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Drug Abuse in Sports Outline

Thesis Statement: Due to the high level of competition in sports, drug abuse continues to be used

to enhance performance and self-treat, as well as prevent mental illness using substances such as

alcohol or marijuana tested through performance-enhancing drugs.


 The history of drug abuse in sports is known as doping. Notably, doping is used by

athletes for performance enhancement to gain a competitive advantage.

 Drug abuse help in self-treat and mental illness prevention.

 Use of performance-enhancing drugs to test testosterone to strategize doping.


Paragraph 1-high competition in sports led to excessive use of drugs

 To enhance quality performance in sports

 To gain a competitive advantage

o Example1: enhanced performance can be accelerated through

testosterone to increase athletes' muscle mass and strength. However,

athletes need to use anti-estrogens to combat adverse effects caused by


Paragraph 2-drug abuse helps in self-treat and mental illness

 Taking drugs for self-treatment for underlying mental illness.

o Example1: for instance, sports Med by Reardon and Factor argues that

athletes receive comprehensive treatment to prevent mental illness.

Performance-enhancing drugs control paragraph 3-drug abuse in sports

 Doping strategies are improved through the drug testing direction method.

o Example 1: due to high drug abuse, which has resulted in the illegal use

of substances, sports organizations have introduced PEDs to prevent

further complications in athlete’s life.

Conclusion: With highly improved sports facilities for drug abuse testing, doping still exists to

boost performance.

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