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 Christianity believes in trinitarian God. One  Muslims believe in Allah, who is their “one
God in Three personas: God The Father God”.
(Creator), God The Son (Savior), And God the  They believe in the unity and universality of
holy Spirit (sustainer). God.
 Jesus Christ is , God the Son, Who came into  Muslims also have a strong sense of
flesh, to spread the good news of salvation. community or “ummah” and an awareness of
 The holy bible is a selection of books, which is their solidarity with all Muslims worldwide.
divided into two, the old testament and the  Islam means “willing submissions to God”
new testament.  Muslims believe that Mohammed is the last
 Sacrament of baptism and sacrament of and final prophet sent by God.
communion are practice by Christian  Mohammed was born in Mecca in 570 CE and
Churches. received revelations from God Through the
 The sacrament of baptism symbolizes the Angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years.
birth in Christian World.  The holy book of Islam is Called a Quran,
 The sacrament of communion is an act of Which was taught to be recited in Arabic
remembrance of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love. because any translation is seen as inadequate.
 Jesus Christ teaching in unconditional love  Muslims believe in the five pillars of Islam;
that is expressed in loving the poor, 1. Shahadah- Statement of Faith. “there
oppressed, and outcast of the society. is no God but the one true God and
 Christmas and resurrection (Easter) are the Mohammed id his messenger.”
two major celebration in Christianity. 2. Salat- the prayer that is practiced five
 Christmas usually on December 25, times a day
commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. 3. Zakat- the monetary offering for the
 Resurrection Sunday (depends on the lunar benefit of the poor. It comprises the
calendar, sometime in March or April) 2.5% of a Muslim’s assets.
celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ 4. Hajj- the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca.
from death Muslims who can afford are asked to
do pilgrimage at least once in their
 Hinduism covers a wide range of traditional 5. Sawm- the fasting. Muslims do
beliefs and religious group; thus, there is no fasting, from food, drink, and sexual
single founder or leader. act, during the celebration of
 Hindus believe that existence is a cycle of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth
birth, death and rebirth, governed by karma. month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
 Karma is a concept where the reincarnated The fast is from dawn to sunset.
life will depend on how the past life was  Two major festivals in Islam are Eidul-Fitr and
spent. Eidul-Adha.
 Hindus believe that the soul passes through a  Eidul-Fitr is the celebration at the end of
cycle of successive lives and its next Ramadan
incarnation is always dependent on how the  Eidul-Adha is celebrated within the
previous life was lived. completion of the pilgrimage, the Hajj.
 Vedas are sacred scriptures of Hindus. JUDAISM
 Mahabharata and Ramayana are two other
important texts of the Hindus.  The Jews believe in the God of Abraham, the
 Diwali and Navrati are the most celebrated same God that liberated the Hebrew slaves
festival of the Hindus. from Egypt to Canaan.
 Diwali is the festival of lights.  Canaan is the Promised Land through the
 Navrati is the festival of nine nights, which leadership of Moses and later, Joshua.
celebrates the triumph of good over evil.  The Jews believe in the coming of Messiah,
 Hindus have set dates to honor particular the Savior.
manifestations of God.
 The sacred scripture of the Jews is called the  The main belief of Logotheraphy is that
Torah or the Law. “man’s primary motivational force is search
 The Torah is the guide of the Jewish living. for meaning.”
 The study and interpretation of Torah is part  Logotheraphy aids individuals to find personal
of the Jewish culture. meaning of life, whatever life situation they
 There are five major festivals observed by the may be.
Jews:  In Logotheraphy, meaning can be discovered
1. Rosh Hashanah- the New Year by creating a work or doing a deed.
2. Yom Kippur- the Day of Atonement  According to the Viktor Frankl Institute of
3. Pesach- Passover Logotheraphy, it uses the philosophy of
4. Shavuot- Pentecost optimism in the face of tragedy, where people
5. Shukkot- Tabernacles. The Jewish are capable of “turning suffering into human
Sabbath begins on Friday evening at achievement and accomplishment; deriving
sunset is an important time when from guilt the opportunity to change oneself
families gather for the Shabbat meal. for the better; and deriving from life’s
transitoriness an incentive to take responsible
 Another extensive study of self can be found
in the works of Dr. Viktor E. Frankl.
 The Viktor Frankl Institute in Vienna was  The Franklian Psychology has the basic
created in 1992. concepts. There are the following:
 The institute has a website where there is a 1. Life has meaning under all
synopsis of his life and works and present circumstances.
programs. 2. Main Motivation for living is our
will to find meaning in life.
 Franklian Psychology aims to :
 Dr. Viktor Frankl was born on March 26, 1905 1. Become aware of spiritual
in Vienna, Austria, where famous psychiatrist resources
Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler Lived. 2. Make conscious spiritual
 At young age, he wrote a short paper to Freud resources
which was published after three years. 3. Use “defiant power of the human
 Dr. Frankl graduated with a medical degree spirit” and stand up against
from the University of Vienna in 1930. adversity.
 He was assigned in Vienna Hospital suicide LOGOTGERAPHY ASSUMTIONS
ward and headed the Rothschild Hospital,
eight years later. 1. The human being is an entity consisting of
 A survivor of the Holocaust, Dr. Frankl body, mind and spirit.
published a book about logotheraphy. 2. Life has meaning under all circumstances.
 In 1959, the book was translated to English 3. People have a willing to meaning.
and was revised in 1963 as the Doctor and the 4. People have freedom under all circumstances
Soul: an introduction to Logotheraphy. to activate the will to find meaning.
 His book, Man’s Search for Meaning, has been 5. Life has demand quality to which people must
used as a textbook in high school and college respond if decisions are to be meaningful.
courses. 6. The individual is unique.
 Dr. Frankl died in 1997. FRANKL’S SOURCES OF MEANING
LOGOTHERAPHY  There are three possible sources of the
 Logotheraphy is a psychotherapy introduced meaning of life: purposeful work, courage
by Dr. Viktor Frankl, who is considered the in the face of difficulty, and love.
Father of Logotherephy.
LESSON 4: The Political Self and Being Filipino 12. Crab Mentality- this is a toxic trait
among Filipinos where one
resents the achievement of
 The Philippines is a lush island paradise another, instead of feeling happy
famous for its grandiose mountain, views for that person.
pristine beaches, and rich and diverse 13. Filipino Time- Filipinos have this
culture changing from province to common attitude of arriving late
province. at commitments, dinner, or
1. The Filipino Hospitality- Filipino parties especially if they are
welcome their guests and tourist meeting someone close to them.
as if they are their own brothers
and sisters.
2. Respect for elders- Filipino greet 1. Proverbs or Salawikain- Filipino Proverbs, just
their elders by kissing their hand like any other proverbs, are saying that
while saying “Mano Po!” and convey lessons and reflections, on Filipinos
constantly using “po” at “opo”. practices, beliefs, and traditions.
3. Close Family ties- Filipinos  Damiana Eugenio, regarded as the
maintain a tight relationship with Mother of Philippine Folklore, classified
their families regardless if the proverbs into six categories:
children are old enough and a. Proverbs expressing a general attitude
already have families of their toward life and the laws that govern
own. life;
4. Cheerful Personality- Filipinos b. Ethical proverbs recommending
have a habit of smiling and certain virtues and condemning
laughing a lot. certain vices;
5. Self-Sacrifice- the self-sacrifice c. Proverbs expressing a system of
attitude of Filipinos can be seen values;
as an extension of the Filipino d. Proverbs expressing general truths
hospitality. and observations about life and
6. Bayanihan- Is the spirit of human nature;
communal unity and cooperation e. Humorous proverbs; and
of Filipinos. f. Miscellaneous proverbs.
7. “Bahala na” Attitude- is the  An example of a Filipino proverb is the
Filipino version of the famous line saying” kung may tiyaga, may nilaga.”
“hakuna matata” meaning no 2. Superstitions- according to a Filipino
worries. superstition, a woman singing while cooking
8. Colonial Mentality- is regarded as will end up a spinster so parents remind their
the lack of patriotism and the daughters to avoid singing while preparing
attitude where Filipinos favor meals.
foreign products more than their 3. Myths and Legends- these stories are aimed
own. to explain the origin of things, at the same
9. “manana” Habit- this is the time, teach a valuable lesson.
Filipino term for procrastination.  A famous Filipino legend is about the
10. “Ningas Kugon” “Ngingas” is a origin of the pineapple fruit.
Filipino term for flame and 4. Heroes and Icons- heroes serve as a reminder
“Kugon” is a Filipino term for of true patriotism and nationalism as they
cogon grass that easily burn out have sacrificed their lives for the sake of their
after it is put into flames. country’s freedom and progress.
11. Pride- most Filipinos hold on to  Famous Filipinos icons such as Lea
their prides as if they are more Salonga, Manny Pacquiao, and our very
precious than keeping a good own national hero, Jose Rizal, also serve
relationship with family and loved as important Filipino Markers.
HOW TO BE A GOOD FILIPINO  Disinhibition effect- one of the reasons for so
much sharing and self-disclosure online.
1. Be an active Filipino Citizen- a good Filipino
 Foucault (1998), confession, along with
citizen is aware of the current events and
contemplation, self-examination, learning,
participates in government programs that aim
reading, and writing self-critical letters to
for the country’s progression and
friends, are a part of the “technologies of the
self” through which we seek to purge and
2. Study the Philippine History- the road of the
cleanse ourselves.
Philippine history is long and bloody, and by
learning and fully understanding the events of GENDER AND SEXUALITY ONLINE
the Philippine History.
3. Support local products- when you buy local  Marwick (2013), while the terms “sex”,
products, you do not only support local “gender”, and “sexuality” are often through
manufacturers and businessmen. of as synonymous, they are actually quite
4. Speak the Filipino language- the history of the distinct.
Filipino language was as long and hard as the  Sex- is the biological state that corresponds
Philippine History. to what we might call a “man” or a “woman”.
5. Do not spread fake news and be democratic in  Sex- is often explained as biological, fixed,
engaging with dissent- this period in the and immutable, it is actually socially
history of the Philippines has seen how the constructed. (west and Zimmerman 1987)
Internet has spawned tons of possibilities for  Gender- is the social understanding of how
people, both good and bad. sex should be experienced and how sex
manifests in behavior, personality,
LESSON 5: Who Am I in the Cyber World? (Digital preferences, capabilities, and so forth.
Self)  Sexuality- is an individual expression and
understanding of desire.
 Online identity- is actually the sum of all
our characteristics and our interactions. PERFORMING GENDER ONLINE
 Partial identity- is a subset of
characteristics that make up our identity.  Judith Butler (1990) conceptualized gender as
a performance.
SELECTIVE SELF-PRESENTATION AND IMPRESSION  According to the disembodiment hypothesis,
MANAGEMENT internet users are free to actively choose
which gender or sexuality they are going to
 Self-presentation is the “process of controlling
portray with the possibility of creating
how one is perceived by other people” and is
alternate identities.
the key to relationship inception and
 Dig, 4chan, and Reddit are used mostly by
development (Goffman 1959, Leary (1995).
men, most social network site users are
 Personal Identity- is the interpersonal level of
women; this is true in Facebook, Flickr, Live
self which differentiates the individual is
Journal, Tumblr, Twitter, and Youtube.
identified by his or her group membership.
(Chappell 2011, Lenhart 2009)
 Belk (2013) explained that sharing ourselves is
no longer new and has been practiced as soon
as human beings were formed.
 Schwarz (2010) mentioned, we have entered
an extraordinary era of self-portraiture.
 Facebook and other social media applications-
are key part of self-presentation for one sixth
of humanity.
 Fear of missing out- the lack of privacy in
many aspects of social media make the users
more vulnerable, leading to compulsively
checking newsfeed and continually adding
tweets and posting in order to appear active
and interesting.

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