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Definition of Terms Related to the Classical School:

1. Age of Enlightenment (Age of Reason) - a social movement that arose during the
eighteenth century and that built upon ideas like empiricism, rationality, free will, humanism,
and natural law.

2. Social Contract- the Enlightenment-era concept that human beings abandon their
natural state of individual freedom to join together and form society. In the process of forming
a social contract, individuals surrender some freedoms to society as a whole, are obligated to
assume responsibilities toward its citizens and provide for their protection and welfare.

3. Natural Law- the philosophical perspective that certain immutable laws are
fundamental to human nature and can be readily ascertained through reason. Human-made
laws, in contrast, are said to have been derived from human experience and history-both of
which are subject to continual change.

4. Natural Rights- the rights that, according to natural law theorists, individuals retain in
the face of government action and interests.

5. Hedonistic Calculus- the belief that behavior holds value to any individual undertaking it
according to the amount of pleasure or pain that it can be expected to produce for that person.
This is also known as Utilitarianism.

6. Panopticon- a prison designed which is a circular building with cells along the
circumference, each clearly visible from central location staffed by guards.

7. Neoclassical Criminology- a contemporary version of classical criminology that

emphasizes deterrence and retribution, with reduced emphasis on rehabilitation.

8. General Deterrence- a goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to prevent others from
committing crime similar to the one for which a particular offender is being sentenced.

9. Specific Deterrence- a goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to prevent a particular

offender from engaging in repeat criminality.

10. Mala In Se- acts that are thought to be wrong in and of themselves

11. Mala Prohibita- acts that are wrong only because they are prohibited.

12. Free Will- the ability of human beings to purposely and deliberately choose to follow a
calculated course of action.

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