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Hospital plays an important role in human health care system
Children’s hospital are health structures that designed to protect children’s physical and
psychological health, and to make treatment of their diseases.

To design a children-friendly hospital means inspiring confidence, encouraging playfulness
and offering hope.
To design a structure which is not a box, instead a place which is a home to children such as
kindergarten with a peaceful atmosphere and encourage children to stay and heal.

Children need special care and treatment in terms of healthcare.
Children are not like adults. They need for a specialized hospital for children is imperative.
The children’s hospital must have a different approach to hospital architecture than any
normal hospital. In this case, it’s quite important to connect visual perception to the complex
functionalities of the hospital program.
1. Spaces can be designed in line with healing process of patients.
2. To discover various facets of architecture viz-a-viz human psyche
3. To understand relation of man and his environment
4. To study how natural elements can be a catalyst in the healing environment
5. to develop correlation between care taker, patient, family and architectural
6. to give treatment not far from hospitals but away from crowded area neglecting
pollution, traffic, congestion, noise, work pressure, so that patient could heal mentally
through surroundings along with treatment
7. research centre and training would be provided for the medical intervention and to
give learning of child Psychological factors practically
8. to give accommodation to the family as well so that interaction and different types of
activities could perform
9. to create experimental, eco-friendly, interactive and learning spaces.
1. a wide perspective of patient’s behaviour, psychology, thoughts on spaces could be
2. up to what extent architectural spaces impact on human psych could be analysed
3. how social interaction plays vital role in changing patients health could be understand
4. to understand how traditional way of healing and location for healing affect patient’s
5. researcher could work in a better space along with patients and their family and could
understand symptoms in a better way.
Local norms and building standards:

Specific user – children – age group – new born baby to 15-16 years old
Specific construction technology –
 Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency
 Flexibility and Expandability
 Therapeutic Environment
 Cleanliness and Sanitation
 Safety and Security
 Sustainability

Available Case studies:
1. rainbow children’s hospital – BANJARA HILLS, MADHAPUR
2. apollo health city – HITEC CITY
3. continental hospitals – GACHIBOWLI
4. Medi cover woman and child hospital
Published data / Information:

As the design of patient care and treatment units, which are children’s hospitals basis form,
child is the most important element as user. While designing these places the opportunities
that will support child’s physical and psychological needs in term of individual and social be
The design process is one of the most common sources of stress in the life of a developing
child. For a child who is sick and hospitalized the basic requirement to decrease stressful
environment is to increase confidence. To support treatment and to relieve the patient spaces
where they can feel themselves in safe, where physical and socio-psychological needs are met
and functions carried out easily should be designed.

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