Worksheet On Blood Physiology

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Worksheet on Blood Physiology Fill in the Gaps: Red Blood Cell Disorders

Abejun Versoza • 13:44

Fill in each of the blanks to correctly complete the following sentences about common
the list of words in the Word Bank. (Hint: Not all the words will be used.)
Lab worksheet on Bloo…


1. The disease caused by an excess of RBCs is called .

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2. A deficiency of RBCs is called .

3. A disorder that causes the excessive destruction of RBCs is .

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4. A dietary deficiency of iron will cause .

5. A lack of vitamin B12 causes .

6. A disorder common to African Americans that causes RBCs to elongate and clump to

Just the Highlights: Granulocytes

Granulocytes—one of the two classifications of white blood cells—can be one of three

a different color, such as the neutrophil yellow, the eosinophil blue, and the basophil gre
characteristics by highlighting the sentences that describe neutrophils yellow, eosinoph

Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil

1. The fewest of the WBCs, making up 0.5% to 1% of the WBC count

2. Numerous in the lining of the respiratory and digestive tract

3. Most abundant of the WBCs, making up 60% to 70% of all the WBCs in circulation

4. Kill parasites

5. Account for 2% to 5% of circulating WBCs

6. Are sometimes called band cells or stab cells

7. Secrete heparin

8. Quickly move out of blood vessels into tissue spaces to engulf and digest foreign m

9. Possess little to no phagocytic ability

10. Form the main component of pus

11. Involved in allergic reactions

Page / 11histamine
512. Secrete

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