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ARGumentAlive Text

Hortatory Exposition

Indonesian Education Now

Thesis Education is a form of factor which can reflect

how's the country looks like. Development or Developing ? Indonesia is the developing country. We are
not a poor Country like others countries in the Africa continent. Based on the fact, The education which
as the main factor to build the great generation.

Argument Education is the strongest way to be survive, as the

key to assesses of someone's successes. On the scope of the state, education is the main intrument in
the information of future generation. The success of a country depends on the quality of Human
Resources Indonesia, with one of the ideals > contained in the preamble of the 1995 Constitution, as like
Paragraph 4" the intellectual life of the nation as the Promise of independence. And the only exeptions
to reach that goal is a knowledge. But in 2010 there are 1.080.000 Student quited their study because of
the high cost education. There

prefer to not study and wort to make a money to survive their life. This is a bad situation if Indonesta
wants to be developed country, we must get the better education F


The Infrastucture being the second problems that Indonesia have in education sector. This is so pity by
seeing the regron in the east of Indonesia that students there cannot go to school Comfortably and thay
get only. a broken facility in their school like look floor and also chair and beard the school have. The
third is when looking the uneven distribution education in every regron in Indonesta. Not all the city can
have the equals actuca tron means in the small village and compare to big cities is totally different in all
the aspect
Reiteration So this is the home work of government to solve the problemor case in education sector in
purpose to get better place in Indonesia especially & ducation.


Borobudur Temple

- Borobudur temple, which is located in central Java, is one of the seven wonders of the world and to
one of the most beautiful toorest resorts in Indonesia. The people all over the world know that has ever
been known for a long Home Borobudur tample was built by the sarlendra dynasty during the eighth
century which needed more than 2 million river stones, thus it is the biggest temple in the world.

After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more tourists who admirt Borobudut temple
because of its beauty, it's elegance and the story of the regref on its walls.

Domestic fourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists like to join the travel
bureau brouse they don't need to think of the transportation, accommodation, and it therry. There are
some money changers around the location. It makes it easier for the Fourists to change their money. But
some of them like to bring credit cards and checks

EXPLANAtion Text

Butterfly Metamorphosis

To grow into an adult, butterfiles go through 1 stages egg, larva, pupa and adult, Depending on the type
of butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly may fake anywhere from one month to whole year.

- A butterfly starts life as very small, round, Oval of cylindrical egy. The egg hatches and the young one
called larvae or caterpillar comes out of the egg. The caterpillar First feeds on the egg shell from which it
is born. It then starts feeding on the leaves and starts to grow. Its exoskleton (skin) does not stratch or
grow, so It grows by "molting" (sheding the outgrown skin) several times while It grows. As soon as a
caterpillar is done growing and it has reached its full leghth/werght It forms itself into a pupa. also
known as a chrysalls. The pupa remains motionless in the chrysalls. emerges After about is clays, a
beutiful adult butterfly comes out of the chrysalls. After a few hours, the wings become strony enough
and the butterfly is able to fly.

Making my own fext


ARGumentative Text

Have you ever blown hot food or drink away? most people regularly blown on still hot food. This is done
so that the food does not become cold and can be consumed right. away. There habits, in fact, have a
negative impact on our health.

Argument from religroals standpoint, Irlam clearly regulated dating and drinking etquette, such as not
blowing hot food or drink because it can harm the body's health

Because refrigerating food has its own set of benefits for us. In addtion, health experts say that blowing
hot food will actually cause bacteria of viruses that come from the mouth to move on the food to be


As a result, we will be more vulnerable to viruses. caused diseases. Therefore, we must retain the
practice of blowing hot food in order to protect our bodies from various diseases that harm the body.
We can walt for food or drinks to cool before consuming them.

Corona is a dangerous disease caused by corons Vilus that causes the victim to feel sick to their stomach,
shortness of breath, headches, and in the worst -case scenario, death.

The following are rome examples of the dangers pored by covid 19, for which there is ample proof: It

Artes out the throat Breathing difficulties that make it difficult to breathe.

lung desfunction is a condition in which the lung's ability to function is imparted other signs and

If you already know some of the dangers caused by

the corona virus, It's better for us to avord them

Discussion Text

Juvenile delinquency is a manctestation of unresolved childhood and adolescent conflicts. They have
been identified as an expression of problem Tecrase by Norma's degenerating get. Drug use promiscous
sex, brawis, Illegal RACES, and alcohol consumption are all examples of delinquency

there are two causes of delinquency. *Interal and external factors. The crists factor is based on an

internal salf -based Identity and a lack of relf-control.

Dringyen ly can be avoided by gurding and

on couraging children and teenagers to control their (motions, toteach good things, and to modul


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