Meat Eng

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w w w.b ab olnatetr a .com

Slow growing, dual purpose breed, ideal for
backyards. Economical farming with low cost of
Males: slow growth for excellent meat
quality. Females: high liveability with reliable
egg production.

Description TETR A-H

Cumulative mortality
until 10 weeks of age
Male body weight
2.0 - 2.2 kg
at 12 weeks of age
Female body weight
1.5 - 1.8 kg
at 12 weeks of age
Start of production
(weeks of age)
50% egg production
(weeks of age)
Peak production
(weeks of age)
Egg production during
230-250 pcs
12 months of laying period
Daily feed consumption
130-140 g
during production
Average egg weight 60-62 g

Parent Stock Female body weight 2.5-3.0 kg

Slow growing, dual purpose breed with
unique feather colours for backyards. Hardy
breed with modest feed consumption.
Males with premium meat quality. Females
with optimal egg production.

Description SUPER HARCO

Cumulative mortality
until 10 weeks of age
Male body weight
2.3 - 2.5 kg
at 12 weeks of age
Female body weight
1.8 - 2.0 kg
at 12 weeks of age
Start of production
(weeks of age)
50% egg production
(weeks of age)
Peak production
(weeks of age)
Egg production during
210-230 pcs
12 months of laying period
Daily feed consumption
135-145 g
during production
Average egg weight 60-62 g

Parent Stock Female body weight 2.7-3.2 kg

Medium growing, red coloured broiler for
housed and free range systems with premium
meat quality and efficient feed conversion.

Cumulative Mor tality (%)

Age (days) Females Males As-hatched
70 2.1 3.9 3.0

Body Weight (g) and FCR (kg/kg)

Age (days) Females Males As-hatched FCR
7 140 150 145 0.80
14 300 320 310 1.35
21 570 620 595 1.84
28 830 950 890 2.15
35 1 120 1 300 1 210 2.25
42 1 390 1 660 1 525 2.47
49 1 689 2 050 1 870 2.65
56 1 970 2 450 2 210 2.76
63 2 270 2 870 2 570 2.84
70 2 504 3 210 2 857 2.95

Feed consumption (kg)

Age (days) Females Males As-hatched
0-70 6.6 7.8 7

Feed conversion ratio (kg/kg)

Age (days) Females Males As-hatched
0-70 2.81 2.63 2.72

Carcass yield
Age Body weight (g) Thigh (%) Breast fillet (%)
(days) Females
49 1600 21.0 14.2
70 2400 21.7 16.7
Age Body weight (g) Thigh (%) Breast fillet (%)
(days) Males
42-49 1600 22.1 13.5
Parent Stock 56-63 2800 22.5 15.8

TETRA HT is a slow-growing, covered- and
naked-necked coloured broiler for conventional
and alternative systems. TETRA HT tolerates
environmental (even extreme climatic) conditions
well due to the gene for naked neck and broadens
the variety of coloured meat-type hybrid chickens.

Liveability (%)
Age (days)
0-70 93-95
Body weight (g)
Age (days) Females Males As-hatched
0 34 36 35
7 133 143 138
14 285 304 295
21 542 589 565
28 789 903 846
35 1064 1235 1150
42 1321 1577 1449
49 1605 1948 1776
56 1872 2328 2100
63 2157 2727 2442
70 2379 3050 2714
Feed consumption (kg)
Age (days) Females Males As-hatched
0-70 6.6-7.0 8.0-8.4 7.3-7.7
Feed conversion ratio (kg/kg)
Age (days) Females Males As-hatched
0-70 2.91 2.71 2.81
Carcass yield
Age Body weight (g) Thigh (%) Breast fillet (%)
(days) Females
49 1600 21.0 12.2
70 2400 21.7 12.7
Age Body weight (g) Thigh (%) Breast fillet (%)
(days) Males
42-49 1600 22.1 11.5
56-63 2400 22.5 12.8

H-2943 Bábolna, Radnóti u. 16, Hungary
Phone: +36 95 345 008
E-mail: info



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w w w.b ab olnatetr a .com

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