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Parasites that live in the host’s body are

● Commensals
● Ectoparasites
● Endoparasites
● Vectors

If amebic trophozoites measuring 13um and containing red blood cells within the cytoplasm are
seen in a permanent stained smear, the correct report would indicate the presence of:
● Entamoeba hartmanni trophozoites
● Entamoeba polecki trophozoites
● Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites
● Entamoeba coli trophozoites

Type of host parasite relationship wherein both are benefited

● Commensalism
● Mutualism
● Parasitism
● Symbiosis

Four nucleated cysts are seen in:

● Entamoeba histolytica
● Balantidium coli
● Isospora belli
● Giardia lamblia

Type of host parasite relationship that is beneficial to one partner and not disadvantageous to
the other
● Symbiosis
● Mutualism
● Commensalism
● Parasitism
IN the human, microsporidian spores generally measure approximately.
● 8 to 10 um
● None of the above
● 4 to 6 um
● 1 to 4 um

Which of the following protozoan is not transmitted via an arthropod vector?

● Leishmaniasis
● Giardiasis
● Babesiosis
● Trypanosomiasis
Which of the following(s) are true about granulomatous amebic infection of the brain?
1. Can present as subacute or chronic encephalitis
2. Spinal cord is typically involved.
3. Can present as a space-occupying lesion
4. Do not have cyst formation.
- 1 and 3 are true.
- None of the above
- Only 4 is true
- 2 and 4 are true
- 1, 2, and 3 are true

All but which one of the following organisms tends to cause severe watery diarrhea, particularly
in the compromised patient?
- Cryptosporidium parvum
- Balantidium coli
- Enterocytozoon bieneusi
- Trichomonas vaginalis

All protozoan pathogens have a __phase

- Sexual
- Blood
- Cyst
- Trophozoite

A small lemon-shaped cyst is present in the permanent stained smear, and it has a single
nucleus and curved fibril that has been called “the shepher’s crook” - this organism is most
● Retortamonas intestinalis
● Enteromonas hominis
● Chilomastix mesnili
● Pentatriochomonas hominis

The recommended technique for the recovery of Dientamoeba fragilis from stool is the
● Modified acid-fast stained smear
● Giemsa stain
● Formalin concentrate
● Trichrome stained smear

If a patient has watery diarrhea, the stage in the life cycle of the intestinal protozoa that is most
likely to be seen in the permanent stained smear is the:
● Cyst
● Precyst
● Pretrophozoite
● Trophozoite

Toxoplasma gondii:
● Have both sexual & asexual phases in its life cycle
● Oocyst is disporocystic tetrazoic
● Unsporulated oocyst is an infective stage
● Releases oocysts by gametogony in intestinal epitheliumof dog.

Parasite the requires the presence of the host for survival

● Pathogenic
● Paratenic
● Facultative
● Obligate

Occasionally, structures can be seen within the Cyrptosporidium parvum oocysts that
are stained with the modified acid-fast stain, they are:
● Gametocytes
● Sporoblasts
● Blastocysts
● Sporozoites

The presence of nonpathogenic protozoa in the intestinal tract indicates:

● The patient also has pathogenic protozona in the intestinal tract if additional stools are
examined within 10 days
● The patient has ingested something contaminated with fecal material containing infective
● The patient is likely to become symptomatic within a few days to two weeks
● The patient will remain asymptomatic for at least a month

Characteristics of Dientamoeba fragilis include all of the following except:

● Transmission is thought to occur through occur the ingestion of specific helminth eggs
● Trophozoites contain a single nucleus, while the cysts contain two nuclei
● This organism is pathogenic and trends to be more commonly found in children
● This organism is a flagellate with internal flagella

Which of the following organisms are most likely to be seen in a direct wet mount from
fresh stool?
● Giardia lamblia trophozoites
● Blastocytosis hominis trophozoites
● Entamoeba dispar cysts
● Entamoeba coli cysts

Microsporidial spores are generally described as looking like:

● Fungal spores
● Bacteria
● Amebic cysts
● Coccidian oocysts

Which of the following protozoan is not transmitted via an arthropod vector?

● Babeiosis
● Leishmaniasis
● Trypanosomiasis
● Giardiasis

All but which one of the following organisms tends to cause a severe watery diarrhea,
particularly in the compromised patient?
● Enterocytozoon bieneusi
● Cryptosporidium parvum
● Balantidium coli
● Trichomonas vaginalis

Four nucleated cysts are seen in:

● Entamoeba histolytica
● Isospora belli.
● Giardia lambliaan
● Balantidium coli.

Balantidium coli trophozoites and cysts are best seen in the:

● Direct wet preparation
● Concentration wet preparation
● Agar plate culture
● Permanent stained smear

An amebic cyst measuring 9 μm and containing four nuclei and chromatoidal bars with smooth,
rounded ends is most likely:
● Entamoeba hartmanni
● Endolimax nana
● Iodamoeba butschlii
● Entamoeba histolytica

All protozoan pathogens have a __phase.

● Cyst
● Sexual
● Blood
● Trophozoite

Which of the following organisms has (have) been known cause primary keratoconjunctivitis
especially in contact lens wearers?
● Acanthamoeba species
● Entamoeba histolytica
● Naegleria fowleri.
● None of the above.

The specimen that is least likely to provide recovery of Trichomonas vaginalis is

● Feces
● Urethral discharge
● Prostatic discharge
● Urine

Sexual reproduction of parasite occurs on what kind host

● Definitive host
● Temporary host
● Paratenic host
● Intermediate host

Microsporidial spores are generally described as looking like:

● Coccidian oocysts
● Amebic cysts
● Fungal spores
● Bacteria

In the human, microsporidian spores generally measure approximately:

● None of the above
● 8 to 10 um
● 4 to 6 um
● 1 to 4 um

Parasitic organisms that may be sexually transmitted include

● Trichomonas vaginalis
● Penetratrichomonas hominis
● Dientamoeba fragilis
● Trichomonas hominis

Parasitic organisms that may be sexually transmitted include

● Trichomonas vaginalis
● Pentratrichomonas hominis
● Dientamoeba fragilis
● Trichomonas hominis
If amebic trophozoites measuring 14 um, containing debris and a single nucleus with evenly
arranged chromatin and a small, compact karyosome are seen in a permanent stained smear,
they should be reported as:
● Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar trophozoites
● Entamoeba hartmanni/E. dispar trophozoites
● Entamoeba dispar/E. Coli trophozoites
● Entamoeba histolytica/E. Coli trophozoites

Type of host parasite relationship that is beneficial to one partner and not disadvantageous to
the other
● mutualism
● Commensalism
● symbiosis
● parasitism

E. histolytica primarily invades the

● Small intestine
● Large intestine
● Lungs
● Liver

Intestinal protozoa that do not have a cyst stage in the life cycle include the following:
● Entamoeba hartmanni and Iodamoeba butschlii
● Pentatrichomonas hominis and dientamoeba fragilis
● Iodamoeba butschilii and pentatrichomonas hominis
● Dientamoeba fragilis and entamoeba hartmanni

A protozoan cyst that contains four nuclei, median bodies and axonemes should be identified
● Trichomonas vaginalis
● Pentatrichomonas hominis
● Giardia lamblia
● Dientamoeba fragilis

Which of the following protozoal diseases is least likely to be transmitted via blood transfusion?
- Trichomoniasis

the horizontal "stripe" or "bar" seen in microsporidial spores is actually the:

- Polar tubule

Eating undercooked meat may transmit the following disease:

- Toxoplasmosis
- Balantidiasis

If amebic trophozoites measuring 13 μm and containing red blood cells within the
cytoplasm are seen in a permanent stained smear, the correct report would indicate the
presence of:
- Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites

Parasite that can survive with or without the host

Which of the following organisms is not likely to be recovered from duodenal aspirate
- Giardia lamblia

A small lemon shaped cyst is present

-giardia lambia (patype po thankyou)
(patype po)

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