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1. Inventarisasi B3
a. Jumlah B3 di RSU Sofifi

1 Aceton 37 Gas carbon dioksida ( CO2)

2 Air Raksa 38 Handsoap-yuri
3 Akrilik 39 H2O2 4 %
4 Alkohol (70%, 96%) 40 Hydrex chlorhexidine 4%
5 Alcazyme 41 Jely-EKG
6 Alcazyde 42 Karbol fuksin
7 Anios 43 lysol
8 Arsen 44 Methylene Blue
9 Aseptan 45 Microshied 2%
10 Bagus- Kapur Barus 46 Octenicept
11 Baby oil 47 Oksigen
12 Bayclin 48 One scrub
13 Baygon Spray 49 Overjer-baylin
14 Bethadine 50 Ozonia
15 Braunoderm 51 Parafin liq
16 Buffer Solution 52 Povidone iodione
17 Buffer formalin 53 Portex
18 Chloraethyl Spray 54 Renalin 100
19 Creolin 55 Rivanol
20 Clear -pembersih kaca 56 Sodalime
21 Cairan Chlorhexidine 57 Softaman
22 Chlorine 58 Stela Spray
23 Cell Pack 59 Sunlight Cair
24 Cell Clean 60 Spritus
25 Developer to Make 61 Compresossor
26 Deterjen cair 62 Tabung Gas
27 E- Clean 63 Emolsi Ver
28 Etanol 64 Soda Api- Bioreksa
29 Extagen 2% 65 Emligi
30 Fixer Liquid 66 lugol
31 Formalin 40 % 67 Hbumin
32 Formalin Tab 68 Total protex
33 Formalin cair 69 stromatolyser
34 Gemsa 70 xylol
35 Glyserin 71 Sabun pasta
36 Gas LPJ 72 Devloper
73 Fixer

b. Distribusi B3 berdasarkan Ruangan/Unit pelayanan/Instalasi

No Area Pemakaian (Instalasi) Jenis B3

1 Instalasi Rawat jalan/poliklinik 1. Spritus
2. Alcohol 70 %
3. Larutan clorin
4. E-care
5. Softaman
6. Kapur barus
7. Baygon Spray
8. Compresossor
9. Air raksa
10. Arsen
11. Liquid
12. Akrilik
13. Tabung gas
14. Bethadin
15. Braunoderm
16. Handsoap- yuri
17. Bay fresh-pengahrum ruangan
18. Jely EKG
19. Rinso
2 Instalasi Rawat Inap 1. Gas oksigen (O2)
2. Glyserin
3. Kapur barus
4. Larutan NACL
5. Alcohol 70 %
6. Mercuri/ air raksa
7. Softaman
8. Aceton
9. Rivanol
10. Anios
11. Jely-EKG
12. Alcohol 96%
13. Chlorhexidine
14. Chlorine
15. Creolin
16. Formalin cair
17. Gas carbon dioksida (CO2)
18. Hidrogen Peroksida ( H2O2)
19. Deflover
20. Fixer
21. Jely-EKG
22. Handsoap-yuri
3 Instalasi Laboratorium 1. Alcohol 70 %
2. Cell pack
3. Cell clean
4. E- check
5. Larutan Nacl
6. Aseton
7. Etanol
8. Gemsa
9. Karbol fuksin
10. Methylene Blue
11. Buffer Solution
12. Emligi
13. Lugol
14. Hbumin
15. Total protex
16. Stromatolyser
17. xylol
4 Instalasi Radiologi 1. Alcohol 70%
2. Develofer to make
3. Fixer Liguiq
4. Sunlight Cair
5. Baygon Spray
6. Softaman
7. Lysol
7 Instalasi CSSD 1. Alcohol 70 %
2. Alkazyme
3. Alkazyde
4. Softaman
5. Sunlight Cair
8 Unit Laundry 1. Gas LPG
2. Klorin
3. Ozonia
4. Overjer/ baylin
5. Softaman
6. Sunlight Cair
9 IGD 1. Alcohol 70 %
2. Renalin 10
3. Buffer formalin
4. Chloraethyl Spray
5. Creolin
6. Developer to make-cairan cuci
7. Formalin tab
8. H2O2 4%
9. Hydrex (Chlorhexidine 4%)
10. Microshield 2% (Chlorhexidine
2 %)
11. Povidone Iodine
12. Sodalime
13. Softaman
14. Sunlight Cair
15. Surfanios
17. Rinso detergen
18. Clear – pembersih kaca
19. Porstex
20. Bayclin
21. Bay Fres
22. Baygon spray
23. kapur barus-bagus
24. Veem bubuk
25. hand soap Yuri
26. Extragen 2 %
27. Microshield 2%
28. Asemptan
29. Octenicept
30. Stela spray
10 Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medis 1. Alkohol 70 %
2. Clorin-Bayclin
3. Porstex
4. Sunlight cair
5. Baygon
6. Clear_kaca
7. Rinso detergen
8. Handsoap-yuri
9. Creolin
10. Baby oil
11. Betadin
11 Instalasi Farmasi 1. Alkohol 70%
2. Formalin Tab
3. Aseptan
4. Bethadine 30cc
5. Parafin liq
6. One scrub 500 cc
7. Clorin
8. Sunlight cair
9. Bay fres
10. Softaman 1 liter
11. Softaman 500 cc
12. Larutan browi
13. Larutan H2O2 5 %
12 Instalasi Gizi 1. Softaman
2. Portex
3. Lysol
4. Baygon
5. Sunlight cair
6. Clear –pembersih kaca
7. Kapur barus
8. Gas LPG
13 Instalasi Bedah Sentral 1. Alkohol 70 %
2. Formalin Tablet
3. Formalin Cair
4. Clorin
5. Brthadin
6. Oksigen ( O2)
7. H2O2
8. Sunlight cair
9. Detergen cair
10. Softaman

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