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2 More Practice Name


1 Choose the correct answer.

1. “I will return your camera,” Ellen said.

Ellen said that she returned / would return my camera.
2. “When is the train going to arrive?” the passenger wanted to know.
The passenger wanted to know when the train was going / was the train going to arrive.
3. “Don’t come in the house with your muddy shoes,” Mother said to us.
Mother told us not to / to not come in the house with our muddy shoes.
4. “My computer hasn’t been working all week,” the secretary complained.
The secretary complained that her computer hadn’t been working / wasn’t working all week.
5. “Let’s have a party,” my friends suggested.
My friends suggested to have / having a party.
6. “Does the coach want the team to train on Mondays?” the captain asked.
The captain asked if the coach had wanted / wanted the team to train on Mondays.

2 Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1. “I have never visited France,” Anna complained.

Anna complained that .................................................................................................................... .
2. “Where will you look for work?” Peter asked.
Peter asked me ............................................................................................................................... .
3. “Let’s study this chapter again,” my friend suggested.
My friend suggested that ................................................................................................................ .
4. “Take the rubbish out,” Jerry told me.
Jerry told me .................................................................................................................................. .
5. “The baby didn’t sleep well,” the babysitter reported.
The babysitter reported that ........................................................................................................... .
6. “Are you going to the beach?”
They wanted to know if ................................................................................................................. .

2 More Practice Name

3 Complete the sentences with the correct verb and reported speech. Make any necessary changes.

1. “I will take you to the shops.”

Father promised / complained that .............................................................................................. .
2. “Don’t eat the cake!”
Paula warned me / explained to me ............................................................................................. .
3. “We robbed the bank.”
The suspects admitted / asked ...................................................................................................... .
4. “My new computer always breaks down.”
Bob complained / informed ......................................................................................................... .
5. “Why are the guests leaving early?”
Linda wondered / reported ........................................................................................................... .

4 Choose the correct answer.

A. I met an old friend that I had not seen for a long time yesterday. I asked her where she
was / had been all that time. She told me that she 2. has been living / had been living in
California but she 3. was planning / had been planning to move back to New York. She
promised 4. to call / calling me soon. I suggested 5. staying / to stay in touch through Facebook.
She said that she 6. hadn’t had / didn’t have a page on Facebook, but she 7. opened / would open
one immediately.

B. My son spends hours on the computer. Last night, I asked him what he 8. did / had done all that
time. He said that he 9. liked / would like to play games and tweet with his friends. I wanted to
know what games he 10. did he play / played. He offered to 11. showing / show me his favourite
game. I’m bored by computer games, so I told him that we 12. were doing / would do that another
time. He complained that I always 13. had given / gave him the same answer!

5 Write the sentences in reported speech.

1. “How do you get such good marks?” Max wondered.

2. “Let’s order pizza,” the children suggested.
3. “The race is beginning,” the teacher shouted.
4. “John, did you remember to call Brad?” I asked.

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