a frenzied attack.

Zhongli was so good to him.

Chapter End Notes

pulling my hair out from how cute these two are- why did I have to make myself suffer
like this :')
horny gone wrong ft. zhongli who can't hold back compliments. [M]
Chapter Summary

Ajax had a lewd fantasy about Zhongli, and after agreeing with himself to take a cold
bath, he finds himself surprised when he receives a call from Zhongli.

Zhongli though, was more than happy to help. [mutual masturbation + phone sex-ish?
/ mature but fluffy still!]

Chapter Notes

I will definitely go into great detail about how much Ajax wants to receive love from
Zhongli and Zhongli alone.

(I literally can't hold back to making Zhongli compliment Ajax even while being
horny, please-)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Staring at it, Ajax found himself flushed.


This was a problem.

He woke up from a very…very lewd fantasy about…Zhongli. Yep, you heard me right. Ajax had
finally lost it.

He groans as he places both of his hands on his face, cock throbbing inside his boxers. What was
he thinking? It was a school day tomorrow and- and he had a boner?! He was beyond disappointed
in himself. Couldn’t his body wait until it was a weekend? How utterly embarrassing.

He stirs from his bed before sitting up, staring at Scaramouche from across the room. Scaramouche
was already asleep, but that didn’t put Ajax at ease at all. He wouldn’t do something so…indecent
with another person in the room. Unless that person was a certain someone, he wasn’t interested at
He glances at the phone by his nightstand, and he contemplates before grabbing his phone with
him, before quietly making his way out of the bedroom. Once he was finally out, he makes his way
to the bathroom downstairs- he really couldn’t risk getting caught masturbating, out of all things.

Once he locked the bathroom door shut, he thinks for a moment about what to do. Either a, he was
going to take a cold shower or bath, b, actually masturbate, or c, just kill himself. As much as he
wanted to perform option c, he had to teach more people and…see more of him.

His cock throbs again just from the thought of him, and this makes him lean against the door,
almost embarrassed of this boner. After much consideration, he decides to just take a cold bath. He
runs the bathwater and waits on the toilet, scrolling through his pictures when he stumbles upon a
picture of Zhongli, and this makes his cock throb against his boxer again, begging him to let it go.

Ignoring it, Ajax finally enters the bathtub, whimpering when his cock hit the water. He places the
phone down on one of the little tables beside the bathtub before closing his eyes, leaning back.
What was he thinking, having a lewd fantasy of Zhongli like that?

Ajax let out another strangled moan when Zhongli’s hands pumps his cock again, legs trembling as
tears started to go out of his eyes. “Zhongli-mmm…more please, please,” Ajax chants, staring up
at Zhongli. He wanted to please Zhongli so much that just having his hands on his cock was
enough to keep him going.

Zhongli chuckles, and he stops pumping Ajax’s cock, making him whimper. “More, my love?” he
asks, and Ajax nods his head, drool forming in his mouth. It felt so good being called like that by
Zhongli that it was driving him mad. Zhongli leans down and he starts leaving hickeys on Ajax’s
neck as he continued pumping Ajax’s cock, but this time, even faster. “Such pretty noises, Ajax. So
so pretty, my love.” The praises had Ajax’s toes curling and he lets out uneven breaths, spreading
his legs.

“No one can ever compare to how ethereal you look right now, Ajax. No one.”

Ajax blinks back to reality, and the water sloshes around a little in the bathtub. Fuck. The cold
bathwater wasn’t helping at all. A ring on his phone and he found himself startled, head whipping
toward his phone. He peers his head out of the bathtub and his whole face flushes in
embarrassment when he sees the name.

He curls back into the bathtub when it went straight to voicemail and archons- this wasn’t helping
him in the least. “Good evening, Ajax.” Zhongli’s voice echoes in the bathroom, and this makes
Ajax shiver. His cock was begging to be touched; begging to be held by Zhongli’s hands that Ajax
moaned, tears forming in his eyes.

How embarrassing.

“I just called to check up on you tonight, no other particular reason,” he chuckles, and this makes
Ajax lose it all. Embarrassingly, he finally touches his stiff cock and he tugs on it, letting out a
whimper. He continues listening to the voicemail. “I uh- Just wanted to say you looked rather
handsome in your new picture. Suits really do suit you,” Ajax bites his lips as he started pumping
his hand up and down on his cock, the water sloshing around the bathtub.

“I wish to see you in a suit again when we…” Zhongli trails off, and silence was followed after.
The image of Zhongli holding out an engagement ring to him had Ajax smiling, yet he continues
pumping up and down his length. “Anyway, that doesn’t matter,” Zhongli coughs.

“I just really wanted to say you looked handsome and uh…r-really pretty,” Ajax found his heart
twirling at this, and he pumps his cock faster. “I’m sorry for using feminine terms. I, um- yeah,
goodnight,” and the voicemail ends, leaving Ajax unsatisfied.

He could continue masturbating as it is, but he needed something else to help him with
masturbating. He finally got up from the cold bath.

That does it.


Zhongli found himself thoroughly surprised when he receives a call from Ajax not even eight
minutes later, and he picks it up with a smile dancing on his face. “Hello, Ajax. Did you receive
my voicemail?” Zhongli heard Ajax's breathing going rather uneven and this put concern on his
face, making him straighten up from his seat. “I-I did, y-yes.” Zhongli heard shuffling come from
the other line, and it seemed like Ajax was in the living room. Why was that? Shouldn’t he be

“Is something troubling you, Ajax?” Zhongli asks, and Ajax sighs frustratedly, further confusing
poor Zhongli. “Do you want me to come over there-” when Zhongli hears a whimper from Ajax,
this makes his heart drop.



“Ajax…are you…” Zhongli trails off. He didn’t want to assume the worst of Ajax, yet, Ajax only
whimpered again, breathing shakily into the phone. “Zhongli, I-I’m really so-ah…sorry,” he lets
out, and this had Zhongli’s eyes widening. Is this…a dream? No, it must be a dream, right? There’s
no way Ajax would do this on…normal occasions.

“I-I need release, so please…” he begs, and Zhongli heard him sniffling. He could only imagine
how beautiful Ajax looked- Wait, that’s not the point! Ajax needed his help! How rude of him to
even think of him like that in a desperate situation like this! “Is there anything specific you want
me to do?” Zhongli calmly asks, finally standing up.

This is not going to end well for him.

When he heard a shaky moan from the other line, this sent vibrations straight to his cock, and
Zhongli’s face flushes. Archons, how pathetic. “Ah…just praise me, pl-hng!...ease,” Ajax moaned
in between sentences, and it was taking everything in Zhongli not to go there right now. He didn’t
know how he ended up in this situation, but this was something…new in their relationship.

“What praises do you want me to give you, Ajax?” strings of curses made their way out of Ajax’s
mouth and Zhongli could hear every shaky breath, sharp intake of air, and all the moans and
groans he was making. This was proving to be really difficult really quickly.

“Just-just think of something-ah…please,” Ajax lets out, and Zhongli was feeling really hot really
really quickly. Oh boy, someone please help him. Zhongli quickly locks the door to his office
before he started going around the room, surprisingly, composing himself really well. “Well…I can
start by complimenting how pretty your sounds are right now,” this makes Ajax whimper, so
Zhongli internally pats himself in the back for receiving such a reaction from a simple thing.

“So so pretty, Ajax,” another delighted mewl makes its way out of Ajax and-
Zhongli loses it, and he sits back down.

This was going to be a long call.


Meanwhile, Ajax was teasing himself on the other side of the line, laying down on the armrest of
the couch as he spread his legs. “Should I also say what I have running through my mind right
now, Ajax?” Zhongli’s voice brings him back to reality, and he hums as he kept slowly swirling his
middle finger on the slit of his cock.

“Well, if…if I was there, I’d slowly circle my finger around the tip of your cock,” Zhongli starts,
before clearing his throat. It was evident that both of them were aroused, but Zhongli being
Zhongli, he was going to try and hide it from Ajax. “Before I agonizingly start pumping your cock
up and down slowly. I’ll make sure that you feel every single crevice of your cock lovingly
touched by my hands,” a thought pops up in Ajax’s mind and he gulps before he starts doing
exactly that.

“I’d whisper sweet nothings into your ears, saying things like: ‘You’re doing so good, my love’ or
‘So good for me, Ajax’,” this makes Ajax shudder, and he continues pumping his cock up and
down as a whimper escapes him. “Or maybe, you’d like to be fucked while having my hands
teasing your cock, hmm?” Ajax’s face heats up and a really lewd image pops in his mind, making
him moan. “Hitting all of your sweet spots as I fuck you senseless. You’d love that, wouldn’t you,
Ajax?” Ajax didn’t miss the way Zhongli’s voice hitched at the last part, and he notices that
Zhongli must be masturbating with him too.

This was getting really interesting.

“I can’t believe you’re just as excited as I am, Zhongli,” Ajax finally talks, and his voice breaks as
a loud moan made its way out. Okay, this was very very out of control now. Zhongli chuckles,
before he continues, “This isn’t about me, Ajax. I’m trying my best to please you,” Ajax could only
chuckle at that.

“Shall we continue?” Ajax giggled at how ridiculous it sounded, yet his cock was saying yes, and
he sighs before humming. “I’d leave light kisses on the tips of your fingers, making sure that you’d
be satisfied with how filled you are.” Ajax bites back a moan. Oh archons, he should’ve done this
sooner. “I’d want to keep hearing you make those pretty sounds because of me, Ajax.” And as
Zhongli said that, butterflies erupted in his stomach.
How could something so dirty sound so loving when it’s coming from him? It was beyond Ajax.

“I’d love to kiss every part of you, Ajax. I want to get to know more of you. When we’re finally
done making love, I’d shower you with kisses and tell you how well you did for me. I’d kiss all the
places where I’ve left my marks on you and then make love to you again in the shower,” the last
comment had Ajax surprised, and his cock twitched at that. Hesitantly, he starts pumping his cock
up and down again. “Go on,” he urges Zhongli to continue, and Zhongli takes a sharp inhale before
he curses under his breath.

“Hearing your sounds would keep me going, and it’ll be a reward if you couldn’t walk anymore
after,” just imagining it had Ajax shivering, and he quickens the pace. “More, Zhongli,” Ajax
demands, and this riles both of them up.

They’re not even official yet, by the way.

“Cumming, Ajax?” Zhongli asks, and Ajax whimpers into the call. “I’d make love to you every
day, making sure you’re satisfied with it every single time. With my hands intertwined with yours,
I’d praise you for so many things, Ajax. How beautiful you looked getting spent like-“ Zhongli’s
voice hitches and he finally breaks, cursing under his breath. This arouses Ajax and he moans into
the call. “Ajax, I’m-I’m also close,” Zhongli finally confesses, and Ajax hears how aroused
Zhongli was in the other line. This makes him groan and he quickens his pace as the arousing
image of Zhongli manhandling him had him on edge, and finally, Ajax cums, stuttering his hips.

He lets out a whimper when he did and Zhongli’s breathing slowed. It seemed like he also came.
When Ajax finally cooled down from his high, his face flushes and he reminds himself this wasn’t
a dream.

This was reality.

His whole face turns red and hesitantly, he speaks, “U-Umm, Z-Zhongli?” Zhongli hums from the
other end and Ajax’s face heats up. “I-I’m really s-sorry for this,” he apologizes, legs weak from
how intense his orgasm was. Zhongli only chuckled though, and this sent butterflies in his

“This is really new, Ajax. I’m…looking forward to what happens next,” this makes both of them
smile, and both even turned away from the phone to internally scream before placing it back near
their ears. “M-Me too,” Ajax lets out, before Zhongli said goodnight, dropping the call.
When he did, Zhongli let out a shaky breath.

Oh fuck.

This was happening.

Chapter End Notes

I promise I'll do better than this in the next chapters :sob: -

the aftermath of our fantasies.
Chapter Summary

Ajax had to face Zhongli eventually, and, well...

Let's just say it goes better than he expected.

Chapter Notes



but anyway, these two dorks are so ✨

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ajax was fucked.

No, fucked might be an understatement.

He was dead.

Walking into university the day after doing…that, it just seemed so wrong. Especially if you were
having lewd fantasies about your “supposedly” best friend. A sigh escapes his lips as he trudged
slowly in the hallway, swinging from side to side with his shoulders slumped. Seriously what was
he thinking?!

Once he reached the faculty room, a blush instantly appears on his face as his eyes set on Zhongli,
who, had glasses on and it seemed like he was focusing on something extremely important. Ajax
panics and he gets out of the faculty room as fast as he got in, sitting down beside the faculty door
with his hands hugging his knees. How was he supposed to show himself in front of Zhongli now?!

“Anything wrong, Ajax? You look like you’re about to start crying,” Scaramouche’s voice
interrupts Ajax from his thoughts and he turns his head towards him, sniffling a little. “I want the
ground to swallow me whole,” Ajax whined, before grabbing at Scaramouche’s legs to wiggle
them back and forth. Scaramouche clearly had no idea what was happening so he knitted his
eyebrows together in concentration trying to find out the source.
Since this was Ajax we’re talking about, Scaramouche concluded really quickly.

“Let me take a wild guess. Let’s see…” Scaramouche acts like he was thinking before snapping his
fingers, his facial expressions as overexaggerated as his entire personality. “Ah, it’s Zhongli, isn’t
it?!” he exclaims, and Ajax nods his head, looking like a lost puppy hugging Scaramouche’s knees
like that in front of the faculty room.

“Quit your whining and just talk to him. Don’t make this more complicated than it needs to be,”
and with that, Scaramouche softly detaches Ajax away from him, leaving Ajax to think once more.
Scaramouche takes one last look at his roommate before entering the faculty, going straight to
Zhongli’s desk. “Hey, Zhongli. Did something happen between you and Ajax? He’s sad outside
like a lost puppy,” Zhongli rips his eyes away from the work on his desk and he looks at
Scaramouche; confused with a mix of emotions that Scaramouche couldn’t read.

“I’m afraid it’s something I can’t say in actuality…but yes, something did happen,” Zhongli comes
clean and Scaramouche only nods his head, placing his hands on his hips. “Well, you better make
up with him soon. I really hate seeing him all pouty like that,” Scaramouche didn’t say anything
else and Zhongli was left to his thoughts. He turns back to the work he had and starts writing
before he stops.

Ah, geez.

He really can’t keep Ajax off his mind.


“Ajax? What are you doing out of the faculty room?” Ajax jolts and he looks up, eyes widened. “Z-
Zhongli? I-I-I-I-“ Ajax sputtered and Zhongli couldn’t make out what Ajax wanted to say. He
stands in front of him before reaching a hand out, smiling kindly at him, “We can talk about it, can
we not?” Ajax freezes and he finally recollects his composure, clearing his throat. “Yes, of course,”
he stands up ignoring the hand Zhongli had reached out-Zhongli though, doesn’t think anything of
this. After all, he trusted Ajax more than anyone else.

“That can wait until the end of the day, right? We need to focus on work for now,” Zhongli
chuckles, and that warm sensation tingled from Ajax’s back up to his nape. “Of course,” he

Once the day was over with, Ajax was beyond terrified.

How was he supposed to talk to Zhongli one on one when his stupid brain might backfire on him at
the wrong moment?! A sigh escapes his lips for the tenth time today (not that he was counting or
anything) and Zhongli finally shows up, smiling up at him. “Shall we go?” Zhongli asks, and Ajax
only nods. Both of them walk out of the campus and further into the city, losing themselves in it.
What was this warm feeling? Clearly, Ajax had some sort of feelings for Zhongli, but until he
could fully confirm he loved him, maybe he shouldn’t say anything at all.

He recollects the past events.

First, Zhongli confesses to him. Second, he proposes to become his “trial” boyfriend for two
months. Third, Zhongli courts him as he promised, and now…the events from last night replayed
in Ajax’s mind and his face heats up, before he clears his throat; breaking the silence.

Zhongli notices this and his eyes drift to him for a moment, before he faced forward once again. “I
apologize for last night,” Zhongli starts and this makes Ajax stop in his tracks, facing Zhongli.
“What?! No, no! It-It should be me who’s supposed to be saying sorry!” he rambles until Zhongli
faced him too. Zhongli tries to read Ajax’s expression, but all he saw was how embarrassed and
genuinely sorry he looked. Really, Ajax was so adorably innocent.

Zhongli lets out a chuckle, “It’s a common occurrence for humans to experience such fantasies.
Suppressing them isn’t bad, but indulging won’t hurt as well,” Ajax’s face heats up from his words
and he clutches his shirt with both of his hands, clearly feeling inferior compared to Zhongli’s
mature nature.

Here he was, panicking over such a thing and Zhongli was the complete opposite of him. Honestly,
he could do better. “Although, that doesn’t mean my apology isn’t sincere. I took advantage of that
moment to…indulge in my own fantasy too. I hope you forgive me,” Ajax blinks. What did he just
say? Did he really just…say that?

A light chuckle escapes Ajax and finally, the tense atmosphere that both of them didn’t know was
even there broke. “Thanks,” Ajax smiles at Zhongli, and Zhongli’s face heats up for a moment
before it completely disappeared, screaming internally. “I’ll make sure that you…uh…feel
contented when that happens. Just- give me a call or something.” Zhongli clears his throat after that
before he started walking again.

Hmm, what do you know?

I guess Zhongli could break from his mature nature sometimes too.


“So, where are you bringing me today, Mr. Zhongli?” Ajax asks, looking around the city. There
were a lot of buildings that they could wound up into for today’s “date”. Were they going to have a
karaoke session? Movie date? Bike date? Ice cream date? Arcade date? What were they going to

As Ajax lost himself in his thoughts, he bumped into someone’s back, and he quickly apologizes,
“Ah! I’m sorry!” when he looks down, a smile uncontrollably makes its way to his face. After all,
it was Zhongli once again. “Here we are,” Zhongli nods his head toward the stall, and Ajax’s eyes
sparkle once he saw the fluffy clouds being made from a weird contraption.

“Cotton Candy, wow…” Ajax mumbles, eyeing the sweet-to-the-eyes delicacy. Zhongli giggles
before nodding his head. “We’ll take two.” The man operating the business nodded his head before
he quickly made the cotton candy for the both of them. “So, who’s paying today?” Zhongli asks,
only making Ajax roll his eyes. “You’re the one courting me, so obviously, you’re also the one
who’s supposed to pay for the dates.” He scoffs and he even crosses his arms for dramatic effect.

“Alright, Ajax.” Zhongli doesn’t object, and he hands the payment over to the man as they
exchanged the Mora for the cotton candy. “Time to dig in!” Ajax said as both of them started
walking, eating the cotton candy bit by bit. Zhongli’s eyes trailed down to see Ajax’s hand oh so
close to his. He contemplates for a moment, before finally trying it.

When he was mid-action though, he stops.

On second thought, maybe he should ask for Ajax’s consent before doing something like that.
“Ajax?” he calls out, and Ajax hums happily to answer him. “Can I…hold your hand?” Ajax turns
his head in his direction with a confused look on his face, laughing. “You can always hold my hand
whenever you want, Zhongli. No need to ask for my consent,”
Zhongli’s face heats up and he nods his head, turning silent.

It was adorable that he was still asking for something so simple.

When Ajax least expected it, Zhongli intertwined their pinky fingers together, making him stop
himself from eating the cotton candy. He looks to Zhongli, who was just looking forward; that tint
of pink on his cheeks is visible for only Ajax to see.

Ajax’s heartbeat picks up and suddenly, he had a realization.

Maybe he really did love Zhongli for Zhongli.

Not just because of the sudden confession or the way he courts him under his terms…he just loves
Zhongli for who he is.

His jokes, his smile, his laughter, his personality. The way his eyes would sparkle when he talks
about history, or when he talks so passionately about something that he adores. The way Zhongli
would handle Ajax with so much care, yet also show Ajax that he respects him.

Not to mention he admits to his mistakes and learns from them. He takes proper care and
consideration for everyone around him, and he even acknowledges if he is the problem, learning
from it. Ajax had learned so much from Zhongli, and now, it was his turn to give something to
Zhongli back.

All of this into consideration, Ajax loves Zhongli.

And he is falling hard.

The both of them continued to silently walk down the street, pinky fingers intertwined with each
other and the cotton candy to feed into this sweet moment. Truly, Zhongli thinks of the best dates
Ajax couldn’t even imagine.

When they finally made it back to Ajax’s house by 6 P.M., Ajax turned to give Zhongli a sweet
sweet smile.

“Today’s date was as lovely as the last one,” Ajax starts, and he looks down at their intertwined
pinky fingers. He tugs Zhongli closer and he complies, obviously under some sort of hypnosis spell
Ajax had cast on him. “I, um….” Ajax trails off, still looking at their intertwined pinky fingers.

Zhongli notices the hesitation and he tilts his head to see what Ajax wanted to say. What happened
next though, was out of Zhongli’s control.

Because what he didn’t expect was another kiss on the cheek. When Ajax pulled away, his face
looked super red. “I really really enjoy your company, Zhongli. Really really much.” Zhongli
blinks his eyes and fireworks started to go off in his heart. He smiles and a contented sigh escapes
his lips. Without a word, he embraces Ajax in a hug.

He breathes in his scent and Ajax melted under his hold. Ajax instantly hugged him back though,
and it was taking everything in him not to turn into jelly at the moment. “I’ll keep waiting, Ajax,”
Zhongli said, before leaving a kiss on his neck.

Now that.

That made Ajax feels things. When Zhongli pulled away from the embrace, he scratches his cheek
awkwardly with one hand and he reaches the other to hold onto Ajax’s fingers. “For as long as
you’d like.” Ajax’s heart soars once more, and he nods at Zhongli. As usual, Zhongli leaned in to
kiss Ajax’s hand and he retreats with that same loving smile he had always given him. “Have a
good night, Ajax. My phone is always open for you,”

Ajax takes a moment to squeeze Zhongli’s hand before he untangled their hands, placing them on
his heart. “Good night to you too, Zhongli.” Without another word said, Zhongli leaves and Ajax
enters the house.

Once he did, he clutches his chest and that big smile on his face couldn’t be wiped away even if he
tried. “Holy shit…” Ajax mumbles under his breath.

He was definitely in love with Zhongli now,

That was sure.


“Say…when do you think we’d get married?”

“What are you talking about, Ajax? You’re drunk again, aren’t you?”

A giggle escapes Ajax and he punches Zhongli lightly, despite his intoxicated state. “I like you,

If it wasn’t for that event, Zhongli wasn’t sure he was able to get enough courage to confess to

After all, Ajax had always calmed him through the storm.

Chapter End Notes

healthy relationships make me sob so much, you actually have no idea how much I go
☹️ because of it :(

and the fact that Zhongli loves Ajax for Ajax and vice versa is so-

+ the way this all started with both of them getting drunk after college is so fluffy, I
can't. I think about it every time and since we're getting close to half of the story, I'll
finally be able to share it with you guys <3

zhongchi fluff where they're healthy, no misunderstandings, and mature is so

☹️ . I rest my case.
The Warmth of your Lips.
Chapter Summary

His eyes were set on one thing and one thing alone.

The tempting lips of Ajax.

Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Pleasantries were exchanged, people were seated and finally, drinks were served.

Zhongli’s eyes wander.

A club.

Had it not been for Guizhong’s persistent convincing that Zhongli would enjoy himself, he
wouldn’t have gone out for the weekend. Not even if it involved his favorite ginger head. His eyes
wander for a moment and it seems like these young people were going to continue dancing the
night away. The music was booming against his ears; something you’d already expect at a club.
How was he able to tolerate such a loud place back when he was a little younger?

A sweet laugh distracted him from his thoughts and he turns to find Ajax smiling, throwing his
head back a little from the funny joke Scaramouche had probably cracked. Even amidst the chaos
of a club, it seemed that Ajax’s voice was the only thing keeping Zhongli grounded. His nose got a
whiff of the alcohol mixed in together on the table. How many drinks would it take until he lets go
of himself?

“Are you not enjoying yourself?” Guizhong’s voice came and Zhongli immediately shook his head
no. “Just getting used to the surroundings again, that’s all.” He excuses himself before grabbing a
glass filled to the brim with alcohol. He hesitates momentarily before downing it in one go, the
burn coursing through his entire body.
His eyes made their way back to Ajax and it seemed like Ajax had taken notice that he’d down an
entire glass without stopping. A concerned look makes its way to his face and he shifts, turning
away from Scaramouche. “Are you alright, Zhongli?” he asks, but Zhongli only nods his head. He
didn’t want to worry Ajax. “We haven’t been to a club in a long time,” Zhongli changes the

Ajax takes notice once Zhongli puts the glass back on the table before intertwining his hands
together, leaning forward. “I hope everyone enjoys themselves. We can put this on my tab,”
Guizhong and Scaramouche sent each other a look before a wicked smile takes over both of their
faces, “Thank you, Zhongli~” both of them sang, and Scaramouche and Guizhong started talking
again, completely ignoring both Zhongli and Ajax.

Ajax, who had no idea what both of them were talking about, had his eyes set on Zhongli.

And it seemed like Zhongli was doing the same.

Ajax’s head started pounding after a few seconds of them staring at each other and for some sort of
reason, the atmosphere in the room started to get a lot more humid. It was getting a little harder for
Ajax to breathe. Zhongli had looked away first, picking up another glass before placing it against
his lips, sipping it slowly. Ajax’s eyes were set on how his lips parted to take the alcohol in and-

Okay, maybe he shouldn’t be focusing on that.

He shifts uncontrollably in his seat as he tried to follow what Guizhong and Scaramouche were
talking about. A discussion about something heated...something about how much they hated the
ending of a story both of them had just finished reading. Ajax takes a glass on the table and he
places it on his lap, looking at it with contemplation in his eyes. Should he…take a sip? I mean,
one wouldn’t hurt, right?

Hesitantly, he places the glass on his lips, parting it a little. Tidbits of alcohol seeped into his
mouth and slowly, he drank the beverage. Zhongli had his eyes on him again, and once Ajax had
downed the entire glass down did Zhongli look away.

The rest of the night continued on like that. Both of them exchange glances or longing stares. There
was no in-between. It didn’t seem like Guizhong nor Scaramouche were going to stop drinking yet
so Zhongli excused himself to get a breath of fresh air. Once outside of the club, Zhongli took a
deep breath in before looking around. It seemed like he found himself in a stairwell.
A door opened beside him and to his surprise, Ajax had followed after him. “Are you alright,
Zhongli?” Ajax asked before shutting the door behind him. Zhongli could only nod before leaning
against the wall; trying to soothe the headache he was having. “A little hazy, but other than that,
I’m fine,” Zhongli reassures, and it turns silent.

Ajax had shifted from being to the door until he was only a few feet away from Zhongli, also
leaning against the wall. Zhongli wanted to know what Ajax wanted to talk about yet he stayed
silent. He’d let Ajax initiate the conversation first. He crossed his arms and his eyes roamed
around. The ceiling, the paint chipping away at the wall, the dusty floor- his thoughts were
interrupted when Ajax finally cleared his throat and he shifts his attention to him.

“It’s been a month,” Ajax’s voice echoes softly in the stairwell, and this soothes Zhongli’s
headache a little. Zhongli readjusts himself, finding a comfortable spot to stay in before he
answered, “It has been a month,” he repeated.


Something was running through Ajax’s head and Zhongli wanted to know what it was.

“I was thinking a lot, recently. Something about…uh…how to deal with this…” Ajax mumbles and
Zhongli hears him shift. He turns to look at Ajax and Ajax was playing with the end fabric of his
shirt, an unreadable expression on his face. The club music continued to play in the background
and the occasional door opening and closing could be heard before Ajax continued. “I think I can
give this a try,”

Zhongli’s heart flutters for a second and the headache he had finally disappears. Ajax turned his
head to look Zhongli straight in the eye, and the next words that came out of his lips were enough
for Zhongli to be sent to heaven.

“I can give us a try if you’re still willing to,”

Zhongli’s eyes widen and it turns silent for 10 seconds. Ajax wasn’t going to lie, that was probably
the longest ten seconds of his life. He gets off the wall and he clears his throat, placing a nervous
hand on his nape; clearly not knowing how to continue the conversation. “What makes you think
I’m not willing?” Zhongli’s voice came off as really…happy? Ajax wasn’t sure that was the right
word to use but his tone was clearly that of happiness.
Zhongli gets off of the wall and he walks in Ajax’s direction, both of them only a few feet away
from each other. Without another second wasted, Zhongli reaches his hands out to grab Ajax’s
fingers, effectively making Ajax go red. “Are you sure you’re willing to give it a try? It’s a serious
and committed relationship, after all.” Zhongli adds, and Ajax’s eyes were fixed on their hands.

Zhongli was rubbing it rather softly, almost as if that was the last thing he’d hold. “Trying won’t
hurt. And…” Ajax trails off, before taking in a deep breath, “You promised you would take care of
me, didn’t you?” Zhongli looks up and he only smiles at Ajax, tightening the hold on his hands.
“Always.” He answers, and Ajax could’ve sworn his heart was nowhere to be found. He wasn’t
even sure if it was even beating against his chest anymore.

Zhongli takes his sweet time before he brings both of Ajax’s hands up, kissing his knuckles
delicately. “Then…is this the part where I ask you to be my boyfriend?” Ajax couldn’t help but let
out a chuckle at that. It seems like the alcohol wasn’t enough to keep Zhongli’s curious state away.
“What, do you want me to be the one asking it?” Ajax teases, only making Zhongli laugh.

“Will you be my boyfriend then?” Zhongli had said before Ajax’s mind blanks out. From how fast
things were going, you’d expect him to answer quickly.

But he didn’t.

He pauses.

And he stares at Zhongli’s lips.


Had Zhongli not noticed it, he would’ve asked Ajax the question again.

It seems like he’ll have to ask him another time.

“Perhaps you’re still not ready to answer me,” Zhongli cut Ajax off from his thoughts and he
blinks, almost as if he was snapped out of a daze. “Instead of becoming my boyfriend…would you
rather want a kiss instead?” Ajax’s face heats up again and he takes a sudden step back, his hands
still enveloped with Zhongli’s warmth.
Zhongli chuckles before he takes a step closer to Ajax, “Well? Would you like a kiss? You’ve been
staring at my lips for quite some time now. It’s quite concerning,” Zhongli teases, yet Ajax didn’t
answer him nor did he move. His eyes were set on Zhongli’s lips again. Zhongli brings their hands
down and he releases Ajax’s hands. Ajax needed to answer him.

The alcohol sitting in Ajax’s stomach churned, and Ajax’s eyes were still set on Zhongli’s lips; his
jaw clenching and his body stiffening. What did he want Zhongli to do? “Yes.” He finally blurts
out, only making Zhongli smile. “You want me to kiss you?” Zhongli asks again, only this time,
Ajax took in a deep breath, “Yes.” He exhales, and Zhongli knew that this time-

His answer was real. Raw and unfiltered. Undeterred.

“Please do,” Ajax said in a tiny voice, and Zhongli couldn’t help but coo inside. Zhongli didn’t
want to waste time so without another word, he takes hold of Ajax’s fingers again, tugging him
closer to him. “Tell me when to stop, okay?” Zhongli said, barely above a whisper when it
registers in Ajax’s mind. Okay, so they were definitely doing this.

Zhongli tilts his head a little before he stops, and he purses his lips together. “Are you…sure you
want to do this, Ajax?” Ajax had held in his breath before he slowly nodded. “I’m sure, Zhongli.
No more questions, please? You’ll ruin the mood.” Zhongli couldn’t help but chuckle at that.

Ajax took another deep breath before he closed his eyes, body tensing up once more against
Zhongli’s touch. Zhongli had his eyes open the entire time, and he was glad that he’d be able to
witness Ajax in such a vulnerable state. His lips ghost against Ajax and he felt the connection for
just a moment before he backed away completely, taking Ajax aback.

Ajax’s eyelashes flutter open and a flushed look reigns his façade, “What’s wrong?” his voice
came out like a soft melody, and Zhongli was tempted to dive in. Yet the man restrains himself.
Zhongli brings a hand to scratch his cheek, looking away embarrassed. “Both of us are a little
intoxicated. I don’t want our first kiss to be in some stairwell with alcohol in our bodies,” Ajax
takes a moment to blink before his entire face heats up, and he looks away.

Wait, they were seriously about to kiss?!

Ajax had turned sober real quick and he starts formulating an apology in his mind, panicking on
the inside. Zhongli clears his throat to grab Ajax’s attention, and he says: “Then we’re official
now…right?” Ajax felt a twirl of his heart and he did everything in his power not to scream. “I…
um…guess so…?” the unsureness in his voice was enough for Zhongli to blink confused, then he
starts laughing.

The now sober Ajax wanted to bury himself alive. What was he thinking, honestly?! He was a lot
more intoxicated than he previously thought. “You’re still unsure, Ajax.” Ajax knew Zhongli
didn’t mean any harm in that yet something pierced through his heart. “I’m sorry…” he mumbles,
only making Zhongli shake his head.

He approaches Ajax with purpose in his step and he reaches a hand out to him, “May I?” he asks,
and Ajax nods his head. Zhongli takes hold of his wrist before bringing it up to his lips, kissing his
fingers one by one. The gesture had Ajax melting and he takes in a sharp breath, honestly
overwhelmed by all of this. “I’ll ask again next time. I apologize for bringing it up at an
inappropriate time.”

Ajax had never heard more lies.

“It’s not an inappropriate time,” he persists, yet Zhongli only shakes his head again and he gives a
kiss to the lifeline on Ajax’s hand, making him blush a deep shade of red. “I’ll keep waiting, Ajax.”

Oh, Zhongli.

You’re too good for me, Ajax thinks.

Ajax leaves no comment, only nodding his head weakly. Zhongli brings Ajax’s hand down. “Let’s
go back inside. Guizhong and Scaramouche are probably turning the whole club upside down
trying to find us.” Ajax could only chuckle. “You’re right.”

Chapter End Notes

I'm sorry if this isn't to your expectations, there's a lot of stuff going through my head
recently ajkgbadjkgb I hope I get to resolve it soon so I can write you guys
something better :'))
Can I Kiss You Again, Ajax? [M]
Chapter Summary

two clouds mended together and Zhongli wanted nothing more than to be in between
them. [mature content ahead but there's a dash of fluff thrown in as well!]

involves: nipple licking, biting, hickeys, and I think Ajax lowkey has a praise kink ngl.

Chapter Notes

Hello guys, I apologize for the delayed update! This was supposed to be updated on
Sunday but I wasn't content with it only being 2K words so...I did an oopsie and wrote
until 5K (I also caught up with genshin and I just gotta say, the archon quest had
me crying. Will definitely continue playing the game <33)

With that being said, enjoy the chapter akjgbdajkgbdag (I apologize in advance
because I think I'm in the middle of writer's block right now so it might not be good

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Ajax, don’t forget to bring a condom!” Scaramouche’s voice slurred as he started laughing, and
Guizhong supports him by taking a firm hold of his waist, grimacing a little. “Are you sure you
two are going to be alright? I’m sorry for troubling you, Ajax,” Guizhong gives an apologetic look
in Ajax’s direction and Ajax only shakes his head. “It’s alright. I’m sorry you’re going to be stuck
with Scaramouche. He can be a little…too much to handle sometimes,”

Scaramouche lifts his head up to say something when a lump forms on his throat, making him
place a hand over his mouth. “Alright, I’ll take Scaramouche back to me and Zhongli’s place. Both
of you behave yourselves, alright?” Guizhong smiles but that sentence was laced with warning as a
subtle glare was sent in Zhongli’s direction.

Zhongli could tell it was specifically made for him.

When Guizhong and Scaramouche entered the taxi, Ajax sighs before he also holds onto his head.
Maybe they had too much to drink tonight. He turns to Zhongli and he gives him a smile, “I’m
sorry, I guess you’re stuck with me tonight.” Zhongli only shakes his head, a smile forming on his
face. “To be honest, this might be the best day of my life if that’s the case,” he teases and Ajax
Both of them start walking back to Ajax’s house and the situation still hasn’t settled into Ajax’s
brain. Zhongli though, on the other hand, was panicking internally inside already.

Ajax was clearly intoxicated, and being alone together in his house was making Zhongli’s thoughts
wander to dangerous territory.

Ajax pulls out the keys from his pockets and he jams it into the keyhole before the door swings
open. He tips forward and Zhongli -being fast on his feet- catches him, one hand on his arm and
the other arm wrapping around his stomach, keeping him safe from falling over.

Ajax sucks in a breath as he felt Zhongli’s breath tickle the back of his neck and goosebumps
started to rise from his skin. “I’m sorry,” Ajax apologizes as Zhongli lets go, making Zhongli hum
before he enters the house. Both of them strip themselves from their coats and they hang it on the
coat hanger before stepping inside Ajax’s quiet house.

One by one, Ajax opens the lights and he could feel Zhongli’s eyes burning into his back.

Yet he stays completely silent.

Once he finally opened the living room lights was when something happened.

A surprised gasp leaves Ajax’s lips as Zhongli’s front presses against his back.

Zhongli’s lips place themselves on Ajax’s nape and Zhongli’s arms wrap around him, keeping him
close. Ajax’s mind started running and his heartbeat pounded against his chest. When Zhongli
pulled away, he buries his head on his shoulder, holding him tighter. “I’m sorry, Ajax. I just really
wanted to do it…” A blush appears on Ajax’s face and his hands land on the arms wrapped around
him. He starts laughing, “No no, it’s alright!” he pursues his lips together before he clears his
throat, the pounding of his chest becoming louder. “It’s not like we were about to kiss earlier in the
club or anything…” he mumbles, and Zhongli lifts his head.

Even if he couldn’t see Ajax, he knew Ajax had a frown on his face. He leans forward and he
brings his head closer to Ajax, their cheeks brushing against each other. “Are you disappointed we
didn’t?” he asks, and Ajax feels the arms wrapped around his waist. Zhongli had a strong grip on
him, “A little, yeah…” he admits, and a flutter escapes Zhongli’s heart. How could Ajax be this
effortlessly adorable?
He brings a hand up to tilt Ajax’s head and then they meet eye to eye.

Zhongli wanted to kiss his blush away.

Wanted nothing more than to kiss Ajax in every way possible.

A smile grazes his face. “You’re still intoxicated, are you not?” Ajax nods his head and Zhongli
lets go of him before he stands right in front of him. Zhongli gives a loving caress to his cheek and
Ajax melts, leaning into the touch. “Come on, let’s go rest for a while.” Zhongli said as he guides
Ajax up the stairs.

Ajax had no idea if it was the alcohol playing tricks on him, but having Zhongli guide him up the
stairs was the best feeling in the world, as of this moment. When Zhongli opens the shared room
Ajax and Scaramouche had, he guides Ajax to sit down on his bed. He lets go of his hand but Ajax
pulls him back by the wrist, keeping Zhongli in place.

Zhongli’s eyebrows furrow and Ajax clenches his jaw, tightening the hold on his wrist. “Can we,
um…I don’t know…cuddle, or something? My head feels hazy and- I just want you close…” Ajax
mumbles, effectively bringing Zhongli somewhere in space. He spaces out for a couple of seconds
before he even blinks, heat rushing in all the wrong places in his body.

“Please?” Ajax adds, and the moment their eyes met each other again was when Zhongli lost it. He
succumbs to the request and he sighs, nodding his head. Ajax lays down on the bed and he softly
tugs on Zhongli’s wrist, letting him squeeze into the bed. The bed wasn’t exactly the ideal place
two people should be sleeping or cuddling in. Their shoulders were touching each other and Ajax’s
fingers were still on Zhongli’s wrist.

Zhongli takes in a deep sigh before he looks at Ajax, who, in turn, was looking at Zhongli’s wrist.
“Pretty…” he mumbles under his breath but Zhongli hears this and his face turns redder (if that
was even humanely possible for a human to do). Ajax slides his fingers further down and he
intertwines their fingers together, making Zhongli shut his eyes to suppress the urge to pounce on

Ajax shifts and unexpectedly, he places his head on Zhongli’s chest, growing closer and closer to
his body. “Zhongli, why won’t you kiss me?” he asks, and just the entire setting of this was
sending Zhongli off the edge.
The quiet house, the fact that they’re both alone in that said house-

Not to mention the fact the bedroom lights were off but the moonlight had casted a glow into the
room, as if expecting this scenario to happen.

Zhongli opens his eyes and he looks at Ajax, who looks at him through hooded eyes; an adorable
frown on his face. Their hands were still linked together and-

Good archons, please guide Zhongli through this temptation.

“Because you’re still intoxicated, Ajax. Drunk.” He emphasizes and Ajax furrows his eyebrows,
lifting his head from Zhongli’s chest. “You think that should stop you? I’ll have you know,
Zhongli, that I am still capable of functioning properly while being drunk,” he huffs and Zhongli

The feel of Ajax’s fingers intertwined with his was making him dizzier by the second.

“I just don’t feel comfortable with the fact that you’re a little intoxicated. I feel like I’m taking
advantage of your state or something…” Zhongli mumbles, and it finally clicks in Ajax’s head.

So…he was just worried that Ajax wasn’t going to like it? Typical Zhongli, Ajax coos.

Ajax removes his fingers from Zhongli’s hand and the next thing he did had Zhongli’s eyes

He climbs over him and he sits on his stomach.

Zhongli’s eyes dilate and even if the bedroom lights were off, the moonlight was enough to
highlight his face perfectly. Ajax had placed his hands on either sides of Zhongli’s head and a soft
smile appears on his face. “You’re a little intoxicated too, aren’t you? But if you’re still
uncomfortable, I can always back off. You respect my boundaries, I respect yours,” Ajax giggles,
and just hearing his voice was enough for Zhongli to panic.
Truly, Ajax had captivated him.

Maybe the alcohol had gone to his head.

“Well? Would you like to kiss me or not?” Ajax asks, and the room stays quiet for a couple of
seconds. Ajax could perfectly see Zhongli’s face contorting, as if fighting with all the thoughts in
his head.

He wanted to see him like this more in the future.

“I do, it’s just…Are you really really sure?” Zhongli emphasizes and he finally brings his arms up,
placing it on Ajax’s sides. He lovingly squeezes it and a giggle escapes Ajax’s lips. “I’ve told you
this back in the club, didn’t I? Maybe you’re the one who’s not sure between us.”

“I just want you to feel comfortable and- and sure about all of this. I really don’t want to hurt you,
Ajax-“ Zhongli rambles and Ajax finally places a finger on his lips. “Stop talking so much.
Archons, you don’t have to overthink every little detail about me, Zhongli. I’m not some teenager
or a child.” He laughs, and Zhongli calms down from his panicked state.

Ajax was right.

Both of them were adults.

“Now,” Ajax firmly states before he cups Zhongli’s cheeks, “Will you please kiss me already? My
lips are waiting for you,” Zhongli’s eyes move from looking right at Ajax down to his lips. It
looked like two clouds melted together, and Zhongli wanted nothing more than to get in between

He sits up a little and Ajax readjusts himself on his lap this time, hands still cupped on his face.
“So...does this mean that we’re…together? Dating? Lovers?” Zhongli asks and Ajax couldn’t help
but laugh at Zhongli’s insistent nature. He wraps his arms around Zhongli’s head and he unclips his
rat tail, letting his beautiful hair fall. “Depends…” Ajax’s eyes flicker from Zhongli’s lips to his
“…If you’re a good kisser or not. I’m pretty sure you’ve had some experience before with kissing,
right?” Zhongli tightens his hold on Ajax’s waist, bringing him closer. Their lips were so close, yet
so far. “A few,” Zhongli answers, mumbling.

Ajax internally gives himself a pat on the back because Zhongli’s eyes were glued to his parted

Now, all that was left was to kiss him.

“Will you show me then?” Ajax said with a teasing voice and finally, they meet eyes again. Those
eyes as bright and as sharp as ever. Amber in color with glowing yellow pupils set in the shape of
diamonds. Ajax wanted to get lost in it.

Wanted to get lost in him.

Ajax brings his body closer so now, his chest was pressing against Zhongli’s and their lips were
only a few millimeters apart. “Anything for you, Ajax,” Zhongli says, and finally, he closes his

As Ajax also closes his, a warm feeling spreads throughout his body as their lips connect.

Were kisses always this…good?

Always this…lovely?

Always this…


Zhongli’s head hits the headboard of Ajax’s bed and Ajax furrows his eyebrows, deepening the
kiss. Their bodies were hot against each other and that sweet delight of having their lips mended
together were causing their heads to explode.

Ajax pulls away first and he opens his eyes, forehead resting against Zhongli’s. Zhongli had moved
his arms from around his waist down to his thighs, and he was gripping strongly at it.

Yearning, actually.

He was yearning to touch Ajax.

Ajax could tell.

He pulls away from Zhongli and good god, this was the best sight Ajax had ever seen.

With Zhongli’s lips parted, brown hair disheveled, and eyes clouded with lust and yearning-

Zhongli was hooked to Ajax’s lips.

“Can I kiss you again, Ajax?” he asks, and Ajax moves his hand from his cheeks to his shoulder,
the other flat against his chest. “Do you even need to ask?” Zhongli doesn’t waste time and he
lunges forward, connecting their lips together again. A surprised gasp leaves Ajax’s lips and he
grips onto Zhongli’s shoulder, crumbling against his advances. The kiss wasn’t anything sloppy or
dirty, actually. But Ajax could feel the yearning and the amount of love being poured out from that
one simple kiss alone.

They pull away from the kiss with a sound and Zhongli breathes out shakily, eyes unfocused; lost
in paradise. Slowly, Zhongli’s right hand trails up from Ajax’s thigh to the back of his head and he
pushes him down on the bed-his left hand on the underside of his left thigh.

Both of them meet eye to eye again and Zhongli takes in a deep breath. “Ajax, I…I really love you.
I love you so much,” Ajax’s heart flutters at this and he could see Zhongli’s vision clouding.
Before he knew it, a tear had fallen to his cheek.
Zhongli was…crying?

“Ah…this… I- uh- I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Zhongli apologizes, turning his head away from Ajax.
Ajax brings a hand up to bring his face to see him again and Zhongli sobs, leaning into the touch.
The hand under Ajax’s head was quivering and Ajax felt like Zhongli was going to break. “Don’t
cry, Zhongli.”

Zhongli opens his eyes and he breathes out shakily. “I’m sorry, Ajax. I’m just…This…I can’t
explain why I’m crying, really.” He chuckles lightly and Ajax’s heart flutters. With the hand on
Zhongli’s face, he brings it to the back of his head and he pulls Zhongli down, kissing him again.

There was desperation in the sigh that Zhongli let out and he deepens the kiss, hands trembling,
lips quivering.

Ajax found it heartwarming.

Zhongli had truly fallen for him.

With Ajax’s other hand, he places it on Zhongli’s arm and he squeezes, as if silently reassuring
Zhongli that it was okay.

He loved this.

He loved him.

A tear had fallen from Zhongli’s eyes again and he pulls away, looking at Ajax through hooded
eyes. “Thank you for being in my life, Ajax. I love you,” Zhongli goes down to envelop Ajax in a
hug and Ajax squeaks, wrapping his arms around Zhongli. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I
love you-“ Zhongli chants and Ajax couldn’t help but chuckle at this.

“I get it, I get,” Ajax taps on his back and Zhongli backs away, a smile on his tear-stained face.
Ajax brings his hand up again and he wipes on the tears still threatening to fall from Zhongli’s
eyes. “I love you too, Zhongli.” It seemed like this sent fireworks off in his system because right
after that, Zhongli had come back for a third round.
Ajax giggles into the kiss and he wraps his arms around Zhongli’s neck, bringing him closer.
Zhongli’s other hand was still cradling Ajax’s head, and just feeling his determination to please
Ajax had him addicted.

Ajax could get used to this.

Zhongli readjusts them and now, Ajax’s legs were wrapped around his waist, bringing him closer.
In no time, the room became a lot more humid and the only sounds that were escaping was when
both of them pulled away, only to dive right back in.

Zhongli had never felt more contented in his life. Was this a dream? Was this reality? As long as
Ajax was in it, he would gladly abandon one to be in the other. He pulls away and Ajax had this
big, goofy grin on his face; lips red. “Why does it seem like you’re enjoying this a little too much,
Mr. Zhongli? Hmm? Are you addicted already?” Zhongli could only chuckle at this before
removing the hand from under Ajax’s head. “I’m not even getting started yet,”

With that being said, Zhongli places his hands on Ajax’s waist and he brings him closer, the lower
half of his body flushed against Zhongli. Ajax blushes yet he wraps his arms tighter around
Zhongli’s neck, unsure of how to react. Without another thought, Zhongli delves into Ajax’s lips
again and Ajax lets out a noise, enjoying the attention his lips were getting.

Zhongli was…a good kisser. Surprisingly, he actually was. And here Ajax thought Zhongli was
lying when he said he had a few practices.

Somehow, that made him feel jealous.

But that thought slipped away when Zhongli’s fingers slipped under his shirt and he gasped at this,
disconnecting from the kiss. “Where are you touching me?” Ajax asks, blinking profusely. Zhongli
only chuckles before his lips go further down and suddenly, his lips were giving attention to Ajax’s
untainted neck. Light feathery kisses, light touches-

Oh archons, Ajax was going to lose it if Zhongli continued doing this to him.

“Zhongli, ah-“ a moan escapes and his face flushes.

But that was the least of his concern right now.

He needed to get out of this situation pronto if he wanted to walk tomorrow.

“Don’t- Don’t leave a mark on my neck, please. People will see.” Ajax winces, and Zhongli finally
brings his head back up to meet Ajax eye to eye. “Then can I leave a mark where people won’t
see?” Ajax grabs a hold of some of his hair, some of the strands in between his fingers. “Is that
even a question you should be asking? Just…Just do it if you want to do it,” he huffs out and
Zhongli couldn’t help but laugh at this.

Zhongli brings a hand up to his mouth and a pout forms on Ajax’s face, “Why are you laughing!”
he exclaims, clearly offended Zhongli was finding this a laughable matter. “I’m sorry, Ajax.”
Zhongli answers him before bringing his hand down to his waist again. He starts lifting his shirt up
a little and Ajax squeaks, surprised by the sudden turn of events.

How can Zhongli be wholesome first then shameless the next?! Ajax was going to be in trouble if
he kept doing this! “I can call you mine now, right?” Zhongli’s eyes found themselves ravishing at
the sight of Ajax’s body and- good god, Ajax was built.

“Do I have to assure you every single time?” Ajax gives him a playful glare and he twirls some of
Zhongli’s hair in between his fingers, making Zhongli think. “I’m just making sure you’re happy
and contented with what you have,” Ajax raises a brow at this and he pulls himself up, coming face
to face with Zhongli again. “You listen here and you listen good, Zhongli. I’ve never met anybody
else more dedicated and reassuring as you, alright? You’re doing everything I could ever dream of
and- I swear to the archons, if you apologize one more time I’ll make sure to kiss you until you
pass out,”

Zhongli only smirks at this, “Really? Is that a challenge or a request?” as he said this, he slides his
right hand up Ajax’s body and he places it on his nape, “We’ll find out sooner or later,” Ajax
laughs and he leaves a small peck on Zhongli’s lips.

This makes Zhongli’s heart flutter and by this point, he’s erased the outside world already. Ajax’s
kisses were keeping him in paradise. Zhongli gets off of Ajax momentarily, confusing the poor
man. “Zhongli?” he calls out before Zhongli went further away from him. When Zhongli was off
the bed, that was when Ajax decided he should sit up.

He sits up and a confused look reigns his face. What was Zhongli doing? Zhongli removes the hair
tie on the bed, the blanket, and Ajax’s pillows. What was Zhongli thinking? Various thoughts
poured into Ajax’s brain and he was thinking of what Zhongli wanted to do.
“Ajax,” Zhongli’s voice cuts him from his thoughts and he looks in his direction, seeing an
affectionate glow to him. “No…my love?” the pet name had Ajax buffering and his eyes widen,
face glowing fiery red in the moonlight. The entire mood suddenly turned…romantic.

The faint glow of the moonlight against their skins, the messy bed hair, and the swollen lips. “Can
I continue kissing you, my love?” Zhongli said as he unbuttons his dress shirt. Ajax’s eyes focus on
the hands unbuttoning his shirt, and one by one, Zhongli’s skin was finally revealed. Zhongli
places the shirt on the edge of the bed before he gives Ajax a smile again, waiting for an answer.

Ajax, flustered, just blinked innocently on the bed. Zhongli didn’t have that good of a build but,
why was it so attractive for Ajax? Is this what love does to people? Ajax places a hand on his shirt
and he grips on it, as if preparing himself for what’s about to happen. Oh god, was this really going
to happen?

“Yes,” Ajax breathes out, voice coming out with a tint of lust poured into it. Zhongli’s eyes glow a
little under the moonlight and he hums before crawling onto the bed again, sitting right in front of
Ajax. He brings a hand out to his thigh and Ajax breathes in and out shakily, their eyes meeting

Zhongli squeezes Ajax’s thigh and Ajax whimpers a little, gripping harder on his shirt. His other
hand was on the bed and Zhongli just wanted to take hold of it and never let go. “Get rid of your
shirt first. It’ll be on the way,” Zhongli’s voice came barely above a whisper and Ajax complies,
pulling the shirt over his head and tossing it somewhere on the floor.

The air hit his skin and he shivers a little before readjusting himself, growing closer to Zhongli
again. All he could think about was having Zhongli’s lips against his once more. Zhongli’s eyes
look at his build again and he wordlessly places a hand on his stomach, making Ajax hold a breath.

Zhongli’s fingers were leaving marks that were enough to make Ajax go crazy. Zhongli brings his
other hand to his side and without wasting a second, he pulls Ajax closer. Ajax tips forward and he
gasps before he was comfortably placed on Zhongli’s lap, his hands shaking on his shoulder.

Zhongli looked so beautiful under the moonlight, it was insane.

Ajax blushed a deep red and his lips quiver a bit, staring right at Zhongli. “May I?” Zhongli asks
again and Ajax nods before Zhongli brings Ajax’s lower half closer to him. They connect their lips
again and Ajax closes his eyes, feeling Zhongli’s lips. Goosebumps started to rise on his skin as
Zhongli’s hands tighten the hold on him, deepening the kiss.
Ajax’s lips part and Zhongli takes this as a sign to enter him. Wet sounds escape them as the kiss
turned heated over time, and after a minute, Ajax pulls away. The saliva connecting their lips
together was going to make him go insane. When he felt a bulge under him, lust clouded his vision.

Zhongli comes closer to him and he starts leaving wet kisses on his neck, making Ajax groan. Ajax
wraps his arms around Zhongli’s neck and his hands were begging to be wrapped around
something- anything at all. His fingers card through his hair and Zhongli finally bites down on his
skin, making him wince.

When Zhongli pulls away, he gives a light kiss to the bite mark and he brings his head up, meeting
Ajax’s eyes again. Both of them were clouded over with lust, and if Zhongli’s boner wasn’t a dead
giveaway of this, I don’t know what would be. Both of them were panting pretty heavily and Ajax
was starting to think his pants were getting annoying.

Zhongli delves down again and he starts kissing Ajax’s shoulders, hands now traveling further
down. Ajax’s heart was pounding louder and louder on his chest and he was going insane over the
fact that it was only to him that Zhongli would do this. To kiss him with so much yearning and
affection, to show his lust to, and to get his eyes lost in. A shaky breath leaves Zhongli’s lips and
he pulls away from Ajax, the air becoming heavier and heavier.

“Ajax, I can’t hold myself back.” He admits, and the lust written on his face turned Ajax on. Ajax
lightly tugs on his hair and he felt Zhongli flinch a little, sensitive to the touch. “Then don’t.”

It stays silent for a few seconds as both of them looked at each other, lips parted and begging for
one of them to move. Finally, Zhongli lowers his head down to kiss on his chest. What comes
unexpected though, was when Zhongli licked on his nipples. Ajax’s eyes widen and he tugs on
Zhongli’s hair, surprised. “Wait, don’t-“

Ajax couldn’t continue what he wanted to say when Zhongli started leaving kitten licks on it,
looking up at him. A moan escapes Ajax’s lips and arousal started to build up, butterflies flying in
his stomach. If he was like this when Zhongli was barely touching him, how much more if they
were already doing that.

As the thought flashes in Ajax’s mind, he closes his eyes, “Zh-Zhongli, a little- ah, gentler,
please,” he said as Zhongli removes his lips on his nipples. He left a mark on it. Proud of his work,
he only sends a teasing look at Ajax. “What if I don’t want to be gentler, Ajax?”
As he said this, he places his hands on Ajax’s ass and Ajax squeaks, holding onto Zhongli tighter.
Zhongli moves closer to the edge and he stands up, frightening Ajax. “Wait, not- not like this-“ a
cute pout forms on his face and Zhongli coos a little inside before placing his arms on the
underside of Ajax’s thighs, bringing him up higher.

Zhongli places a kiss on his shoulder and Ajax was screaming internally. This felt so embarrassing.
Yet, the smile on Zhongli’s face made it better. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Ajax
couldn’t help but giggle as Zhongli continued staring at him, love in his eyes. “If everyone else
saw you like this, they’d look at you the same way I do,” Ajax removes one of his arms around
Zhongli’s neck and he lightly slaps him on the shoulder, trying to hide the fact he was getting
flustered over something like this. “Shut up,” he huffs out as he wrapped his legs around Zhongli.
Zhongli only laughs before Ajax closes his eyes, bringing Zhongli closer.

Their lips meet again and a sigh leaves Ajax’s lips, his fingers tangling in Zhongli’s hair. Zhongli
starts walking and Ajax’s back meets the wall. Zhongli pulls away from the kiss and he gives Ajax
a kiss on the cheek. He finally brings Ajax down and he instantly places his hands on his waist, a
satisfied smile on his face. “Why’d you bring me here?” Ajax asks, twiddling with Zhongli’s hair.

Something about it felt genuine to Zhongli and he loved it. “It’s dangerous if we continue kissing
on the bed.” Zhongli simply answers before his front pressed against Ajax. “Says you even if
you’re grinding against me right now?” Ajax shoots back.

Good archons, just having their fronts against each other was making them lose their minds. Once
again, it shifts from a light-hearted mood back to lust. Ajax was starting to wonder if Zhongli was
doing this on purpose. “Feels good, Ajax?” he asks, and Ajax only hums; eyes closed.

Ajax was such a delicacy to the eyes. Eyes closed with his eyebrows furrowing in concentration,
hands tugging every now and then when it feels a little too good, and his chest heaving up and
down by the amount of pleasure coursing into his system. Zhongli wanted to devour it all.

He brings his mouth to Ajax’s ears and he starts whispering the dirtiest things Ajax could ever
imagine. How he would strip him naked, how he’d make him cry out of pleasure, how he’d make
sure Ajax wouldn’t be able to walk the next day-

Ajax knew Zhongli was a dirty talker, but he didn’t know he was that much.

A whimper escapes Ajax and he tugs on Zhongli’s hair again, head now buried on his shoulder. He
was close. “Close- I’m close, Zhongli.” Ajax repeats, and his hair was sticking to his skin from the
amount of heat between the two of them. This was encouraging Zhongli to continue.
“You’re doing so well for me, Ajax.” Zhongli praises and another whimper escapes Ajax. He was
getting even more and more frustrated that his cock was being restrained by his pants. He removes
himself from Zhongli’s shoulder and he heaves out a breath, that familiar knot in his system.

Zhongli stops grinding on him momentarily and Ajax gets confused, beyond frustrated. “Zhongli,
why’d you stop-“ he couldn’t continue what he wanted to say when Zhongli places a hand on the
top of his bulge, effectively shutting him up. “Can I?” he asks in a low voice and Ajax almost
immediately complies, the sexual frustration unbearable at this point.

He just wanted release and- and he wanted to hear Zhongli praising him again for doing so well for
him. Zhongli expertly removes Ajax’s pants, and once his cock was free, Ajax removes his fingers
on Zhongli’s hair, now gripping onto his shoulders. “Zhongli- ah- please-“ he begs, and Zhongli
gulped at this.

He was getting close too.

Zhongli wraps a hand around Ajax’s cock and a moan instantly escapes his lips, basically clawing
onto Zhongli’s shoulder. Zhongli lightly tugs at his cock and Ajax shivers a little. He didn’t know
if it was because of the sexual frustration or the fact that it was Zhongli doing this to him but he
draws out a moan before finally, he came. Splutters of white shoot out of his cock and it lands on
the floor, barely noticeable under the moonlight.

“Are you alright, Ajax?” Zhongli’s voice had guided him out of a trance again and he looks up,
thoroughly fucked with his eyes puffy and his lips swollen. “That felt really good,” his voice came
out trembling before finally, Ajax passes out. He leans into Zhongli and Zhongli supports him. A
laugh escapes Zhongli’s lips and he kisses Ajax’s hair. “You did so well, Ajax.”

Zhongli carries Ajax up bridal style to the bathroom and he starts cleaning him up, admiring him in
his sleeping state.


Ajax was his.

Chapter End Notes

frustrated because I'm halfway through the story: D:

remembering the fact that I'll finally be able to flesh out my Zhongli giving Ajax the
love he deserves through love making: :D

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed akjbgdakjgbda <33 If my writer's block isn't too
severe, I'll see if I can update this Sunday! Again, I'm sorry

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